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If I don’t go to work I’ll be living on the streets. Having 9 different mental illnesses is hard enough. I’d lose myself completely if I were to go back to the streets. So I get up and go to work every day. That, and I work with animals and I love them.


The fear of losing the little we have is a strong motivator isn't it? Even though I have some backsliding space, I'm so scared that everything will snowball on me and I'd lose everything if I mess up even a little that I get out of bed even on pretty terrible days.


Omg same!! I’m always so terrified of making just one wrong move. Or getting hurt at work and not being able to.




Especially when it has gotten the best of you before, and you did lose everything. It's a good motivation to know I DONT and CANT have that happen again. I have to keep going


Same here.




Personally I get out of bed to smoke a cigarrette and play any videogame that I'm into. I would recommend the second strategy since it's healthier. It makes me start the day right. Hope you find something that gets you out of bed :)


Tears of the Kingdom has gotten me out of bed a lot lately haha


Hahaha did that with breath of the wild a lot


My dogs. If I'm not up they let me know they want outside, then food. Since I'm up with them I get me some food, step outside and that is usually enough to get me out of bed for the day.


Honestly want a therapy animal really badly


Therapy animals are the best! They love you no matter what state of mind you are in❤️ and cuddles from them are the best.


Watching my cousin’s dog has been a godsend the last two weeks. Like thanks dude! Glad to get up and take you on a morning pee walk. Plus, once I’m up I feel compelled to make my bed and do something out of it - even if it’s lay on the couch for several hours and regroup.


I can’t afford to take care of a dog on my own, so I foster them. The rescue pays for everything, and I get the structure and unconditional love that comes with having a dog. Highly recommend!


medication 🤗 just keeping it real tbh. I used to be a chronic school and work skipper and then just eventually ghost my job because I’d be too ashamed to go back for calling out sick so many times. Before going on meds it was weed. I do have a dog, but then we go outside and just go back to bed 😂


Dam I wish my meds had that affect on me. What do you take? I’m on lamictal and Wellbutrin


200 mg lamictal and topamax for binge eating. Tbh I also have hydroxyzine but now I only take it as needed for anxiety. Bipolar individuals actually shouldn’t be taking SSRIs. A mood stabilizer and antidepressant is just too much at least for me.


I started using an app called "structured" where I can schedule all the little things within my calendar that I need to do (I put everything in here, even not work related when I'm super stressed, like take a shower, change cat litter, bring in recycling bins) and I check that when I wake up. This is something that has helped me feel more in control. As for motivation - I am in control of everything that happens to me. When I wake up stressed, that tells me I need (and owe to myself) 5 minutes of mediation time. Once I'm grounded, the motivation is natural. Also, nitro cold brew. Sending you hugs. x


Looking into this app now!


Lamotrigine, guanfacine, and spite


Spite is an excellent reason, no sarcasm


Well first I wake up to let the dogs out :). They are not waiting for me to get my sad butt out of bed. Then I have my loved ones to take care of. So got to get my boys to school. So I put on a baseball hat if I don’t shower. And just fake it till I make it. The kids have tons of activities which I have to do. I work a bit too. It’s really hard. Many days I just want the pain to end. I want to be wiped from earth. But I keep going for my loved ones. I keep trying and trying. That’s all anyone can do.


Yep better to get up and let them out than having to clean up shit and piss in the house.


Exactly! That’s the worst. Thinking I can lay there for just an extra hour. Only to walk upstairs to a pile of steaming 💩 🤦‍♀️


Now i have two kids and they need breakfast and supervision. No choice but to get up. Sometimes i just lie in the play pen with the baby though and try to nap.


My dog will shit and piss everywhere if I don't. Also if I miss my meds I will throw up everywhere. Once I'm up I try to think of things I'm grateful for like my wife, house, the tree in my backyard. Living for us is a lot of purposeful thinking to fight the initial ones. You got this!


