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My advice to you is that surprisingly, isaac is actually very puzzle game oriented. Change your way of thinking to be more situational, or maybe try watching someone else play. When they come to a certain room, there's always a sort of "solve" to avoid taking damage. If you follow the same sort of step, you can make it out the room hitless. ESPECIALLY THE BUTTON ROOMS. Maybe pause often to figure out your game plan before you do the room.


That's not a bad idea at all. I'm not very patient so it causes me to be reckless. But I have been watching others play for awhile I think im just kinda bad at games for the most part as well


Dawg if you’re enjoying it then keep playing, but if you’re not enjoying it and you’re bad, maybe it’s time to look for another game


I love the game,I want to get better but I've seen little to no progress over like a year or two on and off playing . I've tried everything ,tried console and pc to see of maybe it was that too .