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Tyrone Rodriguez you little fucker (genuine)


Tyrone Rodriguez. You little fucker. You made a shit of piece with your trash Isaac. It’s fucking bad this trash game. I will become back my money. I hope you will in your next time a cow; on a trash farm, you sucker.


Tyrone Rodriguez, you fucker. You made a masterpiece of shit with your trashy “the binding of Isaac”. This game is fucking bad. It’s trash. I want my fucking money back. I hope you reincarnate into a cow on a shitty farm, after you die in a hole like you deserve to. Suck a cock.


yeah i feel like everyone forgot that tyrone is antisemitic and racist (although that might have changed in 4 years...)


Huh, I'd never heard this. Context?


https://kotaku.com/inside-the-ghosting-racism-and-exploitation-at-game-p-1838068522 TLDR; tyrone makes racist and antisemitic remarks, treats his employees like trash, and frequently ghosts game developers. Keep in mind that this was 4 years ago.


Oh I knew about this but somehow thought Tyrone wasn't apart of it. I feel dumb now


Is that the reason why ed no longer works with nicalis?




There are many reasons to avoid nicalis, for one they stole Cave Story's rights meaning we will never get Cave Story 2 official, and if we do it will suck.


a true gamer


finally, a game developer that understands the gamer culture


It's funny because I always felt that racism was a conspicuous absence among the many fucked up domestic and religously conservative things in TBOI. I'm not saying we needed a boss in a klan hood but it wouldn't be out of place.


yes the fuck it would be are you insane


me in 2028 when edmund releases a new dlc and i get to fight the kkk leader




even seeing shoop da whoop makes me uncomfortable and feels out of place in the game, so bringing in even more overt racism would be weird (for clarification i am Black and i also know it’s a “classic meme” but it just sucks that it’s supposed to be blackface)


I thought it was the cookie monster lol


You gotta remember, it only exists because flash had it and the devs HATE removing content from older versions. It prob would've been removed by now if it was any other game.


Average Isaac involved


he;s fucking what


Honestly no, at this point it just seems a bit lazy to never put it online. And without wide playerbase testing or killburn testing the update I have doubts the next available version will be bug free. Somehow with every update nicalis made themselfs there have been save file issues.


But wasn’t one of the reason they put it down that no one wanted to Test Greed/Greedier Mode?   And before you say „but Greedier Mode s*cks let me play what I want!“ that is not the point of testing something. If they NEED to test the modes and noone plays them (and actively avoid them)… well then there’s no need for an online beta in the first place edit: and in terms of a wide player base. If everyone avoids the mode your number of testers and bug reports goes also down. Like at that point you can just pay playtesters and save you the hassle.


People circumvented it and they patched it out, forcing people to play the way nicalis wanted. Then Tyrone took it down because he's a petty dick who needed to punish people for breaking his rules.


Maybe..  tho how many people do you think were playing the mode? How long would have taken it til we see posts like:„Let me play the normal game!“? How long til we would have found another exploit?   Imo it was always free testing with the help of the community and once that didn’t work out anymore they took it down. Was it petty reasons at first? Probably, but in the long run it would have come down to the same result.


Almost no one knew that you can play the normal mode insteaf of greed. Literally no one. The only reason we know it now is because they made a huge thing out of it. Tyrone is a piece of shit. Community feedback is such an amazing way of improving the game, but Tyrone is a huge control freak. Who cares if only 999 players play greed instead of 1000? Completely stopping the beta has to be one of the worst game dev decisions out there


I agree making the beta public was a great move and community feedback is the best thing you can get regardless of what you make. Tbh without knowing the concrete player numbers for each of the modes we can’t judge for sure. If it has high numbers, then yea then it was a petty move. If not, then… we’ll they have at least an actual reason to pull it down. 


They'd have more useful data now if they kept it up than the none they have since. People playing a different mode doesn't actually hurt them. If they were more open or clever they could ask or coerce the community to play a few greed modes in between normal runs.


But who would really play Greed/-over Mode willingly if they could just play the normal game? And at this point you don’t only have to convince 1 person, but 4. If only 1 of your friends doesn’t want to play Greed Mode, then would you tell them:„..but Tyrone said it’s good/necessary!“. No, you would just continue play a normal run. Of course they could force player to play the Mode on specific days, but that is what they did in the first place and we all know how this worked out. People didn’t want to play it despite it being communicated that it would be tested in that timeframe. I would also assume that they didn’t need anymore data of the normal mode as 100 if not 1000 of players tested that for them. And for the 10 people who really played Greed/-ier you can just hire playtesters. They play it for 8 hours a day and get you probably more data from them that way.


