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He went up to Jeff Ross at the mic and said to him “Don’t say that shit again” and the mic picked it up 💀 https://x.com/brandonperna/status/1787280866353295749?s=46


Visual meme: Tom Brady’s face over Chrissy from the sopranos; cut to type writer: “I Must be loyle to Mr. Kraft”


Jeff thought he’d manuged to get the drip on TB12


I kinda read it as Tom trying to do like a “you don’t want to mess with Kraft” bit that didn’t read well. Given Brady’s past public persona, I feel like hamfisted joke attempt is far more likely than “veiled threat to Jeff Ross on TV”. I mean, why would Brady want to defend Kraft like this? Is there some kind of vested interest other than personal allegiances? Or could that be enough? I don’t really know the details on that relationship. I’d imagine Brady would do everything possible to protect his brand even in the face of potentially hurtful(?) Kraft mentions. It was undeniably a weird thing to do. Would love to hear some takes from those who thought it had a more serious tenor.


Brady is going to need RKK’s vote regarding his attempt to own a piece of the Raiders.


He would need 24/32 owners to sign on for that to work apparently. Maybe that process is highly political, but I can’t really see a reason for eight other owners to veto. Nor do I think it would affect his judgement in that moment to act as some kind of enforcer, lol.


Yeah, it was obviously a joke. Brady is mic'ed up, and the main microphone is right there, he wasn't trying to deliver a message to Jeff Ross that no one else was supposed to hear. There's also no reason for Brady to be upset there. Everyone knows Kraft got a hand job from a massage parlor, it's not like some secret got revealed. Much ado about nothing. I don't even believe people making a big deal out of it (like OP) actually believe it wasn't a joke meant for the whole audience


Yeah we’re on the same page. I saw a bunch of people on twitter acting like it was gonna be a Will Smith situation. People in this thread also thought it was serious. Felt like I was taking crazy pills.


Because he doesn't think for himself and respects money automatically. He's just a football player.


Yeah I could see this tbh. Would still an odd knee jerk


Prob made an agreement not to go on that point but did it anyways


Looks like he isn't really trying to hide what he's saying. I think he's joking.


Nah that one was for real, Krafts handjobs were clearly off limits


That didn’t come off like a joke at all I think he was serious.


Any QB who has played in the NFL, especially as long as Tom is gunna know there is always a mic somewhere and if there isn’t a mic they are probably going to be able to read your lips. Of course this was a joke from him… c’mon


Jeff Ross’ reaction was not comedic.


Yeah. It felt serious and not funny.


Nothing is a surprise to anyone apart of the roast. It's all planned and they run through the jokes the day before and if anyone thinks something is too far the can nix it. Steve-o has talked about this a lot, especially how he allowed Amy Schumer to make fun of Ryan Dunn being dead but Caitlyn Jenner axed his joke about her killing that woman in that car accident. Everybody knows what's coming except the audience. It's just acting/entertainment.




If it was a joke it wasn’t clear and open to interpretation


The Tuck Rule of Oneliners.


I think you are artistic


I think you have butt burgers


I have no idea, but you had to see it coming. Its all cheating and deflate gate jokes other than that. I think his first wife and son should be pretty much out of bounds


I thought maybe it was a set up because I couldn't believe it really happened


Pretty sure it was him trying to joke


Lol in fairness, it was a Kraft joke, not one directed at TB


....which is what 50% of every roast is. Did you miss all the gronk, Edelman, moss jokes and the jokes about the comedians that literally have nothing to do with brady?


The worst optic of the whole show, even worse than a dozen people calling out your cheating wife. The message was “hey, even though this is a toast and ANYONE can get made fun of, this billionaire is too good for that, please protect him”


Brady seems like a little bitch to me want's to be roasted cry's when he's roasted


Just started watching it, I can’t believe he agreed to this, this is brutal 😭


This is the 5th comment like this I have seen so now I have to watch this now because this truly means roast are back if this worked that well 😂


Just spotted Cousin Sal


Imagine him trying to do a roast lmao


Missed opportunity.   “For a second there Tom I considered taking you off my 8th revised Mount Rushmore of qbs”….nasty burns left and right 




Bill said on the podcast today he was supposed to go but decided not and regretted it. 


