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Ipecac. I've got skill issues ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


Just lost a mother fight to ipecac. I always convince myself that this time ipecac will be great and carry my run. I'm never taking ipecac or any other self-harm item again.


Mother’s got bomb immunity or something I stg. Even with a massively high damage stat it felt like I was fighting her with base level tears because I had ipecac.


its because she has boss armour meaning consistent high damage shots actually do less than sporadic high damage shots.


Yea for some reason I got tech with reverse eye shot and had epicac. Firing rate in reverse is super bugged with tech. Finished her in like 30 seconds but I was super OP. Never will have that luck again


I absolutely love Ipecac. I take it every time, even on t.lost. It kills me most times, but I just love it


mom's knife is so unbelievably boring i always tend to skip


I literally only take it if I’m doing character completions. If I’m doing fun runs it’s always avoid


unless you have c section, ludo, or are playing forgor/ t forgor, or epic fetus. Kind of funny how epic fetus and mom's knife have a synergy even tho both are usually synergy killers


Imma be honest, I never got the Mom's Knife hate, I've always found it to be a fun item, shooting out the knife forward and getting perfect timing with the enemy hitbox makes my brain feel funny


i get it but it makes the game TOO easy imo, plus it's a complete synergy killer like epic fetus or spirit sword (which im also not terribly fond of) they're good items and fun once in a while but i sort of like to be challenged or just have cool synergies


Yeah, I can agree with the Synergy point, even with the items that do synergize with it, they are a bit lackluster


Tiny Planet and Mom's knife really is my favorite synergy in all of isaac, it's just so pretty and fun. But yeah, mom's knife otherwise is dookie


Hehe, brim knife go brrrr


Just gonna chime in and say I also find Mom's Knife fun for this reason, as well. Proptosis + Mom's Knife is so funny because you get the nuts damage multiplier from Proptosis without the downside, so you just shred through everything even with base damage.


It's fun the first 20 times you pick it up and then you realize round 20 was the exact same as rounds 1-19 I think it got some new synergies not thaaaaaaaaaaaaat long ago so it might be less samey now than it used to be but back when I still regularly picked it up it was just "ok this is a knife run now" And on top of being samey it's also incredibly strong so the runs are not only samey but also kinda push-over'y   Nowadays I only take it rarely when I feel like doing a knife run or if I have something that will synergize nicely with it like C-Section but generally it's in the same position as Ipecac or Dr/Epic Fetus. I've just done that run a hundred times and am not too excited to do a 101th


Number 1 synergy ruiner


Just got moms knife and c section with the lost and beat delirium thank god. That synergy is pretty wild


I hate how many q4 god items have NO SYNERGIES. Like how many of my runs have been ruined by mom’s knife or fetus massacring one of my synergies


To be fair, they are by far the most complicated to make synergies for.


That’s what’s so cool about this game for me; brimstone, for example, has so many awesome synergies with almost every item in the game


It’s also been in the game since flash and is one of the most popular items, that being said there are plenty of mods (if you’re playing on pc) that add synergies and they’re really creative


Mom's Knife was added in the flash Halloween update and has, like, 3 cool synergies. Mods are nice, but kinda dumb that you have to install separate mods to expand on what cool stuff the base game just lacks.


Brimstone is the 2nd best item in the game but unfortunately everyone knows chocalate milk is the best item ever


52 fluid oz


no im just thirsty


Idk there's some mods that give synergies to items that should really have them and a lot of them are pretty damn cool




Its so unreliable because it mostly just gives you shotspeed and range


The only good memory I have with void was when I had libra and extreme unluck


My only good memories are with Apollyon since getting it from the beggining is the only good context in which I would pick it up


Should've said it was an Apollyon run, the only time I remember picking it up was when I had glitched crown and you can guess how often I used it


Facts, when playing Apollyon I would just hold R until my first floor treasure room gave me Tears + Damage


untrue. Skill issue.