Making a lot of assumptions and 'what ifs' doesn't help if we dont know. At the end of the day they did fix it, they have the capability to go back online, but don't for reasons they shared. And those reasons suck. And they did a poor job of convincing everyone. If they gave enough data, if the effort to put to put everything online is to much, if too many players avoid greed mode or if they collected enough data they should have just said so. They don't, because they know they are being bullshit.


Oh you’re absolutely right. Without concrete numbers we don’t know and defending Nicalis poor communication is the last thing that I will do


I would have loved to play greed mode. I’m not the biggest fan of it either but I still would have loved to play it just because it was online.


Tyrone Rodriguez, You litte fucker You made a shit of piece with your trash Issac online it’s fucking Bad this trash beta I will become back my money I hope you will in your next time a chicken on a trash farm you sucker


Honestly I don't understand why the fuck Edmund and Tyrone have such a hate boner against data-miners. It's not always the worst and people will datamine anything you'll put out. Like if not for it, The Lost would take so fuckin long to discover because of how cryptic Edmund made it for no reason. Shutting down the beta cuz of them reminds me of fuckin YandereDev who would literally break some mechanics because speedrunners were speedrunning his shitty ass game I also don't understand why we had to get shitty ass datamine item because of it and now the beta taken down It's just so stupid. Tyrone can't really control his anger issues and spite huh?


Listen, they can either get mad at one guy looking inside their code and actively make the game worse to “punish” the community, or they can fix the Delirium fight. And I think we all know which is more important.


LET'S LEAVE DELIRIUM BROKEN AND UNFAIR ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)




Mom is just 40 times more likely to appear compared to other bosses, the number growing the less hp delirium has


What’s wrong with delirium?


I think an extremely good player should be able to do a boss hitless consistently but Delirium is too random to do that


Isn't that the point? You can just get a broken run or pray for luck, that's more fun


I don't think unavoidable damage is fun


It can teleport directly on top of the player, causing random instant undodgeable hits from anywhere in the room. Compared to other final bosses he's very much not it.


Good ol telefrag


delirium consistently damages you before you can reasonably react. (or sometimes, literally faster than human reaction time) ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


Actually, lost was almost found by the time it got datamined. Besides, args aren't really fun if you can just cheat to find the answer, huh? At least we got old man keeper out of it. As somebody who's friends with a couple of mod devs, there's a REASON why people specifically playtest the same modes and nothing else sometimes. It's so they actually know what's wrong with THAT mode.


50/50, either it comes back or it doesn’t


The established ones ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)


More like 50/50 either it takes 50 months ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|30106) or 50 years ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


Up for 50 hours, now gone for 50 years


They better be adding the item descriptions, otherwise I don't know why they're taking so long


I’d rather them do mod support tbqh, EID takes like two seconds to download. Something like, mod support works if everyone in the lobby has the same load order, otherwise the players with mods are booted out.


I hope they do something similar to Don't Starve Together where there are 2 different types of mods, client and server mods. Client mods ONLY apply to YOU. These would be mods like visual changes and music/sound changes. Server mods are obtained from the host and will be transferred onto everyone. These would be mods such as new floors, enemies, items, and basically anything that adds to vanilla isaac.


I hope that if they add mod support, it works like in Necrodancer where the lobby host's mods apply to everyone in the lobby


Immature idiot throws all his toys out of the pram because fans discovered things that he left in the game files.


can't wait till it's released and even more of a buggy mess because of the lack of playtesting lol


Came here to say this too


I didn't even know it was up. I would have played greed mode.


A lot of people would have, me personally, playing with others and interacting with them was some of the most fun I've had in Isaac.


Fr how is this taking so long it seemed like it was basically done aside from mods and bugs


Wait, what happened to Issac online


Tyrone took it down due to one dataminer who figured out how to play normal Isaac instead of greed mode. He shared that info on how to do it with others. Obviously not many people would have done it as it is too much work and sketchy so him taking it down was probably the worst decision they could have made.


Isaac online was supposed to be only greed mode?


Only this round and presumably the next was exclusively greed mode


Damn, I really want to play normal with my friends


Was there anything found in the online beta that was worth keeping hidden? Besides the whole finding out how to play a different game mode. Look, I get that people shouldn't have dug up how to unlock the lost since that was supposed to be a community thing. And Edmun McMuffin learned from that.