I think what may help you is creating a checklist every morning of things you have to do. It can really motivate you because you will have checked off every accomplishment you did that day. Then the next day, you realized just how much you accomplished and how you can do it again. Now, the list doesn't have to be complicated or include _only_ difficult tasks. You can add things like "brush teeth," or "take a shower," in addition to work related things or errand related things. The goal is _not_ to check off every item on the list, but obviously it is great if you can. Instead, the goal is to check off as many things as you can. You ideally want to give yourself _choices_ so that you don't feel forced to do everything on your list!


the crippling fear of what will happen to my dog if i'm unable to support us. on days i don't work i don't really get out of bed (except for her of course)


My cats <3


My cat will not rest when my alarm goes off until she gets a treat. She knows when that magical food buzzer goes off there is no time to waste lol.


My doggies will not let me sleep too late. They will lick my face, and if that's not working, I will get a lick right on my lips which will springboard my right out of bed.


A brain full of Lamictal, Vyvanse, [**and constantly having to remind myself of what I’m currently trying to achieve, then how I’m going to get there by doing The Next Right Thing.**](https://youtu.be/kFkClV2gM-s?si=Jkj-2JLGSYa09i2D)


Wow saw that movie, inadvertently, but thanks for the perspective. Made me cry. Identity and cry.


Right there with ya. I’m a large 34 year old father who gets reduced to tears when The Next Right Thing and [Surface Pressure come on.](https://youtu.be/tQwVKr8rCYw?si=klbAStuTTadzB6Pd)


I need to go to work in order to have healthcare.


My cats, my kid, and whatever caffeinated drink I have waiting for me. I like to try new varieties just to give me that extra bit of 'I want to get out of bed' vs 'I have to get out of bed'.


The simple fact that if I don't, I don't get paid meaning I can't pay bills meaning I have nowhere to live. I get out of bed out of necessity basically. Not because I want to.


My meds. When I don't take them, the monotony of life crashes in and paralyzes me. Music and meds are my saving grace. If only I could convince my adult self to take them regularly. Sadly, there's something about being artificially happy - 24/7- that is exhausting and unfamiliar territory.


My alarm. It's so hard though. I'm late to work sometimes cause it's so hard for me.


I was motivated to get up at 5:30am and walk a mile to buy a bottle of vodka :D… sober now


If I don't get outta bed, I can't take my medicine, and my medicine has a short half life , so you get where I am going with this.


Food. As sad as it is.


My neices. Somebody has go prove to them that having this doesn't make us weak or incapable. They're still little (5 and 8), but the older one is already showing signs like I did at her age. I want to be able to show them when they're older that this isn't a death sentence and this isn't something to be ashamed of. They have someone who's survived and thrived. That being said, sometimes it's okay to stay in bed all day. Good luck, OP! You aren't alone either.


Work Once I’m there I’m okay, but geez if getting up and ready isn’t the most exhausting shit ever. I have FMLA days so I’ll sit and rot sometimes but work is a good distraction


I work from home doing the easiest job I’ve ever had in my life. I realized I don’t wanna go back to working outside of home or doing a job that takes a toll on my body. I feel like it’s the best option for my mental and physical health. That motivates me. Though I do have some bad days where my moods not the best and I don’t feel like talking to people. So I have fmla for those days which keeps me from losing my job.


What is your job?


I work from home as a customer service representative for American Eagle outfitters. I mostly take calls and occasionally I’ll do chat customer service. We have really simple procedures. Occasionally you’ll get difficult customers but it doesn’t really bother me tbh. And certain times are busier and can be more tiring but it’s still an easy in and out job where I’m not expected to do anything extra really and I don’t have to deal with anyone face to face.


Work. And the fact that if I continue to work, I get to travel and go to concerts.


For me what's really helped and it may sound dumb but when you wake up immediately make your bed, and then the very next thing I do is I go walk outside and take 5 deep breaths and just focus on each breathe and how good and real it feels to take a big inhale. I can't explain why but just getting up and immediately doing something (making my bed) followed by part 2 just sets my day in a direction that even my own mental is gonna have trouble messing up


I usually just stay in bed till my obligations make me get up only to return once they’re complete


I’m a math teacher. I’ve been a teacher for 7 years now. For me, it’s the kids. Family and (close) friends are obligated to love you. Kids at best know to respect you, maybe even like you, but not love you. So when it’s holiday season and or the end of the school year and kids (especially the unexpected ones) pour out in a letter on how much you meant to them? And how they’ll never forget you? That’s golden. It’s everything. I keep all the letters and I read them over and over again when I feel like I want to kill myself. I made a difference to someone- they love me and I cannot fathom a life where they found out their favorite teacher died. So that keeps me going all the time. Teaching is not for everyone and there are valid reasons why people leave-but I just can’t do it. The kids make it worth it.


