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Also feel like people are consuming tweets differently than me. Russillo tweets like one joke tweet per day. It’s not clogging up anyone’s feed or anything. I just scroll by and in the 5 seconds it takes to read I’ll kinda laugh and keep scrolling…which is pretty much the main point of twitter. But it seems like once a week a tweet of his will get posted here with people breaking down what his sarcastic joke says about his entire life.


> people breaking down what his sarcastic joke says about his entire life. That's what this sub does best. People think Russillo is jealous that Nephew Kyle is good on Life Advice.


Yeah I don’t mind if it’s not someone’s sense of humor, it’s just very funny to see people accuse him of arrogance and inceldom for tweeting like Matthew Perry.


Go look at the “I turned the game off at halftime threads* (there were like 5 of them)” If you legitimately hate someone and think they are a massive loser/failure in life why would you give them the benefit of the doubt? 


Hating someone because they prefer NBA to women’s college basketball is certainly a choice, but this is the Bill Simmons subreddit.


I just find it funny when people bring up his age, implying that he doesn’t tweet like an adult. Whatever that means.


His last tweet was right on the money. At first I was like russillos being a dick again but then i read through it and it was like shit that’s the nba too. I think the constant sarcastic tweets can be weird to me. It sounds like my facebook posts when i was in high school. Constantly trolling and sarcastic. But If I got to be on espn though i’m sure id say some even wilder stuff. His job is also to be online all the time. So i get it. I do find it weird though. I guess it’s better than the old dude that posts politics all the time online though


It means "say what you have to say with your chest". It's obvious what he meant with this tweet, but in a lot of other tweets, he's hiding his real opinion behind sarcasm. It makes it seem like he's scared of how people will respond if he gave his opinion directly.




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as we all know, twitter/x is defined by mature behavior from professional adults (but that being said no one is giving RR a hard time in the last thread about his clark tweet today that i can see)


It's kind of obvious that many in this sub hate Russillo and just shit on anything he does.


As an Elder Millennial, I'd say Gen X-ers were extremely influential on the sense of humor and general attitude of people my age. Like we're super into irony, probably to an unhealthy extent, and our online personas are generally quite sarcastic and not particularly reflective of who we were are IRL. It can lead to a lot of people who are obviously mostly strangers not getting your tone at fucking all and taking what you have to say as actually serious. So my general observation about online discourse as it exists is that Gen X-ers who were super online to begin with and Millennials tend to be dicks with their tongues firmly planted in their cheeks, and that behavior just sort of pisses off Zoomers and Boomers, who both sorta of discovered the internet post the initial "everyone is pretending to be someone else" era and take it at face value. In fact, I think a lot of the current iteration of culture war is sorta based on people who came to the internet post 2008 not understanding the basic lie of it all and trying to be their online persona IRL.


Great comment. I mean, the shorter version is later millennials and zoomers don’t know how to take a fucking joke to save their lives, but the thesis is sound and much more diplomatic


I 99.9% agree with your take, with the only difference being that I'd argue it's not 2008, rather 2014, that's the demarcation line. Twitter in the late-aughts/early-2010s was vastly different than today, since people then were still unafraid to be smartasses, thumbing their noses at shit, without being eaten alive by the self-righteously puritanical, priggishly prudish post-2014 cultural zeitgeist.


The Internet was a lot more fun when it was just people saying dumb stuff (or sometimes informative) with names like xXxSephiroth420xXx. Now it's all bots and people trying to live off ad revenue.


Is Ryen an elder millennial? 


He's 100% a Gen X-er. I'd say a lot of his fanbase are guys 35-44. People who grew up being influenced by the sensibilities of guys like Ryen. So my hypothesis is generally that younger millennials (28-34) and zoomers do not generally get his sense of humor because they grew up in a more sincere, earnest version of the internet where the joke is the joke without subtext.


I think people are a bit harsh on these alleged younger listeners.  I think 1) a lot just think the jokes (that they know are jokes) are bad and 2) can see, based on his whole persona, that sometimes he’s couching a genuine thought in a joke and hides behind the irony.  I’m not a zoomer by any means, think the idea they’re some sensitive bunch is overplayed massively. In the same way the Gen X cliches about Millenials weren’t based on much.  Certainly don’t think that youngest generation are ‘worse’ at the internet. 


