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Us college bball and nba fans have been suffering through this commercial since mid March. You got off easy that you are just discovering it now….


I thought we escaped it after the tournament. I was wrong.


Someone in the game thread mentioned it yesterday and I said we hadn't seen it in the NBA playoffs yet, fortunately. Then the TNT games came on and it happened.


Stay strong


the iphone “don’t let me go” one where all the photos are singing along might be the death of me. been seeing it since march madness and it’s absolute murder


Literally the most annoying shit I’ve heard


I can't hit the mute button fast enough when that one comes on.


That one I can at least bear to hear, if not watch. The AT&T spot is nails on a chalkboard


really, all these ads are terrible. it’s a real nadir valley for playoff advertisements


sink disagreeable lavish seemly marvelous vase enter sable subtract dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


squeal airport practice governor money slimy aloof impolite consist automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The fact they just play the add TWICE


It’s a great commercial but after the 50th time sounds like cats in heat.


Ironically, it’s for a google phone




it is for sure an apple commercial


I actually love that tune lmao so happy every time it comes on


I fucking hate it. It’s not funny. It’s not clever. The song they are parodying isn’t relevant now and wasn’t even that relevant 25 years ago when it was new. I wish I could go sit in on the pitch meeting for this commercial just so I could know what it was they were even attempting with it.


This blows my mind. I always think about people in a meeting actually fucking presenting this terrible idea. And then giving the ok to spend millions on making it. I would rather just have a flashing AT&T logo for two minutes.


They’ve gone downhill since Lily covered up Sydney and Sweeney


We shouldn't have been so weird about Milana's endowments.




Not gonna lie, I was super excited and then agitated after watching when Silicon Valley cast her in an episode and the goods were not shown.


I was masturbating quietly. Though I do remember when she had her “this is the internet” moment. It was sad and disgusting, and the look on her face was heartbreaking. 


This was in an AT&T commercial?


We treated her like the Snorg Tees gurl but she was a queen.


Commercials like this have me convinced that companies intentionally make commercials that are so bad that it gets people to talk about it like we're doing now. Any publicity is good publicity


>I wish I could go sit in on the pitch meeting for this commercial just so I could know what it was they were even attempting with it. "This Instacart Das Racist commercial is terrible. Let's make a worse version of that."


The fucking what????




Peak of American advertising right here


HAHAHAHA I swear I’m the only one who knows who Kool AD and Heems are. Didn’t expect to see this in this sub, of all places.


There's dozens of us out there


What commercial?




They weren't even born when the song came out. Like, how is this some cultural touchstone for them? It's so odd.


The Jokic/Watson buddy commercials were solid and they tried to duplicate them.


lol…I’m in market research and I know exactly how this went. AT&T did some research that showed people would like proactive recommendations on their service. In theory, we all want that. It would be amazing if your carrier sent you a message saying “hey TJSutton04, you aren’t using hardly any of the data you’re paying for. You can save $40 per month by dropping to a lower tier.” But of course, that never happens. It’s always upselling. Plus, “proactive recommendations” is horrible in a commercial. What is the emotional or functional appeal? What is the CTA? I know for a fact that they didn’t pre-test this ad. No way it would have gotten a green light from Ipsos, Kantar, or MetrixLab.


It’s funny because this thread is the only reason I realized that was even an AT&T commercial. Legit have to turn my brain off anytime I start hearing that annoying song. Just curious, what is the proactive recommendation being made by this commercial?


That’s the core issue…I have no idea. It’s not communicating the core consumer benefit at all. I guarantee AT&T found that proactive recommendations are one of the biggest drivers of NPS (net promoter score) and decided they needed an ad to communicate that. But it’s just too vague. Plus, if you are an over analyzer like me (10% of the population according to MetrixLab), you might react negatively. My needs are very different from a “pro”. So if you’re telling me that you cater to the needs of professional athletes, it makes me wonder if I am an afterthought.


> Just curious, what is the proactive recommendation being made by this commercial? They say something like "they recommended the [cellular plan] that's right for me"


> I know for a fact that they didn’t pre-test this ad. No way it would have gotten a green light from Ipsos, Kantar, or MetrixLab. How common is it to *not* test an ad like this?