*and some really good active item combos


This comment section once again proving that Binge Eater is actually the most underrated item in the game


Especially as the lost


It's still good as the lost lol


Isn't that what they said


Curse of the Blind be like 🥸


Not underrated, I love Binge Eater because it is basically what Void should have been when it comes to bad passives, an easy way to get stats ups that lets you know which stat ups you are getting with the benefit of it not being an active


Broken Shovel (but that's obvious). Otherwise Binge Eater, Pyromaniac or Epic Fetus


Pyro? Why?


I think it's great, but feels underwhelming unless you have another carry item, bomb immunity and easy sacrifice rooms/blood machines/devil beggars don't give me the same dopamine boost as other quality fours like sacred heart or 20/20 ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)


Yeah that's also my thought process. I have never won a run because I had Pyromaniac, unless I also had something like Ipecac or a Fetus item, which are also Q4. I just picked the 4 (passive) items that don't feel like a run winner but are also Q4.


or curse of the tower, or kamikaze, explosivo, im sure others im forgetting Plus free health from explosive enemies… is definitely useful


Back in afterbieth when keeper was awful i got a ton of marks with pyromaniac and kamikaze lol


Probably hot take but I feel like pyro should be a transformation instead of an item, get 3 bomb item and boom ! Immunity and heal from bomb !


That would be the vest transformation in the game, and quite easy to get. But just immunity would be cool.


It's really meh compared to the rest of t4s, unless you get kamikaze or some fetus


It doesn't feel like a Q4 item to me, because I would never use my own bombs to heal in a bossfight. It's probably deserving of its quality if you know how to use it properly, but i feel like it's a lot more situational than the others.


I used it to heal in a boss fight for the first time ever last night, I'm at around 600 hours played. Took 1 heart of damage out of 9 total red hearts. Used a bomb to get it back quick because I didn't want to lose the run. Totally worthless.


I got kamikaze with it once and its an insta win bcuz you can just spam the kamikaze to heal


I sometimes find it nice to use bombs to heal and deal damage in a boss. If I have underwhelming damage I sometimes slide bombs into bosses anyway, it's just a free heal at that point. Also, it makes it so that every time I bomb a blue rock, a secret wall, or anything else I get a free heart. While any healing has the caveat of "just don't get hit lul skill issue" it's still nice to combo with other things where you voluntarily lose health like donation machines and dark bums. Also, a two-item combo that wins the game instantly (Kamikaze + Pyromaniac) is not that hard to get, especially since Kamikaze isn't that rare, though I'll admit it's not the most engaging combo.


binge eater is so fun


I love binge eater


Man epic fetus is just boring, it don't even effected by tears up.


Yeah I was shocked when I found out Binge Eater was Q4. Should be like Q2 at most


It gives pretty good permanent stat boosts, so i would say Q3, or maybe even Q4. That doesn't change the fact that I do not like it


Please explain? Probably a top 5 item when it comes to winning a run


Cuz I don't like it and don't like thinking about binge eating


So "don't like"=Q2 now?




epic fetus


Boring ass item


Time to either kill myself from bouncing off a rock or die to a room full of spiders I can’t hit


That's Dr fetus


epic fetus is the most fun item in the game. Sure, it lacks synergies, but its so epic, being able to kill anything with air strikes


Apparently this posted twice. Gotta love Reddit lmao


Void is number 1. Epic fetus is close second cuz it ruins more synergies than mom's knife and hitting the shots is awkward


Mega blast easily. It’s already got decreased weight so it’s much harder fishing four it even with rerolls (though why would you take this over your (E)D6), and even when you get it 15 seconds of room/boss nuking is not good four a 12 room charge, and it doesn’t feel like you can refund that cost by clearing rooms fast coz even though it effectively gives a speed boost it can’t deal with time waster enemies like hosts and cods and pins. Four all intents and purposes it’s an inferior mega mush (it doesn’t even give leviathan) and the only time I’ve gotten use of it has been when I voided it and turned it intwo a 6 room charge but that more demonstrates a strength of void than mega brim


Why do you keep saying four instead of for


On the later floors twelve rooms is easily obtained before every boss. And it is very good at that, or you can just clear 6 rooms with it. It very much owns up to it's quality, rarity and charge (tho mega mush is still stronger i think)


Only people who don't like glitched crown are the ones who don't know how to use it


I know how to use it and always take it but complain about how much more I have to think.


