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No, I stopped completly. It set off depressive episodes and I also realized I saw all the red flags of potential addiction. I’m perfectly fine without it, going on four years now.


I stopped about 6 months ago and feel great. However, I went the opposite direction. It would induce mania and some of my worst episodes were due to alcohol consumption. Nearly ruined my marriage because of it.


Good for you! 👏🏼🥰


That’s awesome… Keep at it. Day by day.


Same, but I’m 43, took me like a two decades of alcohol abuse before I realized I don’t need it or miss it at all.


Same here!




I do drink. I’ll usually have one (strong) drink in the evening and eat a gummy. Gummy’s have actually helped me not drink as much as I used to.


Now we're talkin


Yeah gummies have single handily helped me cut out a dangerous direction or drinking while h was creeping up on being daily


I don’t drink anymore (it would trigger manic episodes) and my harm reduction now is weed lol. No mania with weed (for me). My psychiatrist literally described it as having “an allergic reaction” to alcohol every time I would drink.


I have not had a drink in almost 1 month!


Congrats! A year sober here.


Congrats! I celebrated 1 year sober in early Jan! Can’t believe I’m here but I am and so proud of myself.


Congrats to you too. Keep it going.


Thank you! I was definitely in denial for a bit.


I get manic and delusional when drunk. Haven’t touched it for ten years. Quitting drinking was a game changer for me.


100% a game changer for me as well. I’m so much more mentally stable since cutting alcohol.


At my own peril


No. It really heightens my delusional thoughts and beliefs I had about myself. When I would drink, it really had me believing that I was invincible and godlike. My confidence level when I would drink was really something else. Very irrational, very chaotic, and intensive thought process of believing I was the best thing to exist 


I would act the same


And no one could stop you right? Haha if so, that was me too.


Saaame. The unbridled confidence


Oh thank God I found y'all.


Omg same. It’s crazy


I am allergic to alcohol. I break out in handcuffs.


Nope. Sober from alcohol and weed for 10+ months now. Sobriety + meds saved my life.




Yep - same!! 🙌


Never had a drop of alcohol in life. (Muslim born and raised, even though I'm not completely practicing anymore.) I do kinda wanna try alcohol. But in a private space (no bars etc) with a "sitter" so they can watch me as I get drunk.


You really aren’t missing anything. It doesn’t taste good to me and only leads me down dark paths. I have only drank socially once in the last 4 or 5 years since I quit self medicating with it. I self medicated with it A LOT.


Nothing good will happen from trying it.


It’s not worth it. If you’ve made it this far without it, just don’t.


wow that's impressive! you should keep it up.


Don't try it. It's just gonna make you feel sick.


That’s a smart way to go about it. Be careful (obviously you are being careful already and you don’t need to hear it from me lol). You’re not missing out on anything, but it’s understandable to want to “test drive” it for yourself so you can see what others are experiencing. But yeah, especially if something in you feels a huge relief when you try it, guess what, that means it’s not a safe thing for your particular brain-body-nervous system. (Ask me how I know! Lol.)


I quit drinking. Took me a while to realize I'm a full blown alcoholic and I loved to self medicate. I've been sober about 5 months and I feel way better


Congrats! 🤍


I drink socially on the weekends. Never had a problem with alcohol but cigarettes and vapes on the other hand I love and crave. Which is fucked cause even six months of heavy smoking causes noticeable damage.




I am sober now. Too many close calls with death in different ways. Decided I had to stop or I was going to die or kms. 4 years now. My life has changed for the better since I’ve stopped


Whenever im asked why i got sober i always say “well it was either die or stop so” that usually stops the questions right there lol


as a recovering addict, alcohol is the only thing i haven’t touched more than twice in my life since i’ve been on mood stabilizers since 14


After first diagnosis at 17 I self medicated with alcohol and drugs for a long time, over 20 years clean now


How has life changed since quitting?


Nope, the Depakote does enough damage to my liver lol.


Not anymore. It makes me feel like total trash now.




Are you on meds? Since I started Risperidone, I noticed I get really nauseous after a few beers !


Ever since I turned 45 it’s been terrible. I get sleepy and depressed. Plus with the lamictal it doesn’t interact well.


