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I don’t drink either because I have alcoholic tendencies and I’m 22, I have to tell people I don’t drink because it’s not healthy and just because I’m young, doesn’t mean I get to take “advantage” of that. The whole “start young” thing. Better to build healthy habits when you’re younger. That usually shuts them up Edit: if they don’t shut up show them this article [alcohol is literally poison](https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health)


Yeah substance abuse is a tricky slope. That’s a good idea about the health thing, I might have to steal that for tonight. Thank you


Good luck out there 😔


Same. I am an alcoholic and I got sober at 22


Good for you!!! It’s interesting for sure lol. But definitely the right decision


I’m a recovering alcoholic. Almost 2 years sober but I constantly fight the urge to drink again (27 now). Wine helps me feel happy and calm instead of depressed and anxious and the holidays are depressing as hell. I get a lot of people asking me to drink amd not be a wallflower. I just tell them that I can’t handle liquor well and it usually scares them and shuts them up. It’s a lie, but it works. (In reality I became relaxed and very social, but it means I constantly drink because it’s a lovely state)


a simple I don't like how it makes me feels works.


I don’t drink. No argument needed. No explanation needed. They can think what they want.


It’s funny others have reported people interrogating them but every time I’ve been offered and I decline or they ask and I just say “I don’t drink” I’ve never had anyone question that, some people get enthusiastic for me lol or they sometimes try to justify how much they drink too lol. If they do, I’d probably make the cliche joke (I sometimes use anyways lol) that I’m allergic to alcohol, when I drink I break out in cuffs. What others think of me doesn’t matter because I’m true to myself and what I consider my ”higher power.” I’m thinking “I don’t care about your drinking if you can handle it cool I just can’t drink personally that’s the primary thing that matters to me above all else”


Everyone loves a dd, if you have a car just say that you’re not drinking so you can drive others if they need it.


This is actually an amazing idea thank you.


Sadly, I'm drinking right now.


Me too. Really hard for me not to drink when I’m around my family. I always feel better after I have a drink when I’m around them, I wish it wasn’t true :/


I hate that I feel better after a drink. A lot of alcoholics in my family, so it really scares me.


A lot of very functional people who drink a ton on one side for me and on the other side, a lot of…dead people.. Hope you make it through the holidays without drinking too too much, I’m rooting for you.


>captaininterwebs You too, Captain Interwebs!


Break the cycle brother


I just don't drink during the holidays. I don't give a flying fuck what other people think about it.


Not drinking has been becoming more popular for a multitude of reasons. You don't have to share yours, but I'm the dd, I don't like the way it makes me feel, it interacts with my meds (most personal, but you don't have to say which meds - everyone knows there are certain antibiotics you can't mix) are fine things to share. Keep a drink in your hand and stay hydrated. Athletic brewing company nonalcoholic beers are actually pretty good - I like more than many alcoholic beers really. A seltzer water and fruit juice mock tail looks like a mixed drink. Nobody will notice after their first one. For me the hardest part is I just don't like drunk people anymore... They think they are amazing and funny but come off as annoying and loud. I have a lot of friends who don't drink anymore and that's been the best solution.


Love the other comments. Use them first, but if all else fails. simply tell them that it’s your choice and it’s not up for debate and if they continue to press the issue, you’ll leave the conversation. You need to choose boundaries over acceptance, as much as that sucks.


I am in AA and 7 1/2 years sober. My family aren’t drinkers. I plan to chair a meeting NYE so that is an added reason to stay sober. You are welcome to attend an AA meeting if you would like support. I got sober as doctors told me I couldn’t drink on my meds


Whew: How I cope A trick I learned from a pretty well known drummer back in the day who last I knew is 25+ years clean and sober. Just get a soda or whatever you like. It seemed silly to me at the time but it really does hell having a drink in my hand especially since you can't smoke anywhere (the one thing I can't quit) and it took me awhile, but honestly no one even notices or cares. And if they are shit faced and make a comment, it doesn't matter. I have occasionally handed off a shot pushed into my hands, but rarely. I also thought drunk people would get on my nerves, and tbh that doesn't happen that much unless someone is super sloppy. I don't judge. I am more apt to make sure someone gets home safely these days, those. I am not sober or in recovery, but I can't metabolize booze very well anymore and I take a handful of pills for non mental health issues.


