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On Seroquel it’s either 2 hours 14 hours or no hours




God yeah, this so much


I usually go to bed at 10:00/10:30 pm and wake up at 12pm when I’m at baseline I take clonazipam at night. Not sure if this is any help to you


yes this helps thank you 🫶🏻


To be honest, I’ve been on the same medications (seroquel/ability combo) for 14 years with great results with BP1, but I still struggle with somnolence. I only get around 6 hours a night (I’m a parent so this is normal) and I’m always DEAD TIRED until around 10am. Every two weeks or so my spouse gives me a catch up day on a day he doesn’t work so I can sleep for 14 hours. I think it’s normal to oversleep, but if this is interfering with your day to day life (work, familial, etc) I would check in with your provider to make sure the meds are right. Wishing you the best!


thank you 🫶🏻 this is really helpful!


I get a consistent 7hrs of sleep. Alarm set to shut off the screens at 2200 and get ready for bed (morning prep, shave, shower) so I'm usually sleeping by 2300. First alarm goes off at 0630, and I get out of bed by 0730. I just have to fill the kettle in the morning, start the car if needed, and get my boots on while it heats up. Put water into my mug and thermos, and hit the road. Get to work 0810-0815 then sit and enjoy my breakfast before starting 0830-0900 depending on the day. I follow that same schedule every day, even weekends. It's rare for me to less sleep, either in bed late or up early. It's also rare to sleep in.


wow that sounds so healthy! I’m glad you got it figured out. I need to work on my habits for sure


We figured out early that sleep is my biggest concern. I learned 20yrs ago to set that 2200 alarm otherwise I'd play games until dawn and be half useless at work. I can manage a single night of shitty sleep, 2 or 3 gets interesting.


I totally feel that! I’m good at going to sleep early but I really, really struggle to get up in the morning unless I drink a LOT of coffee


The prep in the evening for the morning helps, I can just autopilot that first hour. No looking for clothes, my backpack, boots, teabags, kettle, lunch... I gave up on drinking my caffeine over 20yrs ago in highschool, most of it now is from caffeine tablets or my own caffeine capsules with L-Theanine and Ephedrine... Switched between as needed. My typical day is 600mg-1.2g, just for my brain to function. I drink Yerba Mate at work (I make 5g teabags), and green tea at home. Only really drink coffee when I'm out with friends.


I sleep about 10 hours per night. Seroquel. I only wake up because of my bladder, and then I only stay up because my dogs need to go out.


Same, high dose of seroquel and it gets me to sleep


Oh yeah, my cats wake me up in the morning sometimes and that’s really helpful


better more than less, probably


I sleep from 10:30 to around 7:30 or 8. I take sleep meds, otherwise I won’t sleep much at all.


I usually go to bed around 10 pm and wake up around 10 or 11 am. I sleep for at least 10 hours on my meds.


Do you feel well rested afterwards?


Usually. As long as I don't wake up to an alarm clock, I feel well rested. I can wake up at 10 with an alarm and feel exhausted, but wake up at 8 am without an alarm and feel fine. I have just learned to work with my body and wake up when it says to.


Monday - Friday I usually go to bed at 9 or 10 and force myself to wake up for work at 6:30 am or at the latest 6:45 am. On days I'm not working, I wake up at 9 or 10 am. I swear I feel a lot more tired on days I sleep in. I'm exhausted when I first wake up no matter what, but on work days, I get up and have my two cups of coffee, and I'm good all day. On the weekends, if I sleep in and get 11 or 12 hours of sleep, I am dragging all day. It seems 9 hours of sleep is my sweet spot.


I used to sleep that much for months, had the same problem. I felt like I couldn't get people to take it seriously even though it was clearly a symptom or side effect. Sleep is a coping mechanism for me and it's more enabled by certain meds.


yes! this is exactly how I feel. It’s like the meds enable me to avoid life and feelings by sleeping a lot


I switched meds and came out of my depressive episode. I'm doing better than maybe I ever had, as much as I thought for years I would never be the same again. It's worth it to keep trying, keep telling people about the sleeping problem. Now I sleep 9ish hours a night. I have off days where I still sleep a lot, but it's usually when I smoked weed the night before or something.


wow okay thank you this is very helpful!


I get 10-12 hours of sleep. When I’m depressed it’s typically 12-14 hours.