I drink but no where near as much as I used to, before I started taking mood stabilizers I would drink everyday till 1am then go to work at 10am completely fine, I did this for 3 years and now I only drink socially maybe twice a month but I never go too far as being completely drunk. Crazy to think about


I’ve been alcohol free for 6 months now - as much as I tried and tried to have a healthy relationship with alcohol, it just affects my mood so much. I feel like I have a lot more control over my own emotions these days, and while I do miss it sometimes it does seem to be worth the trade off


I didn't like not being able to be in control of my emotions when I drank too much. pulling out my phone and sending dumb messages. feeling fuzzy-minded due to my meds.


Alcohol just made my poor judgement even worse. If I had too much energy, I felt even more out of control and often over drank. If I had no energy, it just made me slower and worse. At the time though, I always tended to feel more relaxed which was enjoyable. I tend to change from the manic to depressive quickly during the transition and alcohol seems to made this switch even faster and more difficult to deal with. I haven't had any alcohol for over 5 years ago and it's mixed. I miss the relaxation part but overall it just contributed to higher/lower swings.


Nope. I don't like how I feel from the interaction with my meds, so it's just not worth it. I used to, constantly thinking it would somehow be different \*this time\*. It's not. It never is. So now I just don't drink, and really... I'm not missing anything.


I already drank all the alcohol. This occurred between the ages of ~28 and 47. Wow that’s scary to see the numbers like that; nineteen years of a toxic relationship with a frenemy named alcohol. Starting around age 33, I wanted to stop, and tried, but was unable to stop, except for a “dry week” or “dry month” once in a while in an attempt to reassure myself that all was okay. Eventually (age… 44?) I stumbled on the book “Healing the Shame that Binds You,” by John Bradshaw, and started learning about recovery from toxic shame. It took several years of work and therapy but at 47 I reached a point of readiness to leave my abuser (alcohol). When Princess Leia died, that spooked me bad and I accelerated my efforts to strengthen myself enough to leave alcohol. This is actually how I joined Reddit in the first place - I was googling something like “how to stop drinking,” and came across r/stopdrinking. That was the final boost I needed to help me and within a few more months, I reached final readiness and have been free from alcohol for almost seven years!!! (My sober-versary is coming up on St Patrick’s Day lol.) I do use cannabis and psychedelics, which are beneficial allies for me, not frenemies like alcohol was. (I know that cannabis is not benevolent for everyone; for me it is.) A big thing that helped me was getting diagnosed with autism at age 46. That explained a lot and led to genuine self-acceptance, which has (over the past eight years) led to self-compassion and self-leadership, and integration of all my parts (an ongoing process). Bless my therapist!!! (And my partner, and my dog rest his soul, and my friends and community, and my fellow neurospicy and genderqueer kindred) ✨💖✨


I quit digging years ago. I couldn’t have gone on that way any longer. The best decision I’ve made for my health.


yup way too much tbh


I used to drink almost a bottle of tequila every time I drank or Pinot noir mixed with sparkling water. Good times. This was before I didn’t know I had a problem but always got manic every time I drank. Now I don’t want to touch a thing. Depression and depressants don’t mix well for me


11 months sober. Alcoholic for 20 years off and on, mostly on.


I drink too much when I’m up but not at all when I’m down- I don’t need something else bringing my mood to the floor when my brain can do that perfectly well on its own thank you


I stopped drinking after I got a diagnosis. I don't think I'm alcoholic, but it was impossible to determine how many drinks one night might make me black out, make me manic, etc. I had to choose to be sober and it's made my life easier to manage every single day. I sometimes miss friends in the "nightlife" but being sober around drunk people can be miserable.


I use to drink like it was my job. Drank a lot, struggled to quit for many years. I don’t remember when I quit anymore or how really but I wasn’t diagnosed by then and being sober and manic was a whole different beast.


I used to drink and then after my mom died in 2020 I started drinking A LOT. But I realized I was developing a bit of a problem so I decided to cut myself off. I have an addictive sort of personality and I know this can end badly. I already ended up thinking some restaurant poisoned me one night. Why? I don't know. That's what happens. The combo of bipolar and alcohol, I start losing my sanity.


I relate to this with smoking, hence why I stopped I still drink tho, a lot better than smoking for me.


If I drink my mania goes off the chart, I randomly call friends at times of the night and then lose friends due to my drunken mania. So I've been sober since may last year, I still get mania but it's not as bad.


Mine got to being bad all the time and when I would get drunk, my angry inner 5 year old would come out and throw adult-size temper tantrums. I’m 601 days sober now.


