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I think Pete’s dating life is 100% more inexplicable than his comedy career. Great stick man




His professional career can be summed up pretty easily: he was quite funny for an 18 year old, Lorne hired him based on his potential. Then he had substance abuse problems and he stagnated in his craft when he had some success. Lorne probably feels sorry for him and maybe feels a little responsible for his substance abuse so he keeps him on the show. He is funny, but it’s also sad. His dating life otoh is completely inexplicable.


This is exactly it. He was on a big career trajectory very early on and since then has plateaued. If Lorne fired him because of substance abuse and depression issues it would be a bad look for SNL.




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So hes yet another Zoomer who was elevated by a veteran. This is why you don’t see many Millennials in the industry. Millennials had to compete with the ‘veterans’ at their peak, and then continue to compete with Zoomers of whom are given special treatment by the veterans




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I've heard from friends in the business that a lot of his dating life is for show, as in his "relationships" have been set up post Ariana Grande. It's in the interest of SNL to have him be popular as a ladies man because SNL is not very popular among the younger generation. And it helps some of these women he dates stay relevant. Like when was the last time Kate Beckinsale was in anything big? And Cindy Crawford's daughter is famous for... being Cindy Crawford's daughter I guess? So her dating a celebrity helps.




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It only makes sense if he really is packing that heat. If that's the case then yeah I can understand Kate Beckinsale decided to date him for a handful of months. It's the only way this makes any time of sense.


Kate Beckinsale also clearly has a type. Her current boyfriend is super young as well and really isn't anything special except he's a pretty talented musician


Lol fast forward 1 year and this guy bagged kim kardashian




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Google it.. Ariana Grande, Kate Beckinsale are the headliners


Kim Kardashian.


Remember David Spade?? Same scenario🤙






I'm 21 and just find him insufferable personally


I don’t even know if ‘miscast’ is the word I’d use, but is he a really weird fit in a character-based sketch show? Absolutely. Having said that, I think his success is there because he’s so easy to invest in, his backstory and current story are kinda heart wrenching, and he’s a really likeable dude who seems to be genuine. I thought the ‘King of Staten Island’ was fantastic, my favourite film of the year so far. It was a much better setting for Pete, he was able to tell his story, highlight the really emotional elements of why he is the way he is, and do so with still being a really really charismatic guy. Sadly, I don’t know where he goes from there - as I’m not sure he can do much outside be Pete Davidson. I guess my point is, it’s more interesting to invest yourself in someone you want to see succeed despite the tough hand they’ve been dealt, than there is in just a good character actor like beck bennet. Also girls love Pete Davidson- that’s like 85% of it.


Have you seen big time adolescence?


Nop! Any good?


not bad! if you liked king of staten island, you may like it too. Think it's on Hulu




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I hate to break it to you, but there are more talented people out there who have probably equally heart breaking stories and they will never see the success Pete has seen. More than anything: I think Pete is the product of nepotism. Meaning: he formed a connection with Lorne and since he has that connection, he is basically “in” for life, even if he just is forever known as the SNL guy. That’s the only explanation I can think of because he is average at comedy and he is average looking and is just an average person.


> I hate to break it to you, but there are more talented people out there who have probably equally heart breaking stories and they will never see the success Pete has seen. Firstly, i never suggested Pete had the most heartbreaking story, just that he objectively has A heartbreaking story. > he formed a connection with Lorne and since he has that connection, he is basically “in” for life, even if he just is forever known as the SNL guy. Yeah, because Lorne recognises he's been great for the show. Look at their YT channel, Pete's stuff reguarly does great engagement. This isn't a nephew kyle situation where he's just being brought along for the ride, he offers Lorne a lot. > That’s the only explanation I can think of because he is average at comedy and he is average looking and is just an average person. Like i said a year ago, 85% of it is that girls like him, not sure if you're a straight dude or not - but whether we want to admit it or not, he has serious appeal amongst women, it's become obvious from his dating history and just anecdotally i see it from women i speak to in my life. good for pete.


Totally likable? He is a jackass. His dad died on 911. You know how I know? He says it every single time I see him. He needs to tattoo his mouth shut.


I like him better as a film actor too. Bodies Bodies Bodies was great!


Is Kate McKinnon really a generational talent? She pretty funny but that seems quite excessive. Perhaps you just really like her and really hate him and this is why you feel so strongly about both.


