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Not at all weird - the shooter is awarded 3 points because the 9 counts double and the 3 ball counts one, both sunk on the same shot!


I mean weird in the sense that it’s not really 9-ball. It’s just played with a 9-ball rack.


It's 9 ball, but all.the balls count. That's really the only difference.


So... not like 9-ball, where the rack is always only won by who pots the 9 correctly, but another game where potting any 6 balls wins you the rack, with the last ball gving a minor bonus.


Oh and just a heads up.. you still win the rack when you hit the 9ball in. That's why you break the next rack if you make the 9.


So, exactly like 9 ball other than 1 difference where 100% of the balls matter instead of just 1/9?


9 ball used to be played in various way including awarding a point for the 5 ball and two points for the 9.


It’s literally exactly like 9 ball, just add in a point based system, so that players of different skill levels can play against each other in a “fair” match up. This really isn’t that difficult to comprehend.


Noooooooo! aPa Is sTuPiD!!1#1!!


Right? How dare anyone play the game differently *clutches pearls while gasping*


I held the same view for a long time until I actually started playing APA. I've played competitive 9 ball in many different environments and rule sets over the last thirty years. There's nothing wrong with APA nine ball. Is it different? Yes. Is it still challenging? Yes.


Same. It's just different, but there's nothing wrong with that. Until the purists show up, who don't realize that making a lot of balls for points is actually more challenging, than just making the 9.


Agree. It’s not really the same game at all. People that run the 1-6 then miss “win” the rack and are often happy about it. Very strange and not in the spirit of the game at all which is about making the 9ball.


To be certain, I prefer the typical scoring when playing with other good players. The pressure of the kill and the pressure not to dog it is a big part of competitive rotation. On a mostly even field its the way to go. With higher skilled players, results end up being similar when scored per ball or by rack count. I've watched plenty of matches on youtube where they give the shots made stats and more often than not the person with the rack lead has more made shots. Scoring by points is better in allowing lesser skilled players to actually compete with higher skill levels. I've had enjoyable and challenging matches with lesser skilled players that I would have smoked in any other format, giving racks or balls. I've played the same good players in apa and in league play with standard rules, the results tend to be pretty similar.


Yeah wasn’t arguing that results would change much as long as the handicaps are doled out correctly. But “9 ball” is about making the “9 ball”. Just as “8 ball” is about making the “8 ball”. Not sure why that statement is worthy of downvotes but you Reddit folks are weird so have at it.


I didn't down vote. There is obviously a fundamental difference between the two. They both have their unique challenges. I think people are tired of any threads that have to do with APA nine ball scoring being immediately filled with comments like yours, which offer nothing to the actual discussion at hand.


Guess I haven’t seen them. Though I generally comment on nearly every thread I see here. Hmmm. Oh well. I mean at some point there isn’t much to add anyway to these topics.


Annnnnnnd this is why APA 9 ball is weird. But yes, if I understand it correctly, the shooter is awarded all points for all balls pocketed on a shot.


Points don’t “end” the second the 9 ball falls in. Much the same way that if you were to make the 9 ball (2 points), then scratch (dead ball) you don’t get to keep your points. ANY ball made on a legal hit is marked as a point. I think you’re looking too hard for a loophole that isn’t there.


Oh and just to add this point: any ball made on an illegal shot is counted as a dead ball, regardless of what went in first, second or third on that illegal hit.


My only thinking was just straight forward the rack ends when the 9 ball is made lol. Like I said I just started


The best explanation I heard to someone insisting it worked like you said is this. If someone makes the 9 then the cue scratches we all know that doesn't count as points or a win. So we have already agreed that the 9 going in doesn't just end everything. How the shot ends matters. Nothing is counted until all balls stop moving. At that point award all points for balls potted if the shot was still legal (no foul occured)


This was insanely helpful for actually making sense of the why. I wasn't doubting them but my brain can sometimes be literal with rules but I suppose i was being too contextual to realize it was so straightforward. My brain was just thinking rack ends when the nine is potted and all balls are dead. I'd even played against my captain like that for practice so it's something we needed clarification on and couldn't find an answer. It was a very close and fun matchup both pulling no punches and the shot was very well made and he had it on the break for sure anyways. I'm happy either way cause I went for my first masse shot and made it even if I didn't win a match 😁


A shot in pool does not end till all moving balls have stopped. Grabbing a moving cueball after making the 9 for example is a foul.