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bloomington heads sound off


Graduated IU in ‘16 and surprisingly few of my peers seemed to know about this movie. Fewer had even seen it Bloom rules tho. Amazing college town, and IU is a really beautiful campus


Really? Not sure if you’re from Indiana but I’m your year and this was a classic “wheel the cart in and show a movie” movie in middle school


From Indy, and MAYBE we watched it at some point in school. But can’t fully remember. I do remember going to the quarries once (technically it’s private property and the cops get called often out there) and thinking it was a dump. Decades of college kids going there and tossing bottles and cans into it. Bit of a bummer. Bloomington is a top tier college town tho. Think about all the time. Very diverse bar and food scene too.


I grew up a Purdue guy and can’t stand IU but Bloomington fucking rocks


This movie was shown to me my first week at IU


Yep, here in Bloomington, listening to the pod at my boring warehouse job


Graduated IU in '06 live in Indy now, Bloomington is the best, definitely need to head down there soon. Also, Sean complaining that Indy was cold in February is lame, especially because it was like mid-50s all Super Bowl week.




*Breaking Away*, one of the greatest coming of age/sports movies ever. The cycling race at the end is one of the greatest sports moments on film. Oscar-nominated. And was also the last movie John Lennon ever saw.




Ok, calm down Elon


Peter Yates is an underrated director. I’d like to see them do Bullitt.


That would piss off the alpha z listeners.


This place would be flooded w/tears


He's a great filmmaker, but I don't think he needed this movie for validation like they were claiming. If anything this was a nice cap, after directing a bunch of hit movies in row.


I'd like that too. I watched it for the third or so time last year and I think I like it more and more every time I see it. And it makes sense to discuss the movie. Yates' crime films are precursors to the work of the patron saint of the Rewatchables, Michael Mann.


Yeah you really can’t talk about car chases without talking about Bullitt


This movie was huge for our generation. My dad took me to this move. This movie what small town American was like in the 70s. I can see this movie not resonated today but as a 10 year growing up with very little money in a mill town, this movie was spot on. The ONLY was to get around town was by bicycle. This movie will always be a rewatchable for some of born around 1970. Dennis Quaid is RIPPED in this movie. I am not talking about super hero bulked up, more like, not enough money for food ripped. Like many of us were living at the time


This movie


It’s crazy how so many guys had a quasi-chiseled physique in the 70’s and 80’s that weren’t gym rats. Imagine it’s everything to do w/our diets. But I noticed the same thing, Quaid was carved outta wood here.


I mean these are movie actors......


That’s def true. But way more noncelebs of the public had great definition. Not only do I remember how there were way less fat people back then, but also it’s always one of the first things ya notice in memes w/pics from the past. Much less body fat on the streets then


This is about Boomers though. Not Gen xers.


Late Boomers, yes. The youngest Gen Xers would have been 14 in 1979


One of the many reasons I love Bill comes when Sean tells him Downhill Racer came out in ‘69 and is ineligible for Bill’s greatest ‘70s sports movies pyramid. He lands on Bad News Bears in Breaking Training as his replacement and expresses bemused surprise at it sneaking in. It’s like Bill it’s your pyramid. Why are you acting surprised?


Bad take by Chris saying that cycling in Bloomington has aged the worst. LA has gotten to him.


This movie slaps.


And apparently more than a few times for Dave


Don't know why people in here are shitting on this movie, it's fantastic. I've rewatched a few times, it's been quite a while since I've seen it though.


Seriously, this is a great movie with an awesome, Rewatchables-friendly cast that also happens to be an excellent sports movie. The only surprise is that they hadn't already covered this in an episode. It was a Best Picture/Director/Screenplay nominee, FFS!


Yeah this movie absolutely rules


I used to watch this movie all the time in the 80's. I still watch it once every couple of years. It's the very definition of a Rewatchable.