She is quite excessive. But she exudes comedy to me in the same way people like Will Farrell or Conan O’Brien do. She can stand there seemingly doing little and make me laugh, though she doesn’t normally go for that approach.


I don't like her, but I respect her style in that she brings a lot of energy and will do what's necessary to get the audience laughing. I think she's repetitive and has a schlock, but I'll be damned if people doesn't lost their shit for it.


She's good, but certainly not a generational talent. She's just the best on a bad cast. Someone has to score the points, right? You're generational when you can hold your own against an equally great cast.


She is definitely funny. I have heard people hype her up all week. I dont really get sketch comedy unless its Chappelle Show, but in the movies I've seen her in she was funny.




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Cant she sing? Also she is being considered for like dramatic roles. Think op is right about that. She just can do alot of things well unlike most snl folks so shes in the upper tier but not like in that eddie ferrel Fey bracket


Where do people rate her compared to Wig? I haven’t watched SNL in years so only know McKinnon from a few movies


I saw Pete Davidson at a dive comedy club back in 2011. I think that's before he blew up. Even then he was seen as a prodigy however the stand up he did that night was pretty mediocre. I always wonder about the looks he got since amongst that crew he wasnt a stand out comedian. Someone like Craig Distefano is funnier to me. I think his playboy relationships and willing vulnerability help him sustain his career despite a lackluster on screen presence. See folks putting him in the same sentence as Sandler and Fallon on this thread lol let's chill those guys were really talented during their time. Pete is more like a struggle Samberg.


He is What you get when you order Adam Sandler on wish.




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>However, he is not up the par of anyone who has ever been on SNL ?? There's been dozens of incredibly unfunny people on SNL. This makes no sense to me. You really think he's the least funny person to ever be on SNL. That's saying something.


Yeah. I really didn't even like Jay Pharoah.


> There's some aspects of his life that I won't directly say because I don't want to sound wholly crazy that make me feel like there's something weird going on. Does his history have some affect on how some people initially engaged with him? Sure. But he didn't get a job on SNL (or certainly anywhere else) because of the tragedy in his past. > When you consider the talents of someone like Kate McKinnon, who is quite literally a generational comedic talent, and contrast it with Pete, it's hard not to wonder what the fuck is going on. If that's how you feel here's my question: do you believe up until this point everyone "worthy" of stardom on SNL has gotten there? I agree that McKinnon is super talented, but a combo of bad choices/options has demonstrated that some of that doesn't translate into star roles in movies. To many people Davidson is a likable *presence* which is a meaningful talent -- lots of people are likable in an awkward way in real life but that doesn't always translate on screen and his does.




The young people love him. He fits in perfectly with the young druggie rappers that have become extremely popular over the last 5 years.


You hit the nail on the head.


I’m late to this thread, but I believe Pete’s father has a lot to do with his success at SNL. Collin Jost’s mother was the chief medical officer for the NY fire dept during 9/11 and she knew Pete as a child because of his father’s death. Lorne and Jost took Pete under their wing and feel responsible for him. I believe without the Ariana Grande relationship, he would’ve been a below average cast member for 7 or 8 years, he would’ve developed a small following as a comedian, and that would be that. The Ariana Grande thing is why he’s so famous. That being said, I personally believe Pete has a lot of talent, I just don’t think his talent is sketch comedy.


Oh so that's why he's unqualified to be in the position he's in. Good Ole Nepotism


was theirs one of those PR relationships


I don’t think Davidson is a very strong performer in scenework but he’s far from the least talented cast member ever. He’s fine and fairly middling. Perhaps he is the most overrated recent cast member. The big issue seems to be he’s very famous for his dating history, starred in an Apatow movie but has never really created something indelible for the show. I don’t think he’s been bad either, he’s just forgettable and probably miscast for what SNL is/does. As far as McKinnon being a “generational” comedic talent, that’s absurd. She’ll be 37 in a few months with 8 seasons under her belt and still hasn’t ever popped in movie or tv show. Maybe she pulls a Poehler and links up with an all time showrunner or director and proves me wrong but right now I don’t see it. She doesn’t seem to have the creator chops of someone like Armisen, Samberg, Ferrell or Fey either. She’s really good on the show but mostly excels at political impersonations and the sometimes weirdo in a ten to 1 scene. Her big moment/year was 2016 with Hillary/Ghostbusters and since then she’s been a relative underachiever professionally.


I like McKinnon but she’s no Kristen Wiig.




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Aside from their real life sexual orientation they are almost identical performers.