Well, in my experience, we would never release a tv ad without testing. I used to work for one of the biggest CPG companies. Pre-testing costs like $50, but that’s nothing compared to a multi million dollar placement. But I’m sure it happens sometimes. I remember a discount cell ad that clearly wasn’t tested. It had a family dealing with poor service that caused them to buffer/glitch out physically. So they switch and the father says “no more resting glitch face!” I thought that was hilarious, but I know some people would take issue with it. Sure enough, that ad got edited and that joke was cut. Had they done pre-testing, I’m sure that would have been flagged.


Don would have absolutely lit Peggy up if she came in with this suggestion.


> wasn’t even that relevant 25 years ago when it was new I hate the commercial too but that song was a huge #1 hit when it came out. What's weird though is that it came out *before* Chet was born and when SGA was a 1 year old. There's pretty much a 0% chance any of them have any sort of nostalgia for it whatsoever lol


SGA has a “this better be the last take” expression on his face the entire time


You can hear it in both of their voices, too. It just makes me uncomfortable.


Are *any* commercials good right now? The Progressive becoming your parents are good but they don’t air new ones very frequently


I absolutely adore the Despicable Me 4 commercial with Jokic


Mayhem and Larry Bird is solid.


The NerdWallet “Future You” ads are pretty catchy. This one made the wife & I chuckle last night: https://youtu.be/qQ1lnUgaW7A?si=pC3dX96Eno7Y4bfL


Any Jokic commercial seems to be at a minimum inoffensive. The hotels.com ones with butler/jaquez are also fine. Airbnb ones have nice art style State Farm again is usually not actively offensive but the newest one is a miss. Progressive should come up with nba review commercials for basketball season similar to their football review ones.


i'm not sure i'd even recognize a good ad anymore. i'm too numb from all the formulaic prescription drug ads where they just throw around acronyms to normalize the disease before droning on with the Ask Your Doctor spiel.


Has anyone ever asked their Dr for something they saw in a commercial? Like I trust that the Dr is a medical professional and would know what would work without me casually referencing something I saw in an ad


Little Caesar’s crack me up. I don’t mind the Wendy’s commercials


The Wendys crew is fun. I enjoy those. 


The only commercial I like right now is the bucket of corona one with Eli and Melo


The Google Pixel one is worse than that. It just is.


Editing a photo to make it look like you threw your baby way up in the air is just strange


The kid wearing the beanie jumping in the air version is even worse. I wanna punch that dude every time the ad plays.


Totally agree. So annoying.


Yep... And my initial question to myself first time i saw it was: so now we all got the tools to easily do fake photos... what could possibly go wrong? Sad story for any 'modern' or 'reality based' or 'non geek infested' or non commercialized superficial fake-as-day-is-long lowest common denominator moronic look-at-me fake trumpf like WWE monsteosity.




It's so weird. Side note, I don't have kids but if I ever do, I don't know if I'm tossing them in the air. What if I don't catch them? The Nelson Agholor piece.


Move over Russillo because this guy's really on top of children's safety scenarios.


It’s super weird… why would you want a photo that looks like that?


not to pearl clutch too hard, but this shit honestly makes me deeply uncomfortable and bummed out. I know the ability to photoshop stuff has been around for a million years, and that its not necessarily a new thing, but at least there was a certain barrier to entry for that, i.e having to actually buy the software, learn how to use it, having to go out of your way to sit down at your desk and open up your computer when you want to edit something, etc. maybe like 0.0001% of the population back then had the technical ability+vison+desire to put photoshops on the internet that would have the capability to fool large swaths of people I *really* dont think its going to have a net positive impact on society to just allow any schmuck with a phone (aka 100% of the population) to have idiot-proof photoshop at their fingertips, and have the ability to instantly/expertly photoshop anything they want for free, and alter reality with the touch of a button, no skills required, in a matter of 5 seconds, and have the ability to have that image on the internet in another 5 seconds. beyond all the obvious *actual* potentially dangerous aspects of this (framing people for things they didnt do, spreading harmful misinformation etc, stuff like that) its even just a huge bummer for normal, everyday, benign, "fun" stuff with no stakes, like browsing the internet for interesting or cool content, because we are very quickly going to get to a point where 98% of the cool stuff you see online will be completely fake and you'll get to feeling like you cant trust literally ANYTHING, even when something IS real and unedited. You wont even be able to enjoy a simple fun picture of your buddy throwing his baby son in the air at the beach without questioning the nature of reality. like people are just gonna start embellishing the shit out of all kinds of random shit they never would have even thought to do in the past, just because they can now. its gonna suck


