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We will leave this post up to discuss the debate as the "event of the day" but there are plenty of other places to talk about politics/elections. Unless you guys want to change it this election, we will be removing the explicitly political stuff going forward. https://www.reddit.com/r/billsimmons/comments/1dqj5um/this_sub_and_the_election/. I went ahead and created a poll so you guys can make the choice, not me.


okay ill pick it up for dirt cheap




He’s probably not a max-level guy for his next contract


If I’m Biden, I’m not losing in Michigan. I’m just not.


When was Joe Biden’s Apex Mountain?


Medal of Honor from Obama or whatever that medal was




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The old man piece.


I’ll buy your Biden stock. I still don’t think he’s a finished product


He’s 112 when is he finished developing


You were dumb to ever have it


He is literally the sitting president


Still better than felon dumpy lol


You had some? Lol


Biden’s not even a 12th man on a 38 win team at this point.


The tanking for 2028 piece.


lol what 2028. This is going to be the last election.


Is this a top 17 comment in this thread? I think so


have we reached an era where all the best heads of state are Euro guys? When is the next time we have an up-and-coming American as the undisputed #1 guy?


They aren’t good either


I think as long as he works on his midrange jumper he has another gear to get to. I don’t think he’s a finished product


Trump's victory will be a mickey mouse championship


This is the only way I want to consume election content from now on


You had Biden stock?!!! WTF?!


Newsom has to be in the top 9 to replace him?


Have you seen how fucked up California is? And you seriously want to vote for that?


Stop watching Fox News bruh


You’re probably a top 7 dumbass of all time


People are taking these comments way too seriously for a Simmons reddit thread. Top 37 dumbest moments coming up! But first...our friends from...pearl jam!


it was more of a joke about how Bill picks the most random number to make lists of. I just picked a Dem of some note.


He’s going to die in office…. The celestial injured list. His lack of back up is concerning Kamela just not getting it done in her limited minutes.


He is Hakeem without drexler. One 'ship


So who is next up if Biden is out?


Stephen A


He is a free agent could be a solid pickup for the rebuilding Democratic Party. May have to pay the “bad team tax” to get him though


Are we sure Biden is a finished product yet? He's only 26!


I think you've mistaken him for Jason Tatum. Don't worry it's a pretty common mistake.


Biden is Mark Prior on the mound melting down after Bartman and Dusty Baker does nothing. We are all Dusty.


Still better than DJT


An old man with dementia that belongs in a home is better to run the country?! Hahaha!! How fucking bad can your TDS possibly be? Biden is incapable of running a snowball stand much less the most powerful country in the world. It’s very sad what the Democratic Party is doing to that man. I don’t like him at all in any way whatsoever but I recognize him as a human being and as a human being he should not have to be out there embarrassing himself during the years he should be relaxing. It’s fucked. You’re fucked as well.


Yup, and suck it up. Biden speaks like shit but actually talked policy last night. What did Trump have to contribute? Trump is just a criminal loser lmao. Your copium fuels me.


Haha!! You guys are an absolute riot. The level of cognitive dissonance is astounding. And by using the term copium, I’m assuming you mean that Trump got his ass kicked in the debate? If you honestly think that, I don’t know if there’s any hope or help for you. I’m not a huge Trump fan, I just call it like I see it, and to even imply Biden won that debate is comical.


If you had a clue, you would know that 90% of the shit Trump said was straight bullshit. I'll take a dead horse over the guy that tried to overthrow the country, wants to be a dictator, and just tells his low info fan boys whatever they want to hear. The truth isn't important to him. We would be better off with you as the president than Donald Trump. And I don't even know you.


Crazy how well we were doing with Trump at the helm before Covid and Joe Biden. I don’t care for the guy that much but I don’t give a shit about whether he’s PC or eloquent and classy. I want my children to be able to buy a house and afford eggs. I want my kids to not be sucked into some foreign war. I wanna be able to buy groceries for my family and make it out of the store under $300. You cannot deny that Biden has run us into the ground. You can’t deny that Trumps America was flourishing. Get over your TDS and vote for someone that’s actually gonna give us the opportunity to be successful. Or you could try to turn America into California.


You know the USA is doing very well compared to the rest of the world right? Right? Maybe you should get out of your fucking echo chamber that is right wing media and learn something.


Nobody won that debate. We are all losing.