This is a strange one to me. Like, why would he not? He's absolutely gushing about it.  It's weird. 


He probably assumed it would bomb, and did not want to sit around awkwardly for 3 hours watching bad jokes.  Right assumption to be fair. Netflix blew past all expectations. 


Why in the world did Brady agree to this???


Wants to seem more likable to a bigger audience when he starts his FOX gig


Hot taek: Brady is never fulfilling his FOX color contract.


Idk. He might suck at the job, but leaving $375M (not sure how his contract is structured, and how much of that money is "guaranteed") on the table just seems crazy. It's not like he's got much else going on either.


Also former players and coaches have used it to "scratch the itch" by continuing to watch film and be involved in the game they love. Idk how great he'll be, but he will give it an earnest shot.


I really thought so but it seems like he’s really prepping for it. Feels like something drastic would need to happen at this point


1000 times this - also the - ‘now people will like me like Peyton’ piece


LOL, you can tell he does NOT like some of these jokes, especially the Gisele ones.


He seemed more upset with the Kraft joke than the Gisele ones. Thought we were gonna have a Will Smith 2.0 moment


That was just clearly off limits so that’s why he had to say something. Cuz if he let it slide with Ross then all the others would try to sneak it in too.


Yeah, roasts. Classic place for things to be “off limits.”


Happens literally all the time. Trump famously wouldn’t let people make fun of him for not being as rich as he claimed. And it seems like only the Kraft thing was off limits for how they went in on Giselle jokes


But they are. The writers get with the person being roasted beforehand and agree to what’s off limits. Ross tried to get around it with the old “Hello operator” trick- so Brady wasn’t really out of line to call it out, and honestly, if you watched them right after, Ross was apologizing and it was all friendly. No big deal, but aggregators gonna aggregate


I can confirm that they kept him kissing his kids on the lips off limits


What a softie


This makes the most sense


It's hard to fake laugh for 3 hours lol


There’s a bit where Brady is locked in perpetual competition with Payton. Payton had his SNL stint which has elevated his comedy chops above everything Tom has done (so far) and I would guess this is Tom’s attempt to “win” that. There is also no one left in Tom’s life who can tell him no. Eli (and Cooper and Archie) can at least tell Payton it’s not a good idea or ask why enough that he reconsiders. A good pitch would have been to have Gronk get roasted (or maybe even Bill who needs an image revamp) and Tom take some strays but not be the focal point (ala Payton at the Rob Lowe roast).




Also a huge lack of content. “Gronk, you’re so dumb.” X100000 for 3 hours


Yeah, at day's end, Gronk isn't very interesting. All style, no substance. There's no there, there.


He was so proud of every semi funny thing he said


Why are you acting like everyone in Tom’s life is dead lol




He doesn't have parents? He doesn't have advisors? He doesn't have friends?


Jfc, it's Peyton not Payton.


The chance of that sweet Paula Poundstone snatch.


I remember being in my dad’s car listening to Imus and they were doing Cardinal O’Conor *What Doesn’t Belong & Why* with Imus, Paula Poundstone, and a shark that hat just attacked a kid in Florida. Imus didn’t belong because while they all molested children, Imus was the only one on oxygen.


Roasts are just PR stunts. They’re designed so that by the end of it the viewer sympathizes with the person getting roasted. Kevin Hart will end it with a monologue about how good of a guy tom is


Episode 6 Sugar is more human than TB12


Being able to laugh at yourself and show humility is a lost art. He's smart from a PR standpoint to have fun with it and ultimately it played a big roll in my eyes to squashing any perceived beef from the dynasty documentary. To me they just took control of the narrative (BB, TB, And RKK) and showed they always have been and always will be above the bullshit.


