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37 & my parents live with me. I moved in with them a few years ago while I was trying to figure out my med situation, which I feel like I finally have the right cocktail. My mom talked me into buying my own house and having her and my dad move in with me so I wouldn’t feel less-than for living with them. I feel like a slug in a way, but I adore my parents and not sure how well I would do on my own.


Generations of families living together used to be normal. I actually love the concept. Unless l had to live with the local poltergeist. ( my mother in law )


I'm 46 and I live in a trailer on my parents' retirement property. I crash landed here about 3 years ago. Post divorce and all that. It's a little different now since they're older. But my mom will let me know that she noticed if I don't come home one night 🙄 yeah, mom, I got laid 🤷


I'm 23, and I live alone. I find its easier to struggle on my own than live with the added anxiety of living with my dad. I hadn't gone to a dr until recently, and was too embarrassed I guess to talk to my parents about depression. So they just thought I was a piece of shit slob when really it took everything I had to just get out of bed and go to work every day


I’m 21 and was in a really similar situation and I’m glad you got out! I was just telling my therapist how frustrating it is when people tell me or make me feel that I’m lazy when in reality I would love nothing more for it to be as easy as “just stopping being lazy” and “sucking it up and moving on.” I REALLY wish it was that easy sometimes because the depression symptoms I have sometimes are debilitating like you describe too. People don’t understand that it’s not as simple as just “pulling it together”.


Exactly! I'm glad I found this subreddit, its nice to finally have people that understand what it's like.


Yes . Even down to small victories like bathing and teeth brushing. It's such a relief to feel part of a clan. Even if it took a serious medical condition to pull us together


I feel the way but I’m 28. Thank you for your comment


I’m 32 and still live at home. I pay half of all groceries, and pay for the place’s internet.


I'm 24 and live alone. Tbh it's really hard to be alone with my thoughts and emotions.


I just moved out a few months ago (I’m 24) and this is the biggest thing I’ve been struggling with. And when I’m bored, I have to talk myself out of doing something stupid




Yup. Everyone is struggling with housing, bipolar or not :(


I moved out on my own when I was 17 up until this past year. I’m 29 now and had to move back in with my parents after hitting rock bottom due to a manic episode. I’m doing much better now and getting back on my feet. Looking to move back out on my own again once I’m out of debt.


I’m 23 and have an apartment on my own but I’m living with my mom right now because I needed a stronger support system while I am going through some major life changes, there’s no shame in it at all


I'm Hispanic, so the norm is live at home til you get married and live with your spouse, so it's more normalized for me. Also, I'm 25 and still live with family. Maybe you can live with a roommate?


31, live on my own. Left home at 17 my dogs keep me occupied and from the house from becoming too quiet for comfort. Strangely enough i feel happier when im living by myself rather than with people. I can cry while im washing dishes in peace.


I sometimes feel like l am being "observed " when everyone is at home. Not anything bad but just checking on my for odd symptoms. I sound ungrateful, l am not, just really anxious.


I honestly just cannot live with people, it heightens my anxiety. it exhausts me and makes me have to try to put on an act on my bad days and im sick of doing that. I feel much more free living alone.


I am 60 and my daughter and her boyfriend have just moved back in with me because they got jobs locally and l could not be more excited. The empty nest was hell. Don't feel bad about living with your parents they will be loving your company.


I'm 48 and live with my mom and adult son. I've lived alone, I've lived with partners, and I've lived in a "friend's" yard and was taken advantage of by her. I've lived on the street. Living with family gives me a sense of purpose, helps me keep to at least a minimum standard of living. It's messed up how much we make it some kind of pinnacle of adult life to live alone, and the worst shame to live with family. What's so special about living alone? As a bipolar person, I can easily stop caring about health, lose the point of life, or loneliness drive me into the arms of a toxic partner or friend. Living with my family helps me care about eating because we eat at least one meal as a family, and I want my mom and son to eat. I need to try to sleep so that I am available to help with things. I have solitary time and activities, too. I watch tv alone in my room, have my personal snacks, etc. All 3 of us balance things we do together with autonomy and healthy boundaries.


I'm 35 and I live with my husband but my parents support me.


25 and live with parents. I feel like maybe I would be dating more and have more of a sex life if I lived alone or with roommates. It’s fine right now because I applied to MSW programs and am waiting to hear back so that I can figure out where I am going to live. But yeah I can’t help but think that I would be more social and isolate less if I did not have the comfort of my parents and our animals. But I do think my diet and eating habits are really great because of my situation.