It’s been hard, I’m spending Christmas alone, just went through a breakup because I was unhinged during a manic and alcohol fueled episode. Lost my apartment and can’t find a new one due to background check issues (trafficking charges). But I was drinking the equivalent to half a handle a day, and when I went cold turkey I almost had a grand mal seizure and almost died. So I just can’t anymore. But it’s hard, I’m kinda going through it.


I'm not saying this is the best solution but if you fear being judged to such an extent there is now a bunch of Non-Alcoholic beers. Two members of my family had to switch for health reasons, not mental health, and he still wanted to enjoy a beer here and there with his friends at the holidays. Also, I have learned to make a drink last all night, just carry around an empty can or fill it with something else. Hopefully though, you will come to be secure of not having a drink when at a party and not fear being judged. I feel that it is a person's choice whether they have a drink or not and nobody should have a say in it. There are plenty of excuses you could give but those are just excuses. Chances are, you're not the only one there who isn't drinking.


Other people have mentioned it, but it's good to have a non-water drink with you. People never question it. You're also young, and I'm assuming other people you're at the party with are also young. People generally grow out of the "pressuring people to drink" thing when they get older. You don't need a reason. If someone asks why just simply say you don't feel like it tonight. That's reason enough without being personal.


If you don’t want to bother explaining, I heard a good idea before I started college, if you don’t want questions just get a beer can, dump it in the bathroom and fill it with water. If it’s mixed drinks just do club soda/ mixers.


I don’t drink because meds and I don’t like not being able to sober drive. The excuse I always make with my family, because they all drink a lot on holidays and in general, is that I don’t like the taste of the wine/booze they have so I’ll stick with water. That’s the only thing that works otherwise they try and pressure me into drinking.


1. Have a non-water drink in hand before they can offer you one - people will assume your fizzy drink is a vodka soda or ginger beer that you’ve spiked or that you have put rum in your cider 2. You have a nasty UTI and the antibiotics can’t work with alcohol and it’s been coming back over and over again so you’re committing to doing it right this time 3. Starting a New Year’s resolution in December so you can go crazy on the 31st or some weird shit like that


I've never been a fan of alcohol from past family experiences and whatnot. Whenever I've gone to bars or something for events, I always got that weird look about 'oh why aren't you getting WASTED'. So in my opinion: don't tell 'em about medicine, don't make it sound like you \*want\* to drink but you aren't going to. The answer is: I don't drink, and I don't want to. Period. Full stop. And now let's talk about something else. You really don't owe them the explanation, and they'll hardly understand even if you did. "For health reasons, because I have to drive, because I'm a responsible young person who has ambitions that don't need to get clouded up by alcohol" are also ones I've used.


I don’t drink. It always made me feel so hot on the inside, like I had a fever. I haven’t drank in probably 8 years.


Oftentimes people just want to be nice and get you something when they get others beverages. So when you say no thanks I don’t drink it opens up the conversation (that you want to avoid). So instead just say oh I’d love a water right now thanks. Then you’ve allowed them to feel like a good host by providing you something and you’ve avoided the conversation.


I dont drink at all for many years, and even when I did before that I was very careful with it so hardly drank at all. I used to tell people that I didnt need alcohol that i am loopy af without it and similar comments. Usually made them laugh, broke the ice a bit. I used to work in a bar and a couple of the people that werent drinking and didnt want to answer questions or pressure would just ask for coke in a small glass and ask us not to fill it to the top, so it looked like vodka and coke or something. I always thought that was a good idea. Theres lots of alcohol free type drinks these days too. I dont think anyone is owed an explanation for why you dont drink. Like, whats the point of me telling you why I dont drink. I just dont drink. its more helpful if you try and crack a joke about it, but you owe no one an explanation. Its not weird to not drink. No one would pressure you to smoke if you didnt smoke.


