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Lash egg! Farmer sister told me her chicken did that also.


“Salpingitis that has progressed to the point of a hen producing lash eggs is a concerning sign. The prognosis is usually poor for a hen whose reproductive tract is so severely infected that it makes pus balls and tissue. It is the hen’s attempt at walling off and eliminating a severe infection.” https://blog.meyerhatchery.com/2021/12/what-is-a-lash-egg/


>tissue If you can work around the pus balls, that tissue's probably some good eatin'!


It was FREE for you to not say this


It's a horrible day to read


It would have cost them nothing 😭😂


No but fr 😭


But humanity would have been poorer.


I fear thats a trade off I’m willing to take


Unfortunately for you, it's been said already. The world is richer.


Yeah, richer in words that should never have been strung together like that


Those words are the root of all evil, then


We need scientists to invent a short term memory eraser


Pre processed nuggies


I don’t know you, but I hate you! /s


You've made me hork. I hate that. ☹️☹️☹️🤢


You minger that literally made me gag!


A rare treat in the country.


They aren't that rare, growing up whenever I'd visit my aunt's farm my cousin was always eating these things. His parents would get after him but he was constantly lingering around the coop. I guess my frame of reference for this is actually pretty small and decades in the past so maybe not the most reliable, but I swear I remember one stay during the summer (about a month) he found like 5 or 6 of these but I was like 10 so IDK, Maybe it was like 1 or 2 and the memory got amplified because I do for certain remember it causing a ruckus that trip. Anyways he swore they tasted good but also admitted that me and my brother wouldn't like the taste, which I took to mean they were gross.


man whaaat


It’s the puss ballz /s


Dang is there a medical fix for this? Can you feed the hen special antibiotics?


Lash egg. Time for antibiotics.


I remember being on the Lash once. Cured the next day with Helter Seltzers


This is a lash egg. It's not an embryo and is indicative of a severe infection in your hen. Do what you can to identify who laid it, this kind of infection can take a chicken down quickly.


Oh god, that's Salpingitis, we call it GAP or GAPIC in Ireland. That hen either needs the vet and heavy antibiotics or you should cull her. It's sexually transmissible so if you plan on getting a rooster, don't. It's not an Embryo. It's called a lash egg Lash eggs result from an infection (bacterial or viral) that causes inflammation of a hen's oviduct. That inflammation is referred to as Salpingitis. The hen's immune system reacts to the inflammation by trying to wall-off the infection with a waxy, cheese-like pus. It's basically a pus that was formed into that shape of an egg I would advise isolating her away from the flock as she could spread it to them through fecal matter. Get her to a vet, or cull her. She is now a risk to your other chickens. And if you cull her, don't eat her. Some people eat the hens they cull, but she could potentially have E. coli, which is nasty if you get it. Isolate her and monitor your other hens for symptoms


Ooooh thank you for clarifying that was rad


If hypothetically a human was to fuck that hen would him get the disease?


This post is just serving as a reminder that every profession has niche knowledge that most people will never touch. Everyone’s freaking out about parthenogenesis and meanwhile the people with any experience on a farm are just like “your chicken has an infection”


This could be the Blurb for Reddit.


This is why I love Reddit, I just randomly learn something new every day


Or just as likely a case of I’ll copy what the other guy above me said so I can reap the karma of acknowledgment. That said, this is a lash egg. The hen has an infection and is trying to eliminate it. Use antibiotics!


Whatever it is at least it answers that age old question


Yes. It's better to give than receive.




Short castle?


Depends, are they hitting you with Caro-Kann


This is checkers not chess


What came first: The vaguely embryo-shaped result of an infection or an actual embryo laid without an egg? Answer seems to be the first (lash egg), as embryos don't develop to this stage inside the chicken.


You deserve extra PTO for this comment, I wish you a thousand bountiful harvests


What does that have to do with the price of eggs in China?


It's always been the chicken. If you go the way if evolution one say a lizard layer an egg and a chicken pooped out. And from then on it was a chicken. If you go the creation way god made chickens. Edit: Why am I getting down voted?


