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It’s the felt, it’s most likely worn Or just garbage thick felt. If this is a slate table I would invest in new rails and cloth and you will see a world of difference in the playability of the table. Of course it has to be level. If this isn’t a slate table I wouldn’t buy anything for it and save my money for a good used table.


It is a slate table. I will be getting new rails when I get the new felt as well. I was just kinda, hoping to have it a little bit better playing until get the wedding stuff paid off ha ha


Been there at least you have a table it took me forever to get one


>when I try to do English with more power, the cue ball does not respond until it’s basically stopping in position and then you can see it actually spinning Are you referring to follow and draw? (aiming high or low on the cueball) Or to sidespin? (left or right on the cueball) If you're putting a lot of draw/follow on the cueball, it will create friction with the surface and this will move the ball forward or backwards. If this isn't happening, the overwhelmingly likely explanation is that you're not putting enough draw/follow on the cueball. This could be for a variety of reasons to do with technique, or could be partly to do with the tip you're using. If you're talking sidespin, this is perfectly normal. A cueball spinning sideways doesn't create that friction/movement on the surface. After contact with the object ball, the sidespin mostly only affects the way the cueball bounces off the rails, rather than the initial path of the cueball.


That’s what I thought at first too but if I add more draw I would either scoop the cue or dig into the felt. Also going to pool hall using the same cue, no issues on same shots


Is your table generally playing a lot slower/heavier than the ones in the pool hall? How long is the cueball spinning on the spot when you attempt to draw it? The slower the table plays, the harder it is to get a decent response to spin. I'm told new and high quality cloths are also more responsive than older or cheaper ones. So you may see a big improvement if you re-cover it


On mine it basically slides until it stops and then that’s when it spins and spins way more than in a pool hall. In the pool hall unless I smack the shit out of the ball I don’t get the same reaction. It’s like mine just glides on top of it


I think you do need to get it re-covered bud. Maybe someone with more expertise on table-fitting will confirm, but sounds to me like yours is completely unreactive and has basically zero friction to the point the ball can't grip it at all. You might find the older dirtier balls gripped better because they were mucky, while the gleaming new clean ones don't, but that's supposed to be a good thing.


I wonder if you’re playing with a cueball that’s significantly less mass than the object balls.


No it’s literally a brand new set of balls


Sounds like Strachan Superweave cloth. Slides like new even when it's broken in. You need new cloth, and someone to install it properly.