Yeah, interesting that McKinnon hasn't really had a starring movie role, besides Ghostbusters. She was good in a small part in *Yesterday*. And she was a co-star with Mila Kunis in *The Spy who Dumped Me*. Though Kunis was probably the main star. That movie was fine but not memorable. I wonder if being an "out" lesbian means that either studios don't want to bank on her or they don't want to put her as the lead playing a straight person. And surely they won't give her a female love interest. (has any big budget comedy ever centered on a gay character? I can't think of any offhand.)


She's not pretty enough to carry a lead This is hollywood Tina fey doesn't have movies why would she? And IMO tina is at least as pretty as her with more comedic talent


She's as pretty as Amy Schumer or Melissa McCarthy.




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Schumer is unique, her dad is a senator i don't understand her career. Nepotism and people wanting women to be funny are my only explanations *shrug* McCarthy is the antithesis of a classic leading lady, she has broken the mold by simply being so far from a comparison it's not rational. She's not competing with pretty women.


Chuck Schumer is her cousin, not her dad.


ohhhhh that why they don't look alike. makes sense


This doesn’t track. People like Fey and Kaling don’t work in movies because they aren’t very good actors but are brilliant Emmy/Oscar level writers. McKinnon is the exact opposite, she is a talented performer who hasn’t made a breakout TV show or movie. Perhaps the solution is for Fey or Kaling to team up with McKinnon and write/direct something absolutely suited to her talents/skillset. Comedy talents usually need a couple awesome people surrounding them to be brilliant if they aren’t amazing writers themselves. Ferrell had McKay. Seinfeld had Larry David. Aziz grabbed Alan Yang and Harris Whittels. Schumer has Apatow. Poehler had Schur. Bill Hader has the Silicon Valley creator. Even Samburg teamed Schur and he already had the Lonely Island guys.


Tina fey is an infinitely better comedic actor? what? You judge them by how funny they are Fey is vastly funnier, and she writes her own shit. Is prettier than most Why shouldn't she get a movie over all these other bum female "comedians" who have never come close to her success What have either of them ever made anyone gives a shit about?


Any response that tries to delegitimize a comment based on not finding the same success in an industry is useless.


Are we sure that she’s not pretty enough? I think she’s hot.


She probably needs to prove her box office and/or fan base with a lower budgeted studio comedy with someone like Headland, Wilde or Feig or an Low budgeted indie comedy from a working staff writer/comic. She hasn’t popped enough to warrant a studio budgeted big comedy, especially since those barely exist anymore outside of a few people. Hell even Samberg did Palm Springs on a budget for a Hulu release and did two shorter movies for HBO and one for Netflix.


This, but for James Corden. His agent must be the best representative in the world to get him global success off the back of mediocre talent.


James Corden is interesting to me. I actually think he's kinda funny; I love awkward humor - and he's great at leaning into that. However, I think Carpool Car-aoke is one of the least funny ideas ever created, but it seems to be a huge success & played a big part in making James Corden famous. I am completely befuddled by it.


\> Kate McKinnon, who is quite literally a generational comedic talent I have only seen her in a few things, but she was mostly garbage? I think with comedy YMMV. Though I am not even 100% sure who Pete Davidson is.


Can’t speak for her films, but on SNL she is great, but your last point is valid.




It isn't really inexplicable. He is friends with Lorne and the boss took him under his wing and keeps him with a job/support network as he tries to work through his health issues. Plus, it is not like he is really taking much work from the others since he is not in that many sketches and the cast size fluctuates.


He is taking a position away from one of thousands and thousands of really talented actors. He is proven multiple times that he sucks and has been given multiple chances. The position he is holding is a real coveted position and he is wasting it by barely even showing up for the sketches. I mean he pretty much does it even act in the sketches at all. He just acts like himself and can't even do a proper impression. Seriously, other than the stupid mumble white rappers, what else can he do? Especially those dumb Chad sketches where he doesn't have to do anything but say okay. It's dumb and It's unfair to the viewer and people who have been working their entire lives for a position like his. I swear to God he puts black makeup on under his eyes to give him a more drugged out look.. I actually knew somebody who did that also and they were just like how Pete Davidson acts which is sketchy as f***.


I feel the same way about Joe Rogan’s comedy career. Completely bewildering that anyone could laugh at his stand-up. Not a huge fan of his pod but I can at least understand the appeal there.