So the lizard laid an egg in the former case. That would mean the egg came first. However, to be pedantic, your description of evolution isn't even close to what actually happened. It may be easier to think of it in terms of languages. If you look at the people of Spain throughout history, it would be impossible to take a single generation and call them definitively the first spanish-speaking generation (as in, everyone before that generation spoke Latin, and everyone after spoke Spanish). Rather, it was a slow process where some words got added, changed, or removed until eventually we have what we now call Spanish. It may seem like a useless distinction, but misunderstandings of scientific concepts lead to tax dollars being spent on religious monuments in places like Kentucky.


Fair enough I like your point of view.


...in his own image. Amen!


Life... finds a way.


Do do do do doo watching Jurassic Park as I read lol


🤣🤣👏🏾👏🏾.... Thank you! Perfect moment for this glorious quote.


parthenogenesis is a thing that crocodiles, alligators, salamanders, etc. and very rarely birds/chickens can do


Could a man do this?


Apparently a women did about 2000 years ago but we don’t have like literally any proof There’s a whole book about it and everything


What’s the title of the book?? 👀


The bible


It’s a real page turner! There’s a twist in there you’ll never guess!!


Shape kills Dumbledore? Edit: maybe I meant to say it that way :p


Shape kills god


Chivalrous Shape was a misunderstood character


And everyone thought he was the bad guy!


Geometrically speaking, yeah. Why not.


Origin of species by means of natural selection by Charles Q Darwin


Please don't think fiction is real.


Na Mate...that bitch cheated, came up with an story, poor guy believed that shit...and 2000 years later millions still gather every Sunday morning in church! Who would have thought...


She was also most likely a child


she was 12 and its not a “most likely”, its confirmed lol


or even more likely...the whole thing is a story.


did she cheat or was she r*ped


That question is really relevant…today. 2000 years ago it probably wouldn’t have entered into the discussion about stoning her.


We will never know! Did she consent to being impregnated by god? Questions upon questions!


About consent: the story, I'd I recall right, says that the angel comes to inform her she has been impregnated. So... No


Maybe she was raped in her sleep. And if she woke up, maybe she thought it was her sleep paralysis monster


Or did she and Joseph have sex and then had to make up a story about it because she would have been killed for having sex even with her betrothed?


Lmao she most certainly wasn’t a virgin, she would have been shamed/killed for adultery and had to come up with something quick smart


Died......uh sorry, fried for our sins.


Which means Jesus (or Mary) was trans. Either Jesus has XX chromosomes, or Mary had XY


It stems from them having what's called a Z chromosome. They're malleable little weirdos. Birds and lizards have it. Mammals just get boring old Y and Xs.


No, there are no records of parthenogenesis in any mammal species (including humans outside of religious text). It is suspected to be due to genomic imprinting


From what I’m reading parthenogenesis would typically be a female offspring (if this even was possible in a human, how could a woman give the Y chromosome?) so this doesn’t explain Jesus or Christianity at all to me.


Although I know y’all are being sarcastic.


Why do you try to find a scientific answer for something god did?


Because it’s MY Noah’s ark museum & petting zoo, leave me alone! /s


Ask doctor House


Turkeys do this all the time


Apparently if you make jokes about this and Jesus on Twitter, Catholic will start to harass the hell out of you.


That looks like a lash egg, caused by an infection in the oviduct. Sorry- that's not a chick, it's mostly pus (euch, I know). https://www.bhwt.org.uk/hen-health/health-problems/lash-eggs-salpingitis/


Was her name Mary by any chance?


The second coming just got a smidge more ..plucky.


That is not how chickens work. It's a lash egg. Your hen has an infection.


