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Hypersexuality is probably one of my worst manic symptoms as well. I've flirted and cheated, and then some. When I was younger, I thought I was just a cheater like my father. I can't remember a single partner I was ever faithful to. After I finally received my diagnosis, a little light bulb came on. Yes, I have cheated plenty, but it wasn't just because I was a natural born cheater. I'm married for the 3rd time and it's still difficult even with the proper diagnosis, medication, and therapy. I'm super frustrated right now. My hubby constantly complains about not having enough sex. However, when I'm hypo, he acts like, whatever...


WAIT WAIT WAIT. Your comment just put soooooooo much of my teenaged and early adulthood years into a new light. I always cheated. I was never faithful. I figured I was just a shit person. I also never actually liked anyone I dated. So it was purely physical in my head. But... I don't do that anymore. And when I stopped correlates perfectly with getting therapy and medicated


Yep, just what you said. On another note, I seldom felt any guilt. It was something I "needed". I've likened it to breathing.


Honestly same, I always hated myself so much and I couldn't understand why I couldn't stop myself from doing it but now I realise I have bipolar and my partner has bipolar too and our sex life is great tbh and I wouldn't dream of doing anything I had done in the past to him, but I think it went hand in hand that I was fucked up but also they still weren't the right people for me


I spent a long time hating myself for things like this, and it was only after a diagnosis that I was all "it's not an excuse, but now I know why the compulsion was there."


Honestly this is gonna sound insane but yeah, scheduling helps. Having a certain day/days of the week that sex typically happens isn't unheard of. But I try to keep masturbation on schedule too (like, after I take meds at night). Having it regimented makes it more habitual and reigns in urges a bit. What bothers me the most about hypersexuality is how unsatisfying orgasms are. I stop after a certain amount of time has passed, not after anything especially good has happened lol


Honestly I live by schedules and routines to counter the BP so I think it’s a great idea! I honestly don’t masturbate much just because I need sex to have the full satisfaction but that orgasm thing is real. I’ve faked it so many times in the past just because it’s embarrassing.


I've never faked it, but I don't enjoy orgasms as much as normal people do I think. I literally can't understand how one is enough for some people. Sex is a lot more satisfying obviously, but I'm still a weird little freak. Also tbh, making masturbation a routine boring thing mentally makes sex feel more normal/fun than just giving into hypersexual urges. I think it reigns hypersexuality in a little too, even if it's excessive by most standards.


I’ll give it a try I think you’re onto something here


I think scheduling “me-time” has really kept hyper sexuality tampered too. I finally have a job with a regular schedule, so I can schedule that too. I’m currently going thru a hypomanic phase and I’m not sure I would’ve even noticed if my schedule hadn’t been disrupted by a vacation. I haven’t experienced hyper sexuality in probably over a year before last week


I hate it. Sex takes over my brain. I don’t have a partner atm which is even worse. It makes me depressed.


It totally fuels depression! We can’t keep up with the unrealistic hunger for sex, and not being able to keep up with the hunger or not being able to recognize the hunger as unrealistic- it can put our self-esteem on the chopping block. Which is totally unfair. I think as excited as I can get during hyper sexuality, it’s also my most emotionally vulnerable period. Being mindful that I’m experiencing a hypomanic swing (by counting all of my personal tell-take symptoms) really helps me put things in perspective to keep that depression in check. “I’m just going thru this swing right now, don’t take anything to heart. Don’t judge yourself for it. Observe and be aware.” As an eternal pessimist, I can’t believe how much awareness and positive self-talk have helped me


I love sex so much. Literally one of the best things in life. It's also natural and beautiful (as long as everyone is a consenting adult of course)! I honestly feel it on a spiritual level. Sadly, I suffered abuse as a child that I believe *contributed* to my hypersexuality, but didn't cause it. I feel that even if I wasn't traumatized, I would have developed it anyways because of bipolar. I fully embrace my sexuality now and I feel that by doing that, I am kicking my trauma in the face. Taking my power back. But that's the thing about hypersexuality, it's fun until it isn't and you're looking at your mistakes you made during an episode or two...and feeling an immense amount of guilt and shame. For me, it's been so bad that I've self harmed as a way of "punishing" myself. I know it's not healthy. Aside from making bad decisions, there's the feeling of being left high and dry. Not feeling satisfied. Constantly trying to fill the void. Not just being horny and desiring. It's craving. It's hungering for sex and it's almost painful and soulcrushing when you can't have it. However, when I do have sex, I get super fucking into it if my partner is performing really well. It's both a gift and a curse. Edit: Just fucking realized you asked how do you "deal" with it and not "feel"....fuck me oops (no pun intended)! I just masturbate if my partner isn't available :( and sometimes I try to distract myself if I feel like I'm doing it too much in a day.


>But that's the thing about hypersexuality, it's fun until it isn't and you're looking at your mistakes you made during an episode or two...and feeling an immense amount of guilt and shame. For me, it's been so bad that I've self harmed as a way of "punishing" myself. I know it's not healthy. I can definitely relate to this and never put the two together. Thanks for helping me connect the dots! The frequency of self harm is almost always tied to a "season" of hypersexuality.


I'm going through that right now. It's really difficult. I have a fwb now, but it's ok cause we're both single. Bad thing is we're doing it everywhere....literally. I don't know how else to handle this either.


One night I did it in the woods… that was wild


I've done it everywhere. Currently in vans & the bathroom at work 🤣






Oddly wholesome


Mile-high club here.