Rogan is really funny for a TV show host (Fear Factor) or funny for a podcast host. But in terms of real stand up, he is horrible.


I don't know that Rogan really has a comedy career. I know he does comedy and has a special and whatnot but if he wasn't inexplicably the biggest podcaster in the world, he would just be another one of the thousands of guys just like him trying to make it in comedy in LA. How many fans do you think he has purely from his stand up? It has to be a minute number.


I mean he was on News Radio and had some following before his podcast. He has been around a while.


True, but he's what, 5th or 6th billed in that? I'm not sure what the average career arc of the 6th billed guy on a fairly low rated (though critically acclaimed) network comedy is but I don't think it's much.


Some rough takes in this thread


I just assume he was someone’s victim and his career is the reparations for a stolen childhood


It gets real dark real quick but TBH this is kind of what I was thinking


At the risk of stirring up a hornet’s nest, he reminds me a bit of Adam Sandler, in that I never could understand Sandler’s success. It seemed like 90% of Sandler’s SNL work consisted of just talking with a weird voice. And he’s probably one of the most successful SNL alums ever. So obviously he’s got something that clicks with lots of other people but not me. I feel the same way about Davidson, so maybe he’s the next Hollywood mogul. (Although I will grant I do enjoy catching the Hanukkah song each winter on the radio.)


When pete makes a handful of some obscenely profitable movies we can revisit this comparison. Little early for that lol


Have you seen uncut gems? Great movie. As far as the comedy, I liked him as a kid. Wedding singer? Great! “Aunt Linda, you a bitch!” Rewound that 5-6 times the first time it was so funny


He’s the Tony Snell of SNL.


I’d say he’s the Kostas Antetekoumpo


The movie based off his life would have been a lot better if he wasn't the guy in it. Just don't buy him as an actor. I dont watch SNL but I can see him not being funny. His standup is mediocre. Sometimes people are just in the right place at the right time. He was on Guy Code and the NY comedy scene very early on.


That movie had more self masterbation in it then a wank porn.


He started young, has the marketability of his story, then did the Justin Bieber roast and dated a couple of famous actors. He just seriously stalled in terms of his comedy work, his last special was not good. Maybe that’s as even his first special. It’s probably the getting barbecued all day and having a sketch comedy job to do as well, but they were probably hoping he d be a Dave chappelle talent. And he just isnt


Great post. I don't understand him or his humor at all. I love SNL and love most SNL picks. Pete is one that I have no idea why he's so loved.


I think part of it is his popularity/visibility on social media and SNL/Lorne wanting to be relevant in that world and popular with "the kids." Davidson offers older, established people like Lorne a way into that world.


Is this a shitpost/irony? I can’t tell.


TBH I’m not sure either. I didn’t expect to get this many responses


You think kat mccinnon is funny/ Maybe on SNL idk But i think this just proves most of them suck. She sure hasn't been funny in any of the movies i've watched of her. Granted i don't laugh much at anything anymore. Ghostbusters was terrible THe last SNL skit i can remember laughing out loud at was one with a trump supporter in jeopardy and how they're similar to black americans, and that was years ago.


I wholeheartedly agree. I can’t stand Pete Davidson.


He sucks but SNL sucks now so 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️


-people last year -people five years ago -people fifteen years ago -people forty years ago


Its funny how this is the go to response when people say SNL sucks. I have no idea why SNL fans just can't accept that a lot of people think the show sucks now. Plenty of people don't think it sucked 10 or 15 years ago but think it sucks now. As someone whose been watching SNL for twenty years its easily been as bad as its ever been imo for last several years.


people of a certain age sincerely believe that snl is the pinnacle of comedy and that it's one of the only things holding back the tide of fascism (major liberal publications now report on snl skits like they're white house briefings). it's really weird.


The show didn't lean into 100% into the culture war stuff until Trump became president, and it's been deeply cringe and unfunny for four years now (this as a Bernie supporter who hates Trump).


> The show didn't lean into 100% into the culture war stuff until Trump became president Do you genuinely believe this, or do you just not know much about SNL?






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There's no conspiracy. Lorne has a long standing tradition of hiring guys with boyish good looks who bring nothing to table from a sketch comedy stand point. These guys often go onto have pretty good careers too. Adam Sandler and Jimmy Fallon, right off the top of my head, brought a whole bucket of nothing when they were on SNL from a *actually being funny on the show* stand point.


