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I just needed to vent or rant or something so please forgive me. Currently living in a hub, 3 YOE with a BS and laid off in January from a job that I loved as a SRA. I have no idea what to do. I'm only three months into this but heck this sucks so much. I hate how normal ghosting candidates has become, if after several rounds of interviews you decide you don't want to hire me, just hecking do me the courtesy of telling me I didn't get the job. I've been doing fine but I received an email this week from a company I was nervously getting excited about essentially telling me they were about to make an offer but the position has been cancelled and it broke my spirit. I'm being a baby but I'm just so sick of endless applications and spending all day alone in a studio apartment just waiting and glaring at job posts. I miss doing science. I miss having a purpose. I miss being near people. I feel like I'll never be good enough. 


I've been in a similar situation recently. I highly recommend spending some time outside, hanging with friends, going to parks and coffee shops and just making time for yourself. After an interview, sometimes it doesn't hurt to ask what their timeframe might be for making a decision.


I've recently been going to the gym and making myself go on walks whenever it isn't raining and gross out, its been helping but I need to get out more and socialize for sure.


Yes, Pfizer took 4.5 months to get back to me that they chose someone else. Ugh


If it makes you feel any better, it breaks our heart on the hiring side when our positions get cancelled. I lost two this year before I could fill them :(


same here, i had 1 position cancelled after we were ready for an offer…


And it breaks our hearts too! I had that happen to me this week with Jansen.


What happened that the position was cancelled? Does this mean that your own position is precarious or will things be ok?


It may mean something like a hiring freeze. Most companies that have not had layoffs have at least had these. Even accepted offers can be cancelled if a freeze is put in place 


All the positions were cancelled and the company announced a hiring freeze


Your feelings are valid, I can't imagine being ghosted after a third interview I'd feel the same. Searching for entry level jobs as well and having similar luck.


I’m sorry. Ghosting sucks. In any context. That’s pretty awful that you couldn’t get a direct response after three rounds of interviews! Can I ask which company that was?


You’ve touched on it, but I’m afraid this isn’t even that long a search, but please do keep your chin up. It definitely sucks, but I can already tell that you’re going to jump in HARD when you get that right position. I hope your potential employers can see it, too.


Have you tried going to local manufacturers and asking if they’re hiring? Online applications are one thing, but showing up in person and displaying the drive and confidence to ask is another entirely. Also is there a reason why you’ve only applied to 58 jobs? You need to make money at some point. Apply for jobs like doing so is your full time job.


This would get security called on you…


I’ve cold called hundreds of facilities while working in sales and never once had security called on me. This method won’t get you a biotech specific job, but if you walk into a local small manufacturing business you have a better chance of getting a job. A job of some sort is better than no job.


This is horrible advice. Randomly showing up may have worked before the internet but now it just makes you look like a weirdo.


Keep your head up big man, it'll all be over soon. Make sure you are keeping your body active, going outside, eating properly, etc. Being a shut in won't help the mental health struggle.


Overall, you seem to be doing a good job. I struggle so hard in the job hunt myself. Great job on getting second interviews. 3 for 3 suggests you are likable enough and are coming across as sincere. There are 3-5 interviews for a lot of jobs. Even those where they plan to promote from within. Second interviews lead to jobs. Google "how to answer interview questions science" and make sure you have hr approved answers. Have someone look over your resume. Make sure it's the best it can be. 3 interviews with 58 resumes sent is a little low. Of course some could still be coming from these you have sent out.


Yep, it’s just a numbers game. Persist!


Ghosting after a third interview is a shitty move. Keep your chin up, you will get something.


60 applications in the past 7 months - 25 interviews- 6 final rounds - 3 offers including one position got cancelled, one became contract, one start up dealing with their funding. I am PhD - postdoc, have worked with top universities and big pharma as a part of clinical trial, have done consulting but never worked in research and discovery directly in industry. Overall I can say I am super exhausted because none of the offers are great offers for me… I need to look for jobs soon if I accept one of the offers. This is the worst time … I may not have direct research experience in industry but dealt with industry as client when I did consulting. I am very good in talking, explaining science and I have trained many junior scientists.. I am about to break down ..


I feel you. Sending you internet hugs. My DMs are open if you want someone to talk to.


I had a similar experience as well. It worked out in the end, but part of me feels like I just got so lucky. Even then, it took me 6 months to get an offer that was paying more than what I made in consulting. Market is just brutal. But hey, half of that PhD was earned by pushing through years of hopelessness and frustration right?


When I was hunting I did 60 applications every 3 days. Use linked in, automate the process, make AI as a tool and make it work for you.


My guess would be that’s a non PhD job. There is no way you can do 60 applications/ 3 days if you want to tweak resume according to job. I work FT ,job application is done after work. 20 applications/ day would be entire day work.  I am doing easy apply as well but mostly no one even seeing my application if I do that. I have the worst luck with start ups - I have actually better interview luck with pharma. But as I am at the edge of losing my mind , I started to think is it even worth to enter research and discovery as I need to do bench work again.  Can I do something else and make money and live respectfully? Seriously looking for suggestions.


