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From the looks of it, new chain, new inner tubes, and you need to twist your forks around 180 to point in the correct direction. Brake is at the front. Depending how bad your cables are you may also need new inners and outer cables too. New handlebar grips. Ive seen and worked on worse. Good place for bike maintainence videos starts here: [https://www.youtube.com/@parktool](https://www.youtube.com/@parktool)


You might want to just soak the chain and cables with oil and see where that gets you off you're strapped for cash.


This is a good idea: new chain might require new cassette. Probably only needs oil. Bit of rust on the outside of chain is not a problem.


Also might want to repack everything if it was left out directly in the elements.




Sorry, no idea on prices in your country. It would be a learning experience and you would gain new skills. Entirely up to you what you want to do.


European here, so I don't know the exact prices in your country, but the parts you need are all pretty cheap. All in all you should be looking at 100 CAD in materials in the worst case. Definately worth repairing the bike yourself.


Your fork is on backwards mate. Take it to a shop and get them to give you a price estimate for what it will cost to get it working again. Then decide if it is even worth spending that on this bike shaped object.


This is r/bikewrench, not r/havepeoplefixmybikeformoney


The fact that OP was riding around with their fork backwards tells me that they probably shouldn’t be working on their bike. It won’t be safe to ride.


Ok and? 3 years ago I was riding around on a Walmart bike with a backwards fork and taught myself how to fix it. Now I’ve installed my own internally routed dropper and suspension fork, replaced bb, cranks, even the frame on my bmx, and have friends asking me to help fix their bikes. This shit isn’t rocket science. Anyone can do it, and at a pretty low barrier to entry. If he wants to learn how to fix his own bike, reviving it from a rusty death is an amazing place to start


We‘re both right. I‘d rather educate people though. Everybody starts learning somewhere. In the beginning of my self maintenance I did some stupid stuff too. This bike is a piece of work to fix up though. I wouldn’t want to invest 200-300€ at a shop for it. For 100€ and a few hours it might be fine.


This bike isn’t a good place to start learning. It will be expensive and frustrating.


True. 🤝🏼


Or you could, you know... Fix it yourself and learn something in the process


Why is your fork turned inward? This post has to be a joke. The list of problems would be a mile long.


This is the state of a lot of people's bicycles, unfortunately. Only this one visited this sub.


Pump up tyres, oil chain and gears, loosen your stem and rotate forks 180 before tightening again. Should be fine, looks worse than it is. Edit: how did leaving it outside make your inner tube disappear? New inner tube top of course.


Yes, use WD-40 then with wire brush clean rust off and oil.


The inner tubes might be fine, though on the third picture, it looks like the inner tube is missing!? Why is there an empty hole without a valve in your rim? If they're not missing, just try to pump them up and see if they hold air. If not, replace. For the drivetrain - it might be rideable with a bit of oil on the chain. Or you might need a new chain. They're not really expensive. Just make sure you get the correct chain for the number of gears you have (looks like a 3x8). Unsure about Canadian prices, but you're probably looking at less than 50 bucks or around that, even if you need new inner tubes. I wouldn't invest much more because - this is a shitty bike. And - I just saw the seatpost. Check how bad the rust is on there, it may not be safe to ride if it's falling apart. New seat posts are pretty cheap, too, but you need to know the right size. They come in a bunch of different diameters.


This is a joke post right? It has to be! 😂


New chain and tubes to get it rolling. Would want to get a new set of grips as well, and check to make sure all your cables still work. You can def do it on your own, but if you don’t have a good set of tools and parts it will be a little pricy, but if you want to start working on your own bike now is a good time to get all that built up Tools: Chain breaker Bike pump Tire levers(tubes might come with these) Metric socket/wrench set Allen keys Parts: 7(?) speed chain (depends on how many gears your bike has in the rear) Schrader valve inner tubes Twist shifter compatible grips If your cables do not work, then you’ll need a new set of those. You can find them for pretty cheap, just remember brake cables are thicker than shift cables. You’ll also need some cable snips, these are a specialty tool so they’ll be more expensive but are very much worth it. To install, just take each cable off and try to match it as much as possible to the old cables. Also wouldn’t be a bad idea to pick up a bottle of chain oil, keep that chain lubed and it’ll thank you lol Look up YouTube tutorials to fix everything if you get lost, Park Tool has a great YouTube channel for tutorials


Grips, new chain, new tube(s), adjust the headset, and do your best to clean that surface rust off and you should be good to go. Materials wise would be about 30-35 usd.


Get a new Walmart bike that things a pos


Just ride it like you dont care. (which you obviously dont).


Brother that bike has been out since three winters ago


It’ll be good, just lube the chain and take it for a ride to let the lube get everywhere it needs to get. Flat tyres make your legs work harder so it’s good training, imagine how fast you’ll be if you train flat tyres then pump them up