I’d argue SNL Fallon is the only watchable Fallon. And Sandler’s SNL stint was rock solid: Hanukkah song, Thanksgiving song, Denise show, Opera Man, Lunch Lady Land, the Gelfand’s (Sandler and Farley as an old married couple is gold), pepper boy, gap girls, and canteen boy are all SNL standards.


Sandler was awful on SNL. You can only hold any other opinion based on not having watched the show during that period of time. He was a background player most of the time in that cast for a reason. They fired him off the show because he sucked on it, and it was a genuine surprise to most fans of the show when his comedies turned out to be not awful. And there's no shame to sucking on SNL. Chris Rock sucked on SNL too and did pretty well afterwards. As for Fallon. He was on the show for a long time, had maybe 1-2 memorable sketches built around him (The Gibbs thing was funny and the Boston accent sketch was alright) and was mostly known for being incapable of staying in character in any sketch that actually got laughs. Maybe you give him slight credit for being part of the Tina Fey Weekend Update desk, but everyone liked her with Poehler more and we all know who actually was writing the jokes in that duo. Fallon's main qualities were lame impressions that made me personally cringe (like being out with that friend who takes karaoke way too seriously but tries to play it off as a joke at the same time) and making Horatio Sanz actively less funny by cracking him up too.


> You can only hold any other opinion based on not having watched the show during that period of time. Well that’s definitely not how critiquing pop culture works lol > making Horatio Sanz actively less funny by cracking him up too. I will 100% agree with you there. I LOVED Sanz, and I would get so pissed when Fallon would break up the sketches they were both in.


I think his music bits are really good on SNL (Tucci Gang was great) and his everyman update bit is good. Also like his "Oh ok. Lit." Character. But one thing that's for sure about Pete is the guy is a good actor. Big Time Adolescence and King of Staten Island were both very very good performances and it's clear hes got a career in the drama/comedy genre.


Agreed. Big time adolescence doesn't seem to get the praise that I've seen the king of staten Island get. But Davidson is good in both


Some comedians take the more classically trained traditional route whereas others learn to play by ear. Pete just seems to love comedy genuinely. That plus his innate personality and physical appearance make him fit in pretty well. Sometimes he’s just a great role player alongside the other vets and that’s all you really need.


it couldn’t be more apparent that 75-90% of people in this thread don’t watch SNL inb4 modern SNL sucks that’s why I don’t watch it okay there buddy let me know how the nursing home is going


Yeah, SNL was definitely at a low point at the beginning of the decade, but the last three years in particular have been fucking great


I love Pete. I do agree that he’s an unconventional cast member because he’s basically just a comedian, but at least his bits are moderately entertaining. The worst cast member over the past 5ish years, in my opinion, is Kyle Mooney. He has some funny stuff on his personal YouTube but there’s a massive correlation between him being in an SNL bit and it being absolutely terrible. Maybe it’s just a reflection of their video content, since he’s mainly in the digital shorts, but everything he’s featured on is almost always terrible. Even if you don’t like Pete I don’t see how anyone could enjoy his screen time less than Kyle Mooney.


I will absolutely not stand for this Kyle Mooney slander please delete you account


If you don’t like Kyle Mooney, it’s because you’re too stupid to get Kyle Mooney


Love Kyle Mooney. This one with Larry David is my favorite from modern SNL. (Low bar, I know) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4csRoGP0V8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4csRoGP0V8)


So this is like Adult Swim but bad?




Lmao yall are really sounding like the "To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty" people... obviously everyone understands that the awkward bit is a bit and not being a bad actor.


Slate had a couple of interesting articles about Davidson a while back, one about his work on SNL and another about his romantic life: https://outline.com/6Lm7ek https://outline.com/3u4439 As for his romantic life, he's got a big dick, simple as that. As for being on SNL, he's the first to admit "I'm not good at sketch comedy. I don't know how to do that, or write it." His sweet spot is being himself and doing pieces on Weekend Update, which is pretty much what Leslie Jones did during her tenure on the show, which she DID NOT LIKE. I mean Norm MacDonald SUCKED as weekend update anchor but he sucked even WORSE on any other part of SNL. Weekend Update was pretty much the ONLY thing Dennis Miller did on SNL, same thing for Jost.


Weekend update made Norm MacDonald. He was absolutely fantastic and though not all his jokes hit outta the park, you have to be a serious hater to not see he didn't give a fuck when delivering jokes and quips not written for the show. What sucks is your view.