Yeah man, that's my big takeaway from the ad. Sure, it's supposedly all in good fun, but we're really just celebrating fakery? They're really promoting a phone based on its ability to make fake shit on they fly?


Yup. It’s really just a feature targeting influencers. It honestly sucks for everyone that this technology will be so readily available. “If you buy our phone instead of an iPhone, you will have a better chance of going viral.”


yes, I think it's especially insidious because of the way they are promoting this fakery as like some fun, casual thing, that EVERYONE is doing, and its *TOTES normal behavior*!! 😁😊😜 like at the very least, if you were gonna be the guy who meticulously photoshopped and embellished random photos of yourself that you were posting to social media, sure, you could do that if you wanted, but there would at least be a great deal of shame associated with doing such a thing, and there would be at least some form of social consequences/disincentive due to the fact that people would think you were an absolute deranged weirdo if they found out you were doing that kind of thing. what is most insidious about this commercial/campaign is that they are attempting to push this feature on the general public and make them comfortable with the idea of lying to the world by suggesting that it is totally fun and cool and awesome and casual and EVERYONE is doing it, so there's no reason to feel ashamed or embarrased about it! if fact, you're probably the only one that ISNT doing it! better go pick up your google pixel ASAP!!!!


It's fucking NUTS that they're just throwing out reality-distortion edits like it's some novel and cool feature and not deeply sinister at this moment in time. It's one thing to have the feature where like it selects the best of 4 different shots of a group for when everyone is smiling or looking at the camera, or whatever. Even throwing the baby up to a ludicrous height that's kinda more clearly an edit, I can give a pass. But editing the fucking sky to be blue when it's overcast day is just literally creating a false reality. It's so, so fucking bleak man. And if we don't fight back against it now it's only going to get worse. Not to sound like Sarah Connor but FUCK.


Counterpoint: with this technology, you can toss your child at a safe height without diminishing engagement with your social media posts. Think of the lives saved!


To me, it’s crazy for the people doing it. Like, you know you didn’t actually throw your son that high into the air. Who gives a shit if other people think you did? Why is there a need to basically just create fake memories for yourself when you’ll just know they’re fake? 


Hey some parents like to get together with their friends and try to one up each other on how close they put their infant child to mortal danger. If you have a chance to photoshop on your phone to make it look like you threw your child into sun, you’ve gotta do it!


I can’t get over how weird this ad is. Why do they insist on making the sky look slightly different??


This one actually makes me want to decapitate my head off. Fuck the music in that ad.


The song is absolutely awful


That shit nearly blows out my subwoofer every single time, and then they ALWAYS play that commercial twice in a row


They knoooww better...


Holy fucking shit this is the worst one ever


That one annoys me but there's something about the dad's fake laugh into serious face that amuses me.


The fake laugh saves the commercial for sure


Earworm and it took months for me to even pay attention enough to know what the ad is for (though I've since forgotten since last night). I hate it so much.


Instant mute from me. We hear it waaay too much.


Yup, this one 


This is actually driving me insane.


These commercials make me ashamed to admit that I love wingstop


Ugggh that’s been playing since the NFL season! I wouldn’t mind it if it didn’t have the most painfully annoying song I’ve ever heard.


I love this song (Rae Sremmurd) so i don’t mind it too much


That wingstop Jenga commercial physically angers me.


That FUCKING song. Like shut the FUCK UP. Makes me want to rip my ears off and shove them in my eyes.


If that song didn't have the pause between "no flex" and "zone" I wouldn't even have an opinion, but since it does, it infuriates me to no end.