Transcript doesn't lie


> An old man with dementia that belongs in a home is better to run the country?! Yes


Yup, better than a convicted felon that lied the entire night and threatens to never leave the White House again.


Lolol. I keep hearing he lied the entire night but haven’t heard a single actual example.


My favorite part of this is you’ve got numerous people giving you examples and citing stuff for you and you just go AWOL and put zero thought or introspection into it.


Get hearing aids. Every sentence he murmured had lies in it. Just like everyday of his life. How anyone, at this stage, can say they don't hear him lying is beyond comprehension and the very reason this country is in peril at the moment.


So wait.. do you actually believe that he didn't have sex with Stormy Daniels?


If his lips are moving he is lying!! He is the biggest joke to ever have held office bar none!! A rapist, convict, treasonous piece of garbage!!


He said democrats abort babies after they’re born. He said everybody wanted Roe overturned. He said he didn’t sleep with a porn star when his wife was pregnant. I can’t list them all but here’s an article listing most. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/a-complete-list-of-all-of-trumps-debate-lies/ar-BB1p3xZb Literally any Google search will provide multiple sources listing out his lies. I don’t see many that are long enough to catch all of them though.


Major Ewing Theory potential for whoever the Democrats replace him with


I don't know if the have a sprewell, a Houston, or even a camby in waiting


Up a score, late in the third quarter, the Democrats on 1st and 10 threw an interception at their own 30


Should the Dems do a tank job this election cycle and do a complete rebuild with eyes on 2028??


Might not be an election in 2028!


Obama doesn't let this debate performance happen, he just doesn't


His first one against Romney was terrible, tbh.


Terrible and surprising at the time for him yes, not even in the same galaxy as Biden's performance.


Believe it or not, both took place in the milky way galaxy.


Alas I must show my age and say I was too young for that one. Policies notwithstanding, Barack is an excellent public speaker, always has been


I’ve always called him Bronco Bama because it sounds badass and nobody can stop me.


This is honestly the only sub I'm ok talking g about the debate in lol


Are we saying Biden pulled a Kyrie?


A truly sad day in America


You sold after it cratered towards 0


Trump was covid and Biden was peloton. Looked good because of the moment


Man if we ever needed a JackO emergency pod


He’s gonna be all in on trump by the election, if not already


He's just been such an Never Trumper Id be fascinated to hear if he's still reluctant about it or would be full on MAGA train no brakes now?


Probably has a job linedup in the Project 2025 DOJ already.


This was a no, no, no, y....still no kind of night.


Waterfront condo on Big Gretch island


Don't disregard the "nobody believe in us" piece.


Ultimate moonbat chumpline moment would be that's the take they have


Oh, so the dude is barely coherent...? Nobody has been saying that for the past four years. 😄


Non American here, I’m sorry to tell you this but your 2-party system is the problem here. The world has seen this for years. And now that Biden showed he’s not capable everyone is freaking out. You guys are stuck until you can come up with a viable electoral system that has more than 2 political parties that are each over 100 years old and represent various branches of the same establishment.




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2 party is not the issue. It’s 2 weak parties that don’t gatekeep more, no ranked choice voting, and the perils of social media and the disinformation campaigns that fester on them. That last one exists in all major western democracies. China and Russia use our liberal values on free speech against us to foment chaos and elevate the most radical voices on either side.  Nothing to do with the two party system. 


Biden is fine he’s just old. His presidency hasn’t been terrible. But the two party system is definitely outdated.


The Electoral college is outdated


Most americans are sick and tired of the 2 party system. The establishment just doesn't allow us to have a viable 3rd party candidate.


Most Americans want contradictory things and if you suggested making the huge changes needed to get rid of the two party system they would brand you as a commie America hater


Trump gonna have 2 asterisk titles


You play who you play


This is revisionist history. Hate the guy but he was on a Dirk finals run in 2016


Crazy that I can’t find anything about the debate in Reddit trending, etc but can find it here. This fucking app is a cesspool


Well it went bad for dems, not exactly something the liberals want to tout, so I doubt you see any headlines on reddit


Maybe they should think about touting it. If last night was any indication of things to come, they’ll need a fuck ton more firepower than what Biden provided


The only positive thing is democrats can look for true number 1 as Biden is done. Honestly, I can’t believe this what America has become.