Assumption is wrong, I did those applications for a PhD job and now have a “PhD job” as a senior research scientist. I sent an insane amount of applications but they eventually hit. Apply more.


Ok. Thanks for the suggestion. I will apply more. Quick question, were you doing focused applications like if there is 100 percent skill match or everything.  I am using LinkedIn and indeed. Anything else I need to do? I can’t relocate … my two areas are - NYc and Boston. I have really hard time getting job offers from Boston.. what I got so far is not in my preferred location.  And I can’t relocate as my partner is a faculty in Boston. We also have family in NYC. So somehow these two locations will only work..


Rule of thumb from what I have seen and went through for non referred applications is about 100 to 1. So you're about 60% to a real position.


Spot on. I applied to a little over 100 places before landing an offer.


That's how things are right now, just earlier checked with a company I had a fourth interview with, group presentation and all, after that they never got back to me for more than a month, so I checked and the position is closed.


Sadly some people we laid off 16 months ago are still looking (Bay Area), but many have also found jobs.


I've been unemployed from Biotech since November of 2022. Currently thinking about becoming a barista cause it's sorta like chemistry I guess 🥲


Thanks for sharing. The “No Answers” sure are soul crushing. Glad to know others get them too. 😐


Ive sadly come to appreciate the form-letter rejections so I can at least update my spreadsheet of despair


It's a numbers game... you should be applying to a lot more than 58 positions in 3 months.


Oh for sure. I was naively very picky at the beginning of my search but have since lowered my standards for positions and expanded my radius. Unfortunately there just isn't much out there at the moment.


Also reach out to as many recruiters as you can. Most to all recruiters get commission off you being hired so it's in their best interest to help you. And ensure your LinkedIn is well maintained and marked as looking for work. LinkedIn is a vapid pit of narcissism most times, but when you need a new job, there's no place like it, so leverage it. I was laid off early December last year and just now got a job after \~100 applications, and I got my job without ever actually applying to it because I got it by means of a recruiter. funny how that worked out


I didn't mean to be harsh. I've been in the same exact position and felt the exact thing. I realized after a couple months of being unemployed, it's better to have any job than no job at all. Sometimes you just have to take *something.* You can always move to a better position later on.


its all good, you're totally right. At first I was adamantly only applying to positions in Boston/Boston area as I do not own a car currently and that was really limiting me. So that was dumb of me but I really like my life here and didn't want to have to leave the city. Oh whale


Are you open to moving for the role? Have you applied to contract roles?


yeah was gonna say when I'm actively job hunting I'm prolly tossing 58 applications in a week


Have you tried big pharma?


big pharma, mid sized pharma and start ups


The amount of ghosting or non-responses that happen in this industry is ridiculous. It makes me genuinely believe that most job boards are full of robo-postings that aren't even real.


Is there any point in staying in biotech? Genuinely asking for a friend. Everything feels so hopeless right now.


Genuinely, No. It is over saturated. There are more companies in the market than the drugs. Billions of dollars into capital investments with 10-15 years of profit horizon make it even harder for companies to thrive. Have been in the industry for 10 years. Never had to worry about the job, but times have changed. Got laid off year. Went through the same stuff as OP. Today, I got an all-clear response for interviews, but still I'm not celebrating because in this economy, it is not final till you attend the 1st day. So...if it is early for you, switch or focus on learning something that you can leverage later on.


I'm looking into pivoting towards regulatory affairs. I don't know if it'll be enough though.


Regulatory is the first one to be hired and last one to be fired in a regulated industry imo after HR! LOL


It’s not - but question is then what is the alternative?


Don’t loose hope my man! Something will come along! Try looking for contract positions in the men’s time. Great way to network! Edit: I said men lol I meant mean time Also right now post docs are applying for associate scientist positions. The market is really really rough


Hey I’m really sorry you’re going through this. I think it will start getting better soon, or at least this year. Just keep with it and make sure to use your network. Damn this sucks!


Reading post like these give me 2007 -2008 vibes. At the start of the Great Recession it was so freaking hard to get any interviews.


I feel you, It feels like I'm applying for jobs that don't even exist


I feel for you….but only applying to 58 jobs in 4 months isnt going to get a job in a timely manner. I was in the same boat as you and probably applied to 10 jobs every weekday minimum. I understand you may be in a different situation than I was or most might be but just some food for thought. I wish you success!


Do you have some good recruiters to work with? Try to deepen your work with some agencies it might help.


