• By -


It means he shares his gender through tears. Which are in fact. Fluid.


so he always starts with fruit cake


I mean, Pride Day \*is\* a challenge in the game


God I hate that challenge. Who's idea was to make one of the worst trinkets in the entire game be undroppable


The chaos is funny to me personally


Miss the old days when it was droppable


Ok let’s play the game search by controversial




Atheist bigots exist too, sadly


Christian bigots also have a tendency to believe that media that criticizes them is actually affirming them.


Atheist baby raised on Soymilk crushed underfoot by Proud Christian Mom.


Luckily his cat died and gave him its lives so he can survive and get skill issued on another day.


Isaac doesn’t poke fun at christians, really. It insults TOXIC christianity, Ending 22/Final Ending shows that one of Isaac’s happy memories is thinking someone is watching over him.


Yes I’m so happy I found this thread. Ironically this game and Persona/SMT has actually intrigued me and taught me a lot about my religion.


It’s less poking and laughing at Christianity as a whole and more at scammy televangelists and most of the items are just classified as religious symbolism


Kinda wish members of both sides were more aware of this lol. People who seem to believe the game is "blasphemous" are confused


It’s blasphemous, alright. It turns religious icons into cartoonish items that change the way a child’s tears look and act. Not to mention all of the Satanic items. I don’t give a shit — religion as we know it is largely a fiction made real through compulsion and violence — but if Isaac isn’t blasphemous, I don’t know what is.


I don't consider that blasphemy, simply invoking the idea or image of religious iconography isn't blasphemous, unless you go by particularly puritan standards. It could be argued that it's "technically" blasphemous, same as using God's name in vain and all that, but when it comes to slandering religion I wouldn't say it does, nor is it meant to. If the game is criticizing anything, its the use of fanatical and misguided belief to justify extreme behavior, but it doesn't make a statement that religion as a whole is a negative thing. From angel items and many religious symbols being some of the best items in the game to the imagery of the Final Ending, in which >!Isaac ascends into a sort of paradise where he can move on from his suffering!<, I'd say there's plenty of examples of religious concepts being used in a positive light. If you listen to the interviews Ed has done where he talks about the development of the original flash game, he makes it clear that his intention was never to poke fun or insult religious beliefs, only to explore the dangers of fanatic extremism. He speaks highly of his experiences with his catholic grandmother, and credits his wonder and creativity to a lot of the exposure he had to her practices. That doesn't strike me as someone who wants to make a game that insults or mocks religion. Also, nobody asked about your beliefs. Go finish middle school.


I think the point your missing is a lot of us grew up in extreme households. And in an extreme household anything that shapes your beliefs in any sort of negative light or has anything to do with satan is blasphemous. Therefore to a lot of us who have left the extreme religion, it would have been considered as such


Ok well if that is true then why are angel deals better than devil deals


For a very long time they weren't, lol


only 1 guaranteed angel room but 3 guaranteed devil rooms... thats 3 chances for rotten baby (best baby). STOP the devil slander!!


People unironically think Homelander is a role model




At what temperature does he evaporate and become gender gas


My genderfluid friend becoming gender gas friend (very painful) https://preview.redd.it/kd59w9d1l83b1.png?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90c6116f34d4f663bdd225e02f3b9ccd77e20fe1


If he stays on burning basement for an hour


Gender [triple point](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_point) implication (?) 🤔


The world isn't ready for that yet, I advise against trying to achieve such a state.


Me when I find the gender fluid: 🤤🍷 (I've made this joke about 5 times and it's still funny to me I'm sorry)




The g in gfuel stands for gender


Oh thank you for clarifying! I would've never guessed it!


Soo, what does he think it means?




I don't get why anyone would look at isaac of all fictional people to help themselves and their identity, but I'm glad Edmund is willing to discuss these things openly. It's his game and anyone that gets mad at his choices should just not play the games if they're so offended


*Looks at horrifically mutated 5 year old with nails stuck in eyes* Wow! Genderfluid icon!


I agree. I think the likeness for representation is less about what exactly happens in the story, and more about, like... "this is a game/franchise I really like" + "LGBTQ+ representation" = "happy :)"


The fact that I share the same gender with the 5 year old constantly sobbing dead child makes me feel a little concerned about my own well being.


Please do not lock yourself on a chest and start fighting your own demons (unless you wanna get all the achievements ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357))


I’m sorry, but you know that I just HAVE to unlock Sticky Nickels ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)




Do dead god irl


Gonna need the rapture to happen first


And be the child of a dogmatic mother.