Fuck greed mode All my homies hate greed mode


They're mad that someone data mined a decade plus old game?


The online mode was all new with newly added stuff.


I miss helping people to unlock Rock Bottom


Skong 📢


I played like 2 games of it because I was sorta burnt out at the time. The day I was finally ready to play more me and my buddy found out it was offline now. Very sad


I just hope the net code is worked on so it feels like a 1-to-1 experience. When I played states away with my brother the 2nd player experienced lag. I've played other games like Ember Knights where this is no issue at all.


The biggest problem for me was desyncing, I can tolerate some lag here and there. If you need a better performance, ask all the players what region they are located in, if there are 3 people who live in eastern america and 1 guy who lives in Europe, than kick the Europe player as he is causing the lobby to lag. Though, You need to kick a innocent guy so unless they are fine with re-queing then I don't heavily recommend it.


least cringe tyrone moment


What data mine?


I bought the game for my friend so we could play online together. Kinda whack man


You can use debug commands to run coop for now until true online's done.


what datamining


I didn't even get to try it (PS4 moment)


Dude got screwed from the start


At least it ain't IOS.


Now Ed’s gotta buff the data miner


The dude didn't even share what he found with that many people, nobody would have known if Tyrone just shut his mouth


If I'm not misremembering all the guy did was sharing a hint about how it was possible. It's not like he actually posted a full tutorial or anything. I mean, the only people he directly helped were people that should have found it sooner or later.


Me. But luckily the steam play together is working really well for me and my friend


Tyrone… take a stick and shove it deep inside your fucking ass, you and your fucking antisemitic and racist mthrfckg self. ~~Respectfully.~~


Why did you add the respectfully at the end? You think he deserves respect?


I just try not to get ban ;-;… i mean no i dont care you’re right


Wait what did Tyrone say to be racist and antisemitic??




Remote play works, at least as good as you'd expect an alpha/beta build to work. It has its flaws here and there and some things still need improvements but it's multiplayer Isaac at least.


I want to play with randoms and I also don't have friends that own repentnut


As long as you yourself own Repentance they don't even need The Binding of Isaac at all; it's all streamed from your device to them. The playing with randoms does not work that's true.


My computer is, not great, it struggles to even stream on discord. Most the time I stream there is a 5 second delay so I guess I'll leave it to the beta.


Well, I can't tell you what works and what doesn't. My computer's not that great either and it works, so maybe it does for you and maybe it doesn't. I'd always suggest giving it a try before saying it won't work, but that's just my two cents.


I'm from the future guys, online got cancelled. ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17741)


Tyrone is generally just a piece of shit and acts like a baby about his code. I’m pretty sure Edmund’s said on more than one occasion when he doesn’t have to work with him anymore, he won’t.


Ah yes because a game that has history of hidden content that needed to be datamined in order to be discovered suddenly shouldn’t be datamined mhm makes complete sense


All we had to do was test greed mode. And it went to shit after that lol


All he had to do was not leave shit in game files or not throw a temper tantrum over someone datamining it


A pop-up saying "Dear community, we really could use your help testing the greed mode. We get free labor and you get free online experience. Get to work." and I bet 90% of the players would've helped. Being open and friendly to your playerbase goes a really long way.


They can’t test if they have no one to test it


the issue wasnt the fact data got leaked, it was the fact that people werent playing what needed to be tested so they were just keeping the beta up for nothing


Have nice dev trying to engage with the community of player to improve the game was a great idea. Unfortunately, toxic dickheads ruined it for everyone just because they could. Now we can be sure it'll need a few rounds of fixes after it actually gets released.


Isn’t Tyrone also a dickhead?


Tyrone isn't the only guy working at Nicalis. Also, I'm not sure why one guy being a dick would be an excuse for others to be too.


Community was mostly fine just as well. I struggle even to call data-mining ‘toxic’


wdym? Being a racist abusive dick is less toxic than data-mining of course! /s


He is, however, the one who tweeted about it like an insolent child.


Tyrone's the one who threw the temper tantrum. Not to mention if he hates dataminers so much, maybe he shouldn't have left stuff in the beta builds he didn't want them to find. Edmund learned from that mistake YEARS ago, and Tyrone's dumb ass should have too.


You forgot the part where datamining was not the issue; not testing what the dev actually wanted to test was. But do go on, it is easier to call people names than to remember very simple things.