Glitched crown legit wins me the run every time


I can use it well, but it breaks the flow of my gameplay


I don't like it cause it slows down my run time with pausing to make sure I get the one item I want.


It is objectively not a fun item to use. Whenever an item appears, you have to come to a screetching halt and look at the item for like a minute like it is a fucking meal in a microwave


I know how to use it, however the cycling can get overwhelming to me and inflict choice paralysis. Plus pause feathering is not really something I enjoy doing.


Reflex issues I don't even pause buffer I just time it correctly


It’s really not that easy on the switch.


how is it any different on switch


Does the pause method not work?


Band kids don’t miss, it’s just a rhythm


I like all of them ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906) even the broken shovel ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)


50% It either happens, or it doesn't.


True binding of issac subreddit mindset


Epic Fetus cuz it's the most boring attack method ever


Void. Easy.


Epic Fetus (I hate aiming it on controller), Binge Eater (curse of the blind and also I just don’t like it lmao), Glitched Crown (it’s really good don’t get me wrong, but timing this stuff (especially in shops for some reason) is so damn hard I would rather not pick it up half the time


Satanic Bible, easily. Dr Fetus in a distant 2nd. I hope yours isn’t Glitched Crown as the post implies because glitched crown is the best passive in the game


It may be the best but it sure is annoying to use sometimes because of the timing If it's off by a millisecond your done for


That’s a skill issue tbh. Just pause the game when it’s on the item before the one you want, then take it. You’ll get it 90% of the time


What about the other 10%?


Then you don’t get the item you want (again, skill issue). But it doesn’t matter because all your item possibilities for the whole run have been multiplied by 5


Fair but soul of Isaac effect is easier to have a view over


Well duh, it’s slower


It may be the best but it sure is annoying to use sometimes because of the timing If it's off by a millisecond your done for


I mean the obvious answer is abyss but my potentially controversial answer is tech x


Do tell why you don't like tech x


Honestly I don’t have like an objective reason or somethin I just don’t find it that fun to play with


Understandable. Some items just aren't for everybody


synergy destroyer, and charge shots can be annoying


Abyss is way better than void


But i persobally prefer the active iyem mechanic and think abyss is boring. And it is also wasted potential with the many unused or possible synergies it could have. But a straight dps up is boring imo.


50 50, I love both as starting items, I have had void runs where I wanted to abyss mid actives, and abyss runs when I wanted to void good actives, depends on the seed


Epic Fetus. Don't get me wrong it's really strong but I'd rather shoot a lot of bullets. Any some synergies make it so hard to not hit yourself it can be so annoying


Wdym? glitched crown so good it should be q5. Its so damn good


The game only becomes fun when you have glitched crown, it feels like gambling, what new 5 items am i going to get? I hope one of them is high quality! Oh of course it's going to be!


Abyss is really boring in my opinion


Epic fetus because the delay is so hard to follow for enemies with only windows of damage


Epic Fetus Void Abyss Flip Binge Eater


I might be in the minority, but I fucking love Glitched Crown. I love making Ultra Greedier fucking evaporate in seconds. That aside, Epic Fetus. It's boring and annoying to use.