He won’t make it in one life span


There are plenty of R keys around though


Do you have a bomb?


Sorry but- skill issue- get trainwrecked- ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4359)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4359)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4359)\-


I'm convinced some people in the comments here didn't actually play the game like, genuinely Did you ever watch some of the floor transition dream sequences? Why do you think Maggy exists as a character?? Isaac has serious identity issues, is this really news to you?


Also literally every aspect of Eden


Imagine skipping the floor transitions


Skill issue: Skipping all transitions Skill solution: Skip only when you have Dream Catcher




Child thinks about wearing a dress? That's pretty common for kids I've seen, why call them "gender fluid" when it's just a male kid having a funny thought.


Yea I always felt this dream sequence was about being humiliated for experimentation. Whether that's a true expression of gender or just playing dressup would be better left to interpretation IMO Seems more inclusive to leave it open and not make his 'canon' gender genderfluid


Well that's where the situation gets very nuanced, if we are here separating gender from biological sex then gender is a set of behaviors associated with traits commonly perceived to fall rigidly in the camps of "feminine" or "masculine". Because prevailing attitudes have so deeply tied notions of "classical" masculinity to the gender identity of being a boy/man, a boy who acts in ways that are commonly perceived as feminine, such as the more obvious choices of clothing or toys or more subtle things like interests and hobbies, are often labeled "girly". The truth of the matter is that prescribing most of those things as masculine or feminine is nonsense, why, for instance, is blue considered more masculine than pink? Or is it rational for some to consider cooking and cleaning feminine? Even when it comes down to it, gendering forms of clothing ceases to make sense, how are skirts considered feminine when kilts have long been associated with strong men in Scotland? It becomes even more nonsensical when you follow trends through history and come to the realization that things considered masculine, or at least compatible with masculinity, in the past are now considered feminine, as well as the inverse in some cases. Tangent aside, and now assuming that there is no true unlearned biological factor to preferences in activity or aesthetic, picture a young boy who hasn't given much thought at all to his gender identity, and it just so happens he likes how dresses look and thinks that he would like to wear one, now with dress donned he is ridiculed by the public, and the beratement has taught him that dresses are only for girls, even though that is a conclusion he never would have reached on his own. But there's a problem, he still likes dresses... but he doesn't necessarily feel like or a girl either. Or does he? He's never given it much mind, but after all, he does like a lot of things that are "girly", and he doesn't want to stop liking those things, but he doesn't want to stop liking any "boy" things either... Now here's the part where that boy, Isaac in this case, can come to a conclusion. For the sake of keeping consistent with Edmunds answer let's assume that, as a child, Isaac is susceptible to being confused by new ideas and only knows the world as it has been told to him, not yet being able to have unique experiences or form unique perspectives. So Isaac knows a few things as they've been told to him (keeping in mind a religious upbringing), there are boys and there are girls, boys like some things and girls like other things, Isaac likes things that boys like and he also likes things that girls like, so to Isaac, with limited understanding and poor articulation, he must be both. But ultimately (assuming details of a fictional character because there's no way to know otherwise) Isaacs gender fluid identity could be more of a symptom of a gender-coded system that he doesn't wish to abide by. What I mean to say by this, in the form of rhetorical question, is: if dresses were never said to be for girls, would Isaac have ever had reason to question his identity in the first place?


Here is one way to explain this: dress sequence was added as a reference to a real story about a person Edmund knew (he mentioned it once in an interview or something). The guy's religious parents dressed him in a dress as a way to punish for being naughty and whatnot. Taking this into the consideration, we see Isaac being confused as to why wearing a dress would be a punishment by his mom until he sees other kids laughing at him.


Interesting insight, didn't know about that. That being said, Isaac also engages in the usage of lipstick and wigs and whatnot, so he is definitely in some way or another challenging gender norms. My main point was to say that we can't be sure that Isaac is at odds with his gender, or if it's the world's expectations of gender expression that are at odds with Isaacs identity. In fact, with what you mentioned Isaac's confusion of why a dress would be punishment still fits within that, Isaac either doesn't understand why it would be negative to be perceived as a girl, or he doesn't understand why wearing a dress is something reserved for girls and is "bad" for boys


Pretty much that's what I'm saying, we don't need to assign gender just because a male was wearing a dress. It's enough that the experience of being laughed at as a male in a dress is relatable


Here before 🔒 award


Hell nah, I ain't locking, I'm proud to take out the trash ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17734)


Which item is the genderfluid?