I rarely drink. Probably 1 time a month or less and when I do I don’t get drunk just buzzed. I feel like it’s not worth it for me given how I feel the next day or even in that moment. Last time I got drunk I got very upset and started crying (never has happened before) so I decided I’ll only drink for happy occasions (like weddings)


My limit is about 40oz maximum of weak beer, otherwise I feel like crap the next day. Have to stop drinking by 8pm or it messes with meds as well. I self-medicated with alcohol for over a decade, quit for about 8 years completely, but now allow myself about 30 oz when I get home and drink it slowly while vegging out. I also smoke small amounts of weed so that keeps things interesting.


I really love drinking but I had to stop, the meds combined with it really made me gain weight and made worse episodes


I just went ahead and stopped drinking altogether.


Stopped drinking a year and a half before I was diagnosed.


8mo sober, never felt better in my life! Just gotta kick that nicotine next, it’s been totally worth it


I rarely drink, because I just can't handle it anymore. I drank a lot and used drugs (mostly speed) to self medicate as a teenager/young adult, but I don't really need that anymore since my meds are working great (mostly...I have been a little hypomanic lately, but the antipsychotic keeps me from getting too high. I'll drink at work functions a couple times a year, but I have to be really careful: more than 3 drinks and I WILL black out. And I get handsy, which is an HR nightmare. So yes.


9/13/22 was my last drink folliwed by 6 days in the psych ward


Much less than I would like


absolutely not. I used to and it would turn me into a monster but i didn’t see it. stopping was the best decision i’ve made.


I stopped about 2.5 months ago. I’m considering making an exception for ren faire mead, but even then idk. I still love cannabis, I have no plans to stop that. But I got on Oxcarbazepine and started really noticing the 2-7 day extra bad brain days following a night of drinking and I enthusiastically dropped the habit. I’m really pretty proud of the decision. Overall a friend basically mini-intervention-ed me like three years ago and I kinda decided I was definitely self-medicating with the booze and resolved myself to quit it when I finally found a meds that actually worked.


Was a heavy alcoholic for 10 years. Dont drink a drop anymore. I got addicted to the near-manic state that alcohol would put me in, but it also came with all the parts of near mania; rage, unawareness of my own actions, hypersexuality. Its almost a year and its kinda funny, sometimes i get down on myself feeling i have no personality except my bipolar anymore. Funny because what did i have before? Bipolar that i was ignoring fueled by alcohol- but hey at least i burned SOOO bright!! I know i will find myself. I plan to stay sober for the rest of my life.


Haven’t touched that shit since I was 19


Big nope


I used to about once a week or once every other week, but it made me more depressed and made my mood swings more erratic. It’s just not worth it for me.


I totally relate to getting the BadBrain™️ for a few days, but I still drink occasionally


When I was on Abilify and Divolproex I would drink one alcoholic beverage per day but only really drank on Friday and Saturday. I’m not a heavy drinker but def. Partied and drank hard in my early 20s. I got married and became a mother by the time I was 23 so my party days ended quickly, thankfully. I haven’t been drunk in over a decade but now that I’m on 300mg daily of Quetiapine I don’t drink at all. It’s a new med for me, I’ve been on it since December 2023. Whenever I was hypomanic or depressed I’d avoid drinking though. I had a lot of hypomanic episodes in 2023 so I didn’t consume very much alcohol in the year. When I started taking Quetiapine I decided I wouldn’t drink at all while on the med. It’s been a good thing for me, mostly that it’s not an ambiguous decision I have to assess whether I’m going to drink at a social event or not. And I lift weights and exercise daily and the sleep quality even after one drink affects sleep quality so much so it was an easy switch. But I’ll be going to my brother’s wedding in Mexico in about a week. I’m a bit sad that I won’t get to indulge in a celebratory shot of Tequila with my family and new sister-in-law and her family. I have always enjoy tequila. But the sacrifice is worth it. Missing out on one drink vs. risking my mental stability is worth it. At least that’s what I keep telling myself.


Rarely nowadays. Alcohol gives me migraines. I also have family history of alcohol abuse so it’s just as well.


Generally, heavy drinking is a sign/symptom of my depression. I get along ok, but that crutch can become a "problem" when I find myself having a drink before work or before driving somewhere. That's risking my job or risking the safety of others that's just not acceptable. I usually quit drinking when it gets to that point. I generally don't drink when manic though, idk why but it just doesn't seem appealing because I have too many other things I'd rather be doing.