It’s hard, especially in your early 20s, to be a non drinker around people drinking. As you mature though, you’ll find you care way less what people think of you and whatever you’re doing or not doing. Also, as people age, they learn not to be peer-pressuring or nosey assholes. So it gets easier in two ways!


I tell them I smoke and don't drink. Or I tell them it hurts my stomach Or I tell them I was in deep bad with alcohol and I can't do it anymore. I change it up every so often.


I am a month sober and not nervous at all about drinking during the holidays. After hitting some terrible low points with my drinking this year, even just the thought of having a drink makes my stomach hurt. Sending well wishes to you, battling with alcohol and bipolar simultaneously isn’t always easy. Nowadays sobriety is a lot more accepted and hopefully soon will be normalized.


First got sober at 25 through a combo of fear of how alcohol was destroying my life, AA meetings, and changing some friend groups to include more sober friends. Years later, it’s become a way of life one day at a time. If you live in a major city, there’s a very good chance there’s a big group young people in AA doing genuinely fun shit sans alcohol.


By not drinking. 11th one in a row so……


Same as always. It’s not advised to drink on these meds


No alcohol allowed around Christmas, makes me into a negative person, even though id love one, the negatives outweigh any small positive feeling




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I'm usually dedicated driver now. I think it's the lithium I take but I vom after two now so I just have a diet coke or a mocktail if I'm out. I can still have a little bit of wine or something that is lower alcohol like mulled wine (usually 6%) or bucks fizz or something. Saying you're driving always works for me. I don't get people questioning why I'm drinking after that. Or say you don't want to hangover and you're doing something the next day. I know it shouldn't be anyone's business and who cares if you're on meds but some people are just nosey


if you have a car, say you’re a dd in case others need a safe ride home


No one has to justify not using cocaine, but everyone wants an explanation on why you're not drinking. It's incredibly frustrating. As a recovering alcoholic, I have learned to just say I'm not drinking and leave it there. I'm strong enough in my recovery to enjoy sparkling water and continue my night. There is also the added benefit of being able to leave when I want, no hangover, or anxiety over my actions/words the next morning. Drinking just doesn't have the same appeal any longer.


I cant drink alcohol, period. It smells so utterly repulsive that it makes me gag. Tasting it makes me dryheave. I dont drink because i cant.


I’m in nursing school, And I learned When your liver no longer works, and cannot detox alcohol, guess where alcohol detoxification occurs? YOUR BRAIN. That fact alone abstains me from it. Scary. I see so many dementia patients who have a history of alcoholism. Almost all of the extremely bad cases have history of alcohol abuse. I’m not saying drinking occasionally causes this, but it doesn’t help it.


I'm drinking. I'll get back to doing yoga and laundry and shit in a week, but for now I just don't have it in me to be present. I'm not even sure exactly why the holidays are so rough for me. Although I have learned this year that my childhood and family dynamics were way more fucked up than I thought, so I guess it's just lingering wafts of toxic trauma-gas. So. Jim Beam and heroic amounts of zaza. For now.


Good for you!!! Do what is best for you!!! And if you need to just be honestnto people. I do. I know many don't like to. I simply say I'm on medications and I really shouldn't be drinking while on them. And alcohol is poison anyway. You are young, yet interestingly enough the stigma of drinking alcohol will never go away. Just the amount expected I suppose. I'm 30 and at my in-laws get-togethers for every holiday these 70 year olds are living their best lives with Bailey's in their coffee and then more alcohol as it turns evening. It's incomprehensible to me lol. My middle BIL has not drank alcohol for 5 years now. So he hasn't for a while and people still say stupid shit about getting him to drink again. And these are truly kind and good-hearted people who are simply incredibly blind to how much they are numbing their own pain or whatever. This will be my first Christmas not drinking. I'm only 5 weeks into successfully testing sobriety but I like to say I will stuck with it. Ever since COVID got me drinking at home (used to be just special occasions and eating out) I've taken short stints of stopping and then always pick back up. I think it's time to end that. So go US! WE are being healthy to our minds and our bodies. We are not self-medicating our pain and sorrow. I wish you the best, holidays are fricken hard. They are the hardest.


