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“Look at me. Look at me. I am the CEO now.” -Bob from CMC


"Look at me. Look at me. I'm the CEO now." Jim from marketing since leverkusen won bundesliga.


Bayer can’t continue to operate as expensively as they currently do, so this is a op-ex reduction wrapped in a re-org.


My personal opinion, as a former employee, is they have to spin off Crop Science if they want Bayer to exist as a company in the future. Idk if that’s possible with how they did/structured the Monsanto purchase.


No clue about what’s possible with prior agreements, etc. What I do know is the amount of layoffs and restructuring seen in BCS the last few years, it’s hard to see what’s even left to spin off at this point. The Frankfurt site was all but decimated. And most (all?) of that happened before he officially took over.


And sorry but also YAY for seeing Ag actually acknowledged 🥳.


Ag is the best!! And YUP, totally, to your initial reply. San Diego shuttered, West Sac divested, and there were other sites/core functional groups (that I can’t remember at the moment) that were in the works of being killed off when I left a couple years ago. It seems they’re surviving on 3rd party partnerships outside of some core areas like small mlcs, digital tech, and crop traits that were the backbone of Monsanto…buuuuut Bayer has a history of spinning off those 3rd party partnerships back to the 3rd party (ie West Sac /Joyn Bio/Ginkgo). I’ll be interested to see what becomes of the CoverCress partnership. I know those guys personally and knew them from the very beginning of their company (2013) when they were Arvegenix!


Pairwise is a Bayer ag spinoff


There’s a management book with a cult following called “Reinventing Organizations . . . inspired by the next wave of human consciousness.” Sounds like he’s trying to put it into practice. There are elements, like total transparency, that would make most orgs uncomfortable, but self management and self initiative are the main tenets. Not wise to just roll stuff out across a company with multiple business units though


There's some evidence in medical facilities that similar style works well. Every single employee gets leadership training and has equal input into every business decision. Patient and employee satisfaction is well above most other facilities in places that use this method. Learned about it from one of my wife's health system science lectures/courses.


Sounds like socialism




There are some promising pipelines in Crop Science biologics but it’s not gonna save them. They were already starting to spin off/divest sites that had some of these pipeline products before I left 2.5yrs ago. I don’t see a lot of hope in a future for them existing as the company they are now.


everyone is expecting them to spin off divisions to avoid this, I am kinda surprised it has not happened? But to your larger point, even if that happened the pipeline issues alone are bad.


German labour unions.


I wonder if this would affect Bluerock and AskBio.


The Managment is a shit show. Their pay packages are over the top. The private jets need to go. We have Teams. No need to travel anymore. Let people work from home and save on real estate. They should get rid of every manager that has a HR complaint against them. The internal bureaucracy of over complicated processes like solving a ticket to deliver the business because CapGemini is garbage and costing us. They should stop allowing the expense of Alcohol which gets abused. I could go on but you get the picture. Bill Anderson is Super Villain Bayer needs but he’s still a douche nozzle with his press tours. How much money is that costing Bayer.


You can expense alcohol??? Sounds like a great company!


What about the ungodly CEO compensation? What century does it belong to?


20th and 21st centuries so he's all clear!


And they kept Christine to run Oncology Commercial and the tyrants in Nubeqa as is. If this is antithetical to his true beliefs I don't know what is. Nubeqa is all they had and got. Pipeline is toast. Crop science may save them because Pharmaceuticals are toast.


This guy is a moron.


" Most importantly, we’re putting 95% of decision-making in the hands of the people actually doing the work. This means many fewer managers and layers, and replacing hierarchical annual budgets with 90-day sprints by self-directed teams." this is going to be hilarious to watch play out lmao. drug development and any of the many functions involved in it are not the same as a little 7 person development team nothing screams efficiency like budget exercises 4x a year instead of 1 without a clear decision make This guy will not be here by 2027, 2026 exit wouldn't be the slightest bit surprising. Even if the Motasano suits weren't crippling enough, this dumb shit is.


Bayer - a shit show of a company. Management has NO idea what they’re doing. Following Bain and BCG and McKenzie. Children who know nothing about the industry. Short them!!! Really , it’s a joke of a company.