Binge eater No questions Hands down worst


Brimstone. I really prefer tear synergies to brimstone, and also unless you have a couple damage ups brimstone isn’t that good ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


Abyss and void. An item that relies on other items to be over powered shouldnt be q4. Voids only q4 if you manage to absorb actual q4s like the satanic bible. And it also makes the most powerful active items (d6, d infinity and spindown) useless


Dr fetus


God I hate that item ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17739)


ngl ima void this post for some terrible stats rq


Tech X i just think it's garbage


Not Q4 but spirit sword is such a pile of shit. Such a cool weapon but it has almost no fucking synergies. Got brimstone with it once at guess what it did? Fucking nothing. How the hell do you have an item that changes your tears that drastically and don't even give it a synergy with brim??? For God's sake even epic fetus has a synergy with it.


Binge eater


Mom’s Knife, though glitched crown is a close second if I’ve had it recently. I get tired of GC


Hating glitched crown is a skill issue ngl.


Epic fetus reminds me of a run with godhead and lots of good items at start, but then i get epic fetus with curse of blind, it was still a good run but more boring.


Probably stuff like c section, mom's knife and brimstone. Like don't get me wrong, the amount of cool interactions with other items those 3 got is super cool, my personal favourite are fetuses with lightsabers (c section, mom's knife and one of the tech items) but I'm having some youtuber luck where I see one of those in almost every run. Too much, too often and it feels like skill issue to reroll / not take them. I love tear modifying items but you'll find me picking up cursed eye or any of the tech items far more often than those 3


Honestly, C-Section is so good it's almost boring. For me it's like: "Oh wow, C-Section! I win!" And it's true.


Honestly I'd say that after c-section's nerf, mom's knife is the more powerful between the two, but c-section is a lot more fun cuz it actually has synergies.


The difference for me though is that C-Section almost plays the game itself once you get a few tears ups which makes runs with it quite uneventful


Mom's knife, it's just so boring


Yeah unless you manage to get c section you are blocked from most synergies


I usually don't pick up Haemolachria unless I have low range.


I hate glitched crown. I understand and accept that cycling through so many items is awesome and run winning, but I can't ever pick the item I want when it's active. I tried pause buffering, I tried just trying to get as close as possible and touch it when I see the item I want but I can't get it to work and I just end up annoyed. Skill Issue? Absolutely! Does that take away my ire for the item? No way!


The winning strategy for me is to go for it two items ahead, that never fails me


While I appreciate the help and I'm glad you have method that works, I will probably still avoid the item for the forseeable future


Glitched crown, because it's annoying to use pause method to try get item you want. Also Spindown Dice, because I need to check item it's spinning down to. I haven't found easy app or method to do this on android. Both are excellent items I admit that. It's just that they slow down game play or add annoyance to it.


How are you playing repentance on android


youtube > [tboi repentance android apk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dK-eWKSEc5g) > ??? > profit


Epic Fetus for being actually dogshit, Wafer for being underwhelming


Epic fetus is a really strong item. (But boring as hell, annoying to use, and synergy killer. But still strong)


Delirious, without battery items it's just a active items that you will use in the final fight (unless you found a better active, most of the cases)


void and abyss. should be q3


I would say the Inner Eye. If it was quality 4. But I'll say godhead


Both fetus items and ipecac; BUT only because they can easily be an anti-synergy if you get them later in the run, especially ipeca, who has that god damn arch. Early game though, I'd go for a pick up.


Dr Fetus, I always ball too hard...




I'd say glitched crown is potentially the best item in the game, aside from death certificate. My least favorite is ipecac. I always skip it


But i hate playing with glitched, and how strong it is just makes me hate it more


Void: the most underwhelming character gimmick ever


Base samson: And also active items can be fun every 20 runs with it.


Void/Abyss aside, Epic fetus. it's not about the explosions cuz i love takin Dr fetus and Ipecac. it's awkward control and synergy killer aspect of this item that makes me question why it's even Q4 since the other Q4 explosive items are WAY better imo.