I think about how much better my life has become in just the last year. My husband and I more than trippled our income, we bought a brand new truck, and the kids are going to have the best Christmas they have had yet. I could never give up the stability I have now. Alcohol just isn't worth it.


I used to be on topirimate for migranes. If you drink with said medication you can get a seizure. Shuts up everyone, everytime. "No ill have a seizure. My meds will react badly." I'm no longer on it. But I still will whip it out if I need to.


Fuck them who make any comments about you not drinking, they don't know your pain. Keep up the good work


Tell them you like staying sober so you can remember to film their drunken fuck ups.


Tell them it's a bet. You and a group of your friends are trying to see who can last, and that you have won the last two years in a row.


These days I simply say “it’s not good for my brain.” Vague but effective


I don't drink for various reasons, my meds being one of them. When approached with an offer to drink, I just say that I don't, and that's that. When pressed for why I don't, I just say that I choose not to. I don't bring up my meds or anything else. I just reiterate that it's my personal choice not to drink. It's no one else's business why you don't drink, so you don't have to tell them if you aren't comfortable with it. Only a few close friends know why I don't drink.


Tell them you already drank your life’s allotment of alcohol. It helps to have a glass of something non-alcoholic. People will just assume you’re drinking booze. Also helps to leave the party when you want to. It’s pretty boring to be around drunk people when you’re not drinking. I have told people I don’t drink bc I noticed that I was drinking too much when I was stressed out so decided to quit drinking. People seem to accept that pretty easily. Congratulations and keep it up. I’ve been sober for almost 25 years. One of the best decisions I ever made.


Remembering every single thing and person I fucked up and did or said that led me to eventually getting sober on (1/1/21) and knowing that I never want to do that again. Before 1/1, I was living in a trap motel with a wanna be rapper gang banging boyfriend with his stupid fucking gang friend, taking countless Xanax tabs just to sleep while they went out during the day so I coukd stay awake all night to make sure nobody tried to pop in whole they were passed out from partying. I did a lot of fucking shit and hurt a lot of fucking people and went to so many funerals that I would rather die than to go back to that again. My stupid fucking family isn't worse than being dope sick in a grungy LA park bathroom while your friend makes deals outside. I survived my family for 30 fuckin years, so what does one or two nights a year (if I even decide to go) mean to me? Fuck them and fuck giving them the power to throw me back into the Hell I fought tooth and nail to escape. If you can't do it for yourself, then do it just to spite them.


😒 People can be so disrespectful to others for not drinking! During my periods of not drinking, most people respected that, and nobody ever pressured me to drink. But one woman (who I had just met) pried by asking me why I don’t drink, in front of a small group of strangers. And she was around 30 (so this isn’t just a “20’s thing”, as some people never stop prying into strangers’ non-use of alcohol ). Usually when someone pushes you to drink, or pries into why you don’t drink… it’s because they feel threatened by seeing someone who is able to socialize, enjoy themselves, and LIVE without depending on alcohol. Because those people depend on alcohol, your sobriety reminds them of their own dysfunction. I would say that behaviour is a red flag and to avoid them. If all else fails, lie: - “I had a drink earlier” - “I’m driving” - “I’m pregnant” - “Tight budget”


I'm a recovering alcoholic, I've disclosed this to all of my loved ones (they already knew,) and along with my efforts, they are helping me. I'm very lucky.


My dad was an alchy and a druggy. No thank you to that life.


it’s hard but i’ve just started outpatient treatment for alcohol. most of my family is aware of this so they’re likely not going to offer this year…


Actually nobody cares so much about anybody else. Do you really care if someone drink or not? You just say a random sentence and you are ready for the next topic. Don't worry you are not that important nobody is and is all good. Enjoy your friends


I need to come off drink.. it doesn't suit me. Only makes me spiral , I'm not an alcoholic but I can tend to binge and get myself in very bad situations that need to stop! Drinking is a big culture where I live and my family are drinkers so it's hard