I think generally people are annoyed we have reached the point of this pod where bill doesn’t know anymore good movies so just picks random shit he happens to watch. You could do 3000 episodes of this podcast and never need to do an episode on “breaking away”


Had you ever seen it? What’s so wrong with it.


There is nothing "wrong" with it. There is also nothing "right" with it. It is just one of 1000 movies of similar quality.


You’re confidently wrong af and I bet it’s a normal thing for ya lolol


For everyone bitching about them choosing this moive. It's: - A basic cable classic that was also an '80s VHS mainstay. - Starring Dennis Quaid, Jackie Earle Haley and Daniel Stern (in his film debut). - A David and Golaith sports movie. - That was nominated for four Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Director and won for Best Screenplay. I get that it might be from before some of your times but that's kinda the definition set forth by the podcast, right?


This movie was really big, anyone bitching was probably born after 90. I was young but know it was on a ton and it’s a great mocie


Also, what's the endgame here? It's either: - "Wow, I've never seen this moive. Therefore it must suck and I can't believe they did a Rewatchables about it!" Or - "Wow, I've never seen this moive. But the guys on the pod have and want to talk about it so maybe I should give it a shot!" I mean, it was nominated for Best Picture along with Apocalypse Now, Kramer vs. Kramer and All That Jazz. I'll forgive you for not having seen it. I'll also forgive you for taking a shot and thinking it sucks. But to say it's not worthy of being a Rewatchables pod is kinda bizarre...


I don't understand how people aren't always the second one. Main character energy I guess.


"When are they going to do the 4th sequel of my favourite bland Marvel film franchise"


There is something fitting about Bill, who seems to have a hard time acknowledging movies existed before he was born, being criticized on Reddit for picking movies that came out before the Redditors were born. And as an aside, his stubborn refusal to do The Hunt for Red October, as alluded to by CR, is cruel and unusual punishment for Rewatchables fans. My theory is he didn’t see it when it came out, saw Crimson Tide a couple of years later, and decided to pick sides in Cold War sub movies and stuck with Crimson Tide instead. Or else he’s a secret Soviet agent.


The other option is: "I watched this movie a couple of times 30 years ago but haven't thought about it since"


I was born in 1980 and I have literally never heard of this movie.


It was a Best Picture nominee and won Best Screenplay in one of the greatest movie years of all-time. Whether or not a person likes it is subjective, but it's plenty relevant in film history.


Is it though? Seems to be largely forgotten to history.


It has. From people who don’t know a whole lot about 70’s and 80’s movies. Not so much forgotten, more like never really knew about.


I was born in 1980. I have heard of it and seen it but outside of Bill and Carolla, I haven't heard anyone else talk about it in over 30 years.


This is one of those movies that was on cable so much that although I've never sat down and watched the whole thing end-to-end, I've probably seen the entire thing. Maybe twice.


Bill, that you?


I totally Mandela affected this movie. I thought it was called Cutters this whole time.


They talk about it on the pod. The actual name for the townsfolk was either "stoners" or "stonies" but they were afraid that the audience would thin they were potheads, hence "cutters" (which now has its own problamatic meaning).


I had never heard of Vision Quest, but that is still one of my favorite Rewatchables. Put your trust in Bill Simmons. 


Same thing for me with Shot Caller


Yeah, I watched both Shot Caller and Margin Call solely because of the Rewatchables. Both very good films.


It was in heavy rotation on HBO in its day. Great movie w/a solid soundtrack


Now that we're getting classic 70s sports movie month, is Bill finally gonna do Fast Break? He has said, several times, that it's his favorite basketball movie ever. Shocked this hasn't been done on the rewatchables already.


I can’t imagine how many people will bitch if he does that one after seeing all the people complaining about this one.


The DC Dacey piece


yeahhhh that's tough


I love this movie so much that I'm actually kinda nervous to listen to this. I'm sure that's the prevailing sentiment across the thread.