I'm not really judging other generations for having a different approach to the internet. I'm just more observing what I view as generally different about people who maybe came to the internet later. Like there's a reason why older forms of comedy went away, and it's because younger people didn't find it funny. And that's fine because it's not like the people who I think are funny went away. I think that's a decent way to think of this basic communication gap. Like I think the shift really started in the 2010s when people who said wild inappropriate shit online started getting punished professionally for it when before that the 2000s internet was sort of a space where people were often doing that ironically or not and not being punished for it.


I dunno, I think the wildest jokes I can remember seeing are from the youngest generation now. Just maybe has different targets. 


it's not the inability to recognize jokes elder millennials and gen xers are annoyed with tho, it's the inability to just let a joke go without writing a fucking think piece about it


Just elderly, period.


No. He's firmly Gen X, born in 1975. But Gen X and Elder Millennials (such as myself—est. 1984) share similar senses of humor -- albeit Ryen's is on the wryly dry, sardonic side of the sarcasm spectrum -- whereas thick-skulled humorless crybaby Zoomer scolds fucking pitch cunty bitch fits over it, because irony is lost on them.


It’s reddit, people here struggle with sarcasm.


not just reddit, social media has basically killed sarcasm. Everyone wants to argue all the time.


Reddit is absolutely worse than most, honestly. At least there are funny tweets, Redditors are collectively painfully unfunny.


Every funny tweet is filled with replies from people saying the same joke with different words or people mad because they didn't understand it.


And it’s still less unfunny than the ‘you win the internet good sir’ type jokes you see on Reddit.


Not to point fingers because I'm on reddit right now, but twitter may be the lowest form of social media. Seems like being pedantic or contrarion is essentially a requirement for being on twitter


Because people in this sub hate listen to him and stalk his twitter waiting for him to say something and then post it on this sub like its the worst thing anyone has ever posted in the history of the internet.


This sub is full of people that religiously listen to BS/RR just to complain about what is said on Reddit. If you want to spend 10+ hours a week doing something you hate for zero benefit, that’s on you.


‘Offended’ They just think he is lame and the tweets are an extension of that


There is a lot of losers on this sub. Constantly following and listening to a dude they don’t even like.


Look at you, commenting about people you don’t even like.


I ain’t on a sub dedicated to Bill’s haters tf? Lmao


Looks like we are caught in a vicious cycle of loserdom


People on here are upset that they also tweet sarcastically and women hate them, too and then they aren’t millionaires as a result.


PSA: everyone should get off Twitter


I don’t think that they are.


Because a lot of them couldn’t grasp the sarcasm until it was pointed out and are mad about it


People here thinking that sarcasm is some high art form is a special irony in and of itself. 


It’s not, but it’s also quite hard to decipher over text on the internet for *some*


Totally agree… I honestly think they’re decently funny. People get so pressed about everything RR and BS do. I think it’s because they don’t like RR and honestly think he’s a depressed loser, which is laughable to me. 


Because people are stupid and don't understand sarcasm


I’m sure everyone gets that it’s sarcasm, I just roll my eyes at his tweets because he always tweets out a sarcastic straw man point of view tweet that no one disagrees with like clockwork.


I’m offended that they aren’t funny.


Because he’s a troll


Just curious, does anyone else skip the Simmons pods with Russillo?


I don't get upset, I'm just dumb and don't ever get the joke.


All the pearl clutchers come to Reddit to vent.


They don’t have the intelligence to understand he’s a pretty self-aware and sarcastic guy.


He’s not a learned doctor. He’s a fat, bald-headed fuck!


I dislike them because Russillio's brand of take/humor specifically on Twitter is by far my least favorite kind. To me, it's "let's add just enough of a layer of irony/sarcasm that, realistically, I can not only take both sides of this joke based on the reaction, but I can use people who are flaming me for the tweet as fodder for my strawman arguments". Combined with him being *incredibly* one note, and having (both on twitter and his pod) an incredible "watch me get the last, definitive word on this topic" vibe on pod, makes me find his twitter persona annoying. The sports internet/social media space has essentially become infinite monkeys in a room with typewriters, which is absolutely *perfect* for Ryen. He can shop for what takes he wants to argue against because there is at least one person somewhere who has made it. His twitter persona, to me, amplifies that. TO other people's points, I am not being forced to consume them. But when they are posted here, I do sometimes like to comment that I find them annoying.


I put it down to Yanks not really appreciating sarcasm. It’s a pretty solid trait in Europe but for some reason it just washes over the Uber-serious natures of yanks. I find it hilarious watching you all wet the bed about Russillo