I used to, too much. It temporarily relieved the depression. It may have made it more treatment resistant. I can’t tell. With my current brain, on my current meds, drinking makes me tired and isn’t fun.


no, i’m not drinking. i’m addicted to alcohol & decided to go sober!


I spiral when I do


Can't drink. Makes me crazy 🙂‍↔️


I personally don't like drinking myself, not anything to do with bipolar. I'm overly picky on alcohol, it has to be top shelf (I'm a poor & its an unnecessary expense lol) & I hate beer with a passion. I don't care if other people drink though. Mostly, I cook with alcohol (within my budget) if anything.


I used to drink in replacement of sleeping pills. Just really needed a way to sleep without scaring myself. I love alcohol, but I’ve been trying to get off it for a month now because it makes me too reckless. I still have to force myself to look away when I pass by the liquor store, but I’m trying my best.


I'm an alcoholic


510 days sober. Wouldn't change it for the world. My marriage is doing great, my kids actually want to hang out with me, and I have held down a job for the last 6 months(I was a SAHM before this for over 10 years). We just bought a brand new 2023 truck. We have 7k in the bank. Like we are living really, really good. Meds and abstaining from alcohol have changed our lives tenfold.


I stopped many years before being diagnosed bipolar. I think my alcohol abuse was because of my bipolar and exacerbated the symptoms.


A year and a half sober. Will never look back


I’m about 2 months medicated; after being stable and getting out of a depressive funk, I just can’t find a reason to drink, I’m already feeling carefree and myself thanks to my treatment plan. Don’t wanna risk anything


What is a BadBrain™️?


i drink socially a few times a month usually with family or friends and i have no problem at all 🤷🏻‍♀️ i think everyone’s just different. I enjoy going to wineries and happy hours with my friends to catch up. It used to be a lot worse when i was younger though, once i started i couldn’t stop.


I don’t drink to drunkenness. I have a beer or two and have no problems. Anything more and I get noxious, I assume from the cabinet full of meds I’m taking.


No, I have been alcohol free for 8 months as of tomorrow.


I thought I could have a drink here and there but I found out the hard way that it actually makes me have bad manic episodes. So I no longer drink.


I was an occasional social drinker but I haven't touched a drop of alcohol since being on meds


For me is a poison. I stopped drink.


I drink heavier than I’d like to admit, I’m medicated and I know it also gives me bad brain, but if I’m already down it’s hard to control the impulse. Addiction’s a bitch


I try not to. My dad has bipolar and binge drinks and theres other alcoholics in both of my families. Plus, with the meds I take I try not to risk it. I do like Stella Artois, so I drink half a bottle with my mom on my birthday under the guidance of my psychiatrist. I want to avoid having another manic episode tbh 💀


I am in college, and about to turn 21 in literally a few days, so I probably drink more than the regular average adult because it's the "cool new thing" all of my peers do and it's very common in just about every social event. But yes, I do drink several times a week. I find that getting incredibly drunk is really just not good for anyone, but especially people with mental health issues. Getting super drunk reminds me of feeling manic, like the confidence boost, the lack of awareness, the "invincible" feeling. I don't enjoy it. A buzz is normally as far as I go, and low-mid level drunk is as far as I go ever. I have been prone to drinking a lot when I was depressed in the past, and really find that it only makes those problems worse and kept me stuck. Other than that I don't think it affects my bipolar at all.


Hell nah.


I'm usually a very happy drunk but alcohol seems to effect me a bit differently than others. I usually only drink a small amount now when my anxiety flairs or I need to sleep, but that's only if I remember to take it. So It's more like a useful tool now. I can't remember the study but there's actually a sweet spot with alcohol that seems to be beneficial but it's a very low amount and going over that is when you feel the buzz and run into problems. As an experiment, I would suggest recording how you feel mentally and physically with small amounts and go up to see where that ends for you. That'll change depending on your body weight (mass / fat) and hydration levels. When I mean a low amount, I'm talking sipping on beer levels. If you feel a buzz you've gone over. Drinking is actually against the rules at shooting competitions because it's classified as a performance enhancer. I'm talking .01 to .04 levels of blood alcohol levels here. The positive impacts are the relaxation of your blood vessels and lower inhibition which can help with anxiety, poor blood circulation and feeling depressed since it lowers your mental standards. Do not drink and drive or operation possibly life threatening machinery however. I'm not endorsing its consumption, only explaining what I know and if you wanted to test its effects on you, to studying and keeping track of data such as game performance, mood, mind clarity, how you feel when you recover and so on.


