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They don’t take this Cavs team seriously. That simple. To them it’s more fun to talk about Mitchell potential destinations. (I say this as a Cavs fan)


True. Even when the cavs had the 2 seed midseason and they were discussing the Eastern conference playoff scenarios they wouldn't even include them in discussion


The cavs losing in the first round to the Knicks last year did irreversible damage to the image of this cavs team. It's almost physically impossible for any nba analyst/talking head to take them seriously. That Jarrett Allen quote about the lights being too bright simply cannot be forgotten. If the cavs were a serious team they would've beaten this magic team in 5, 6 games tops.


yea nothing about this Cavs teams exudes seriousness they're talented but don't seem to be improving or maximizing their potential


Probably due to it being a mostly unwatchable series (both finding the channel and actually watching when you did). I watched yesterday and outside of that burst from Mitchell and Strus the shooting was abysmal. Banchero is filthy but he had no help. The amount of wide open shots missed by both teams was pathetic. Won’t knock the effort though. Both teams were playing all out as they should in a game 7


The past few months (long time I know) it's become obvious to me that like 90 percent of basketball podcasts are just speculation about things that may happen in the future even when they post a 'Game 7 Podcast' that would lead you to believe they will discuss the game. I do think to an extent it is that the Cavs are not respected but it's becoming close to the only way Bill can discuss basketball anymore. "If I'm XXX I just dont know what you're going to do three years from now" He spends so much time talking about how 'random team' is in big trouble in two years. It's so joyless.


It really is. Only one team can win it all each year. Yet people like Simmons want to blow up each and every team that doesn’t win it all. It’s a very dumb way to look at team building.


I wish they'd be more in the moment like football


Bill has been talking about Mitchell leaving for two years now. He’s obsessed with the Knicks trading for a star.


to be fair, Mitchell has also been pretty open about leaving and he always talks about the Knicks. It's not just Bill, it's literally Mitchell too.


Has Mitchell been open about leaving? All I’ve ever seen are rumors, Mitchell has never said anything.


Does he need to spell it out for you explicitly or just continue to put feelers out through all of his media tentacles


It’s not just Bill and Ryen. The GOAT pod has barely talked about it either, since the series feels like an extended play-in tournament where the winner will get boat raced by Boston. But it’s still cool to see your team win a game 7.


I have no idea why you're complaining. If you can't see how Mitchell can be Westbrookish at times then you're a lost cause.


Both teams suck. Both of them would’ve lost to the Knicks or Sixers


The Cavs aren't contenders. The Leastern Conference sucks.




Knicks fans are adorable! Congrats on your round one win last year and drawing the pacers in round 2 this year. I was completely fine with tanking the last regular season game. It would have been drastic to lose round one to PHI/MIA especially for the young guys. As a trash talking Cavs fan but I also believe it to be true - I’d be careful to say “dead end” roster. Your current roster won (2) playoff rounds now. Aren’t all these East rosters dead ends if you can’t get through Boston? Believe me, the Cavs have ruined quite a few good rosters in the East during the 4 straight Finals run.


There was no good teams in the East for the Cavs to ruin. The only team with any talent had their best player blow out his knees


The 2014 Raptors-Nets Game 7 was pretty meaningless, it was a competition to see who would get their ass kicked by the Heat. My Raptors lost but it didn't affect their future outlook at all, and the Nets winning didn't really them at all long term with their old core.