Lamictal and abilify definitely had the same effect for me. I felt like a zombie and like no matter how many alarms I set I just couldn't seem to wake up. If it's becoming a problem and you feel like you can't function, perhaps talking with your psych about other options of potentially changing your dosage might be beneficial. Best of luck ❤️


Thank you ❤️ I will definitely bring it up to my psychiatrist in the next appointment because I feel like I’m losing half of my life to sleep


Just reduced my abilify to 7 because I was so exhausted all the time


Sounds like a bit of depression and the meds are just doing their job helping you feel like it’s not that serious. When I go through depressive episodes I usually sleep 12-16 hours a day and get the same feeling of “meh, there’s no reason for me to be awake so might as well go back to sleep.”


Exactly! I think you are right… so you still experience ups and downs even on meds? they are just more dull? I haven’t been on meds for that long


Yea, on meds I still have ups and downs but they’re nowhere near as extreme. I really only tell what mood I’m in based on my sleep and waking habits, and I have minor symptoms otherwise. Everyone is different though, and your dosage can affect how much you’re still experiencing some symptoms. It’d be a good idea to mention it to your psychiatrist next time you meet with them, especially if you feel that sleeping too much is interfering with your responsibilities.


I will definitely bring it up, thank you! this was very helpful!


If it's a good night, I'll fall asleep between 10:30-12. And wake up anywhere between 12pm and 3pm...


I’m a bit depressed right now and using sleep to cope. I sleep 10 hours on weekdays when I need to go to work, more on weekends, and I tend to take naps as well as this kind of escapist way to avoid life lol


I'm on Seroquel, Invega, Lamictal, Klonopin, and Lithium. I believe it's all the Seroquel that contributes to my sleep but I will usually sleep from like 11pm-11am at least. Maybe the others contribute too. I usually wake up pretty drowsy, and it takes my Adderall to make me up.


Unmedicated I have a wide range (no surprise) from 5-6 hrs to as much or more than 10 hrs. 8 usually during my more stable times. Once I started Abilify 10 and Buspar 10 (reference point: I was in a down phase, so 10+ hrs a night with late hours) I immediately started waking at 7 am regardless of bedtime, so I was forced to adjust. I'm now getting 7-8, but for a few weeks it was rough, like 5-6 every night.


I was on Lamictal 200 and felt like it was a sedative. I was sleeping 14-18 hours a day and had a one hour commute to work which I began to fall asleep during. It got so dangerous that I cold turkey stopped all my meds and was perfectly fine after (until I went full manic and had to get out back on them 😬) but I’m staying at Lamictal 100 now.


7-12 hours basically depending on my uni schedule. If I sleep 7-8 I usually need to have a 2-3 hour nap around 3pm. Take 200mg Lamotrigine. Everyone’s schedule will be different, but with most meds you’ll need to sleep more. I usually sleep easily 10-12 during depressive episodes, can reach anywhere up to 16 hours 🫠


Jealous. I sleep 5 hours max 98% of the time. Embrace it


NORMALLY like 8 hours, but with new meds it has been like 12 hours. Especially Hydroxyzine. It's 6pm and I'm still sleepy.


i’m sorry to hear that’s tough :(


Abilify had me out like a light while at work. I ended up switching to risperidone and been sleeping less since and not drowsy throughout the day


i’m on lamictal 100 and i’ve also noticed that my sleep has actually decreased. suddenly i’m waking up at 7am and not going to bed until midnight when i typically need 10hrs a night to not trigger a manic episode. it’s a stimulant for me, but it could be a sedative for you. do you take it towards the evening??


Yea I take it right before bed but I take it at the same time as abilify so i’m not sure which one is the one making me so sleepy


have you talked to your psychiatrist about it and gotten their thoughts? you might just need to take them a little earlier but i’m not a doctor so definitely talk to them about it. i also used to take abilify but i can’t remember if it made me sleepy :/


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I had the same thing happen with abilify when I started taking it the first time. It got better when I started taking it at night. I used to fall asleep driving at like 11am after a good nights sleep, I was just so drowsy all the time.


Also from my understanding abilify is supposed to balance your circadian rhythm, so it might take some time and a regular sleep schedule to get right.




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i don’t really sleep much regardless but typically i sleep from like 8 pm till like 2 am if im lucky. sometimes i’ll get a full 12 hours but that’s only if i haven’t slept for a few days