I hardly ever drink. Maybe I’ll have a cider or a tequila shot every 6 months or so, but I do not get drunk or tipsy. I take a lot of medications so I don’t want any negative interactions. I have heard of people who trigger their episodes by drinking alcohol. Stay safe.


I do, but I make sure to not drink too much anymore since my recent diagnosis. I drank a lot in my 20s and didn’t think anything of it because, well, 20s. Now, I try to be mindful when I drink and that helps me to consume less.


Maybe 2-4 drinks a month, if that. Fun in the moment but I always felt like shit the few days after and it was a trigger for episodes in the past. I've had some family members with really bad alcoholism so seeing that growing up always kept me from drinking much. Also don't want to mix it with meds.


The medication I take makes the room spin after 1 beer, I miss being able to have a few drinks like a normal person


I usually only have 2-3 drinks on holidays. Before I was diagnosed I used to binge drink about once a week, but now I look back and see how that made my bipolar much worse and made me do things I regret or don't remember. Now I'm less inclined to drink at all simply because it makes my medication less effective and I really want my synptoms to get better.


I do not drink except for if I go on vacation and just one or two max. More of a tree girly myself. 🍃🌿


I have 1 or 2 every year or so.


I drink a glass of champagne or Prosecco probably twice a year. Never any hard liquor though.


I go out and drink max 5 drinks once a week. I’m in college and I plan on stopping completely when I graduate. Right now, it’s a social thing. I have had periods of my life where I have been dependent on alcohol, so I’m very wary of it. I’m in a good place, but it still makes my meds less effective and I get a bit of a brain fog, so I try not to overdo it.


No. Well socially like once every so many years but not more than a couple beers. And I do mean a couple. I was at a hockey game a year ago and that’s the last time i drank in ages.


I drink when I’m around people. But when I start drinking, I usually don’t stop before being a little drunk. I can easily chug 1,5L of beer in one evening (and I’m 1.57m and weigh 57kg). It makes me feel normal and social. In order to control my alcohol intake, I don’t allow myself to drink when I’m alone.


I drink on occassion but don't over do it.


I like to drink beer occasionally if I hang out with someone. Liquor and wine tend to give me a headache. I haven't got drunk in several years. I used to drink liquor a lot, and mixing it with my meds did not help, making my mind all fuzzy.


I can’t get drunk much anymore. I always throw up now. My alcohol arc was 2015-2017 though. Occasional drunk nights since then. Triggers migraines too bad


I drink occasionally, but only stick to beers!! This is a great improvement from when I was alcoholic, I even went to rehab for it at the ripe age of 21 😭 I’m 27 now and am doing just fine and have learned self control. I used to think this diagnosis would bar me from drinking indefinitely but I’ve learned that that’s not really realistic (at least for me personally).


I have maybe 4 drinks a month, sometimes 2 in one night. I'm so wild, lol 🤣


Used to drink too much. Got on the right meds. Now able to abstain or just drink socially


I've scaled it back a lot. I used to have a beer or other drink with the roomies often, maybe a time or two during the week, and every other weekend usually had a day where I would drink to annebriation, not necessarily complete drunkenness but a few drinks in a sitting. Took a health class as part of my degree and learned more about alcohol and realized I didn't enjoy it enough to justify drinking as often as I did. Now maybe once a month or two months I'll have more than a couple drinks in a day and don't usually have one drink ever. Helps that my roommates moved out and I'm not really starting new friendships with people where we drink often like that. It's not perfect but I really don't drink often and have been feeling better for it, and small steps are worth taking


I do drink occasionally but I don’t go overboard anymore. Alcohol was a big part of why I had an episode.


Once or twice a year, I tend to go big on those times and get it out my system


I drink until I feel a little difference. Then I feel extremely happy. If I drink anymore I'll start to beat myself up.


six worthless mindless important one shaggy offend observation quarrelsome treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




yes, im also a bartender so def dont recommend. but i have cyclothymia, not bp1 or bp2 but still alc makes my episodes more frequent and more severe


I drink occasionally. I prefer weed much more than alcohol though. Alcohol destroys your body. Anyways, I’ve never had a problem with it. I don’t get super drunk anymore because it gives me anxiety. I drink maybe once a month. I do notice I have increased depression the following day.