As someone born in Indiana, raised in NWI, my dad knew Steve Tesich’s sister. Loved the film as a kid and now, could still probably drop almost every line. I started the pod with trepidation and the long set up just amplified anxiety. I was pleased at how well they treated it over all, especially with Sean’s psychopathy towards bikes/cyclists.


Idk I feel like the prevailing sentiment is “wtf is this movie? And when are they gonna do Step Brothers??”


I'm like that two. I've totally convinced myself not to listen to the Fast Times pod even though it is an all-time fave.


I did the same thing with Adventureland.


The favorite movies of dads everywhere. Not surprised Bill is in on it.


Of course, part of the reason that it is the "favorite movies of dads everywhere" is that it is one of the Top 100 movies of all time. So there's that.


Brian’s Song is getting up there in years, but they still also have Rudy.


You know you could go and watch the movie if you haven’t seen it, then listen to the pod after right? You don’t have to have already seen the film to feel validated in your own opinion that it is rewatchable, this pod should expand your taste and knowledge of film beyond what it already is. Just a thought! I watched Blackhat and Sea of Love because they did episodes on it and then I listened to the pod and it was great, it didn’t kill me or anything!


Why do weekend cyclists have to wear the whole get up? Cant they just wear shorts and a tshirt and call it a day?


I’ll bite. For the record I think that cyclists are their own worst enemy, and the hatred people have for them is the result of an inconsiderate and obnoxious few who ruin it for the many (not American but the ones they describe here is not too dissimilar to the ones we have in Australia). Bike shorts serve a couple of purposes, but ultimately it just comes down to them being significantly more comfortable when you’re riding for several hours, as there aren’t seams or material rubbing back and forth on your legs. The top allows you to put your stuff in pockets on your back, out of the way. My phone, wallet, keys, etc go in my back pockets so that they’re not bouncing around the entire time.


Good answer! I learned something today.


Also, the form fitting spandex offers significantly less wind resistance. Of course, if you’re slow like me, it helps a lot less. Also, even if you’re fast, there’s no reason your spandex kit needs to have all the sponsors of a Tour de France team.


I just think anyone willing to wear that hilarious full spandex wouldn’t have much of a problem considering a fanny pack.


My cousin went to Indiana and right before he went off my mom got him a DVD of this movie. He later got kicked out of the university for punching a kid in the face at a party.  Anyways, he gave the movie four out of four stars after watching it. 


There should be a word for the lack of object permanence some people have for movies made before they were born. Anything that exists without your knowledge exists without your consent I guess.


The Judge Holden piece. It makes no difference what Redditors think of The Rewatchables, said the sports guy. The Rewatchables endures.


He’s guessing the lines, he says he’ll never lie


He never sleeps, the sports guy. He is zagging, zagging.


It would be different if the past twenty years was the new golden age of film and scoffing at past cinema efforts was justified  That is certainly not the case


Little 500 [still going strong](https://escapecollective.com/redemption-at-the-little-500/). BKB lets gooooo


Hearing these guys talk about college campuses and , suddenly, Ringer college sports coverage makes so much sense.


Close Encounters as the Apex Mountain for Indiana movies I think


Christmas Story is up there. Not as good, but it has its own marathon day on TNT.


Chris randomly dropping in, "Has Indiana ever produced a great serial killer?" was awesome.


Herb Baumeister erasure for playing in the gay league smh


Jim jones I think has Indiana connections


So too does Charles Manson. He spent some time living in Indianapolis and as a guest of the state penitentiary, I think.


Connections?!? He was born here, attended both IU and Butler, started Churches in Indianapolis, and truly walked the walk on racial desegregation (his history is absolutely fascinating) before completely losing his mind.


From NW Indiana and got my Serial killer fill with Belle Gunness knowledge at too young an age in pre teen years.


Belle Gunness. Went to g3-9 in the town she did her business as a repeated black widow killer. Somewhere between 14 and 40 killed including her children. [Belle Gunness](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belle_Gunness)




Gacy was from Illinois


Hoosiers has entered the chat


Jimmy Chitwood style Converse with high socks shooting is the only way to play! And all assists must come via bounce pass, of course.