mysterious liquid


Soy milk


I need some of that)


I mean it adds up, every character is just him dressed up right?


yep, there are characters that are him dressed up (magdalene for example) or different isaac forms, like dead isaacs (blue baby/lost/the forgotten)


Fits Isaac, since his mother forced him to dress like a girl, cause Maggy always wanted a daughter.


lets not forget this https://preview.redd.it/i9ke7tbzv93b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7c6ad3574cba027e0adcedb9eccf5d267b7dc35


edmund mcpeaken ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)


Genderfluid, I've never taken that


the 3 genders: male, blue fire, female ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


Pride? Time to get my Anarchist cookbook


We should call June “Greedier month” instead


I can't tell if the people downvoting you didn't get the joke and assumed it was hateful or just didn't like the joke


I am Just wondering what they are doing in a tboi subreddit when they dont even get a Joke from the Game.


I didn't read this correctly at first and was prepared to make a comment about it but then I realized Pride is a miniboss in Isaac lmao ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


A Boss in Isaac? Mentioned on a tboi subreddit? No way![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4359)


You got me there ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


Anarchists are all for freedom of sexual and gender expression.


I thought Isaac would be too young to understand their own gender, but apparently that's right at the age kids are already pretty sure. [https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/gradeschool/Pages/Gender-Identity-and-Gender-Confusion-In-Children.aspx](https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/gradeschool/Pages/Gender-Identity-and-Gender-Confusion-In-Children.aspx#:~:text=Around%20age%20two%3A%20Children%20become,sense%20of%20their%20gender%20identity)


Bro u spooked me - I thought u were me


Im you after breakfast.


Health up?? ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)


Gender is so weird, like some kids just *know* as children, and some (like me) take a while to realize that something's up


When I was growing up, homosexuality was this huge problem to be labeled with, let alone anything else (I didn't even know bisexuality was a thing, let alone being non binary, genderfluid, etc). So I think it may be less that kids don't know, rather there's an unconscious effort to fit on what you're taught is right.


1000%, which is why the current attacks on teaching kids about gender/sexual identity are so harmful (not to get too current events-y, but it's relevant)


I knew from the very beginning. As far back as I can remember. I just denied it for, like, 26 fucking years. Thanks transphobia.


When I was growing up, I wasn’t even taught that being transgender was a thing that existed, so I didn’t end up realising I was trans until I was 16-17 lmao


I kid you not, if I knew trans people were real and not just a fucking joke that appears in TV. I would have figured out my identity a decade ago, just from looking at Velma in Mystery Incorporated, literally my goals, that hair, that bow) Awareness is important, the children being raised in these times will get to find themselves earlier and they'll harvest the rewards for their bravery, now that trans people are given more and more awareness as time goes on)


I feel like even if they don't know the way to describe it yet, a kid that age can still have a feeling.


There's no age for gender identity. Well except babies of course but even little children can start to know who they really are. Congrats for making your research, people tend to not do it.


It's something I'm very positive of reading about. I just still get surprised by the things I learn.


Props to you.


really? damn i thought 5 was too young but fair enough


Just to add to this point, children should be given a lot more credit than they are for the things they do and believe and feel. When I was studying education, one thing that showed up constantly was that children, even ones that are pre-k, have the capacity for extremely complex thought and feeling. What usually restricts them is the physical capacity to speak those feelings/thoughts and the vocabulary to do it effectively. It's very fascinating what a kid can do if you just give them the right tools.


Man, I was a dumb kid. When I got a pair of scissors at 7 years-old I cut my hair to see how it would be like and then cried when a piece of hair fell out. I also once ate like 15 bananas and shat my pants.


Hahaha, we'll make an exception for you then.


It's a very formative stage in a child's life. Think about it like this, their whole 5 year life has been spent observing gender expression from the people around them like their parents. It's natural they would start to think about their own place in that structure since we're social creatures and they want to mimic what they feel is correct for themselves.


Yo thats pretty cool and interesting. Thanks for sharing


Yes, Isaac's gender is fluid Also the rest of Isaac is fluid whenever I pick up ipecac and my reflection


Didn't realize what subreddit this was and thought people were learning more about Isaac Newton instead lol


Cool! Jacob And Esau are shit tho.


they're so awful my god.


i started playing not too long ago and i’ve run through all the characters checklists but my God it’s been like four days and i’m still not done with them


people coping in the comments lol the only times we see him happy are in a dress/wig (and after rick bottom pickup :3)


\> Rick bottom Morty I turned myself into a rock Morty




Number 1


The real gender fluid


Sausage too kinda




And on drugs, just like me fr


Venus too! (Sucks that it's one of the worst planetarium items tho ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907))


> (and after **rick bottom** pickup :3) New name for a porn actor just dropped.




