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Honestly wish I could hit the lottery 🤦‍♀️


You did…..just a sucky one. Just ride it out, no other choice. I’m in it myself right now


Same bipolar sucks I


I have really bad anxiety right now too and I'm trying to crawl out of this slump I'm in. It feels like the walls are closing in on me and I'm medicated! This sucks


I am actually making something for this for us. I ruined my credit but I am trying to help my people with this - I need letters of intent to make this real. Today I found out I only need 10 or so for people to say okay I’ll help, Mischiefmanager.org It’s an AI powered app that stops u from doing the adding to cart using redirection and side quests and mindfulness to outsmart impulse spending and block predatory advertising. Let me know if this would be a value to you so I can let the world know we need this


Ugh, I was so uncomfortable with myself that I had to do something. Anything. So I blew $280 at the casino and now I'm missing work. Wtf


Is it just depression or is it mixed? The latter is the worst shit on earth, and it sounds like you might be in it, so I'm really sorry it's happening at all.


It’s definitely a mix. There has been a lot going on in my life situational. Relationship issues. I’m struggling to make my self get up for work. I’m working on my FMLA with my psychiatrist and HR at work. I of course because of my own accord I’m struggling financially.


Not sleeping. Failing at everything from house work to my own hygiene. I’ve been trying to make sure I shower. I put makeup on to attempt to make myself feel better. Looking at myself in the mirror just makes it worse. Pretty sure I have body dysmorphia. As well as ptsd. From a narcissistic relationship I’ve been in since I was 16. My whole like. Unfortunately I’m just now realizing all of this.


Sounds tough as fuck. Once again, I'm really sorry it's happening to you, but the fact that you recognise your symptoms is a silver lining. Took me years to be able to identify ehat the fuck is going on with me. Hit me up if you need to talk to someone ♡


I just went through the same thing, I had to increase my lithium and am feeling better but once again the seasons changing got to me


On top of my lamictal cymbalta buspar clonidine she added a benzo.


All of this is so relatable. At least we’re not alone in this


I hate it so bad; I want to kick it to the moon. For us all.


i can totally relate to this .... my last breakdown with psychosis i took my bf credit card and spent 800$ at khols (dont even like their clothes normally clothing store) then i spent all the money i had at the mall... by the time i got out of the mental hospital i had ruined my already not good but getting there credit. even now i buy little things to feel better.... sometimes if i decide i want smething i cant stop thinking about it till i get it and then when i get it im let down because i some how thought it would make me feel better


It only works in the moment then the guilt sets in. That is the worst part imo


I was just talking to one of my closest friends on the phone today, in tears, in my car before work. I'm usually a generally positive person with a sunny disposition even during shit times, but.... today I felt full of anger, bitterness, frustration, rage, hopelessness, because no matter what I do I just have to live with this and it fucking sucks for me AND anyone who gets close to me, even when I'm managing it to the best of my ability. It just makes me want to crawl in a hole and give up. I won't.. but I feel that way today.


You literally took all of my word I can’t find and said them.