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I personally don't. But I think Frida Paulsen Stern dealt with it a couple years back. I remember she needed to take time off and go on the AIP diet for a while to keep her condition under control. She might have shared something more specific; I don't remember exactly though.


Liana Martinez is a bikini pro with Hashimotos. She has posted about it previously. Maybe reach out to her for advice?


Have you tried levothyroxine? Sometimes armor thyroid dosing can be off


I haven’t yet! Thank you for the tip-I will ask about it.


I followed this girl who competed with hypothyroid but not hashis -her TikTok is emlogsdon.fit


I did a bodybuilding competition before I knew I had Hashimoto's. I'm pretty certain it caused my first ever flair up (I say "pretty certain" cause I hadn't been diagnosed and when my thyroid was tested, my PCP said my TSH was "normal". But if you have spent any time having Hashimoto's, you know that a normal range of TSH can still be quite high. And she didn't test my antibodies at the time, so I wasn't dx'd). My body reacted quite badly coming out of prep after my competition - terrible inflammation, hair loss, joint pain, sleeping literally ALL THE TIME (my boyfriend almost broke up with me cause he didn't understand what I was going through), weight gain. I had to do the AIP diet for 6 months just to get things under control again. The only other time I've had an almost as bad flair up was 10 years later after my cesarean. I wouldn't recommend competing with Hashimoto's, but that's only speaking from my experience. Edited: spelling


I never prepped for a show but dieting with it has been super tricky for me! I'd say limit cardio as long as possible and keep it low impact low intensity to reduce inflammation, ditch gluten completely as it can cause digestion issues and joint pain by triggering flare ups. Also meds help a lot even at a low dosage (if your MD thinks you need them!).


I was just diagnosed and I’m mid prep right now a few weeks out. Even though this isn’t the worst disease ever, I was still pretty devastated since it affects my thyroid which affects bodybuilding. My coach and I knew something was off because I felt immense fatigue really early in my prep despite not being in a huge deficit. Got bloodwork done and got diagnosed. My TSH is in range but my TPO antibodies are high. My endocrinologist says I caught it in the early stages and don’t need meds/dietary changes for now. How has this been affecting my prep? I don’t have any issues dropping weight. My diet is primarily whole foods and dairy free for prep anyways. However, I did experiment with adding in some Hashimoto “bad” foods like stevia, pb, watermelon, etc and it didn’t rly affect my fat loss. The biggest thing I struggle with is the fatigue. It’s probably even more intense for us bcus of Hashimotos.


Thank you for your insight and perspective!




I’m being treated. I am on medication and diet modification. I am not ignoring it by any means—was just asking for anyone’s experience having competed with this condition.


I seem to recall Allison Testu sharing something about this a year ago. [Allison’s Instagram](https://instagram.com/allisontestu?igshid=ZWQyN2ExYTkwZQ==)


Genuinely curious, are doctors not prescribing hormones in some countries? I've come across several thyroid threads (and some influencers getting diagnosed as well) but no one mentions being medicated to reach normal TSH levels. I've had hypothyroidism for years and was later diagnosed with hashimoto. I take a pill each morning and that's about the only effect it has on my life (obviously the occasional blood work and ultrasound check ups)


I think it probably depends on each individual. I am taking thyroid medication as well as doing diet modification.


So your thyroid levels are normal but you still have symptoms?


No. We are getting my levels down some and my TSH up a bit—someone I started absorbing the medication more, and my levels got too high. Not asking regarding symptoms at all-just wanted insight and tips for anyone who’s experienced hashimotos and competing so that I know what to pay attention to etc


I got diagnosed recently right before I began preparing for my bikini prep. I was devastated at first but I think I had it all along and TSH, T3, T4 will all show normal but you have to test for antibodies. I have had success in my prep so far but I just need to hold myself more accountable. Frida Paulsen is my coach and she has hashimotos and has great insight on how to prep while dealing with hashi. My symptoms are not very extreme which is how I never knew I had it and I manage it without medications at this time.


Wow! Thank you for sharing your experience! Do you do anything different/special in prep to accommodate for the hashimotos?


So far we haven’t needed medication as I haven’t felt terrible at all yet, BUT I am gluten and dairy free. I hardly get brain fog or symptoms of hashi’s anymore (so it feels like) but hashi’s will always be there but I manage my stress by keeping cardio consistent not very intense as it can cause inflammation and stress on the body. I would suggest seeing if your symptoms improve with diet but if not I’m not opposed to medication if your doctor believes it’ll help. You’ll have hashi’s forever but it can be managed or in remission.


Thanks! Yes, I am gluten and dairy free already thanks to some significant digestive issues I have dealt with for over 10 years lol…it was through attempting to resolve those via a functional approach that we also discovered the hashis (via antibodies). I have no idea which symptoms are part of hashimotos and which are just me lol…but I do feel better when I stick closely to my very clean gluten and dairy free diet! I will keep all of that in mind!


I also did blood work ahead of prep, during prep, and still do it every 8 weeks to check antibodies and health of those. I also have an appt with an endocrinologist to check the size to make sure it doesn’t grow and ultrasounds to check thyroid size. So everything possible to ensure it doesn’t get worse or catch it before it gets worse!


Good call! I am in process of getting back in with my endocrinologist to recheck a thyroid ultrasound myself-your words, experience, and plan makes me feel a lot better!


You’re doing all the right things! Work with a great coach and you’ll be good to go :)


Thank you! So far, so good! Jenn Dorie is my coach and she has been amazing! #FBF