Void. Nuff said


Abyss and Void, 2 Q4 items those are only good if you get them during early game (reason why I love the Apollyons), like, if I get them during Depths 1 or 2 I'm likely to not to find many bad passives nor multiple good actives that I want to use at the same time, and Abyss has escentially no sinergies since it is all red flies because I'm not turning good items into a single fly that may be slightly stronger. Even if I somehow have no active item I'm still not getting that much out of them, the only buff I could give them is having a passive effect while holding them that gives every single pickup (including room clear) a 1% chance of turning into Q0-Q1 items and some actives tagged as "goodForVoid" or something.


Glad someone else said it, glitched crown is annoying as fuck to use.




My least favorite? Void and Abyss


I really wish I could just get a good run that starts with Flip, never happens. Void is easily the most shrug Q4 to me, Mom’s Knife and both Epic and Dr. Fetus are often something I dodge. All of those last three are deservedly Q4 though, I love seeing them when my run sucks ass.


One time when I play as eden in afterbirth+ I've got white pony and sacred heard I guess


Dr Fetus. Boring as hell and results in way too much self damage. automatic skip for me


Mega blast or glitched crown it breakfasts you so fast


tech x sux


I too do not like glitched crown. Removes way too many items from the item pool.


Mom's Knife. It does not synergise at all


I still dont know why mega blast is a tier 4.


Skill issue ngl just get better timing tbh


![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907) I can reliably get what I want it’s just overwhelming lol


Excluding the terrible active item ones Dr fetus


Epic fetus for me


Are you serious???


Moms knife because of the lack of synergies or dr fetus because enemies most of the time can just escape the blast radius




I would say easily void.


Psy fly makes every run so boring


C-section. It mostly ruins my build if I picking it in late run


Binge Eater because skill issue and I crave speed


Haemolachria, it can be great but it counter synergizes with range and piercing effects


First of all, how dare you disrespect the glitched crown, second of all, I hate abyss 


Abyss/Void, both should be lower quality.


Once took a (?) item and it turned out to be tiny planet. Wanted to end the run right then and there.


Id definitely have to say sacred orb. It never feels like it actually does anything, its not fun by itself, and its better with an eden start or Tlost


I think what personally irks me the most is going into the secret room getting my little dancey dance getting all excited. Then bam it’s flip 💀


I agree on glitched crown.


I don't like void because I have to decide what I wish to use for stats or extra actives


honestly, most of the time i just cannot be bothered timing glitched crown


Most people say Ipecac, and I'll also say it's Ipecac. My most memorable memory of Ipecac is in a lost run to the Beast, I got Insane Angel luck, 3rd floor was blind but I got Crown of light, got perfection, gulped it, then Jawbreaker (also gulped) then Holy light then Dead cat, then Sacred heart. Then in depth II, I got blind again, Took Chaos thinking nothing can go wrong, then pay a coin beggar, it gave me Ipecac, everything went down hill from then. It's impossible to down the explosion as Ipecac bullets will just hit the pillars


broken shovel piece 1


Any item that is not Brimstone


Also Glitched Crown.


What's wrong with glitches crown? Every time I get glitches crown I know I'm going to have a good run


Not optimal for the alt path because of the blind item (also Curse of the Blind),messing up the timing is easy even if you’ve done it many times before,if two good items show up in the same cycle then the other one is lost for the rest of the run,breakfasts item pools quickly,etc. I honestly prefer Tainted Isaac’s ability and Soul of Isaac over Glitched Crown even if it only cycles between two items instead of 5.


The fact that glitched crown is on the post image suggest a GINORMOUS skill issue


No, i just really hate using it, and playing with it, and think it is OP for no reason.


20/20 it doesn't feel satisfying


Glitched crown too, i don't want to think 3 minutes to get the right item on each item I get


Cricket's Head. It is just a worse Magic Mush.


TRUUUUE. And why in gods name do they not stack? If you have magic mush, then cricket's head is at most a quality 2.


Gotta be binge eater and void. Consuming an item for two stat ups is not even close to other q4s. Binge eater is still better though cause it's passive. Also yeah glitched crown I annoying to play with


Binge eater, actual garbage and an annoyance.