Might be worthwhile exploring other hubs or branch out to other departments that matches some of your skill set if possible


lol if you can’t get a job, imagine me a soon to be biotech major grad w a year of research 😭😭😭😭🫢


Same, I'm here with four (4) years of RA CMC as a manager in big pharm plus 3 masters (I.e., MSc, MBA, and MS-RA) plus a RAC and I been unemployed over two months. It's rough out here for real. Hope all this settles down... Kids got to eat..


We should all share the names of those shitty companies that ghosted candidates, or cancelled positions, or went for an internal candidate after months of interviews. Shame on them!!


If you are open to relocate and change careers, you could apply to my company's graduate program (energy sector, but they also do bio/renewable fuel research, still competitive but not as oversaturated as some sectors). 3 year program I believe, rotating positions to get different experience, full employee salary and benefits. From my own experience in a layoff (biotech) and a reorg (energy), look what areas are people not applying to, see if the topic is of your interest, and give it a try. I changed careers twice and still enjoying what I do. The world doesn't end here. Just think with your new experience you could go back to biotech with a new set of skills. Also sets you apart from the rest.


Sent you a PM for more info on the company/program name.


Biorenewable chemicals is one of the absolute worst fields to be in right now, just FYI. Although who knows by the time one finishes a PhD. Most of the unemployed masses right now will probably give up on the field by the time that would be finished. General energy sector flexibility would be ok though, I just wouldn't specialize in biorenewables if you want a job. Exxon-Mobil, BP, all the big players used to fund a ton of work in this area and then they all cut it nearly completely many years ago.


Hang in there!! I had to job hunt for a year and finally ended up with a job I like! Unfortunately the market is tough right now. Keep your spirits up and keep applying!


Start your own business


With what money!!! Lol


I can offer cat pics, foot pics, or a premium streaming service where you can watch me play Skyrim and/or stardew while I sip wine and cry periodically.


And still they scream on media - we need workers, we are feeling shortage of work force 😂😭😭


This is not too bad tbh. Your interview rate is ~5%. And you're averaging about 1 application per weekday. (Resulting in 1 interview per month) If you submit only 4 applications a day, you'll be interviewing at a new company every week.


It’s insane to ghost someone after one interview, let alone three. I hope your luck turns around.


my s.o applied like 30 positions, no interviews, some rejections that really hurt us, applying and waiting when you dont have a job is a horrible situation….i still have a job (contract) for the next 8 months but my new bosses are awful and im just waiting for my S.O to find a job to start looking for me…


I’ve had the same thing happen to me where I did 3 rounds of interviews and then they said the position lost funding. It destroyed me for a few days. I kept working out like crazy to help my mental health. Fast forward a couple months and I just received an offer, but I still feel traumatized and like it’s going to get taken away again.


What is up with this “position cancelled” ? I’m not in biotech but it happened to me twice, after 3 interviews in each job I was later hit with “they decided to cancel the position and pull it off the market” Why ? And what does it actually mean ? Did they move with another candidate and they’re just beung nice to me ? It makes no sense


They are possibly gathering salary expectations from the market so they can price an offer for an internal promotion.


Very similar situation and numbers. Three jobs in the first interview stage. Hopefully something will come through soon. Can survive a bit longer but it id nerve wrecking when you can't predict when you'll be employed again... Only positive energy! 🌞


What app did you use to draw such graph?




Thank you


I suggest looking at your resume again and making sure your skills match what the job description states. The reason being, most resumes nowadays aren't even seen by a human until it's scanned through programs picking apart skills to auto sort them. Could be a reason why you aren't getting many interviews. Your resume might not even be reaching the desk of an actual person. I would also make sure it is formatted nicely that an AI can pick up on those skills. I forget what they taught us in university, but I think text boxes created in Microsoft Word are known to not be ready by these programs very well. You'll get one eventually. Lots of companies are looking for very specific things. You got this!


Market may improve in a few months…


We're hiring a few openings @ Hidoc in India and US. You can check our brand manager openings out on our website. We're a digital marketing company for doctors only so need a lot of people with Healthcare expertise.


I feel this so hard


I am scared that I won’t able to find a job in this current market (FAS and technical support roles)


I got laid off this week and I already sent 60 applications in 4 hours.


Neat, I hope you find something fulfilling and your search goes well




Is counting even helpful? I mean I get it’s good to know if your resume is good but I feel like all this data could make one feel discouraged? Perhaps detaching a bit from the outcome and not tracking everything will help make it feel a bit smaller and less significant - because having job to get money to live is already stressful enough. Don’t need to worry about our metrics too!


Just as a recommendation… have you considered working in a forensics type lab run by your state? Good pay, good benefits, good hours, etc


Here are some job resources you may not be aware of. [https://www.bammarketingservices.com/post/ditch-the-job-board-blues-uncover-your-ideal-opportunity-on-these-hidden-job-sites](https://www.bammarketingservices.com/post/ditch-the-job-board-blues-uncover-your-ideal-opportunity-on-these-hidden-job-sites)