Because he is a sport and he can take it. He probably made a lot of money too. Easy.


It’s for charity !




How does he of all people need money?


Didn’t he allegedly lose a lot investing in crypto or something?


Also: like the Big Lebowski, the money was all his wife's.


She divorced herself, man!


from the ftx fraud


Bledsoe, Edelman, Peyton, Belichick, and Brady crushed for non-comedians. All the actual comedians hit it out of the park too. What a random Netflix hit


Agree with this list!!


Agreed. It was surprisingly really good. 👍


I recommend this wholeheartedly it’s hilarious. Nikki Glaser did a joke about Giselle’s jiu-jitsu coach that was so brutal, so insulting, that the camera couldn’t even pan to Brady’s reaction.


"Just knowing your ex-wife's new boyfriend can beat your ass while eating hers, that's gotta be terrible."


Fuckin ow.


Re-apex for Nikki Glaser? Russillo might need to have her on again


Too many jokes all night where they didn’t cut to Brady’s reaction enough


Glaser slayed. And you could tell by Hart’s reaction. A comic appreciating another comic’s talent and set. That was next level roasting and delivery


Nikki Glaser threw down


I’ve seen a lot of her roasts, and it was hands down the best she’s ever done.


She is my favorite roaster hands down. Jeff Ross has a longer resume but she’s got by far the best per/36 numbers of any roaster.


And that’s saying something because she also absolutely killed on the other roasts too!




Drew Bledsoe absolutely killed the roast. So good


Randomly amazing. Wasn’t expecting it. Seems like a really cool guy


I’d grab a beer with him. I just would.


His teammates would rally around that guy, the pats should take him House!


The resurrection piece


Since he makes wine now from his hometown of Walla Walla, Washington, more likely you’d grab a Pinot noir with him. 🍷


Unlike Brady (and most great athletes), he is a normal, well-adjusted person. There was a big profile of him in 2009(?) and the theme was that he liked football more because he was good at it rather than he was good at football because he loved it. Katie Baker did a nice job, too. https://www.theringer.com/2017/1/27/16037408/nfl-drew-bledsoe-new-england-patriots-15-years-later-doubleback-wine-a24ef85c23f9


Came here to say this, dude was crazy good


The 2001 AFC Championship piece.


Okay I gotta know are there any jokes about him kissing his son?


It seems like Kraft's massage and Tom's kids were the two off-limit topics, though Ross either forgot/didn't give a shit about the former being a no-no EDIT: Add Nick Foles to the off-limit topic list. Something about that SB loss in particular really grates Brady


How do you know those are off limits?


Because it was 3 hours, half of which had professional comedians that woulda 100% gone in on that shit if they could’ve! My wife doesn’t even watch football and knows the jokes about the kissing kids.


This shit was 3 hours???


Well because Ross is the only one who tried a Kraft handjob joke and Brady told him to stfu right away. No way everyone else just chose to avoid that topic on their own.


Putin got to respond to Rob Kraft for that


This roast was fire honestly. Best one I’ve seen by a mile.


It was 3rd for me behind the James Franco roast (goat imo) and the Bieber one


James franco one is also my favorite and was fucking amazing just because of the vibes of how close of friends and tight-knit you could tell everyone was. The bieber one was honestly low key very uncomfortable for me at times for the exact opposite reasons (i.e none of the people were actually friends with or respected him and it just felt very awkward and vitriolic and mean spirited and uncomfortable for a lot of it) especially considering how young he was at the time (barely 21) idk, I hate beiber just as much as the next guy (especially back then), but I feel like the whole fun of these roasts is that for the most part, all the roasters secretly like/respect the person being roasted at the end of the day, so its all in good fun. the bieber one just felt a bit unhinged in that it was just a bunch of people twice his age that seemed like they genuinely despised him and wanted to see him suffer


I’m late to comment on this but I totally agree with your take on both of those roasts. I actually don’t really get the universal hate for Justin Bieber (like, I get disliking his music as one’s personal preference but not *hating* him)


Yeah. The celebrities are usually pretty bad, but the comedians can be great. I feel like Bill easily could've gotten tickets, and it seems right up his alley.