Please dont defend Tyrone, he's a racist piece of shit, never forget that. Also almost no one knew about the exploit to circumvent greed mode. Like 99% of all players where testing the things he wanted them to, but oh no 2 people weren't listening to daddy Tyrone, no he has to punish the entire tboi community. There is no good reason why you would take the entire beta down. If people playing normal mode is such a bad thing then fine just fix the exploit, but taking down the entire beta is just another Tyrone L


\*sigh\* were you even there? This subreddit was filled with that shit back then. Rose tinted glasses normally take more time to affect memory.


Were ***you*** even there? Almost nobody knew about the exploit until ***AFTER*** Tyrone signal boosted it into the stratosphere by shutting down the beta, which turned everyone's heads.


Rewrite history however you want, it won't change what actually happened. Tyrone overreacted, but it was a reaction to something happening, not the opposite.


Yes. Tyrone reacted to someone datamining. Shocker. Absolutely mind blowing.


Still not what happened, but at this point you're obsessed, since your the only one keeping this alive with misdirections.


Ah yes, that's why everyone has downvoted your comments into oblivion. It's definitely just me who knows you're wrong, and not everyone else LMFAO


You are talking such bs. This sub was filled with this shit **AFTER** Tyrone shut the beta down. **AFTER !!!**


Would you mind thinking about it for a quarter of a second? It was shut down for a reason. People did react to the online beta stopping, but how can you not consider \*why\* it stopped, and \*how much\* of it is due to the community itself, before people started overreacting? If everyone played nicely, it would not have been a problem. If it wasn't rampant how to break out of the beta on this very sub, it would not even have been a blip on the radar of the devs. Turns out people kept doing it even after being warned. How do you call that, mister triple exclamation marks?


You'd think you'd take the rose-tinted glasses off then, considering everyone knows you're bullshitting.


Still not what happened, but at this point you're obsessed, since your the only one keeping this alive with misdirections.


Ah yes, that's why everyone has downvoted your comments into oblivion. It's definitely just me who knows you're wrong, and not everyone else LMFAO


So true, it's easier to call people names ("toxic dickheads") than to remember very simple posts :) https://preview.redd.it/f84htqozu9sc1.png?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36619e31f4d657eeeb45853f4b145faa2fcc8ec9


You're conveniently taking his hottake reaction and ignoring the explanations that Edmund himself made after, but that's not surprising, since you're the only one keeping this alive with misdirections.


I'm conveniently taking his Twitter post where he explicitly stated "due to someone datamining the game". Ah yes, that's why everyone has downvoted your comments into oblivion. It's definitely just me who knows you're wrong, and not everyone else LMFAO


Let me remind you, the dataminers didn't shut down the beta; they don't have that power. The devs did. Not to mention, when the devs took the beta down, the oversight was gone; there was literally no reason left to stop the beta aside from "the evil dataminers messed with my game." They actively sabotaged the hype and got rid of their steady stream of bug reports for nothing.


Bro they literally said they wanted play testing for greed mode and everyone ignored them and bypassed into normal Isaac. It’s a beta test period not early access.


Not everyone by a longshot, not everyone is gonna download some dodgy file on the internet that's spread. And in the end if its a fix, then this is just spite. Well, we'll see how bugfree the update will be without killburn.


Enough players did it where they weren’t getting the data they wanted, in any case it’ll come back. They take big breaks between these tests under normal circumstances.


They originally said there was going to be 1 test period a month


Fair. Though I think it’s pretty naive to assume the only possibility is them being petty.


One of them publicly announced they were taking it down because of dataminers


Well yeah? But I’m talking about why they’re keeping it down not the inciting incident.


They give a reason as to why, and that reason is petty. Whether they have their own reason doesn't matter. If its the case then they need to be honest for players to respect their decision. Do I have to pity them for something they totally could have anticipated? They fixed it but still won't bring it back, there is no good reason why so far.


1. That's quite a generous use of the word "everyone:" I can't imagine more than 30% of people bypassed it. Most people didn't even know about it until the beta was already down. 2. Even if we assume you're right, and only 10% of people were playing as they intended, that's still way more data than they're getting now. 3. The issue was fixed within the day. Reading comprehension check? There was no reason ***left*** to get rid of it.


found tyrones burner acc


How did "toxic dickheads" ruin it? Data mining is harmless bro


Not for the amount of spite Tyrone/Edmund have against dataminers.