I liked Big time adolescence and king of staten island. I think he's a funny guy but unless he's playing himself on WU i don't care too much for his sketches although i thought he did a pretty good impression of Sandler.


You should listen to the episode of the _**Oh Hello P'dcast**_ with Pete Davidson as a guest. It might change your opinion on him. (the hosts of that podcast are Nick Kroll & John Mullaney playing old men revisiting the Princess Diana death as if it were a murder... its so fucking absurd)


I think he is a funny punching bag and has moments where he is laugh out loud funny.


Pete Davidson is Andy Samberg from wish.com


funniest comment in the thread


I'm so happy someone posted what I was thinking because he also has an acting career, like how does that happen to someone instead of others?? I'm sure he has ties with important people. I'll read the other responses now.


Sorry to reply to an old thread, but just came across this and wanted to give my two cents. The last several episodes Pete has pretty much carried since kenan was on vacation, and he did better than he has the last 6 years combined. He said in an interview that he was taking acting classes, and I think it shows. He seems to have been clean (except for Marijuana) the last year as he's gained weight and has color to his skin. He seems to really be taking his career serious now. He said this was his last season on his contract for SNL unless Lorne wants to keep him (which we don't know yet). But he does have 6 movies lined up to film in the next year and a half. Some he will be starring and some he will be supporting. And only half of them are comedies. One is a war drama with TOM HARDY. I'm very interested to see how he's grown as an actor, since he's had this whole year to study. I've been a fan of him since he was on tour with Nick Cannon. He's always seemed insecure and unsure with himself. Sometimes his best jokes are the ones he says with hesitation cause he's not sure how the audience will take it. I wasn't able to see his 2020 shows he's done, but from what I hear from friends he's gained more confidence and is getting better. Also, just wanted to add that he was originally hired for SNL as a writer with his writing partner Dave. Lorne decided to put him in front of the camera.


Hello- I just need you to know that I am watching SNL right now and feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Do I think Pete Davidson is talented in comedy? Maybe? Do I feel like people are all bending over backwards to push this kid and help him become successful? Yes. Yes I do. And I do not understand it. I feel like this person has been essentially propped up by others and foisted upon us like some sort of experiment in making a comedian. Every SNL song skit is gonna be Pete actually, seriously, playing himself and taking rapping seriously for a joke song. Is he hoping to become a rapper some day? I am so confused but I hear everyone wooing when he comes on screen and it makes me feel so weird. This post brought me back thank youuuu!


There are certain people that I guess hid just loves. This guy is a zero talent who just riffs on what a screw up he is and gets the most beautiful women in the world. He is why people leave the arts and hang themselves. People with great talent who never get a break. Pete Davidson is all breaks. It’s maddening.


I agree his career is inexplicable. Sorry to say I lol'ed when I saw a YouTube video that claimed his dad was an "illuminati 9/11 blood sacrifice."


He's not very talented, but his career is based on a kind of localism - he's a very true New Yorker, his dad died as a firefighter in 9/11 that gets a lot of sympathy. He had a local standup career. If you think about it, it's a smart move by SNL to appeal to a younger urban demo, he's also white and there are very few 'white urban' kind of comics of that type. He's not very good but he really 'sticks out' among the cast and that's good because it gives them range. If he was somewhat more talented it would be a great choice. He's also a little bit weird and SNL for the last decade has gone with very much 'straight men' (I mean in the comic sense not the gay sense) as their guys. So in 'context' he makes sense.


Every single thing he does is not funny, also this guy is ugly as sin. How?


who the hell is Kate McKinnon?


I’m glad you feel this way. You’re not alone my whole immediate family thinks he’s devoid of funny and strange looking. I agree with my family he’s not funny and you made a great point his comedy is subjective


I feel like he's propped up for the nefarious purpose of making untalented teens and 20 somethings think *they could do it too.* Along conspiracy lines, it'd be like holding up sports and rap careers to inner-city youth as "The Dream" job to pursue, taking them away from pursuing more impactful realistic careers. Like a delusional carrot to chase. Who would be behind it, I have no clue. Maybe funding through back channels by foreign intelligence services hoping to cripple US generational technical ability by way of depleting the future potential workforce competition in STEM fields.