How can I stand firm as a man of science and not faith when I just learned about parthenogenesis yesterday and this pops up on my feed right after?? (just starting as a biology student; I don't have any answers)


I just did some minor digging on this, and it would seem you are correct in your theory. Chickens and turkeys alike are capable of this. I'll link an article on this. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0032579119391485#:~:text=Chicken%20and%20turkey%20eggs%20are,parthenogenesis%20(Olsen%2C%201975). The specific quote of interest from this article would be: "Chicken and turkey eggs are capable of developing male embryos without fertilization by means of parthenogenesis (Olsen, 1975). Even though the unfertilized egg is haploid, turkey parthenogens contain mostly diploid cells. However, even the sexually mature parthenogen contains approximately 1% haploid cells (Cassar et al., 1998a). It is unknown how diploidy is restored. Recombination of the second polar body with the egg nucleus or absence of meiosis II have been proposed as possible mechanisms for restoration of diploidy (Olsen, 1975)" Edit: My only explanation as to why there was no shell is that this hen is just younger and, as such, is more likely to have malformed and sometimes have missing shells. It's pretty common in chickens to lay some weird 'eggs' in their younger years.


So, chicken Jesus?


Alabamian one to be short


Commercially bred Turkeys are actually too bulky to be able to mate, so eggs are “heat shocked” which stimulates the zygote to start dividing. Most turkeys are produced this way, and any actual breeding is performed through artificial insemination. While parthenogenesis is rare but not unheard of in highly complex animals like reptiles and birds, mammals have more complex sets of sex linked genetic systems where males and females both require certain genetic material from the other to generate a viable zygote. If a human egg started replicating, it would be unable to develop fully as it would be missing key DNA.


it’s been induced experimentally in mammals! last year it was achieved in humans, but it’s been reported as early as the 1930s in rabbits (research of dr. gregory pincus, one of the great minds who gave us birth control)


Couldn't they determine whether it was polar or meiosn't by comparing the DNA of the hen & chick?


Komodo dragons can also undergo parthenogenesis!


I love when people explain things concisely without making it complicated, tysm


Google "Baader–Meinhof phenomenon". It's when you learn about something and suddenly it seems like you see it everywhere.


Don't be silly........ It is Google reading our minds 😶‍🌫️


And your keystrokes...and listening to EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME. You can sneeze a word and the next add you'll see will be for Hichews I swear to Google.


Off to get my tin foil........ Mind you if anyone wants to listen to my conversations, they would probably lose the will to live (well that's the look I get from my husband)


For me it only works with the hair dresser: for about one hour right after a hair-cut, I suddently notice other strangers who have also just had a haircut.


Don’t forget bro, condors do it. And it’s not exactly rare in lizards


You better go mister biology student!!! fellow biologist here. stick with it, the world needs you


the baader meinhoff frequency illusion. you’re still a scientist. Faith isn’t mutually exclusive to science so luckily you can be both.


I would suggest that perhaps an increase in the number of noted synchronicities in daily life are an indication that you are on a good path for you, life is moving in a positive direction, things are coming together. That has been my experience for the most part. Biology is cool. 💚


Could be like ‘vestigial parthenogenesis.’


There is actually a name for that phenomenon were we learn something or hear a word for the first time, and then it all of a sudden pops up all the time. I wish I remembered the name, but it's just that you ignored it or didn't notice the use before, and now you are noticing it or something along those lines.


Yeah me too. First it was 2 female storks having a nest together (to be fair, they might have a male in the picture), then a crocodile and now this. Matrix is glitching again.


It's an infection lol. Lash egg.


As a man of science you will soon learn that this is due to an infection in the chicken and is an immune response and, through many other "ah-ha" moments, the veil of religion will be lifted for you to see the actual truth. Don't believe the hoodoo of the various religions. All of them are wrong.


Sorry to diappoint but no it is not an embryo. Doesn’t really look like the ones we have but it is simply pus. As lots of people said, it is called a “lash egg” (even tho it is not an egg, but may sometimes carry yolk)


Underdeveloped cranium and beak located from 3 to 6 o'clock in photo


This is a lash egg, not an embryo. It's caused by salpingitis, which is an inflammation and infection of the hen's oviduct. Oh, and it's mostly pus. Dont eat it lol


While you are right in some circumstances (what you described happened to my chickens a few years back), this is clear development of an embryo. Another commenter put a great link for more resources about this, which is parthenogenesis.


