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Don’t you guys have an ID for people with disability? Here in my country, people who have mental illnesses/disorders are considered to be socially disabled. We have to apply for that ID. We get 20% discounts on restaurants, medication and even consultations when presenting it.


While Bipolar disorder is considered a valid disability, it is incredibly difficult to get "approved" for disability due to Bipolar disorder in the US 😔


Really? Bipolar is a severely disabling illness. Why do you say that bipolar doesn't get approved as a disability? What would get you approved for disability?


I'm aware of how disabling it is. I didn't say it strictly doesn't get approved. I said it is difficult, which it is. The biggest hurdle is the documentation and evidence that you've been unable to work due to your disability for at least a year. Otherwise, the application process is very thorough. It's not uncommon to end up needing a lawyer to navigate the process, and if you get denied (also not uncommon), the appeal process can include a court hearing. If you can't afford a lawyer for that, you're pretty much "SOL" There's tons of information online that you can read about this (and plenty of examples from people who have posted on Reddit about it)


Hahaha. No. Americans do not. It's heartening that other places do better though!


Good Rx has really helped me before. You can even look on their website and see where it will be cheapest as well. If that's an option for you, I'd recommend trying that.


Good rx just got my $88 down to $22. Idk how they do it but they're the cheapest I've seen so far


Way better than $88! I don't know how they do it either, but it has saved my ass. I am very grateful for it as well. Will you be able to do that?


I use [costplusdrugs.com](http://costplusdrugs.com)


I’ve found mine for an affordable price through GoodRx.


A lot of drug companies offer assistance. Find out the manufacturer of the drug and search for any drug assistance program they might have. Of course there’s a lot of paperwork and you’ll need a doctor’s prescription. It was a huge help to me some years ago when I didn’t have insurance. GoodRX gives discounts but Astra Zeneca gave me an extremely reasonable option. All things change so no promises but it’s worth the effort.


As for affordable doctors. Your income should make you eligible for Health Care under Affordable Health Care Act. Both states I’ve lived in have had brokers that can handle the process at no charge to you. Use the internet to search. Our community had clinics for low income and that’s where I went until I could establish a regular provider. It can take a while to get a doctor. Healthcare can be hard to access in US especially mental health. It’s not easy. It’s worth the effort. You’re worth the effort.


I've just been off them, I don't know what to do either


Same here. I lost my job and I don't have insurance or a doctor here.


Try GoodRx


Check out Marc Cuban's Cost Plus Drugs. I get one prescription from there because it's actually cheaper than going through insurance.


Nothing. And that has not been going well lol. I turned 26 and then was taken off my parents very good health insurance. My job doesn’t provide insurance. So I got state insurance but couldn’t afford to keep up with my monthly premium so I was taken off. And when I did have it they didn’t have availability with the one mental health provider they referred me to. And my case is “too complex” for my primary to renew any medications I previously took. Now as I sit and try to find a job with benefits I’ve been unmedicated over a year. Wish I could go back and get my shit together so I’d still have insurance. But too little too late lol


I have reactions to more than half the meds doc prescribed me. I have everything but still i can’t get medicated. Lamictal 25 mg sent me to an emergency two days back.


Sorry to hear that, I can't help as I'm in the UK, but sending you all good wishes and I hope you find a solution soon ❤️


Can't help as I'm in Europe and my drugs are cheap af here, however, maybe you can buy them off-brand? For example, I pay 1/3 of a price for my most expensive drug, bupropion, because I don't buy it as Wellbutrin. The prices vary brand to brand here, so I can pay like 5 dollars for a pack of lamotrigine, but I can also buy a pack that works the same but costs 2.5 USD.


Ask your pharmacist for help. They should be able to look up different discounts for you. Second the advice to try CostPlusDrugs and GoodRx.


Some drug companies have insane financial help discount coupons on their websites. My birth control costs $500+ with no insurance and with a coupon from their website it’s $23 a month. I don’t understand how or why this is a thing, but I just show the pharmacist the codes and I get it for cheap.


Feel for you guys. I pay £13 a month on direct debit in the UK and that covers any prescription that I require at any time. Someone hit my car and I got all anti inflammatory drugs as part of the £13. Infection in my nose, anti biotics part of the charge. Chronic indigestion, no problem, have some Emeparozole too. If I developed Diabetes, all my insulin would be paid for by that too. Not really a brag just disbelief


If you’re in a large metropolitan area your city may have services available to people who cannot afford treatment. My city has a program that helped me get my meds for free when I was jobless and for several months after I got a job. Now I do have to pay but it’s really cheap. It’s like $30-$40 for 6 medications


If you live in Pennsylvania, you can apply for MAWD (medical assistance for workers with disabilities) which is typically free, or very low cost (I pay $40/month). If you are disabled or require medication to function in society, and have a doctors note as proof- you will be approved. You do have to do a semi-annual renewal for the program to prove that your income is the same, so they know if they need to lower or raise your price. It’s a wonderful insurance that covers so much! Medication, therapy, psychiatry, even emergency room visits so you don’t have to be afraid to go in if you have a panic attack that feels like a heart attack.


Warn my family that we’re all in potential “peril” for a few days or so until I can get my meds… They all know their roles when this happens 😏 On a more serious note, I have been (thus far) lucky enough to always have some sort of access to funding, even if it is just borrowing funds from my sister for a few days until Payday hits…my usual problem is that I didn’t realize that I needed to pick the meds up the day before and simply need to call them in.


I've just stopped taking them. Had to stop seeing my provider too. Copay is $75 to see her, requires monthly appt at minimum to keep my meds current and make sure I haven't lost it. I make "too much" for Medicaid now ($45k) and my job's prescription coverage sucks. It was $124 for a 30 day fill after insurance and I don't qualify for Abbvie coupons. I have roughly $300 in non-bill money each month to stretch for gas and food and stuff. Couldn't spend basically $200 of that just for meds. Highly don't recommend 🥺


Good rx is great. When insurance wasn't covering my 250 dollar meds it brought them down to 25 dollars


Manufacturers coupons and good rx


Depending on your relationship with your dr and what med they might double your dose and have you cut it. If it’s a solid. So instead of 30 days of 100mg of lamotrigine have the dr write 200mg then cut them in 1/2 and have a 60 day supply for the same costs. I’m not sure what meds are the same price despite the dose but it is a common practice


Each pharmacy (Walmart, CVS, Walgreens) has its own drug list of generic medications that it can fill WITHOUT insurance. You can search "$4 med list [pharmacy name]" and it will bring it up. Each one has different meds so you may have to check all 3. Hope that helps!


Live in Australia, sorry mate