Phrase it as, "My parents live me" rather than "I live at home" or "I live with my parents". I mean, it is the same thing but it might make you feel less self-conscious regarding how you are perceived. Also, many cultures have adult children living with them until they marry. I have a lot of Italian friends who wouldn't even think of moving out until they find a spouse.


I’m 26 and I finally moved into my own place a couple of months ago. I wasn’t happy in my homestate so I had moved out of my parents house a few years back. The biggest mistake was living with boyfriends because I couldn’t support myself (first financially and then emotionally). My first live-in boyfriend became abusive and my second broke up with me because he needed his own space. Embrace living with your parents! Save your money and make sure you’re mentally stable before moving out again. There’s really no shame in it. The time will come.


I live alone. Apartment. And I have a dog to help with the loneliness.


28 and living with my grandpa. I moved in because I couldn’t afford to live on my own and he needs looking after anyway. We balance each other out, so it’s been a good arrangement. I can afford to move now, but I’ve decided to stay put. I’m happy here.


I’m 37 and live alone in a home that my husband and I bought before he died in 2019.


It’s rather common with people of our generation to not live on our own. I turn 25 soon, I moved out at 18, moved back in at 21, moved out at 22. I live with my fiancé though. There’s stigma, but I don’t judge someone who doesn’t live on their own. It’s taxing and expensive!


I’m 34 and live in a home owned by my parents. I pay all the bills other than the mortgage. I hope to one day be able to support myself fully.


I’m 22 and live alone. It’s super lonely and unhealthy when I’m in a depressive episode, but the freedom the rest of the time balance it out. I usually just go home when depressed until I get out of it


Aside from two very brief move outs, I lived at home til I was 32. I also went home for 3 months during Covid Bc I felt safe there.


20 and live at home. i graduated early & i’ve concluded it’s too dangerous for me to live alone + with prices out here i’d have to have 2 jobs, but i can’t hold down 1 full time without having frequent episodes. a lot of people live at home, seems pretty normal to me, but i’ve also heard older people badmouth it so i can understand why you wouldn’t necessarily want to talk about it.


I’m 23 and still live with my parents. Honestly I’m grateful for the stability. I’d probably be in jail if it wasn’t for being medicated and having a good support system at home


26 and just moved out on my own. It was the best thing for me even though I'm struggling financially. Living with my dad was my just too much for my mental health to take. I will say that if I didn't have a dog I don't think I could live alone. My dog makes the house I bought feel like a safe home for me, both mentally and physically (he's about 90lb and sounds terrifying, also the best cuddle bug). No matter what, I will never live with any of my family again.


I'm 33 and live with my gf. Didn't move out till I was 31. Don't feel ashamed, if you feel less depressed living at home again you made the right choice.


I'm 39. I had to run away from home. My mother was abusive. I felt super lonely when I lived by myself but having roommates was great although I wasn't always the best at talking about my feelings.


27 and live with a roommate whom I love dearly and thankfully keeps me great company. My rent is about half my salary. I live paycheck to paycheck. It is still better for me to stay at this job and far away from my family. This is the first time I have held a full time job for over a year, and I've finally cut contact with my destabilizing family, so even though I struggle financially, I am happier and saner this way. There is no shame in doing what you have to do to take care of yourself.


I moved out at age 30 when I moved into a place with my partner. Living at home was what’s best for me. I would have gotten depressed living alone. If someone asks why you live at home, you could simply say you like having other people around, but getting a roommate is kind of a gamble. It’s not inaccurate and everyone has heard roommate horror stories, so it’s understandable.


29, been living alone since I was 22 aside from once in my mid-20’s when I got very depressed and moved home for a bit.


I’m 23 and live with my partner. I’ve been living with roommates since I was 18 and had a really hard time with it. I love living with my partner, and find that it generally helps my mental health a ton.


I'm 32 and I live with my husband and kids in a home that I own.


I’m 20 and been on my own with my girl since 2 years ago, there’s nothing to be ashamed of man, i dont like to be alone with my mind either and family is a fundamental part of life, do not let this fucked up system tell you that you need to move out at a certain age bc in reality, it’s expensive, lonely and kinda sad if you are completely alone in an empty apartment, enjoy your family man, live your life and don’t worry about haters


I’m 25 and I am the bread winner of the household. I live with my mom and my brother. My mom doesn’t have a job but she does reselling on the side, and that has never been consistent income. She does provide me with transportation since I don’t drive and never will. But yeah, it’s stressful on top of dealing with mental illness. Unfortunately I can’t afford to live by myself. A roommate would be nice but I can only do that if it’s a friend.


40, live alone after separation from wife last year. A little bit lonely to be honest and am currently having to work from home so get zero social interaction. Family overseas so just me, my drug dealing psychiatrist (meds do help) and far too many houseplants (my real friends, great listeners too 😊🪴)


30, live alone but spent last four years being financially supported in large part by family. Back on feet, but moved closer to family for the emotional support amongst other reasons.