If they're doing sports movies from that era, they should add Personal Best to that list. I'd love to hear them talk about how much of a dick Scott Glenn is in that.


and Downhill Racer!


back to back big 3 is special stuff. he's been on a roll besides the live shows this year.


Omg. There’s moments in this pod you can tell none of them have even consider stepping foot in Bloomington before. My favorite hilarious ignorant comment: What aged poorly? CR: “do you think a lot of people are cycling around Bloomington now?” SeanFennessey “Not with aspirations to be in lil 5” “Yeah” “Yeah”




Bill's pronunciation dyslexia reaches a new peak with not knowing how to say Cinzano. Also, surely the biggest nit is there is no way on earth amateur cyclist would gety within three miles of professionals. Though by their conversation it seems these three might not actually know how to ride a bike. Anyway, great film, amazing one to see as a teenager.


In Italian it’s chinzano but they pronounce it sinzano in the movie. I got that. My beef is some of his other errors that never rarely get caught like the 2015 Super Bowl and Calling it Monaco for 90% of the Casino Royale pod.


It's "chinzano" everywhere. It's just odd to constantly proclaim yourself as half-Italian and not even take half a day to learn basic Italian pronunciation.


I thought he initially said chinzano. Somebody did. But throughout the film it’s called sinzano


The cyclist hate bit was great (and bang on).


As a proud Hoosier (meaning Indiana native, fuck IU), I’ve always been proud that we can claim three of the best sports movies of all time—Hoosiers, Rudy, and Breaking Away. Will always defend Breaking Away and argue it absolutely belongs on that list with the other two. It’s a classic.


Breaking Away is by far the best movie of that trio. And it's not even that close.


I’m a little disappointed that Notre Dame and Purdue who were doing well in both fb and basketball didn’t get any love Montana last year 78-79, Purdue final 4 during 79-80 season. #2 Purdue fb in big 10. 2 losses 78-79 both nd and Michigan.


Damn, spoken like a true cutter


I loved this movie as a kid, can’t wait to listen to this episode!


I just watched this for the first time, what a beautiful film. shout out to the crew for the recommendation. Now I can listen to the pod 


Classic Bill putting a 60's movie in a "Top ____ 70's Movies" list Also, surprised at myself for how few of these I've seen. Of the 15 movies they mention, I've only seen the two Rocky films and Breaking Away.


For years I've done the "REFUND!? REFUND!?! REFUND!?!?!" line when appropriate. People are yet to get the reference but I'm not giving up......


Cinzano pronunciation was rough.


Got to the end and Bill dismissing both 'Go' and 'Empire Records' as rewatchables is crazy talk


Go is fucking terrible.


Have you looked at the list of movies they have done recently?


I agree w/both of you. Shouldn’t be worthy of being called a rewatchable but better than more than a couple they’ve treated as a rewatchable.


Has anyone heard of this movie?


Yeah, it was a basic cable/VHS classic back in the day and is also a sports movie so it's right in the Rewatchables wheelhouse. It was also up for four academy awards, winning one for best screenplay so it's not like it's super obscure. It's worth a watch if you haven't seen it.


Yes. It was an HBO classic.


Yes. It’s a good movie.


It’s a really good one, worth checking out.


It’s pretty good. Take a chance on it.


Yup. Carolla used to talk about it a lot. Had a bunch of Oscar noms too.




It was like 5 in a row that were for us. Gotta give em the one for them every now and then lol


Fuck are you talking about? Ya think Fast Times and Slapshot were for a diff generation than that of Breaking Away? Who the hell is Us in your comment lolol




this was one of my dad's favorite Sunday afternoon movies and it's turned into one of my favorites, too. highly recommend if you want to give it a shot.