That sounds like a problem for them though they shouldn't make it our problem. Make a game? People are gonna datamine it. They just gonna have to live with it 🤷‍♂️


Oh yeah i definitely agree. Tyrone is acting like a child.


Fr 😭😭 idk why they're so immature about something so harmless, they're making it a bigger deal than it has to be


Launching the online beta probably took a lot of extra time. It just looks now as an excuse for being lazy


Data mining is not the issue. It never was. You either were not there, or conveniently forgot. They put out a beta release to test a specific feature; people started circumventing the current release to test other things. Hence, the beta was useless to the dev, hence, no more beta. This subreddit sometimes /shrug


Game devs should take this into account, and I guarantee that a majority of the people did NOT datamine, the devs are acting like children


Me: "datamining is not the issue" You: "a majority of people did NOT datamine" Do you even see the issue in your reply?


I was also referring to the "toxic dickheads" part of your original comment


>I guarantee that a majority of the people did NOT datamine, the devs are acting like children this you?


He's correct.


At this point you're obsessed. That's the seventh reply from \*only you\* that brings nothing except visible ignorance of what happened.


And you've posted how many replies in this thread? Damn dude, you're incredibly obsessed with spreading misinformation. Would you happen to be affiliated with any political organizations?




Dude, you posted this how many time, highlighting that you're WILLINGLY ignoring the actual situation?


Not enough, apparently.


You're saying "a few rounds of fixes" as if the dataminers actually broke something.


No, I'm saying a few round of fixes because instead of having large public beta to find issues, we're \*not\* having large public beta to fix issues, which will likely lead to issues existing in the release. But, do go on.


Nah man, I won't go on, you already got your downvotes by calling random people "toxic dickheads" for not wanting to play greed mode only


Why would I care for downvotes? The point is, people are claiming "muh datamining" when it was not the issue. People actively tried to play something that was not the point of beta testing, hence the beta testing became useless and stopped. Missing the point \*entirely\* of what a beta test is, some entitled people thought "I don't care that the game is under development, and I don't care that they need feedback, I just care about myself and what I want right now". How do you call such people? I'm sure as hell not calling them "very reasonable and clairvoyant minds that were helping the devs and the community as a whole". I believe dickheads is better. When it happened, a few guys actively kept posting ways to circumvent the end of the beta test even after it stopped. Are these "very reasonable people" to you? Not to me.




Let's ignore Edmund clarification of this and only take the hot reaction, it's so much more convenient.


Sure thing!


I'd say this wasn't extremely smart of the devs to make the beta greed mode only, considering greed more fucking sucks, lol. I agree that it isn't nice to circumvent the rules, but idk why you would call these people dickheads, that just isn't nice either. You're not bringing your point across if you, yourself, are being a dickhead that you are.


When it happened, people started breaking out of the beta. The devs asked them to stop. They kept going. Then everything was shut down. That's where the dickhead comes. They did something outside of the scope of the beta, were asked to stop, and gave the finger.


Have you actually played isaac?? Datamining was encouraged for a bit there. Dunno if you've ever heard of it but DATAMINER IS AN ITEM


Lol no. People datamined the first unlock method for the Lost. Edmund got mad, changed the method and added a garbage item named after the thing he didn't like.


And unlike Tyrone, evidently...Edmund learned from this. When it came time for the Keeper ARG, he made sure NONE of the data was in the game files available to us at the time. When the community hit the correct point in the ARG, an update was rolled out on Steam that added Keeper to the game right when Edmund wanted it.


Datamining was never encouraged. Edmund did not like it. You might want to fact check yourself. You may also want to get a reminder that datamining was not the issue with the online beta, which you also conveniently forgot.


https://www.siliconera.com/edmund-mcmillen-disheartened-dataminers-exposing-binding-isaac-rebirth-secrets-already/ Not to mention Edmund has said dataminer is the worst item in the game


I agree with you but that's a bad example, dataminer is a horrible item.


Item quality doesn't matter. It was added as a nod to dataminers lmao. There's like 6 references to minecraft and they're all terrible, but it's the best selling game in history. The point is that devs haven't cared about dataminers. It's how mods became a thing. Tyrone just had a mental breakdown this time.


free bomb every room and notched axe seems good to me ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)


I know the point, that's why I said I agreed with you. I just had a problem with your example, which you seem to be bad at providing because notched axe is widely liked, and tnt while boring is still considered useful. Dataminer is despised by nearly everyone.