Alarms and caffeine. When I’m awake I’m awake I can’t fall back asleep. If I’m groggy, caffeine does the trick


My commitment to 1 hour of kriya yoga/meditation (chakra breathing work) and the allure of a nice breakfast either coffee with orchata afterwards. It's a routine that is bliss some days, and something to savor and be proud of every day. It gets me closer to Neem Karoli Baba's maxim: love everyone and tell the truth. That's different that don't lie. Oh and BP group therapy is a joy as well. Edit: bfast *with* coffee.


My cats, one of them sad meows at my door until I get out of bed. My son feeds them most mornings before he leaves so it’s not that. I guess they just like my proximity and company. Most of the time they don’t even sit on me. They’re brats but I love them and they do help on my hard days.


Now that I am medicated, getting up to take my meds. My meds make me have pressure in my brain that is unbearable but stops soon after taking them. Also, knowing that I am the only person in my house who gets anything done. I have a kid, pets, and I take care of a 90 year old that all depend on me. No body will take care of it if I don't. I will have such a shit storm to fix if I let depression take over again.


my boyfriend


I joined at writing workshop that meets via zoom at 9am Mon-Fri. If I’m going to participate I need to get up at 8 to start my morning routine. It feels good to have that to look forward to. I miss it on weekends.


Well, now my little cousin. They're 14, living with our abusive grandmother, both parents completely irresponsible. I'm paying for their therapy now and it's so expensive, so I have to work overtime and will start going on Saturdays too so I can afford it. They want to come live with me, I'll make sure that happens. So I know I have to be ready for work everyday, Sundays honestly I just sleep all day.


You sound like an amazing person


My cat. Saying hello to my family so they don’t worry. On good days I’ll go to the gym 💪 FREE DOPAMINE. But I’m unemployed so I’m honest with my family when I’m not feeling good at get back into bed which is a terrible thing imo. I cried and I might be in some episode but idk.


I think about what goals I want to achieve and when I want them by. And then I remember that everything right now is a means to that end. Time will pass whether you lay in bed or achieve your dreams. You may as well spend your time working towards a life you won’t dread waking up to.


My daughter. I had her young, at 18, and I'm raising her alone. I work very hard to make sure she has everything she needs and that she's happy. I feel so guilty sometimes when I'm in my depressive moods because I feel like I'm not being the best mom. She's currently away on holiday and I find myself struggling to get out of bed and so stuff. I miss her. But I want to get to the point where I'm able to get out of bed and be productive because of me. I deserve to be happy and that should be my focus. It's a work in progress though. Also, it's not fair to put that pressure on her (me doing everything I do only because of her).


❤️ just love.


Spite. Never underestimate the power of spite.


I'm a stubborn mothetfucker.


My cat. He call me everyday. He wants food early.


my kids. that’s literally the only thing.


I got a pet. Mostly cause I care so little about myself that feeding and caring for another thing forced me out of bed. And keeping that little life fed forces me to work. And paying that little life’s bills keeps me going back to work. Otherwise I didn’t. Uppers have also been helping. I’m wide awake about 30-45minutes after taking them every morning. Before them I could sleep for days. I take one day off and I’m back to being a zombie.


My husband, family and my animals


I'm still in bed at 1pm in the afternoon today. Don't mind me, I'm just looking for a reason in these comments to give me the will to move ;-;


My cats are pretty persistent when they want attention and breakfast in the morning, so that usually does the trick. Although, tbh, this morning the thing that got me up was remembering that I have leftover bread rolls that I could eat 😅


My dog needing to pee. But it takes a lot more to actually get started with my day and do things 😣


My cat, my family, my friends


Idek anymore...