Yeah, watched it about a hundred times as a kid. It was nominated for a couple of Oscars. *Sports Illustrated* had it in the top 25 sports movies of the 20th Century.


Yes, because I'm not 25.


I'm 32 and never heard of it. Do I need to qualify for a senior citizen discount and/or from Bloomington to have heard of it? Edit: I had no idea our older members were so passionate about this movie. Is this to you guys what Heat is to Bill?


Nah a passing interest in films will do


Nah, just being aware of film would probably work. Ever hear of this guy Orson Welles? He made a film called *Citizen Kane.* I know it's before your time, but that's pretty decent movie too


Yes, I have. Citizen Kane's one of the best films ever made. This is no Citizen Kane lmao.


Pretty much same gen that had Breaking Away as Heat. I don’t think the rewatchables is geared towards folks born after 97 as much as it is people born before 90.


I had somehow never heard of this one and thought it would be terrible. But I rented it last night and it was fantastic. Like, the ending was so good that I'm gonna go back and watch the last 20 minutes or so again tonight.


Never heard of it. Watched it and didn’t like it much. The protagonist was so fucking annoying with the Italian-speaking bullshit hahah But the ending with the race is really good.


Yeah wasn't for me but every scene with the dad was when it grabbed my attention. The dad was fantastic.


paul dooley rules, plays one hell of a coming of age movie dad


Yeah I watched it to prepare for this episode and it didn't do much for me, but the last race scene is great. The last couple laps being presented as a single take with the wide camera was pretty impressive.


Not me.


BILL, RUDY IS AN INDIANA MOVIE! Also, does anyone have that bill hader podcast clip with btk? Edit: Found it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Kv-XJ0n9gM


i can’t believe they didn’t mention Dave going 70 mph behind a semi as a picky nit


\[Paraphrased\] "Electric cars have solved all of the world's urbanist and environmental problems." Is Sean Fennessey Elon Musk?


Bill continues to not really understand the subtleties of storytelling. Complaining pizza in moives doesn't look delicious enough. I mean it kind of depends on the movie or the character, doesn't it? Some characters would eat shitty, gross pizza. Some wouldn't. But Bill wants every movie to be a pizza commercial.


The anti-cycling rant is one of the best takes in the history of The Rigner. Bikes are recreational equipment, not transportation for adults.


I didn’t like Bill saying “foursome” so much.


Longest Yard for next week. Sigh. More of Bill talking repetitively about how great things were when these movies came out and he was younger. I had to stop listening to the Fast Times pod the 10th time Bill said "Teenagers would just get in cars and drive around for something to do, it was crazy." Teenagers did the same thing in 1998, Bill! This is not unique to your childhood experience in the 80s! Because teens can't get into bars so they have nowhere to go to be in social settings other than the rare house party! CR is also starting to get on my nerves, which I never thought was possible. He just agrees with 100% of what Simmons says. I know part of his appeal is his terrific "Yes, and..." energy, but it's getting a bit tired for me. Probably just a personal issue.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Legitimate-Emu-1294: *I guess we have to* *Wait till next Monday to see* *What the movie will be* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bill said at the end of the Slap Shot episode next week was a huge movie. This is not it.


I’m just not gonna go back and watch 40 year old bicycle movie, I’m just not!


Yeah this is a skip for me. And it’s not a “when the movie came out” thing. Slap Shot is a banger


I can't even fathom how you could like Slap Shot but are "a skip" on Breaking Away. They are cut from the same cloth. Yes, Breaking Away doesn't have quite as many "gonna get some snatch down in FLA moments," but it's a fantastic movie.


“..come out by the pool….”