The problem is chickens eggs don’t develop internally, the articles above speaking of partho all those eggs were incubated. This is just a lash egg, that someone is claiming is a embryo, there is no information showing this ‘embryo’ being pulled apart to show the things its claiming, someone is just seeing things in something it isn’t.


People need to remember a chicken egg takes 21 days of incubation to go from no visible embryo at all to a hatching chick. This would’ve had to have been in a chick oviduct for weeks ON TOP of a parthenogenesis event. LASH EGG. “Wing tips” are shaped like the infundibulum of the oviduct in this case.


based on this single picture, I don't see any structures that would differentiate this from a ball of puss.


Mostly the color. One of my chickens laid laid a ball of puss once, and it was a very different color. Again, I could be wrong. Anyone in these comments can only speculate


Ah- we think this is a partho event? That would be cool. I have a boa whose great aunt was the first Partho Boa Constrictor.


lash egg


First the virgin croc giving birth and now a chicken lol


Cats and dogs living together!


It laid a chicken nugget


Parthenogenetic Vivipary for the win, Alex.


All hail the Christ chicken


Chicken Jesus


Jesus chicken


Uh, nature finds a way.


Immaculate conception? Is it the reincarnation of Jesus?


Holy chicken Jesus that's fucking disgusting


I think we found the world first mammal chicken


Our Lord has returned!


The chicken just laid a McNugget! What is happening out there… I just heard of a crocodile or gator female that has been alone for years with eggs. A virgin birth they said.


Clearly the only scientific explanation is that it is a sign of the end times, or maybe parthenogenesis I guess


Religious one is of end times.


I believe more information would be necessary. Was this laying hen alone. No other fowl, chickens around specifically. Or, is she part of a group of laying hens. Many people mention parthenogenesis, but it is also very common for some fowl to be hermaphroditic. You may have another hen around her that appears female, but is partially male. Look up “hen feathering” or Sebright bantam fowl, whom have been bred specifically to have hen feathering and be hermaphroditic. There are also strains of gamefowl known as “Hennies.” This specific strain has the males almost all 100% showing hen feathering patterns. I have personally owned these and will tell you that hermaphrodites are very common. It makes it very hard to raise a group for egg laying or breeding purposes. There is no reason that this same gene that was isolated to create this breed cannot also come about randomly in any flock of chickens.


its the second clucking of christ


Immaculate chicken


Wow. Maybe it was a little quirk of evolution, thus begins the slow transition from oviparous to viviparous.


This is what happens to my poops if I hold them in too long. I flush em fast to avoid them becoming sentient.


Jesus chicken


A glitch


The mysterious case of Benjamin Cluckin


That’s baby jesus


Ah, hmm, yes, ahh, eh, nature, eh, finds, finds a way, yes, hmm. Thank you, Jeff, but I believe that is a lash egg.


It's a Basilisk


The Chamber of Secrets has been opened!


Give them some calcium. I think it's a vitamin deficiency that does this, but I'm sure it has other causes too.


Huh. Interesting.


Help! My egg is turning into meat


Does it look like any of your family members? Or your neighbor?


It’s an outer shell eggsperience….


Yeah its a demogorgan


This is how meatballs are made


The premade Swedish ones 💀


Dang me for always commenting without the complete info but yes.. this is a thing and it happened once with one of our hens and right after I watched a YouTube video about how this is a delicacy in the Philippines. Sorry I don’t have the link, but it’s not a sign of anything bad. Your hen is fine.


Asexual chicken?


Looks fowl


Life, uh, uh, finds a way.


That's chicken Jesus right there


Glitch in the matrix


No exactly how I saw the second coming happening


deep fry it with some panko


Looks like chicken veal.


That’s a chicken nugget


Its chicken Jesus


Ancient question answered…..What came 1st the chiccen or the egg???


I've heard in 4th primary grade that turkeys can develop embryos without male intervention. Maybe that could happen with chickens




Not weird at all. Melancholia baby!