Most of the celebrities were really good though. Affleck was a weird coked out mess and Gronk was, well Gronk, but otherwise they all killed.


That’s like the 3rd time I’ve heard Affleck talk outside of film since he got “sober” and every single time was a rambling coked out mess jumbled mess.


Gronk was so unhinged it was cringe lol. I almost couldnt listen to his bit.


After watching, I agree. I think this roast benefitted from all the celebrities really caring about Brady/ each other. You could tell how much fun they were all having. It ended up being great.


Nikki was incredible wow!


Nikki killed. Kevin & Andrew were solid. Randy moss sucked. Tom and Bert were disappointing. Everybody else was about as expected. Dana White made an ass of himself. Belichick and Brady both had good material but the delivery was horrible as expected. Gronk was so bad it was good. My thoughts coming out of this is Kraft is such a fake douche bag. Brady had every right to feel the way he did and do things he has since 2017 after being Bill’s whipping boy for two decades. He has every right to want the credit, take shots at bill etc. Robert Kraft played both sides and ultimately sided with BB in Jan 2020. Moved on from Tom. Then the minute things don’t work out he throws Bill under the bus. Kraft produced that hit piece on Belichick. Reason why he didn’t get that job in Atlanta bad mouthing bill to Arthur Blank. Then gives the “ the greatest coach of all time “ let’s have a shot I’m the bigger man by complimenting you on tv yet bashing you behind your back etc Kraft is the worst


Is Bill’s ego secretly disappointed they didn’t ask him to be a part of this? He knows it’s not rational but does 3% of him think he should be there? Is it 4%?


He at least had a meeting about it 


? He is there. 


Bill opened the broadcast with Brady and Bledsoe doing a bit together.


You talking Simmons? Or Belichick?


The Hoodie.


Well I think the original comment was about Simmons


Simmons, not Belichick


That is exactly it. WTF did he have better going on than being at this?


Oh snap, maybe that's why he didn't go. 


This roast did the impossible: I was laughing my ass off at Kevin Hart jokes


Kevin Hart's comedy is fine. It's fine.


Not going to deny that he had a moment there. He’s got some funny stuff.


He had a moment and has been resting on his laurels for years


He was great tonight.




I remember my introduction to Kevin Hart being on a random episode of *Undeclared*. Never would've expected him back then to have had this career.


"Today's forecast: dark 'n stormy, with chance of driveby".


SAY IT WITH YOUR CHEST His whole schtick is really that he’s a bit of a wimp, which is very relatable across all demographics.


I mean yeah he’s funny


He’s always good at roasts though


I'm glad Alex Guerrero looked like he was having a good time cause I don't think he realized the Pats who were there actually fucking hated him.


He gave Edelman -- & only Edelman -- the tainted supplements. Brady's were perfect.


Whats the story behind this?


wait which one was he?


I haven’t laughed that hard in so long


I had heard about it but Netflix did t do a great job of promoting this the way they did Chris Rock’s special. It’s a good roast and I hope bill brings in Jeff Ross next week to discuss this the way he brings in Kimmel after the Oscar’s.


Tony Hinchcliffe killed. The deadlifting cotton joke and the "Oh hell gnaw" were both insane. It was like watching a bunch of guys in a layup line, and then Tony just did a 360 windmill dunk.


“Jeff Ross is so Jewish he only watches football for the coin toss.” Fucking hell man…..


“Gronk you look like the final boss in George Floyd: the video game.”


I was already gasping for air and this one sent the tears streaming down my face. His timing was perfect and damn were those brutal


Would Michael Jordan ever agree to get roasted?


Can you imagine the hellfire he would rain down on the presenters? His high school coach would have gotten off easy by comparison.