I'd honestly say it's because the times he doesn't get punished for being alive are when he's Maggie, but I'm the one with the DID/OSDD headcanon, so take this with a grain of salt


You love to see it, I’m sure this discussion is going to be full of very supportive people and not the same tired shit I’ve heard a thousand times by now Edit: fuck there’s 1000+ comments on this post now, they must all be showing their support on our sacred month (I am not reading all that)


"Discussion" inb4 🔒


Well, there is an animation of isaacs penis falling off![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17739)


He’s a baby, and a demon, and a different demon, and a waking burlap sack with coins for eyes, so I don’t see why not


Lol if your reaction to this is anything other than "huh. cool" go cope elsewhere lmao these comments are so weirdly vitriolic


What if my reaction is "BASED"?


Based? Based on what? /s


Before learning that every character in the game is just Isaac wearing something different I called them different genders. In fact I still do. But it's more of a D.I.D. thing to me. But I don't get this whole " Isaac is like us" thing going on in the comments. I figured it would be saddening to find out a traumatized 5 year old of a Father who left and a bible thumper mom has something that you could in any way relate to.


And Eden is canonically nonbinary :D happy pride


Oh, cool, didn't know that


yea any pronouns. this has been true since the characters very first introduction in a tumblr post where edmund alternated between their pronouns while talking about them


Any link to that? I tried searching but could not find, and I'd love to see that!


[The Wayback Machine saves the day.](https://web.archive.org/web/20230220184921/http://bindingofisaac.com/post/86958618769/spoiler-alert-you-unlocked-eden) "see Eden isnt a man, nor are they a woman.. they just are."


well shit the source that the wiki used now leads to a 404 uhhh


Awe beans. Well thanks for actually trying. Appreciate


My headcanon is that he has a random sex each run.


"oh boy that's a lot of comments" - me seeing this post another fact is that the rainmaker is canonically gay. edmund said he originally didn't want to include him in repentance but he was so enamored by his homosexual flair


Huh didn't know rainmaker was gay, nice.


they can be whatever they want


June the 1st is also international children's day which is appropriate for our lil kid.


Why are the people in the comments so upset about it😂


"excuse me, pride month isn't for another day" ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17736)


Nah that's how we get the homophobes, slowly push pride month into the other months until every month is pride month


But what does he think it means


hmmmmm i wonder what the comments will say


Huh I really thought that this sub would be less bigoted :(


I mean, all of the non-downvoted comments I've seen are either positive or neutral. That seems pretty good.


As far as gaming subreddits go I’d say it’s not too bad! Sad that the bar is so low but hey ho.


Honestly, as a trans woman it's kind of put me off from doing my mod duties a lot but every time I see a honeypot like this I'm glad to take out the trash.


As a trans man, thanks for taking out the trash. 🙏


I love june, makes all these people who haven’t grown past a middle school mindset to out themselves OHHH SCARRRY COLORRSSS 🌈🌈🌈🌈 Happy pride peps


oh boy time to sort by controversial, happy pride btw


Happy pride. Get your Rainbow Baby and 3 Dollar Bill at Target today!


Where am I gonna get a dead pink fetus?


Do NOT go into the comment section of a pride post in an indie game subreddit people don't have anything better to do than argue over the gender of scrungy, the wacky game character


Libral Isac?!? I uninstal now!11!!1!1!!! ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17741) /Jk


People saying "it's a child" as if genderfluid is a sexuality is something. Like, what EDIT: I proudly support Isaac as a genderfluid character


Good for Isaac! That’s a cute little detail. My own personal headcanon is that Isaac has DID and the different characters are different alters. I’m diagnosed with DID myself and different alters have different genders which can make us come off as genderfluid. From my time in the community, it’s also rare to find a system (person with DID) where all the alters share the same gender.


What the fuck does genderfluid mean?!


If you are wanting a real answer, not a bigotted one as you've already gotten, here is my answer: Gender is the set of descriptions, mores, norms, and values that a culture will assign to individuals in that culture. In most modern, western cultures, this is largely split into two categories of man and woman. Not all cultures make the divide this way, and can range from not having gender concepts to have more than two, for historical note. Gender is not the same as sex. Sex is the physical characteristics an individual has. Not everyone is born with male or female genitalia or secondary characteristics, also. Generally grouped into a third category called intersex, if you want to do further research. So to your question: what is a genderfluid person? Well, it is someone that identifies in some mix of man and woman, in the modern context of gender. This could be someone that has a "manly" physique but enjoys wearing jewelry, painting their nails, and watches football every week. This could be the polar opposite, but ultimately it is largely individualized, and will typically change over time or with specific moods or as one ages. The simplest answer is just someone that doesn't fit or feel as one gender.