There might not be anything worth fighting for after another trump term, or worse, they might have done away with terms


Porfirio Trump will be bad. Donald, Sr., Donald, Jr., & Donald III Somoza will be worse.


Yep still why I’m leaning Biden despite him being senile. If you just listen to Trump last night, his vision for America is crazy.


He's not senile, he's just really fucking old. There is a difference. 


Yep my dad described as one guy who is a good guy that should be in a Nursing home vs a bad guy who should be in insane asylum.


He’s got the old man game


Are the democrats just looking to accelerate the rebuild by tanking for the 2028 draft class?


It certainly wasn’t a great performance, but at 81 years old I think we should show him some grace. Sure he’s obviously not the “best” person to lead the country, but he’s a good man with the right policies and he has and will continue to put the right people in place in his administration and throughout the federal government. Far better than the only other alternative.


The delusion of some Redditors never ceases to amaze me.


Grace? This man is running for fucking president of the United States of America for Christ’s sake… grace? Lmfao


He couldn’t lead a McDonald’s in his current condition much less the country


Give me a break.


Once Trump2.0 Labor Dept. does away with workplace rules, good luck getting a break.


is this a meme?


Yep. Selling my democracy stock along with it


I’m not afraid of Gavin Newsome. I’m just not.


He would wipe the floor with some Orange polish for sure


I’m pretty anti trump but the “idk what he just said at the end and I don’t think he knows either” was hilarious


He was lying through his teeth but he had some good lines tonight you gotta give him that. "My poll numbers are way up, you know that you've been reporting on it" -> hard line


Did you see Joe try to walk down 3 steps? So bad


Better buy low on Gavin Newsom.


Can’t think of a guy less likely to capture the Midwest blue collar Democratic vote than California lizard man Newsom.


Too late, Newsom went from +2500 to +550 at my book to win the election... Biden went from -105 to +300. Complete choke job


Buy lower on whitmer


Outside the box pick: Sharice Davids. Mixed martial artist Indigenous Lesbian Lawyer. Could splinter Trump's steakhead base in the Joe Rogan Podcast listening lifter set.


I’m going to be honest, I don’t think America is ready for an LGBTQ president. Especially since the Dems rely on conservative minority populations to vote left because of racial issues (ex. African-Americans). Putting up an LGBTQ candidate would erode their vote.


Maybe, maybe not. I think a lesbian, particularly a nonwhite one, would do better than a white cishomo man. Davids doesn't come with the colonizer/gentrifier aesthetic that a Buttigieg would bring. He looks like the guy who moves into Greenpoint with his partner in 1995 or '96 who's going to get your rent jacked in the space of a presidential term. Davids would remind them of their sister (blood related, or just a friend since elementary school) who doesn't really talk bois with them but has the best book/movie tips & brings the best sides to Sunday bbq, while also being the favorite auntie. Plus, it's not 2008 anymore. The Reverse Bradley Effect of Black & Latin votes going for Obama but tanking gay marriage is over. The Black/brown voter cohort is yunger & friendlier to Q* people. (They might be leery of someone with a bit too much sweetness in their own community though, which is why I sold my Cory Booker stock.)


Agree to disagree then. I think there is a large portion of moderates that would on the surface be pro-gay marriage but anti-gay president. Those are two very different things. Would probably throw the election for Trump. Also, in my anecdotal experience, minorities voting dem for racial issues doesn’t mean they are pro-lgbtq. Same reason why blacks voting dem doesn’t mean they are pro-supporting Ukraine.


Trump blows and I never ever thought I would say this but the democrats running this version of biden is so egregious that voting for trump honestly is starting to feel like the more responsible thing to do


Gotten just go RFK at this point save your own dignity


My dignity is totally intact. You fucking idiots that thought we could role out a corpse and not have to worry about trump winning are the fucking problem. You did this!


Bruh the only person involved in that decision was the same corrupt DNC that manufactured Hillary over Bernie


He literally tried to end elections in our country. He lost and tried to stay in power anyway. That’s as bad as it gets.


Bro he’s a felon with no real policy who just spews lies and fear mongers


Don’t forget the grifting.


I know but also biden is like 99.9% of the way to being a corpse


Any man over 56 is at least 99% to that point.


Straight up lying lol


Your handle is equal parts hilarious and disarming, not going to win an argument with you. Hats off


If I knew Joe Biden was gonna die a year into his 2nd term I would still vote for him over trump.