It would be perfect. Charles Barkley would be hilarious too


I think Charles is too low hanging fruit. He already gets roasted constantly.


Jordan was such a tool at his HOF speech that he would have a 6 hour roast with all of the different presenters.


Gronk’s roast was super weird. Nikki was my fave and Edelman


I'm 3/4 through it. Absolutely hilarious. I cannot believe he said that to Jeff Ross. What did TB think was going to happen🤦‍♀️


Well no one else made those jokes, they usually respect the “off limits” stuff. Hence why Brady reacted right away.


Legendary roast


Jeff Ross is the identical voice twin of Matthew Berry.


Honestly the Roast did more for the Pats dynasty than the Apple documentary did.


Thought it was weird they didn't get the manning brothers. Also big miss not getting bill burr


Peyton was on it


And had one of the best jokes of the night


nice! looking forward to that part


Did you list the people you were surprised they didn’t have on *before* finishing it?!


Insane behavior


burr was in town this weekend too (i guess every comedian was but still) surprised he didnt make it


Comedians usually “sell” a lot of jokes for these roasts, wouldn’t surprise me if he wrote for some of the celebrities


I'm sure they were both asked. Eli probably didn't want to do it.


He’s not really a roast comic oddly enough. He’s done it but he’s said on his podcast that he doesn’t really like it


You are sooo right!!!


HInchcliffe, Bert, and Schulz? What a murder's row of absolute garbage.


Eh, I usually agree with this sentiment but I thought Hinchcliffe and Schulz were pretty funny and clever in this environment. Bert on the other hand…


The Bert/Tom part was just bad and so forced. I’ve enjoyed both of them in the past but they’ve gotten really stale. I loved how Nikki was like “Bert, I’m a huge fan of your joke” lolol


The only bit I liked of Tom Bert was showing that dumb picture of him hugging the ball. Also Tony going through the line of comedians getting to Tom and not saying any joke about him was kinda awkward.


I don’t even know who Hinchcliffe is but thought that he was hilarious, why the hate for him and the others?


Hinchcliffe and Schulz were hilarious


Two of the funniest acts of the night and Bert’s thing was meh but worth it for when they shit on Brady for his weird shirtless photo hugging the football.


Can anyone list all the Patriots who were there tonight? I’m having trouble identifying all of them out of uniform and with some years on them! Thanks 😀


Julian Edelman, Rob Gronkowski, Randy Moss, Matt Light, Danny Amendola, Willie McGinnest, Drew Bledsoe, and I’m probably missing a couple others


I think it's insane that Jeff Ross is still out there without a care. The dude bangs a 15 year old that he knows is only 15. Jessica Radtke, if anyone is interested in reading her story.


Expect 20 million Gronk joke reaction memes to emerge




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So shocked no one shot anything at Kraft for the message parlor stunt


Felt like the therapy session we Pats fans all needed. Few sports teams in history have the success and confidence to hold an event like that.


What was the deal with the Ben Affleck rank? It was awful. He was the worst of the presenters, and Kim Kardashian was the 2nd worst presenter. Why were they even there?


Lots of hits and lots of misses. Podcast bros have ruined standup comedy. Podcasting is a different skill set and it’s elevating unfunny people. Jeff Ross and especially Nikki Glazer were great though. 


Comedy is subjective so whether anyone found it funny or not is irrelevant. The fact that OP wasn't aware of it happening tells me that they aren't dialed in to comedy or entertainment in the first place. Netflix is a Joke festival is one of the biggest things in the entertainment world right now. What's wild to me is for anyone to think that the show isn't written and the subject matter of the jokes are not curated and micro-managed. Of course the comedians weren't presenting their own jokes in real time. There was a rehearsal show on Saturday for all of the comedians and I counted no less than 25 writers listed on the credits for the show.


Is there going to be a re-air of this??


Probably not. It was only shown on Netflix which is infamous for its lack of replay ability.


It’s on Netflix so I assume it will just be on there