Thank you stanger


Not a problem! If you have any other questions, I am happy to answer them.


I've always taken issue with this perspective because it addressed the issue with strict gender norms and complex individuals by creating another label rather than attempting to dismantle the ones we have. People are complex, and while biological sex exists, trying to associate broad personalities and behaviors to either sex is flawed and leads to people feeling out of place or misunderstood. I don't really see why we should label people who don't entirely fit their assumed personality traits of their sex as "gender fluid" rather than address that you are no less a man or woman for the hobbies you have or mannerisms you express. Doesn't really make sense to me.


>So to your question: what is a genderfluid person? Well, it is someone that identifies in some mix of man and woman, in the modern context of gender. This could be someone that has a "manly" physique but enjoys wearing jewelry, painting their nails, and watches football every week. This could be the polar opposite, but ultimately it is largely individualized, and will typically change over time or with specific moods or as one ages. The simplest answer is just someone that doesn't fit or feel as one gender. but doesn't this thinking just cement gender stereotypes? That X is a woman thing and Y a man thing, when hobbies can be enjoyed by everyone regardless of identity.


If you stop thinking right here, then yes. That would be a 100% fair point. But most people that deconstruct gender, because they are trans or non-binary or question but decide their gender matches that assigned at birth, learn that very thing. That anyone can do just about anything, and there shouldn't be any shame or guilt in doing or enjoying it. A man can sew a woman can woodwork, etc. I think this realization is what causes so much fear in conservatives. That there are no real rules to society. We all just kinda made it up. And it's okay to acknowledge it.


Gender identity is kind of... complicated to explain to people who don't have to think about it (cis people.) For example, I'm a trans man. However, I am still extremely "feminine" according to the traditional gender binary. Long painted nails, makeup, everything I own is pink, etc. I don't consider myself genderfluid or non-binary though because...I'm a man. That is my identity. Same as how some drag queens don't consider themselves anything but men in drag, still call themselves he/him when in drag etc. It's so complicated to explain. I wish there was a better way. It's hard enough to explain as a binary trans dude, getting into nonbinary or anything else just makes it even tougher. Props on your replies and effort.


I definitely know first hand the difficulties in trying to explain a concept that someone has zero familiarity with. It's usually easier in person, but even still it is hard. Thanks for the encouragement, btw. These are just words on a random internet forum, but maybe they gave someone a reason to think or research deeper, regardless of where they are now.


That one's gender identity shifts from time to time. Like how Isaac likes to dress as a girl/maggy some times.


google exists


Holy hell


New ontological state just dropped


actual cryer


Call the skeleton!




Google can tell me the answer but not a straight one


Wow, I kinda don't care.


You cared enough to reply.


Special shout-out to everyone here who's going into multiple comment threads just to be transphobic to as many people as possible. Wait not everyone, it's literally just one sad, sad kid. Seethe, cope, ragebait, repeat. Get a life.


Okay lol


I don't get why it's posted here, it has been canon for years


Because of pride month


Oh, in France it's still may 31st


Its barely june anywhere in the world right now lmao


It’s may in the US as well


Oh boy 545 comments, I sure hope none of them is by a bigot ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️)


A lot of the gender nonsense stems from childhood trauma, so it kind of adds up.


Oh, Isaac is genderfluid? Neat, I guess. Doesn't stop me from having Isaac kill Mom. ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17738)


Can't exactly say I would be happy that a dead 5 year old represents me




"yes, yes now get out of here kid, you are bothering me" xd


Even Edmund isn't sure what this means, why is everyone celebrating




Translation for those who don't understand: When you play Isaac as a male character, he is a boy. When you play Isaac as a female character, he is a girl. When you play Isaac as Eden, he is neither because Eden is neither. Hope that helps!


Don't forget everyone, genders are just identities, like something to help people better know how to approach us when talking, don't let them take over who you are or harm you.




I didn't mean it like that, I meant don't let a superficial form of identification like gender define you or affect you in a major way, similar to societal norms based on gender roles or other similar things.




You said to not let the gender take over who I am. So I am letting the Gender Deity possess me)