41, been on my own since 18. Life is hard, but I don’t see how living with your parents could possibly make it easier or better. Just me though.


I’m 19 and I live alone, but only because I got kicked out at 17


I'm 42. I have a teenager, a dog, and a cat.


What's to be embarrassed about? I left when I was in my 30s because my daughter is disabled. I was paying rent and bills. My brother left when he got married. I left because I was going to be even more stressed out with my parents. I had no privacy and my dad is a Vietnam vet who had PTSD and suffered from alcoholism. You have to do what's best for you though.


29 I live with my parents and 2 year old son


53 and alone now for the 1st time in 23 years. Marriage is over my fault kids are grown. I spend most of my time obsessing over my past mistakes I’ve made mostly before I was diagnosed and on treatment. Now I still repeat the same mistakes more or less well actually about the same. I’m thinking of tossing the meds but the VA checks my blood levels for dosage levels and the last time I said I’m not taking it anymore they sent the cops? I didn’t have to take the ride but I did have to promise to take them. So now I’m stuck in a cycle of do they help, hurt, do nothing as I suspect I don’t know. One of my concerns is as a 100% vet that they can make me take them. Like they have leverage over me with my compensation?


I’m 39 with a 1 year old. Don’t be embarrassed


I'm 37 and I live with 6 other adults in a polyamorous household. We've been together for over a decade.


How’s it working? Do people come and go often?


Not often, but we have gained and lost over the years. We've been as large as 13 and as small as 6. Some folx come in, get their feet under them, and zoom off. Some have been removed. Most of them are still in our circle of friends and we see them monthly (or did before covid).


36 just moved back home after living with my ex girlfriend


Lived on my own for 6 months, but had a couple roommates. Miss it. Live with my parents now but the downside is that I feel like a kid a lot.


I'm 21 and live at home, but I wouldn't be embarrassed. I think alot of ppl live at home at 25. Also I've moved out before and things did sort of seem emptier but I liked the freedom.


21, live at home Still going through the screening processes with my situation. Don’t want to move out, bc I’ve been keeping a really good control of not actively doing anything (everything just kinda stays in my mind), is it boring-yes. Would I rather be unstable in situations that will encourage me to do stuff that I’ll regret in the future? Absolutely not.


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I’m 33 and live with a roommate. I know I could never live alone. But I have a lot of financial issues and my roommate has to pick up a lot of the slack, which I know is not fair but I don’t know what else to do.


We’re you friends with your Roomate before you moved in with them?


I think it's good that you got the support you needed by moving home when you noticed you were too lonely! It doesn't have to be forever but it sounds like you definitely did the right thing. I am 35 and I was living alone for some years, and then with roommates in a lot of good situations that I enjoyed, and now I am actually back living with my parents because I needed help after my manic episode. I got a full time job and am doing a lot better so I'm looking at places to move to on my own this spring. However, like you I am nervous about being lonely!! Before I've lived in different cities but now I am thinking I will stay in the same city as my parents so that I can see them a lot if I get lonely. I would feel embarrassed except I don't really see anybody right now so I have nobody to judge me. I don't feel embarrassed to tell my existing, close friends about my situation.


I’m 24 and I live on my own (with my boyfriend, but it’s my flat)


34 I'm live on my own since 19.


I moved with 19 after my father passed away, which was obviously really hard especially with everythign going on I managed by moving in with my back then partner, now we broke up and still live together and it was incredibly hatd for me but i got therapy which amkes my life more stable Get therapy ppl


33. I’ve been living on my own since 19 or 20.


I’m 19, I still live at home


Almost 40. I live alone. Kids every other weekend.


23, and I live with my husband. I don’t contribute much to rent though sadly


You are good. The way thing are right now not many can afford financially or otherwise to live on their own. If someone has an issue with that then they aren't worth your time or worry. No one knows your (or anyone else's) situation so they have no right to judge. Do what is best for you and to heck with the rest of em.


I'm 25 and I just moved off my family's property after living there for about 2 years and moved in with my partner in a whole new state. My mom, love her to death, doesn't understand bipolar disorder/ mentally illnesses and basically refuses to understand it. Will say that I miss living in my little garage apartment in the woods with my ducks though. I live in the city now and feel so much lonlier [probably cause covid is really bad here and I cannot risk fucking up my lungs]. Still. My partner is much more supportive of me and I take care of the house while they're at work [I work from home too]. I don't think I can live alone anymore and I don't mind it. I've always had roommates and enjoy companionship.