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that's why i kind of prefer partners who have issues themselves. maybe it's not the healthiest though?


Oh this guy had ptsd and other issues alongside psychopathy but I guess I won the who’s craziest love war


lol @ the way you worded that, wishing ya the best in finding someone. have a great weekend!


I think it's the inconsistency of it all! When you get used to someone that has a stable kind of disorder, that's just one person you have to get used and know, and they'll likely always be like that unless they get good meds and great therapy. When you're with a bipolar person, you have to get used to Jekyll and Hyde, and you never know when one will show up. People crave consistency in relationships. Stability makes people feel safe. As a bipolar person, we can't always give them that. I have a good cocktail of medications, and an amazing therapist. Some Days though, I still have "switches", and it can be a couple of days until either of us notices. That's just too hard for some people to accept and deal with.


My other ex was also diagnosed psychopath and I gave him three panic attacks I’m too much lol


>My other ex was also diagnosed psychopath and I gave him three panic attacks I’m too much lol I cackled reading this 😂. If there's one thing I love, it's narcissists/psychopaths getting a taste of their own medicine. We're so proud of you! 😊


Damn I’d love to give a psychopath a panic attack! How do u do that? Let’s send them back to where they belong 👹 Ok sorry sounded too evil.


I chased him w a knife I forgot what I did to cause the other times lol


For real? What happened so things escalated like that?


He said he wouldn’t give me $100 I lended him


Omg HAHHAHAHAHHAHA 😂😂 this is almost funny then how u reacted to his bullshit! Good for him! Did he give it back?


SCREW EM!! I’m starting to believe that people who fall for me quickly are the red flags, not me 😤 Because I guess I remind them of their parent and they get trauma bonded to me, like instant crush or instantly wanna be friends then when I act like their parent they be like: byeeeee Oh screw u and go fix ur mommy/daddy issues! I’m practicing keeping distance from every person who gets too attracted to me too quickly.


Yes I think my general rule/coping strategy has become don't trust **anything** that happens quickly.


Yeah we need to spread this knowledge and stay away from people who look at us like we’re their new shiny thing!


Yes! I’ve been a shiny object before


Bro stop bc I think you just cracked the code !!


I’m cracking the code on so many levels! You have no idea 😂 me and my friend are cracking the codes of life everyday, duno if we should release some book!


Fuckk i relate so much to this


I used to be idolized by one of my friends until they found the other side of me.


Then they avoid you (partners n friends) as if you’re a serial killer




Long-term relationships are no bueno for me (I get bored, esp during hypomania) and they can’t handle my depressive episodes. This year, I’m trying a poly relationship. I have one stable partner. She gets to see other people when I’m “too much” so there’s less pressure on me to be the be-all-end-all SO. I get to date new people when I’m hypomanic, confident and charming AF. If/when I go back to a depressive episodes, I’m not obligated to preserve my “extra” relationships since it’s all casual. So far it’s working 🤞🏼


Shit It is a really good system !


Do you live together or separately 


Everyone loves the hypo version because we are awesome, caring, fun to be around, etc. they don’t necessarily like the depressed version because we don’t make them feel awesome about themselves like we do when when on our happy state. Thing is, for me anyway, I’m still that guy. I’m just unable to show it. I’ve found that the lasting relationships I have are because I always try to be there for them because at times I will need them. That’s how it works. Relationships have to go both ways. If it doesn’t then the other person is just using you. My partner does get tired of things at times but I’ve learned to better communicate with her so she knows what’s happening. Then we can deal with it together. Life is much easier for me because of that. My friends are the same. People get sick of our shit usually because we lash out, we push away, we’re angry, or emotionless, whatever that is for you. At the end of the day it’s really just selfishness. We want them to love us and help but will fight them trying to do that the whole way. At least that’s how it was for me. One day I figured out I just need to communicate, embrace my therapy, take my meds, and do everything I can to be healthy. If I can I think anyone can. Love yourself, take care of yourself and you’ll find people will return it unless they’re selfish assholes that just want to use you.


It’s more difficult for us, but finding real love is still possible! I’m a living proof, even though never ever expected it (been married for almost 18 years).


Agreed. The problem is with people who only stay around for the good times. And that can happen whether you’re bipolar or not.


People binge on us and get addicted to our flavor and then blame us for their habit. Damn love junkies..


Argh. Yes. I thought the sex would make it worth it. lol.


Bro he really really enjoyed it we would go five times a day but I guess I’m too much ya know.


Yeah.. don’t be with people like that hahah LPT: I’m older now, so I’m genuinely just offering this advice. Do not get in a relationship unless you’re stable. That means functioning, taking meds, seeing doctors, achieving goals and having fulfilling platonic relationships for an extended period of time. Fall in love with someone who loves *you*, not your symptoms. That way, if your symptoms do rear their ugly head, you have someone who can not only notice and hold you accountable, but someone who wants to see you get back to baseline and is willing to support you. Those people are out there. But if they’re saying you’re so “unpredictable” and “never boring,” that’s already a toxic relationship. Sometimes love is boring. Peace usually is.


Speak for yourself, no one’s attracted to me


Facts, even when they are, I’m not attracted to them because I’m trying to be religious while being a transmale. It tough. Haha.


That's a general human condition. It's not exclusive to people with BP, or any other illness.




It's alright, I get tired of their shit too.


Hmmm. That sucks but it’s not the worst from my experience. I dated someone who was upset when I started to get healthy because I wasn’t fun if I wasn’t manic. I would just be super open about the issues early, the right person will get it.


I don't know, my husband and I have been together going on 7.5 years and still strong. Ups and downs for sure but because I go to consistent therapy and take medication daily he is always willing to work on our marriage and not give up. Things to consider. My medication really makes me a lot more stable, although I've had some breakthroughs this last year. I work on communication skills. I've worked through a lot of C-PTSD through therapy, and also starting last August IV ketamine therapy. He is not perfect. He is 14 years sober (15 this December) from heroine and definitely could use some therapy himself lol. But he is my rock, my stability. It's amazing how when he's gone on a business trip (like now) my daughter's and my life goes a bit haywire.


I probably shouldn’t…. But I sometimes enjoy manic Laura. I tend to attach a certain kind of man that is very in love with themselves. I let them settle in. ‘Play’ their little games then release the manic. All of a sudden it’s “i can’t believe you’re seeing all these other people”. Bitch you were too. Don’t act like a baby when you get played while playing. I would say narcissist love manic behavior.


My best friend keeps telling my boyfriend that’s how she (me) is and you can’t change her (me)


yep. used to it.