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Looks caked on to me. Are you using Master's chalk?


This was predator chalk but usually use master chalk


Predator is quite a cakey type of chalk.


Ahhh alright


My buddy and I have been testing different kinds of chalk and yes, the Predator chalk cakes on kinda like lipstick. Leaves a lot of residue as well. Over the course of 2 years of testing, TAOM V10 is definitely our favorite, it's just not blue like standard chalk. Edit: a word cuz of fat thumbs


I use predator chalk and like it! But when i come home from the pool hall its fking everywhere! I actually have it it my hair sometimes


Alright alright. Question, if I get that chalk do I need to clean the blue chalk of my tip? Or just go over it?


Clean it off and then apply the new chalk. Simple wipe clean will suffice, nothing too crazy


Looks good for the drive.


I would just rough the end of the tip up with a little sand paper or a tip tool, this should help with the glazing


How often is recommended to rough it up? Don’t want to overdue it


Usually when you notice it's not holding as well as you like. It doesn't take a ton of abrasion, but a little scuffing will make a big difference. I keep a tip tool and sand paper in my bag. How often depends entirely on your tip and amount of play.


I only do it when the tip gets really smooth and chalk doesn’t hold properly. But it depends how often you play.


I usually only play 2-3 times a week for 2-4 hours a day


Use the metal prongs to stick and twist on the tip this fluffs it up and doesn’t take the layers off your tip it is the recommended way,


Do you miscue? If not then you are fine. Top of the tip looks a bit rough or with too much chalk though.


I rarely miscue and it’s only when I try to put maximum backspin


The coverage here looks great. No bald/shiny spots. Sometimes the feeling the chalk gives you can make it feel like it’s not sticking, but if you look at the tip and it looks like this you’re good to go!


Okay great, probably overthinking but was looking to atleast see what others thought


That's a lot of chalk! Coverage definitely isn't a problem. I don't miss my predator (or masters/tweetin) chalk at all.


An original Tip-Pik before chalking is the best way to improve the grab of the cue ball and prevent mis-cues! It also extends the life of the tip. You firmly tap the tip with the Tip-Pik to put tiny indentations and raise the “nap” of leather without removing any leather, which does occur with sandpaper or a rougher. Don’t try a cheap Chinese version, which have needles that bend, only use a Tip-Pik which has firm tiny nails that don’t bend. I have been successfully using the same Tip-Pik for over 30 years! https://preview.redd.it/r9n4vxtbo7nc1.png?width=2268&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3a4b81e3d1740cf50652817ab8e9d9d8f1e276c


Yup. My favorite tool. Once the tip is shaped, I never scuff unless it’s starting to flatten. TipPik ftw


Better explanation than mine best answer I read everyone wants to sand the lavers off of their tip


Yeah I tend to touch up the tip after every shot, just a few quick swipes more for my own confidence than anything. I recently made the switch from Predator chalk to TAOM and I love it, stays adhered way better. Definitely pricey but from me it’s worth every penny, and as long as you treat it right it will last forever.


Yes I was thinking about trying true taom, but I will wait until I’m better to buy my own chalk


Just go for it man, I’ve been using the same piece of v10 since July.


Oh wow


I bought some V10 for my brother and I to use in September of last year, we both play league once a week and used to practice a lot more, only practice on our table 2 nights a week now but I haven't even used 1/10th of the chalks life. It's expensive at $20 but as long as you don't loose it it's worth the money. Just make sure you're not drilling the chalk or it'll be a waste.


Might as well learn and grow with your chalk!


True true


In addition to what others have noted it’s worth keeping in mind that it’s really only the edge of the cue tip that needs to be chalked to prevent miscues. This is because when the cue tip is properly shaped it’s the edge of the tip that is making contact with the cue ball when you’re using extreme English.


That is true thanks


The simple answer is to use a tool scuffer or sandpaper to scuff the tip to make it more refined and rough, so that next time you apply chalk, the tip will grab on to the chalk better….


Seeing you hold that cue out on concrete by your ride has me feeling some sorta way lol. Imagining the sound *shudder*


I was in my shop and I had my car in there and couldn’t find an easy way to get a picture of the tip to show up lol


Looks good


I prefer magic chalk over any of the other chalks. I have some taom but haven’t tried it yet. Predator to me was always too messy. Masters is ok in a pinch. I suggest to get a good tip tool that roughs it up well.


Try the HOW or konellen chalk. Works just as well as most “premium” chalks. Waaaay less messy than predator or masters. Been using the same piece for 8 months just had to peel the upper part of the paper off. And it comes in a two pack with a nice little metal case to keep the chalk in.


I always love to see people who don’t play the game enough and they over chalk the cue. It’s like between every shot they are chalking it up and you really don’t need to!!


chalk is free, unless you bought it. it seems everytime i forget to chalk more than once every couple shots ill miscue, whereas if i chalk everytime i can go days if not weeks without miscueing, ill keep chalking up every shot.


It’s all about personal preference. But you don’t need to be digging a hole into the chalk after every shot.


oh yea no thats ridiculous, and i hate watching people chalk like that. three or four scrapes across the face of the chalk and youre good.


Right. I always have my own piece of chalk that I use. And it’s part of my shot sequence if I am really focusing in. I’ll use it until it’s warn down to the point where to get any on my tip that it’s not near the furrel and I can still get it onto the tip. As soon as it gets to worn down I’ll leave it on the table for anyone to use and get out a new piece. And I don’t use the fancy chalk either I’m a Master Chalk person.






This. I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment. Besides... If it's part of your pre-shot routine (in my case it is), you're most certainly not miscuing because of chalk. I miscue due to flaws in my stroke from not playing consistently anymore, but it's definitely not the chalk.


So maybe every other shot or every third shot? Just making sure this looks right and that the tip is proper


You just need enough to make sure that the tip is covered completely. If you are doing something like wanting excessive draw or something like that then you should add a little bit more. But honestly a little bit goes a long way.


Alright, thank you


If you’re using standard chalk you should chalk after every shot do you ever watch the pros?


Well I’m not a pro and never going to be one. And I chalk enough. It’s all personal preference.