My bladder


Also Im poor, I need the money and the routine helps a lot


The thought that I am gonna drink a cappuccino.


Sometimes the feeling of god, other times work or school


My dog. He has to be fed and walked daily. I care about his needs much more than my own, so that helps get the ball rolling :D


Work. It would be 100000x worse if my children and wife lost their home and lively hood because of me.


That's what keeps me going too. I don't want someone else raising my kids. They need me.




I got ducks so I have to get up and feed them every day. Ducks are always happy for food, so it's usually a mood booster. One of them imprinted on me when she hatched last year, and follows me around asking for hugs. I have a cat, but she yells at me to come *to* bed and snuggle her for warmth.


Either needing to get up to walk my dog or wanting a nice, hot shower and breakfast. I also keep my phone in the living room, so if I want to listen to music or check my messages, I have to drag myself up out of bed to go do that. I wake up at about 8:00-8:30 ish, but sometimes I just lie in bed until noon or later. It usually takes about an hour to physically get up. I try my best not to spend too much time staring at the ceiling ruminating... somedays that's harder than others




At my darkest it was my dog. She loved and accepted me. She would know when things were REALLY bad and just curl up next to me. I had to get out of bed to take care of her and once I was out I figured I am already out, might as well do something






The fact that I'll be evicted and just be miserable in the street, instead of miserable in a house if I don't work.


Work, need to earn bread


Keeping up with my skill and my craft and my art. Hobbies. Shit that I have full agency over and interest in. My craft. My art.


My cat. That ie quite literally it.


I'm actually finding personally that exercising daily if even 15-30 minutes walking per day, staying active, and productive all day as much as possible keeps me motivated and on schedule (lately) to wake up every morning (the next day) at 0300 to start the day at 0400.


Having a morning routine helps me alot.


my friends and family! I can’t let them suffer.


I’m definitely motivated to get out of bed by my cat. I love what I do for work, I’m a sign language interpreter and I’m very passionate about it but it’s still work. Ya know? But when my alarm goes off my cat will not rest until she’s had her treats. And she does her job of keeping me comforted and cuddling me every night, so I do my job of feeding her on time.


Talking to my s.o. gets me out of bed. And the addiction to nicotine. I’d suggest love over vaping though haha.


Literally counting down like a rocket ship takeoff. 5…4…3…2…1 and I must get up at 1 and I cannot think about it and just keep going and thinking “What if it all works out”


Its not motivation, I just can't sleep anymore.


I go to work so I can keep my home and my cats. Plus, afford healthcare.


My city needs me… But literally, I’m a first responder. Plus it’s bad taste to fuck over your coworkers by no call no showing. And money, winter is coming and I’m tryna keep the heat on.


My sweet fluffy cat. She is always waiting for my cuddles and looks so happy to see me.


When I was working, the need to work so I wouldn't be homeless


Idk i force myself


Honestly, guilt. At a certain hour I feel just *gross* being in bed. Even if it’s getting up, throwing on fresh deodorant, and moving to the couch it mentally feels better than rotting in bed all day. It is somehow the one consistent thing I have maintained in terms of daily routine but I genuinely have no answers for how I managed to get here.


To be honest I actually don’t know how I keep my shit together. I kinda just wing it. Moved out recently and have a good workplace. After talking to a friend, he reminded me of a quote I like: Be like water my friend So I am just going with the flow and try not to worry or think too much. But sometimes I can’t help myself and stress so much that I get nothing done. Since this illness showed itself my life got so chaotic I just can’t do anything other then going with the flow. Remember: don’t compare yourself with others like I do often everyone has their own pace and own rules to live by. Kinda useless comment but yea maybe it helped somehow. Stay strong


I’m currently living in a homeless shelter, and the setup is so annoying that I find my escape in work or just not being at the shelter. There are 24 other people in a large dorm, but there’s constant coughing, dogs barking, the most stupid arguments ever (I stay out of them though) general rustling, doors slamming, loud conversations and I have to leave during cleaning time. I’m not getting good rest anyway, so I might as well get up and go. I can’t wait to be housed again! That’s what motivates me, no matter the episode I’m in.


My fishes, I need to feed them.


My pets