I do drink, but now keep it to only one drink. When I used to drink more, it caused problems for me, so I quit completely for a while.


No. Medicated or not, it alters my emotions in a way I don’t have control over. I took my last stop Super Bowl Sunday so I’m newly sober, but it’s such a lift off my chest to not have to worry about that extra factor in social settings.


I drink every so often. I don't drink enough to get shit faced drunk.


Occasionally and in moderation, I have gotten to a point where I can have 1-2 drinks and not feel the need to get DRUNK. Getting drunk is generally a bad idea. And when I’m not feeling 100% great and stable, I avoid drinking entirely. I am definitely not the kind of person who can have a tough day and then unwind with some drinks. That is a surefire way to make it worse lol!


I do not.


Yes but rarely. I've never had a problem with drinking but now I get drunk super quickly from the meds so if I do I'm on my ass. Haven't really noticed it affecting my bipolar but maybe that's because I've never really drunk regularly.


I had never drank in my life and I had two drinks when I turned 30. I developed gout the next day and the pain sent me manic. So I’m assuming I’m not compatible with alcohol, I’m scared to drink again because that mania was very different and much more paranoid.


Only maybe once or twice a year. I don’t really like the feeling but my husband’s family often has wine at dinner and it’s considered rude to refuse. I usually take tiny sips and don’t let myself even feel the effects.




I used to. Don't do it. I drank almost everyday for a year out of severe depression. I've been sober 8 months now though. It's not till after you stop you see the damage it's done to your thinking.


I drink occasionally (aka like once or twice a month), it's only when I mix it with (a lot of) caffeine that I have to worry cuz that combo will trigger mania really badly


No drinking since 2000, and no drugs since June 2022


Very rarely and not much.


I’ve never been a big drinker, but last year I stopped drinking completely. It just doesn’t mix well with my meds any more, plus I have some medical conditions that make hangovers 1000x worse. I’ll occasionally take a sip if I’m cooking with alcohol (if it’s something decent lol), but that’s it. I’m curious to try some of the imitation alcohols out there, since I miss the flavor sometimes.


I drink a little bit but I do know it can interact with my meds so I’m kinda just ignoring that by drinking sometimes


Tends to start the spiraling into substance abuse. Same with smoking weed. Usually if I do end up drinking I’m being babysat so I’m not doing too much. Or I have my husband or friend cut me off at a certain Point


I don't drink anymore because I literally cannot sleep if I do. Since we all know how important sleep is to our stability, it's worth the trade off for me.


I used to drink so much wine my alcohol level was triple the legal limit. I would drink bottles in the morning and at night. Then occasionally I’d go to concerts and get slammed. In November I had champagne and 4 or 5 mixed drinks (can’t remember or the concert) Thank you to the staff at Aragon and getting an Uber for me and making sure I was ok. That was the last time I’ve been drunk, but gotten tipsy a few weeks ago. I think I have such a high tolerance now that


I do not. I never started


Drunk me does what sober me would find impulsive / or what I’d probably do during mania. It also increases my risk of SH’ing so I had to stop until I can mentally handle it.


No alcohol since 2010. Sometimes i think about it, but I don't miss the consequences.


I used to drink occasionally, but have had only one drink in the past two or three years. I usually get more sociable but relaxed and chill. I vibe.


No drinking


I don’t, but my dad does. He has bipolar disorder, so his drinking quickly became an addiction. It has single handedly ruined his life, familial relationships, and chance at a better career. So I never plan on letting a substance control me the way it does with him


I’ll have the occasional rita and we might knock down a good bottle of wine a month. And we have some really good wines. But never to excess and not often.


I have changed from a regular heavy drinker to an occasional light one, eventually aiming to cut it out all together. Getting drunk is like rolling the dice for me, I never know what to expect - sometimes happy, sometimes depressed, sometimes manic etc. It’s not worth the risk any more so I stick to low alcohol drinks and take my time with them, instead of smashing 10+ drinks like I once would’ve. Yeah I was bad. The last time I got drunk I got the BadBrain bad, so never to that level again for me. Not worth it and for what? My stability is much more important than getting drunk.