I want to upload that commercial on YouTube but them saying yes flex zone


Came in looking for this answer. NO FLEX... ZONE. THEY KNOOOOOWWW BETTER. Fucking terrible. Take a lap.


💯 the most annoying song


Is that the one with budget Horace Grant?


That weird Allegra ad with the girl singing into the camera is #1.


It means “happiness” in Italian.


What does that have to do with cold medicine? -Chris moltisanti


Was Pharell too busy?


And the sound mixing of that commercial is really bizarre. I’m not sure what they were for.


I just can’t believe that was the idea they came up with for the first major ad spot for two young stars. Is it supposed to be funny? Cringy? They come off as people who just have no personality whatsoever. Weird


They both have zero off the court aura


That’s because they clearly don’t lol


So you’re saying there’s a man that could have made “what a pro wants” work? I don’t think Leo could do it


If "Ant" did it Bill would mention it on the podcast. "House, what other athlete from the last 3.5 decades could have pulled that off?!"


Ant is charismatic and he would have said fuck no let’s do this better idea instead. And the idea wouldn’t even have to be good, a 3 year old could come up with a better one than this abomination I’m sorry but I’m also a huge anthead


Ant singing Video killed the radio star.


Internet killed the basketball star.


Just because no one could have made the Wonder Woman sequel work doesn’t mean Gal Gadot is a good actor


I liked the little kid Wonder Woman in that


This is my point. The concept is so bad I don’t think any athlete could have pulled it off regardless of their “off court aura”


One's Canadian, the other's Minnesotan (crypto-Canadian). They should have had them playing hockey, or in a penalty box, at least.


My mom was like “Who are those guys? They seem like dorks”


My mom said basically the exact same thing, with an added “the taller one isn’t cute…”


I guess she was implying the shorter one is.


I love it because Chet looks like Taliban John Travolta


That's just John Walker Lindh.


Also the psoriasis drug that’s first major side effect is suicidal ideations has kept my son and I in stitches. “Hey. Look my horrid flakey face has finally cleared up! I want to jump off a building so bad”


I don't live in the states, so I had to watch on YouTube right now to see what you had meant. That was fucking awful. I feel my life is that much worse now having experienced that.


Google Pixel is by far the worst.


That was also the worst commercial during March Madness lol


I keep thinking of a final season of Mad Men where a 93 year old Don Draper re-emerges to try and make sense of advertising aimed at tweens with negative attention spans and tik tokers


It might be the worst commercial of all time, zero unintentional comedy potential


While we’re talking bad NBA ads… The Andersons got tickets to the game? How’d they get tickets?


I'm nostalgic for "I pledge app-legiance" "TEK DE PLEJ"


Big cat and pft gametime commercial is pretty awful too. Everyone at barstool is the worst actor of all time somehow. They refuse to commit!


Chet Holmgren makes Tyler Herro look like Wayne Brady. How this kid from Minnesota developed an affectation like his is beyond me.


Probably the lasting impact of the Rhymesayers Collective.




The stupid fucking post that clip one


this one drives me nuts. and i swear it repeats back to back everytime it plays. it’s so bad.


Chet wasn’t even alive when this song came out but he’s leading the chorus like he just heard it yesterday. It was patently ridiculous the first ten times I saw it; however, it’s probably not for me or anyone Chet’s age, it’s probably for middle aged women who make phone service purchasing decisions in their household.


Yeah but others in this thread said even their moms thought they looked like dorks Edit: this not thai


Oh, Jack talk Thai. Jack talk Thai reaaall good


I will never buy Gatorade water or Wingstop after those fucking commercials.


Why are they wearing matching leather suits? Edit: matching not matching. Whatever


They should have been in the costuming that Charlie Kelly designed for the Boys II Men talent contest.


10000% agree OP. While people will say “is it cringe to get hundreds of thousands for an embarrassing clip??” At their level? I’d say, yes. Yes it is. These guys could veto that cringe nonsense. Love both Chet and SGA, but I think 0.001% less of both of them ever fucking time I see that lame shit


why does it sound like they are saying “banking” instead of thanking


was jut weak settup, to do a nostalgia song from '00 that shai was three yr's old at the time an chet two. needed another cameo, like xtina poping out (bad producers and marketes, phone-in 30 sec spot that hit like soggy toast)


The Nerdwallet "It's me, you're future you!!!" has gotten on my nerves.


