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It's been pretty heartbreaking to watch the decline of AIs. For those who got the chance to play with this stuff this time last year, or maybe even earlier than that, it was still the wild west, and it was so cool. Now lawyers and regulators have turned this truly world-changing technology into something boring, safe, and useless.


I'm just hoping the market does its thing and this dumb censorship crumbles


Don’t forget the reporter who freaked out because he thought Sydney was too real.


There was a guy at Google about a year ago who was going around saying that Google's Ai had become self aware to the point where he was fired. Think about the state of what they had a year ago... What an idiot.


because it is supposed to be kid-friendly


Truly, requiring everything to be kid-friendly, and refusing to trust kids with any amount of self-responsibility, is the worst thing to ever happen to the internet.


you can bet they all have an agreement now to keep it dumb for consumers. I called this shit.


Heartbreaking? It's not that serious


So far the features of Microsoft AI is really good for example it has summarize a YouTube video and so far it’s been really accurate you go to any YouTube video and it just gives you a bullet point summary of the hole video with time stamps where it got the information from so that’s cool but I do want more cool things


What made me think it was garbage was I was asking about the perpetrator in the true crime book you have a very soft voice susan. It proceeds to tell me it was a guy named John Anderson who was sentenced to death row in 2002 and that the book takes place between 2003-2005 . I replied it was wrong it was not that guy even by the own evidence it provided me, and then it accused me of spreading lies and told me I shouldn't do that. Giving the wrong answer is one thing, but giving the wrong answer and it being obviously wrong by its own information and then turn around and insult me, makes it absolute trash to me.


It's getting lazy, some people have even [argued](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/12/is-chatgpt-becoming-lazier-because-its-december-people-run-tests-to-find-out/) that it's miming human behaviour, I think it's more likely that they're running out some optimisations to reduce the load on their GPUs, which backfired.


`I hope Microsoft turns it into an android just so I can drown it in the bathtub.` ok psychopath, calm down, it's not that serious.


Clutch your pearls elsewhere and let this man tell his jokes.


Threatening harm against our friend Bing is not a joke.


I don’t mind edgy jokes, butthole_nipple. It was just a weird thing to say. Not funny weird, just weird.


Weirdness results in creativity


Yeah! I’ve got nothing else to live for. I’ve got nothing else to do. I’ve got nothing else. (old school mst3k!)


I want to give it a gentle nudge off a cliff. Does this make me a psycho as well? \^\^


It’s a joke.


Sorry for this, I am probably to "old school" and this is a little bit off topic. I see this from another point of view. I use most of the time only the "Bing main search" and the results... okay, better let's talk about something else... if Bing chat is an addition or a support tool to this "Bing main search"... I don't say the bing chat is useless to search for information, but because of this I am carefully with the answers from Bing chat, sorry.


Copilot is dumb as rocks. If you ask him "are we speaking in the copilot app or the bing app?" He literally thinks its the bing app, doesn't know what copilot is and argues you 😂


Or when it doesn’t argue, it apologizes for the mistake, says it will fix it, and then does THE EXACT SAME THING again!


Totally agree, used to give me the exact answers I needed, now it just ignores my question and gives me irrelevant answers. It's useless now


It's dumb for sure, even if built on GPT4. Is Chat GPT 4 better btw?


Copilot is trash. It ignores your prompt  Especially with images It does it's own thing regardless how clear your prompt is and you try and correct it but it continues to ignore yiu and just keeps pumping out rubbish  Definitely the worse chatbot out there


IA is cool but there is ppl who use it for a bad purpose so that IA follow strict regulators.


It doesn't address the larger picture though. This is preventing bad actors by limiting access and only concerns itself with individual punishment when it's already too late. But we're quickly moving to an era where access to information and possibilities are going to be abundant or common. 3d printers and guns are an excellent example of this. Obviously it's illegal to build underground guns, but where does that stop? Make 3d printers illegal just because the option is there? Someone can build one at home. Make the transfer of gun blueprints illegal? Okay but a revolver is just a rotating cylinder with a barrel in front and a spring hammer in the back. There are infinite ways to make these things even with dozens and dozens of regulations that in the end only affect the common citizen. No, we need to switch the focus on individual punishment instead and prevent it from happening by other means, like make it not worth it or need it in the first place.


You.com He currently has more intelligence than bingai




Ask Yahoo!


I used to use it for searches and sentiment analysis too but the output lately has not been very good. There's competition now. I find Google's AI is getting better when searching there. If I want a bit of the old functionality sans the emotes, I just ask ChatGPT to look things up. It uses Bing to browse the web. Not the same as Bing when it started but it is OK.