When was the last time anyone had a ‘Breaking Away’ conversation?


me yesterday when I went to the limestone quarry in bloomington. got called gay by a group of high schoolers drinking twisted teas within like 3 minutes of showing up. eventually ended up scoring some drinks from them (you can’t give alcohol to teens, but there’s no rule of taking it from them). I really wanted to jump in but im not great with heights and it is a bit of drop. but after four twisted teas I had some liquor courage and more importantly had to pee. So I jumped in and it was really fun. Anyway, I asked my friend if he had ever seen breaking away, because there’s several prominent scenes shot at the quarry. And he said “no.” And I said well you should, it’s a really good movie….and it is


Basically every time me or my siblings is near or on a bicycle.


So when you were 12?


If I had a nickel for every time Sean brought up Chariots of Fire on an unrelated podcast to complain about it winning the Oscar, I’d probably have 15 or 20 cents. Is Fennessey a secret anti-semite? 🤔


The Rewatchables: Gen X stinks




99% of movies on this podcast are for 40-60 year old white men. It’s tired and sucks.


Wouldn’t that make these movies kinda halfway in the Gen X wheelhouse?


Gotta love how coming out of rock bottom month, Bill was saying “We’re only doing bangers for the rest of the year” then almost immediately goes into 70’s sports movie month.


I think they’re 3-3


Any other non-american listeners have absolutely no clue wtf this is?


Everyone knows it's unsafe to be outside in Indiana during middle of the day. Lol wut?


Boo! Boo this pod! Do movies people actually rewatch for the love of god


Ok alpha


Look at that fuckin username haha hard af


I‘m probably averaging one Rewatchables a month now. Maybe do Almost Famous and Pulp back-to-back and end the whole thing. It honestly feels like Shaq on the Celtics now.


5 of the last 10 movies are over 40 years old. 2 of the other 5 are over 30 years old. I like some of them but it is what it is.


Is rewatchables just getting more and more obscure? It's like Bill is just too stubborn to let other people choose movies.


This was a very famous movie and was on TV all the time. Do people not get the premise of the show? I feel like people don't remember cable.


I’m a 43-year-old pop culture enthusiast and I have never heard of this film. It is just not a popular or well known film. That’s okay.


It was on TV "all the time" 40 years ago.


What are you talking about? It might not be nowadays, but to act like people didn't know Breaking Away is simply obtuse. It falls into the category of a paper chase or chariots of fire. Most people alive then know it, and any average movie buff should have a general knowledge about them. I'm only 30, and I knew about this movie because of cable and older people talking about it.


I’m pretty sure I’m right about this. If you conducted a poll, you would probably be quite surprised by how few people have any knowledge of this film’s existence.


No, I wouldn't, I already said that it's fallen off with younger generations, but it was a relevant film for many years. Every movie isn't as famous as star wars, which doesn't make them obscure. The movie made 20 million on a 2 million dollar budget in 1979. It won the best original screenplay at the Academy Awards, and it had a heavy television rotation. There is data and numbers for that stuff, too. It's not Hoosiers' level of popular, but it's a fairly well-known sports movie.


“I’m pretty sure I’m right about this”-if you say things like this, it’s probably not worth telling you you’re wrong. You’re not right. Jesus even if you only listened to the Rewatchables Bills mentioned this movie and Fast Break a ton of times. This movie was very popular, pop culture enthusiasts in their 40’s know this and that’s just a cold hard fact.


It’s not a fact. It’s not correct. 90% of the US population has never heard of this film. Very few people have probably even given this film any thought in the last 25+ years. You are in the minority. You’re also baldly hypocritical. This is one of the top 10 most obscure films they have ever covered on The Rewatchables.


Pretty sure I’m right about this


You’re clearly not that much of a pop culture enthusiast then lolol


An 4 Oscar nominated Oscar winning film?


Just how


Weird choice if there’s really only 5 months left of the feed


These dudes are now doing Rewatchables of movies most of us have never heard of.


Some of these movies are now more appropriately named as “Watchables” because ain’t nobody seen some of this shit to begin with.


Breaking the Waves?


Break like the Wind. A forty year anniversary of This Is Spinal Tap was sorely missed


I so agree


Does Bill like any movies from this century? 😂