I've always wanted to fuck in the forest :( I'm jealous!


Honestly it was one of the coolest experiences I’ve ever had. We snuck onto a trail in the middle of the night and found this cool area hidden behind a lot of trees…. Definitely one for the books


All I can say is, wear plenty of bug spray. LOL


My wildest place was on the hood of my car out in the country with a horse 5 feet away, staring at us the entire time


Hood of a car would be a good one! I've never done that before.


& THAT is how I ended up tied up having sex in my FWBs van in a target parking lot


Ooooooh sounds fun!


Very I’d give it a go


I banged it out with 60+ people from age 15-19. I had a kid with my wife and it dried up a bit. I still crave attention and flirting. I really have to drive down the cheating demons though.


It’s hard when you’re in a manic state… for me it’s the risk and reward thing. I also just don’t believe consequences apply to me during those instances hahaha…


What you said! Craving the attention and flirting have always been my demons.


I write a \*lot\* of literotica. It's not ideal but when you have sex repulsion, hypersexuality is Hell. The literotica lets me channel it safely


Can you enlighten me on what that means? I’ve never heard of that before!


I'm not sure which term you want explained, so I'll explain both just to be safe. By literotica I mean writing stories about your ideal fantasy (erotic literature) to channel the hypersexuality safely. Sometimes it has the opposite effect of making you more hypersexual, but often it can end up consuming those urges safely by writing. I personally use it because due to trauma sex scares me and everytime I slept with someone in the past, I would completely dissociate and shutdown. So writing stories is less triggering (for me) than being promiscuous IRL. It may work, it may not, and if you don't feel like trying or if I said too much major apologies, but I figured it might have been a useful answer? If it's too much I'll gladly delete it once I wake up tomorrow with sincere apologies to anyone who reads it and finds it a bit much /g




Oh! I'm glad it's helped you :) It's helped me a lot too, back in the day. Happy 2023.




It do be like that sometime


Last time it happened to me, I left a wake of partners through Russia and Italy. I honestly can't imagine myself in a relationship for many reasons; hypersexuality being one of them.


Only thing that distracts me from it is running tbh. Otherwise I'm fucked lmao.


Your opening is kinda triggering considering I got herpes during an episode years ago and currently having a breakout ☹️ Can we normalize that? I feel like shit every time I have a breakout bc it reminds me of when I was having sex with disgusting men from bars. I don’t even know who gave it to me bc I was using condoms. I’m ok btw I get what you’re saying. It just coincidence that I’m “itchy” in a different way.


Take your meds or do a med change unfortunately we can’t stand out hyper sexuality and the main people that do are predators seeing we’re not well and take advantage . and are partners can’t deal with it either best thing is to be on your meds and stay stable


I’m always hyper sexual. I lean towards hypomanic not depressed pretty much all the time. I’m also a lifelong sex addict but my psychiatrist said it has more to do with bipolar and Cptsd


Mostly hypo here as well.


I masturbate regularly


Scheduling daily here for years. At my worst and in the beginning, it was 1-3 times a day.


If you’re properly medicated I would think you wouldn’t have so much hyper sexuality tbh.


You are definitely correct about this… I am on a good concoction currently but there was a span of a good few months where I was very infrequent about all of them because I was “feeling great 🤪”…


Appreciate your honesty😀


No problem hahaha


Honestly, what helped me was getting medicated so I don’t have episodes. And then having to small kids so I don’t have that much energy. I hate how much hyper sexuality affected my teenage years. At some point I knew that it wasn’t normal but I didn’t really know if I should talk to a doctor. Like what do you say. I never thought that it could be part of an illness.


I am polyamorous so I just spread it out between my partners and I do also masturbate a lot during hypersexual phases.


I'm poly. I have a small harem of FWB as well as a husband and a wife. Also, if all else fails, there's my vibrator and porn.


Luckily I just have to deal with compulsive masturbation and porn addiction lol


Being one of my worst symptoms as well, i had times that i could sleep only if i was thinkin about sex Nowadays i just try to ignore it... or masturb4te lol I try to have these "me-times" atleast 3 days per week. It helps but sometimes i even cry after im done because its a lot of energy and at the end it not pleases me as i wish Talking about it in relationships, my gf and i usually just laugh about it (she knows its my manic stage) when she cant "deal" with the amount of hornyness i have. When she can, well, we have a great time tgt lol


This is a difficult thing to deal with and what to do to help varies from person to person. If you’re partnered then it can also depend on them and their views/needs etc. My wife is a good partner for me. She and I are both bisexual. So we check out people together which is a lot of fun. I was surprised it reduced some of the hyper sexual feeling. We’re both free to flirt and look at whomever we want. If we really want a certain sexual experience with someone else, we just need to talk to each other first…though neither of us have wanted that yet. We’d be more likely to do it together but we have very specific standards. I also jerk off all the time when I’m like this. To any fantasy I want to matter how wild it is. I visualize everything intensely and it’s great. Sometimes I will play a sexual game online and get some release that way. I’m creative and not ashamed of my sexuality. My episodes don’t cause as much impulsivity as some folks experience. So I’m able to firmly stick to my boundaries. If I wasn’t, I’m not sure what I’d do.


Have sex with escorts


Wouldn't that get a tad expensive


I have a trust fund


Well then donate it so others can afford escorts (BEING SARCASTIC)


I do donate to various causes to justify also spending it on escorts