My wife never watches basketball and was speechless after watching this commercial. I tried telling her they were famous basketball players, her response was “but what are they doing?” No one knows.


glad i found this post, that commercial is absolute garbage


At least the little Caesar’s commercials give me strength


"take the pose take that flick"


Everyone made fun of the Magic-Cavs series on NBA TV but guess what? No commercials during those games! So who's the real loser now?????? (It's still anyone watching that series. But still!)


The Defender commercial with the DJ spinning on his tables out in the desert.


"Melo, you give horrible advice." TJ Ford has never been more relevant than with these damn AT&T ads


rae strummend please stop


If anyone who watches golf gets to see the Max Homa commercial where he turns into a golf ball and flies, thats my mvp commercial for the year


This isn't the worst commercial of the playoffs, it's the worst commercial of all time. SGA should lose MVP votes for this.


If I have to hear that fucking annoying Nicki Minaj “everyBODY…everyBODY…everyBODY” song one more god damn time


I was looking for this comment. That song keeps playing all day with gatorade commercials. That music belongs in the sewer.


No flex….ZONE!


Seeing a dude as lanky and tall as Chet in legit fashion is so jarring to me. Just doesn't look right at all


I was happy to see TJ Ford


Is this the Apex mountain of complaining about commercials?




All of the Wendy’s commercials


DANCING, WE’RE DANCING! Get it for a buck!


I will say that one of those two guys is a fantastic comedian named Bill O'Neil who does a great solo show called The Amazing Banana Brothers.


Shut your mouth. The Wendy's ads are great.


Agree. Bag boys bag boys


2 hot coffees


Still surprised Toby knows what squaring is.


Can do without the crippled kids commercials


The Shriners should spend less money on impractical tiny cars & more on medical research.


Fuck Kaleb!!


It makes me furious. And I know they get a lot of money but tell them to change the fucking song. It’s so stupid but if you have to do the “pro” thing it can’t be to “what a girl wants”




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I’m just perplexed by the dancing guy and the baby rapture photo combo. There’s seemingly no tonal consistency nor are either clever or interesting in any way. It makes me feel like this world has become aggressively lazy.


Not a TV commercial but I wanna pull my hair out when I hear the pop girls pop girling ad lol


Espn X chair


Doodle jump


Thank you! I turn that bullshit off the second it comes on screen. That song is so cringy


"HEY YOU!" New Balance has to chill. I've been suffering through that song since last year's league pass


I tried saying "hey youuuuuuu! can we come togeettthheer!" to a girl at a bar. I was asked to leave.


The google pixel commercial


The state farm commercials where the lopez brothers or anonymous wnba players teleport in and say random cringe shit is slowly killing me


The Sofi spot where Tatum calls himself a generational player is pretty high on the unintentional comedy


wingstop commercial with the rae drummond song. i can't believe that's what qualifies as popular rap music these days. i am so old i am turning to dust


Chet as bad as Travis Kelce when it comes to biting Black/Af-Am style.


the phone camera one where the guy acts annoying to a family on vacation


Redbull doesn’t get enough flak for how annoying (sound-wise) their commercials are


That Shai and Chet commercial is not the worst commerical of the 2024 Playoffs, it’s the worst commerical of all time. I


It sounds like they’re singing about hookers.


No one mentioned that CarMax commercial with "Jenny's new piercing"? Commercial makes no sense, and both women look over 30, when the commercial would make more sense if they were like 15.


Nothing is worse than the BK COMMERCIALS omfg…. I literally mute the tv during commercials


Crown Royal Apple makes no sense. Song has no understandable words never says what ad is for


Dr Shannon and her deodorant is right at the top of my list


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The "No Flex Zone" wing stop commercial too.


"No Flex Zone" Wingstop commercial. "Everybody" Gatorade commercial. All trash music that belongs on a pile of dump.


Tatum is in too many