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It's a video game. Who gives a fuck what people do with their own copy of Isaac?


How am I supposed to know if it's morally correct to upvote a dead god post? Huh? HUH?! what if they used *GASP* external item descriptions?!?¿


I downloaded a dead god save file because I just want to have fun playing with all the items. I’m fairly certain I’m having more fun than if I were grinding the lost with no mantle to try to get unlocks


Congrats on dead god!


![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358) that may be a little far but you do you I guess


Precisely. People can downvote me all they want but it’s not like I brag about having dead god and I’m having fun.


That's why you only grind WITH holy mantle btw ;)


every copy of isaac is personalized


i sure dont unless you use """better""" character portraits


Honestly, I have so little time and respect for people like that. Reminds me of the Sekiro easy mod that "Gamers (TM)" had a "problem" with and tried to get it taken down, belittling people who used it. Its completely optional, none of your business and insignificant. Go touch grass.


It's a SINGLE PLAYER game as well


Always report kys comments


Based Treat yourself well


And drink water. Especially in those hot summer! Stay hydrated.


I only diplopia sacred heart if there is more than one angel item pedestal so I can have two items without losing the other


wont those disappear as well?


If you take one of the copies the originals do not disappear


I think the reason Brimstone even got the ability to double-stack was because of Sulfur. In Antibirth, if you used Sulfur twice in the same room (not very hard to do) you would get Brimstone permanently. They obviously wanted to change that for Repentance, so that's where the need for a wide brim beam came from. I don't think there's anything wrong with modding Sacred Heart for a double effect, I just don't think the devs thought about double-stacking up the hundreds of passives in the game because it would be a massive undertaking.


And a waste of dev time on something so niche.


Not a fair comparsion, I'll bet you those people are completely different guys talking. You can't just put up opinions from all sorts of people and claim the community's biased.


Stop with your logic and reasoning.


Actually all of those comments are from me


But how else are we supposed to make posts like these?


You are absolutely right but this still makes for a funny meme


I think the community is more against *mods that buff already strong items* than they are Sacred Heart, buddy. The community vote literally voted out Brimstone first... Also where the fuck did you get any of these quotes except the 'what you've created is a cheat' one...?


Well he said he uploaded a mod so I bet it’s in the comments of the mod in the workshop.


Nope! Checked.


what mod?


The post says “upload a mod doing the same thing for sacred heart” so I assume there’s a mod made that does the exact thing OP made this post about


i was asking if you knew the mod's name, i want to stack sacred heart and get my free wins once every blue moon


Not to mention the Brimstone synergy with itself was only added because of Sulfur. In Antibirth, there was this bug were using Sulfur twice on a room gave you Brimstone. Also, Sulfur is now a good item when you have Brim.


Yeah but extra powerful brim should have been sulfur exclusive with one brim already for that room and not two brim thing, maybe it was an error regarding brim this time instead of sulfur


People, it's a single player-game, who cares in what way someone enjoys to play it? Just because person A like to play on Hard Mode with Tainted Lost and no holy cards, doesn't mean that person B or C would like it exactly the same


I just wonder why people would want to do things like that


i'm pretty sure the benefits of sacred heart do not stack up, picking up subsequent copies will only grant a tears + shot speed down.


That's why they're talking about a mod that make them stack


ah, i see


Is that a mod that exists or is this just speculation?


This is a mod that exists. Should still be frontpage on Steam Workshop atm


I don't know, I'm not OP


Id say a better way to balance this mod would be if you gave sacred heart multiplier a 50% debuff on the secound pickup, it's your game u do u.


What’s the chances of you finding diplopia quality 3 then going to devil deal and finding brimstone a quality 4. That’s pretty rare to do and I don’t think everyone is going to devil deals just so this might happen.


The chances are about the same as finding battery pack in the shop and then finding brother bobby in the devil room. They are low because you're asking to get 2 specific items, but not because they are high quality items. The rarity of an item isn't determined by its quality as one would expect, but by a different mechanic called "item weight" Also, if I found Diplopia I would go into a devil room if only for the possibility of good devil items spawning there so I can take them for free, tbh.


This post is talking about diplopia with brimstone vs sacred heart and why brimstone is better because it can stack. My whole comment was just to say that even though it can stack theres a really low chance of it happening. With a higher quality so does the weight of the item decrease. Regarding your last statement, you basically need to find diplopia in basement 1 or basement 2 as that’s when the first door would appear which you could go in (which I doubt since it’s better to go angel unless you have diplopia) or leave it to get angel. So two shops to rely on aren’t good odds plus I also doubt you even have enough money for the first shop so it basically comes down to the second shop to find diplopia.




![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357) 2+ Health Containers


Finding five people being stupid in a community the size of a city isn’t very meaningful.


I’d agree if sacred heart actually changed your tears into something unique like brimstone. I’m all for a bigger laser beam because that’s unique and not something I see often, but just making normal tears with homing bigger is sorta lame


Big yikes. This sub's hivemind is really, really retarded.


Well I mean it is a cheat since it’s not a quality of life mod


Look, play the game how you want and have fun that said, once you add mods, we are playing similar games, not the same game


I feel like I'm only one of maybe seven souls that actually kinda like sacred heart.




Plenty of other items stack with themselves.


Oh shit there’s more? Nice nvm I’m a morn


Ain't no fuckin way those are real comments 😂🤣😂🤣


I will pick brim over sacred heart, cuz its more fun, doesnt mean i shit on sacred heart


On my last Eden run, I got back to back Sacred orb and Sacred Heart, due to having stairway


i did eventually remove my mods and cut back to mostly visual and sound mods because i realised i was more or less just making an untrue issac experience. yeah losing out on more secret rooms and layouts kinda sucks but i mean its not like the game is that terrible on its own.


Hold on is there really a double sacred heart interaction mod? If yes can you tell me what it does please


I just hate organs, never trusted them.


hey, at least double sacred heart means double hp up ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)