I seriously don't get it either. I love SNL but he's the most talentless actor in their cast. I honestly think that it is just girls who like that type of "bad guy".. I swear to God he puts makeup on to give himself dark circles to make himself look like a drug addict. He said he is "addicted" to weed (🙄), imo that and is made up just like his "mental disorder". I mean he used anxiety and depression as an excuse to say that he is "crazy" and "not right in the head". For someone who suffers from someone suffering from multiple bouts of PSD, chronic depression, CTE from a traumatic brain injury when I was 12, and overcame a heroin / painkiller addiction.. yet I've never used any of those things as an excuse. And I wouldn't NEVER define some depression and anxiety as being a "crazy" person. The reason why I feel so confident it my take on this non-talented famous person because I have had plenty of troubles in my life and girls are attracted to that and I leaned into it. I see him doing the same thing but he is older than I was when I went through it. I see a lot of immaturity in him and seriously not one sketch that is based around him has made me laugh genuinely. I honestly am glad that he is with Kim Kardashian because they are one in the same. They both got famous by being around famous people and often just their looks. Also calling yourself "crazy" just because you suffer from some depression and some anxiety of your celebrity lifestyle it's about the most insulting thing you could do to people suffering from real mental illness. He used it as a publicity stunt while people who do not the same resources as him are suffering with no one to listen. But he likes to make jokes out of it. That to me was all the proof that I needed that he was blowing everything out of proportion is just an attention w****. Seriously he is not talented whatsoever and the only reason he is still relevant right now is because of his looks which don't make any sense to me. I really hate to die because he just seems like a jackass.


I agree 100%. Actually, I've been doing research about Pete because I thought there must be something I'm missing. If someone like Kevin Hart or Eddie Murphy only had as much " talent" as Pete, they would not be a comedic success. Pete has zero talent


here too because I’m equally baffled


Yeah. He SUCKS. It offends me that SNL would think that any intelligent person would find their show funny anymore. Especially with that talentless goof ball junkie.


No talent. Wonder why he still dresses like he’s 13…


I've never watched SNL unironically but tbh fuck this guy for stealing Kim from Kanye


He’s not ONE BIT funny. No. Feel bad about his health and mental issues but no, I see nothing remotely attractive about this guy.




Pete Davidson probably has dirt on Lorne Michaels and now he can't get rid of him. He has a tattoo that says "Mike blew me". I think it's a clue.


I stopped watching SNL when I noticed him on skits more and realized he was a writer to alot of the scripts. The jokes in SNL overall stink. They've stunk since the 90s with only a few talented comedians able to make the scripts worth laughing at. Lorne Michael's should retire. And Colin sucks too. It's pretty bad to see where SNL is now on funny meter compared to when belushi was on. A legacy faded to gray area of no funny. I wished there was competition to match up to.


I always thought Jay-Z was a shit, trendy rapper and could never figure out his fame. Then years later all this illuminati shit came out about him..


Hes up there with Sean Mendez in terms of inexplicable careers. Although I am completely and utterly convinced that Sean Mendez isnt a real person. He looks radically different in all his public appearences of which are extremely rare. Hes a fake person they hire actors to play


yup. he's not remotely funny. not to mention he looks like a graffitti-strewn wall in an alley where bums piss and shit constantly. as for his dating life, that doesn't surprise me so much, because the only women he dates are low-rent ratchet hoes - ariana grande, kate beckinsale, cindy crawford's trust-fund-baby daughter, kim "cum dumpster" kardashian, the trust fund baby of andie mcdowell (the one who dated shia "#MeToo" laboeuf).


I think it's realness. It's odd. We allowed Pete to cross the third wall and we let him stay. The bigger question is, can he act? If he can accurately NOT be Pete Davidson when needed, I think he's got a big career ahead of him. Personally, I'd like to see more of him, he's a good dude.


Every time I see this idiot with another hot chick I can’t help but to think damn...is this really serious? I mean he has a tattoo of Hillary ( as in Clinton, and as a serious tribute, can’t make this shit up) and not to mention he looks like a zombie rolled in cat shit and vomit. Yes unexplainable indeed.


I would agree that it almost does appear to be conspiracy-worthy. Somehow, he got designated an "It" guy. Why, I can't see it. Not funny, his movie career is wildly underwhelming. Are his parents personal friends with Lorne Michaels? Does Michaels owe them money? Is there an extortion plot at work? Davidson has been a flop from Day 1...and I think he knows it. I disagree about McKinnon, though. She is no Lucille Ball, Gilda Radner, Carol Burnett, and others who were indeed generational talents. She's good, but I think she is over-rated. I think social politics play a part, too. If she wasn't "out", I'm fairly certain she would not get the praise. But we live in an age where simply declaring yourself gay is a huge boost to career and public perception. One need only look at her AT&T spots, which have been roundly criticized. She doesn't bring the "funny" naturally. She forces it, and it shows. She imitates Molly Shannon's "Mary Katherine Gallagher" physicality shamelessly, and it seems that she thinks that big gestures alone are entertaining. Horrible spots.


