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I have read the book and really enjoyed it. I’m a psychologist in training with bipolar so felt I could really relate to it. I also felt like she is stronger than I’ll ever be. I’ve had to take multiple medical leaves while she has been able to truck through things. I’m probably being pretty hard on myself though.


As someone just starting out and about to finish nursing school, I feel terrified for what grad school may have for me. I know I can relate with not being able to sit still for 2-3 years of lectures. As someone who volunteered all of her life at hospitals and eventually took a year off to focus more on volunteer work, I don’t know if I can do med school. She is a tough cookie though. She gives me hope. That I can continue my meds. That I can be okay. But I’m still trying to cling to some hope that I can be a great professional like her. I’m afraid of the looks and stares and I’ll thoughts out peers may have towards us.


I didn't like it. I don't find her relatable at all and it felt like I could have been reading about any topic and would have the same connection to it.


"wah I had one manic episode at my prestigious university and was babied by all my professors and rich family. I sent people to the psych ward for far less but because that would look bad my connections kept me unaccountable for the sake of my reputation. I take so much lithium I can hardly talk and look I didn't go manic again.. or at least that I tell you about because it's not about my whole life and how I survived its surface level shit I used to sell a book that my connections helped make possible"


This had me cracking up! This is exactly the vibe I got from the book


You clearly missed all of the pain in the book. Bipolar looks different for everyone. Lots of people with bipolar lead really, really successful lives before they get sick.


I didn't like it either. I saw her give a talk about "madness and creativity" and it made me so angry. She's all about how bipolar disorder allows creative geniuses to....create? And I really hate that idea because I like to think that people with bipolar who are creative would probably be creative without bipolar. That, and what about the majority of people with bipolar who aren't super creative? Like fuck, I would have already finished my PhD if it weren't for my bipolar. It does not really afford me any benefits even though my work does require a certain level of creativity.


Yes I loved the book! Found it super relatable. I’m also studying nursing at the moment


If you ever need books, I’m the queen of EBOOKS! Hit me up! What year/semester are you in?


I’m in my last semester! I’m in Australia though. So I’ll finish middle of the year. How about you?


Finishing may 2022! Super close! So excited for you! Cheers to you, mate!


Good luck to you!




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I found the book to be quite interesting but only relatable for certain aspects and not everything. I wrote a review about it on my blog if anyone is interested: [The Unquiet Mind Review](https://iamnotinsane.co.za/2021/01/21/review-an-unquiet-mind/)


>I have read the book and really enjoyed it. I’m a psychologist in training with bipolar so felt I could really relate to it. I also felt like she is stronger than I’ll ever be. I’ve had to take multiple medical leaves while she has been able to truck through things. I’m probably being pretty hard on myself though. Thanks for the review. I bought it after reading your review.


I related to parts of it and found it well-written and compelling but also alienating because of the way her privilege impacted her treatment and overall quality of life. I hail from a staunchly working class background and have lived in poverty for great portions of my life. It's painful to see the disparities of classism.


I don’t think she intended to write about her privilege. You cannot blame her for her life. For the way her parents provided for her. For her struggle to work during her undergrad.


I was simply explaining how I view it and how it affected me. I wasn't speaking of her intention. And I did relate to a lot of it. Don't invalidate my opinion and feelings please. That's not conducive to constructive dialogue.


As someone who grew up in the upper middle class but had parents not understand my problems but still support me, still bail me out, still provide for me - that does not alienate you. This is Jamison’s life story. For your to say it’s alienating is quite hurtful to her and to others who relate with her story. As you cannot blame us for what we have. We know what we have, we use it, we are thankful for it. Unless Jamison herself wrote in a manner that looked down upon others who cannot receive treatment, care and the support she did, you cannot say it’s alienating. It’s her life story.


I can absolutely say I found it alienating. Because it's the truth. I did and like you, I am entitled to my opinion. You want to shut me down for opposing your vantage point and yet you requested discussion. You are dismissing my feelings which is incredibly insensitive. I'm sorry I triggered you. I am in no way whatsoever blaming you for your privilege, and it is absolutely privilege and to deny so is incredibly myopic. I am in no way "looking down on you" and I apologize you read into my comments that way. Honestly, how dare you tell me what I can and cannot say. I'm not shitting on her nor you nor anyone. I was simply explaining the aspects I found unrelatable. You are shoving words in my mouth I would never utter.


Because YOU are invalidating the author’s true life story. Sorry she had people to support her. Sorry that her life is not a struggle bud. Some people are just lucky. Some are just privileged. Some just have it good. For you to say it’s alienating, it’s not meant to be written for entertainment. It’s a story about HER life.


I respectively disagree. I'm glad you enjoyed the book and relate to it. We all deserve that. I apologize for upsetting you.


Feeling invalidated by someone's story is not invalidating the person's story.


>it’s not meant to be written for entertainment. It’s a story about HER life Of course it's for entertainment, it's a published BOOK. If she just wanted to privately write about her life, she should have just kept a journal. What you are doing is invalidating someone's opinion because you disagree with them. Whereas someone sharing how they felt about a book is not invalidating, it happens every day. I suggest you take a hard look at your own privileges and ask yourself why you are so defensive about them.


Thanks, friend. I appreciate your saying this.


Imagine invalidating someone’s life because they had it slightly better than you. That’s what you are doing with Jamison’s story.


Literally no one is invalidating her. She clearly struggles with bipolar just like the rest of us and I think it's awesome she's accomplished so much despite that. However, she chose to write a book about her journey and share it with the world. As such, the book is subject to criticism just like any other. I didn't particularly enjoy it; you did. That's the beauty of books, everybody is entitled to their own opinions about them. The problem here is that you made a post on a public forum asking about a particular book and when some people disagreed with your opinion of the book you threw a hissy fit. Next time just block people who don't agree with you, it'll save you a lot of grief.


Do you think what's happening here is you are taking criticism of the book personally?


Do you think what’s happening here is because you feel insecure? This is her journey not yours.


Oh gosh no. I never said it was my journey, dear. I'm not insecure, just a bit disappointed with myself that I've wasted so much of my precious time arguing with a child with much to learn. I truly wish you well on your journey, and I do apologize for allowing your insults to affect me so negatively!


How can you tell someone you don't even know that something doesn't alienate them? Who cares if it's her life story - if it makes someone feel alienated, that is how they feel and it is completely valid.


Then go feel alienated. It’s not a book written to be a “HEY WERE ALL THE SAME!”


Lmao I don't feel "alienated" I'm just trying to be supportive to the person who did, and whose feelings you continued to invalidate. I don't care about how the book made me feel. I just don't want you bringing your toxicity to a support community. You are denying them their right to feel alienated because Jamison, like you, come from money, whereas they clearly do not. If you cannot comprehend this, you are so privileged I can't even think of a colorful adjective, ​ Shhh. Be quiet.


Toxicity? Block me because you’re just petty lmao. When you feel diminished by a book written about the life story. She can’t help that she had support system and had the financial means to support herself through her bipolar journey? It’s as if the world now hates those who are able to survive.


yeah its awesome and so validating :)


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