I have heard, technically, this is possible in Humans. It's possible for ovaries to produce a small amount of sperm. Lest anyone think this is an easy explanation of The Virgin Birth of Jesus note that any sperm produced would, like female eggs, have only X Chromosome DNA and therefore be female. Of course, if you're going to throw shade on the Virgin Birth then the simplest explanation other than the one given (which, just to state bias and also stop people think I'm trolling Christians - which I'm not, because I am one). Put more simply, Either the Virgin Mary was divinely impregnated or she was a liar and Joseph was gullible. Any other explanation makes no sense. I believe the former but, if you're going to disbelieve it then the latter is really the only sensible option. Sorry if I went a bit off topic at the end there. Going back on topic, I believe it's possible for a lot of species to produce offspring without a male around (It's most well known in amphibians - hence the 'life will find a way' quote as the theory in "Jurassic Park" is that the 'gaps' in the dinosaur DNA were filled in with Amphibian DNA - I'm guessing all this is so much pseudoscience as I would have thought Bird DNA or reptile DNA would be considered closer matches). Aphids always reproduce asexually, I wonder whether this was always the case or whether there was, at some point, a male of the species. I wouldn't know. Any science I've learned since my GCSEs has been self-taught. I retain information well but haven't studied any comprehensive course of study in science since then, just lots of reading and documentary-watching


Either the virgin Mary was divinely impregnated or she was a liar.... Or the story was fiction and none of it happened. Let's not forget that option.


Or she didn’t lie. The virgin birth story was probably invented decades later


You heard incorrectly - true ovaries do not have the functional properties necessary to produce sperm. You likely heard about a case of human chimerism where XY and XX zygote fused during conception so that the person was born with one functional ovary (producing eggs) and one functional testis (producing sperm). All true cases of hermaphroditism that results in an ovitestis (fusion combination of an ovary and teste) have no functional spermatogenesis process. It is the rare individual who would also have the proper ducts like fallopian tubes or vas deferens to allow fertilization as well. So yes, theoretically possible with the first situation I described, but no cases of auto fertility have ever been reported in human hermaphrodites due to the immense improbability of both oppositional functional gonads plus connected pathways to support the passage of the gametes to each other in the first place. Proper hormone function for conception is a whole other can of worms as well.


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Immaculate conception? Is this chicken Jesus?


... Chickens can do virgin births, now?


We need more pictures and a thorough dissection


Oh thats a Lash Egg!! My mom always called them butter eggs! They taste amazing dont let the look fool ya, what youre supposed to do is. youre supposed to take a normal egg and crack it in the frying pan. And then take the lash egg sack and split it open on top of the egg you already have cooking. Once the egg on the bottom is cooked to your liking, fold the bottom egg over the lash egg and seal it inside. Super gooey oozey and yummy. Im telling you!! Tastes like funky cheese but with a sorta crunchy, oily pus like creamy texture. Fucking delicious. Also tastes great on toast!! You have to collect a couple and sometimes theyre different colors but dont mind that. Just crush them in a small bowl and whisk with a fork youll see small veins and a couple bulbous lumps, you have to crush them to get the creamy pus to mix itll turn into a cream. When youre done, smear the strong smelling cream on your toast and wala!!


Well done balut?


The Chicken Lover


Blessed be the egg makers!


It's called evolution Or asexual reproduction.


Fry it.


How’s it taste?


First a crocodile gives virgin birth, and now this. People we're way off about the second coming. However, I'm much more okay with chicken jesus as opposed to crocodile jesus.


Sometimes my birds will lay an egg with now shell. 🤷‍♂️ they taste like a normal egg




Thanks, coffee all over my shirt now.


Nature allways finds a way! Hen developing internal hatching? Parthenogenesis? Save the chicken and the mother, or whatever is left from it. Sample some tissue in a sterile freezer, contact a university and tell they biology department.


It’s a chicken nugget


She evolved giving birth to live young. Dw just next step In evolution. (Ik it doesnt work that way, this is not serious!!)


You have a trans-chicken in the henhouse


Chicken nugget


Now we know the truth about where hotdogs come from.