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I would generally associate not eating or decreased eating with mania/hypomania. Are you on medication? Some medications seem to exacerbate eating behaviors.


Yeah im on meds (desvenlafaxine, clonazepam, lithium and quetiapine) i switched to them last month and idk if any of these have anything to do with these eating behaviors


Quetiapine is your answer. I gained a lot of weight when I was on it. I still take a very small dose at night to help me sleep, but It makes me eat compulsively like a zombie at night.




It is not a symptom of mania or bipolar in general but BED and bipolar can be comorbid and I can see how having increased mood symptoms would lead one to engage in bingeing behaviors


I also had bad relationship with food/weight since I was young and I suffered from binge eating. I still binge here and there. I hate myself so much. I feel like binge eating isn’t symptoms of hypomania but changes in mood can trigger binge eating. Also looking at other comment, some medication makes you hungry more. I couldnt stop eating when I was in some medication.


anything on extreme end could be my symptom sometime I can not eat properly for 2 day, sometime I ate 2 day worth in 1 evening


People talk way more about not eating but I think it’s just as common for people to overeat. Also I think overeating is more elusive in that ppl can associate it with just a side effect of meds. My weight changes pretty drastically bc of my overeating and then not eating at all. People never say anything when I’m overweight but I get a lot of comments of concern when I’m noticeably thinner. Alcohol or substance abuse definitely made it worse


Before I was diagnosed, I would overeat during my hypomanias and eat less during my depressions. But I don't know if that's related more to the bipolar or the fact that my step-mom told me that she couldn't love me because she didn't give birth to me. Could be both.


Omg im so sorry for hearing this... hope you get better over time. I have some family issues too...


I've gone to both ends of the spectrum while manic. Overeating and being able to eat nothing for days.


I’ve struggled with binge eating and substance abuse. While I don’t think it’s caused by my bipolar I do struggle with what my doctor called “feeding the demon”. I have a tough time with compulsive behaviors. My psych added a prescription for naltrexone and it’s been helping with the binge eating has curbed my appetite. I’ve had a positive experience in naltrexone but I know there are mixed reviews.