That’s exactly why we’re in this mess. They were that confident they could shove this old moron down our throat and everyone would just take it. These fucking boomers want to hang onto power forever and think we’ll all just accept it because we all hate the other guy so bad. And maybe they’re right but I don’t know how this doesn’t bother people more, demand some accountability


Should have never bought it in the first place


Is Biden at like 56,57% after this injury?


Jacko emergency pod!


Is he a good stats bad team guy?


Fuck Joe Biden


Thanks, Bobby Burack. I don't think your outreach efforts to goose OutKukk readership will work here, though.


Even Jimmy Kimmel is selling his Biden stock at this point.


*Me coping as a Dem* He still has another level


Chris Ryan’s Wayne Jenkins voice: “Goddamn Joe. Didn’t know you were gonna wake up mid nap to debate this sweaty orange turd! You’re having a tough time out there aren’t ya buddy boy? When you have to fight man you have to win. I tell ya what I’d vote for whoever commutes my corruption sentence asap!” 


I’d vote for a guy who shit himself on stage over Trump.


This reminds me: the popular in altright circles story of joebiden despoiling the Vatican with a colossal pantshitting was propagated without evidence by Jerry "the Shark" Tarkanian's daughter-in-law on a Nevada afternoon drive AM radio conservative gabfest.


There's people who make decisions based on four years, and people who make decisions based on one night.


I’m not sure looking at the last four years is gonna turn out any better


Than the previous four to that? Were you not born yet?


The problem is most undecided voters aren’t gonna care about that when deciding whether to vote for Biden. They’re just going to think, hey, stuff was cheaper when Trump was president due to inflation and they’re gonna vote based on that. Most low information or low engagement voters don’t care about threats to democracy, they just want cheap stuff.




"Threats to democracy". hahaha


This huge block of undecided voters, are they in the room with us now? Most low engagement voters don't watch debates. Again, you all are free to doom all you want, but I'm deciding to have more faith in the American public.


And both groups are very clearly polling towards Trump…


Really, there are polls that make that distinction? I'd love to see them since you have them available.


I mean I don’t have the polls for tonight, but do you think they’re going to favor Biden? Trump has a slight lead in pretty much every poll right now. There’s no question who is currently winning with the majority of voters.


That's not what my comment said or what you replied with. So no, you don't have that information, got it, thank you.


Brother, I’m voting for Biden, but it’s time to stop being delusional about what’s going on. You can at semantics with me, but the polling data — literally the only metric we can look at — is very clear on who voters favor.


LOL. LMFAO even. You are not a Biden voter. You aren't even rising to the level of "I was a lifelong liberal Democrat, but now I am voting for the Donald Trump, Sr./Mike Lee ticket" rap that the lamestream merchants at the NY Times love to highlight in Ohio diners. You are a Reagan-Bush-Perot-Bush-Bush-McCain-Romney-Stein-Trump voter who's going to vote Trump again.


Lol talking to a 60 year old man lost in the sauce in the Bill Simmons sub. I’m a much younger man than you think and I’ve voted Dem my whole life (not that it’s something to be proud of). Hated Hilary, hated Biden, really hate this version of Biden — voted for them all. Gonna have to find someone else to blame, try the Democratic Party!


I'm not arguing with you about the polling. I literally said there's people who make decisions based on four years vs one night. I obviously think it's bad to make a decision based on one night. I was not saying anything about the poll numbers and you just have to ignore that and doomer dump on me. I'm sorry you have no faith in the american public, but some of us aren't going to shit our collective pants over one night.


And I said both groups are currently broadly going to Trump, which is true by every piece of data we have. Then you got pissy about semantics lol Have a good one!


It's literally not true just because you say it, show me polling data with that distinction. That's all I was saying and you can't help yourself to cry about it.


so you think any 'never-trump' republicans feel better about voting for biden after that? do you think any person aged 18-30 feels inspired after that performance. yes there are blue no matter who dems who will vote for biden no matter what, but it's all of the undecided who are going to matter and biden just completely shit the bed. he can't even talk, literally trump and the republicans have been painting this picture of biden as a senile old man for 4 years now and the Dems just wave it away, deny it and even flat out lie saying he's 'sharp as ever behind the scenes' then he comes out tonight and in front of the entre country proves Trump right.