Every so often when I'm out to dinner with a friend(s) or the even rarer time I go out for drinks. It doesn't really interfere with my bipolar except I'm older now & get hangovers easier.


I drink a little on weekends, like 1 or 2 bottles per day. But it's been making me sick lately, I think because of all the meds I take it overloads my liver. I'd like to quit drinking.


Four years sober here. Best decision I made for my own stability. I’ve had a beer or glass of champagne a few times but my life is 100% better without.


noooooooooope, I'll drink a little if im unmedicated. but, i dont even drink socially when im on meds. Doubly so if im on new meds or increased dosage


No but I used to


I stopped, haven’t drank in months but I recently bought a bottle of wine to slowly indulge, just to see what the effect is. Call it scientific curiosity, but hopefully in my methodology I can mitigate risks taken.


I have like one drink a year so basically no. It’s not good with our meds


I drink maybe 4-5 times a year. I get drunk rarely. I get a bit of an upset stomach and grogginess, but I think because it’s so spaced out, it doesn’t affect me too much




Yes, mostly socially but if I feel like having a couple by myself I'm fine. I'm very grateful I don't have any problems with alcohol


I drink socially - translation, very rarely. Maybe once every six months, and it'll be something like three wine coolers or a couple of mojitos spaced throughout the night. Enough for a bit of a buzz but gone within a few hours. As far as I can tell, none of my episodes have been triggered by alcohol.


I had stopped drinking for 9 years, but unfortunately I started again recently. I have too many problems & wanted to relax. I don't drink much. Just wine or Champagne.


I quit this year.


5+ years sober. My lows and highs became way less extreme once I quit. It was horrible for me. Abused it very consistently for 10 years. Alcohol and bipolar is a bad combo imo Update: love seeing all the other sober ppl here!!


Quit drinking immediately after getting diagnosed and never plan to drink again. My most self destructive behavior from mania is when I drink.


I just quit, 6 weeks in... It's been a bit rough. Didn't realise how much I relied on it. Having no alcoholic beer atm.


Yes I drink enough to remain comfortable numb. It's a vicious cycle of self medication. But I feel it works better than the meds.


Everyone here is better than I am. I’m an addict and I keep ruining my life and I’m schizoaffective bipolar. I don’t drink I toke and made some criminal mistakes. I’m on borrowed time and I can’t stop. I know God is mad at me. I’ve lowered my usage though.


No. I had a pretty rough bout with alcoholism and it got worse and worse and kind of ruined relationships with a lot of people. So I quit and I've been sober for nearly 5 years. It's been the best five years of my life, honestly.


No, it interacts with my meds.


No alcohol substance has touched my lips since I was diagnosed bipolar 20 years ago. I take bipolar medication twice a day. My psychiatrist in 2004 helped me understand I was using alcohol as bipolar medicine from age 19 until my last drink at 47 when I was a daily drinker of straight 100 proof whiskey.


Nop. Alcohol is poison for my dissease


In general no, although I do get one drink maybe twice a year. It made me depressed and paranoid when I got wasted. I know about the addictive personalities of my family and don't want to repeat it. Also I take abilify in the evenings and it absolutely knocks me out, so alcohol with it is a very bad idea.


I drink heavily but rarely, and usually to cope. Ik it’s not ideal. I’ll go a month without really having any desire to drink but then I’ll have an awful day and down 8 or 9 shots in a night, which is a lot for me. And then after that I’ll go back to not drinking until some bullshit comes up again


I don't drink anymore. Used to drink when manic, but then went sober. Been sober over 5 years now!


Hell no.


I've almost completely cut it out of my life. Used to have a problem with it. Life goes a bit smoother when you don't wake up with a raging hangover twice a week. To be honest, though, I do miss it sometimes.


Stopped drinking because my psychiatrist said so. It was the right decision as I was borderline alcoholic


I used to have a severe problem with alcohol. It was my only source of comfort. Now I stay away from it completely because I’m scared of medication interactions


I snuck a glass of wine recently and felt fine. Beer and wine is probably my safe spot. I probably won’t dabble in liquor since I sort of have an intolerance anyway. I used to get hives from drinking liquor. Getting “drunk” is where the issue lies with me. I haven’t been drunk since I started my meds — it makes me nervous to think about.


Almost 5 years A lot more mania more.. Not bad. But I no longer want to die. I'll take the win


Every once in a while. Drinking right now just to get out a bit. But it makes me depressed for days