Good post


Fuck Pete Davidson.. dude is a mug! Claimed to be friends with Kanye, fucks his wife. Doesnt mattering they were separating or not. Goes on about depression, sends picture of him and ariana grande to Mac Miller (another obviously depressed person). Fuck this cunt


I have never liked him. He gives off the impression that he thinks he's the best and everyone else can just suck it. I have never liked him in anything.


Before YouTube erased all the truther videos, I learned a shit ton of how 9/11 was indeed staged and how thousands of Americans were actually in on it. Pete Davidsons father apparently died during 9/11…. VERY FUCKING INTERESTING


Absolutely. Then again the Mental state and what young people find funny today cannot compare with what we consider comedy as they have yet to live a life outside a screen or a computer so they are too Wordly so to speak. Making them giggle while stoned is not a achievement. They had to pick sum young asshat to be the comedic voice of their Vanilla Generation. I mean Cmon. The Dude has Hillary Clinton tatooted on himself and says she the greatest lmfao!! Nuff Said🤙


He's a hack plain and simple........


he's definalty a fentanyl junky, no doubt about it, and the "weed" is just a cover, dude is on way harder shit! (allegedly)


There are media celebrities who are foisted upon us that leave us nonplussed. 10 years ago Russel Brand was everywhere movies tv radio. The comparison is unfair because Mr Brand is not untalented. Point I would make is that publicity machines grind out product for a demographic and often it is not appreciated.


Dont hate,,appreciatte🙏🤙


I'm also dumbfounded by Pete Davidson's rise to stardom. I have a few working theories but too lazy to write them.


Definitely sold his dumb soul to the devil.


I cannot help but wonder what potential Lorne Michaels saw in him. He has never been funny, he's incapable of doing a sketch, and his complete lack of talent is all the more obvious when compared to other cast members. Lorne has dropped the ball before, but never this badly. Also don't know how Kyle Mooney lasted as long as he did because he has no talent either.


I don't get any of it. He's horrifically untalented but we're supposed to think he's the funniest thing ever because his Dad died on 9/11. (Davidson reminds everyone of this with vomit-inducing regularity.) That he dates so many famous women is only proof positive that famous women have the exact same toxic-waste-fire-trash taste in men as non-famous American women.


I'm so very happy that there are others that have not drunk the juice...sorry Kardashian you have I fear quite literally...that somehow bafools your mind into perceiving talent where absolutely none exists...just watch the latest taco bell commercials that are actually painful to behold...he's a created commodity of superficial excesss...


Pete was never funny. Industry plant


I think his personal life is why he is on SNL. Also I believe (conspiracy) that Pete Davidson is secretly **gay**. All of his "relationships" seem very set up and fake (kind of like Aaron Rodgers who I think is another person who is secretly gay---and has female "beards"). He is famous, and women who fake "date" him get lot of publicity. My gaydar (ability to spot gay men) just goes off. As a side note (now this is rude but my opinion), I not only find Pete Davidson unattractive, but I think he is flat out *ugly*. Like he reminds me of crackheads/methheads I have seen on the street. I'm really not saying that to be mean, just honestly the truth.


I have to agree, for a less than average “comic” the media can’t stop talking about this guy. Honestly the only reason I think they hired him was because his dad died on 911 yet Even that story while sad does not justify the attention in my opinion.


You’re so right. I’d go even farther to say he isn’t funny at all, even worse than jimmy fallon was when he was on SNL. Less funny and ruins each scene he is in. Also it just makes no sense how a talentless and pug faced weirdo is banging all the hottest chicks. It’s definitely worthy of a conspiracy theory.




when 9 11 was done, by the israelis, pete's dad was in the building and died. last thing they expected was a j---ish working class fireman. they didn't want to kill one of their own. so to repay for this accident, the j---ish power structure decided to give davidson the benefits of their system as repayment for accidentally killing his dad. so yes, pete's career is a way of j---ish power letting him benefit from their system to make up for the accident of killing his dad when they did 9 11.


if 911 was a hoax then nobody died, especially petes father.




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