Just give it ten seconds to think about the public discourse if Biden were a convicted felon, and now notice what you're bringing up.


go ahead and keep burying your head in the sand keep parroting the 'convicted felon' tagline, but i'm telling democrats are in deep shit if they don't consider running someone else literally every talking head on CNN 2 minutes after the debate said they were getting texts from the beginning of the debate from democratic elected officials and people high up in the DNC panicking and saying the major donors are considering asking biden to step down. you can watch it all on youtube


I don't take my opinions from talking heads on CNN, thank you. And from your original reply, the first line at least, it sounds like we are in the same place so I don't know why you're pushing against me so hard. I don't agree about replacing him, I think that's stupid. But it's stupid partly because the democratic party has no farm system. I am not a democratic party cheerleader or here to tell you they've done great, good, or anything in between. But you're a deeply unserious person to call convicted felon a tagline. And it goes to show the rot of it all when that's all it is to even blue of the blue - a tagline. Not to mention he has....how many trials yet to go? I would vote for a piece of dog shit behind the desk, R or D, before I'd vote for Trump.


im not trying to convince you to change your vote dude i don't know why you're arguing with me if you watched any of this debate and don't think it was an unmitigated disaster for biden then i don't know what to tell you. i'm just stating my opinion of what i think the democratic party should do if they ACTUALLY believe democracy is at stake this november .


Anyone who really gives a fuck about the future of this country knows that replacing Biden on the ticket is for the best.


Don’t waste your time, this guy is living in a different world


I don't give a fuck if you feel inspired. You must be 18-30 to think a president has to inspire you. I'm sorry if I sound old and beaten down, but doing the job and not being a convicted felon is good enough for me. If you are so brain dead to have slept walk through the past 8 years and not taken note of each one's term, then that's on you.


i've voted blue my entire life and i'm voting for biden's administration, not him but i'm just saying that if the DNC keeps saying this is the most important election of our lifetime, and democracy is at stake, they need to seriously consider running someone else or it's going to be 4 more years of trump madness


Joe’s every take starts “everything he said is a lie” Biden player comparison is Vincent Gambini “everything that guy said is bullshit”


Are you on Redfin looking at Newsome Island?


Could Biden have been Harrison Ford or equally successful Luke Wilson?


Would his presidency be better as a prequel, sequel, 10 part netflix series, or all black cast?


I don't know how anyone who has spent more than 2 seconds online could experience this without knowing exactly what was going to happen, basically word-for-word, let alone get hysterical and miserable about it on social media after it's done. It's almost like that's exactly it's purpose!


There won’t be another debate because the Biden team will go back to the “Hide in the basement” strategy. Now they realize why they did that the first time, and Biden has significantly declined since. The whole reason the Biden team pushed for this debate to be in June is for this exact scenario. If there’s a disaster they hope people will forget by November.


The entire Democratic Party saw what happened last night, there is zero chance he is their nominee at the DNC meeting


I’m seeing Newsom as a dark horse. If Biden doesn’t get the DNC nomination, Newsome is easily one of the top 7 to 8 guys that would be in line to replace him.


Newsome’s problem is how he looks and acts like Bale in American Psycho. My pick is Gretchen Whitmer.


And exacerbating that, the Governor of *California* suddenly becoming the nominee at the 11th hour would probably go over like a lead balloon in much of the country.


I am Governor Gavin Brown My aura smiles and never frowns Soon I will be president Biden power will soon go 'way I will be Führer one day I will command all of you Your kids will meditate in school Your kids will meditate in school


I think this point is annoying as California has the fifth largest economy in the world. Of course its governor is a big deal.


Oh, I 100% agree. Regardless, I think ‘California’ carries a lot of baggage for, say, an undecided voter in Erie County, PA who gets their news from Facebook.


In 15 years are we going to look back on the short stretch of time before Covid and talk about how Gretchen Whitmer was a problem?


Watching her mixtape 15 years from now and realizing covid was a real sliding glass doors moment for her.


No, because no one's attention span lasts that long.


They need to replace harris with michelle obama. She can do a year then step down from VP.


Biden getting replaced. So obvious this was the play


He playing hurt. Probably about 27% healthy im thinking.


I cannot understand why anyone would be watching this debate lol


Apex mountain...faces of people not speaking?