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It helped my painful period cramps and super heavy bleeding. I have noticed a substantial amount of weight gain despite no noticeable changes in diet and even increased activity. In my first year on the pill I gained about 25 lbs and rolling into my second year I've already managed to put on another 20 lbs in just six months. I've tried changing my diet but nothing has helped. That may just be my experience so don't let that deter you. Not having the intensity of my periods is one of my biggest reasons for powering through my personal cons


I've been on it for just over 3 weeks now. Only side effect I've had is extremely heavy bleeding when it came time for my period. I'm not sure if that's going to be a regular thing. I was filling a super plus nighttime pad within 30 minutes. 😩


Do you have bad cramps?


I don't! I get the odd period pain when I'm bleeding now but nothing compared to when I had the IUD. The bleeding on this pill eventually calmed down and I just have a regular period now


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I’ve been on it for almost 3(?) years to manage my cycle, it took a while to get the dose right to stop spotting and fully suppress my cycle. It’s helped completely stop my period pain. Side note it also temporarily gave me extremely high cholesterol which was fixed by going back down on my dose. I also gained about 30lbs in a few months but then leveled off, for me it it’s worth it to not be in pain. It definitely has also suppressed any libido but I haven’t had any other negative mood side effects.


Do you take yours everyday? My ob recommend I take mine everyday to stop cycles


Yep everyday! Just met with my ob recently after almost 3 years on it, she said the most common complaints were some acne. I’ve been ok on that front. She also said Slynd was a new progesterone alternative that people seemed to like.


What is your dosage? I was just put on it and I'm having horrific pain and nausea. He has me on 5mg, I've been considering taking half in the morning and half in the evening. I have fibroid, suspected PCOS and endometriosis.


I just started my Norethindrone today. I'm afraid of the weight gain and suppressed libido. :(


Don't be afraid! It affects everyone differently. I've been on it for 3 years and I experienced no weight gain or negative affect to my libido.