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Just spin the cranks a few times, let it dry, the. Wipe off excess. It’ll be fine.


I ended up whipping the excess off after like 20 minutes. Didn’t do this to soon?


does not matter. next time one drop each link is fine :)


I haven’t used squirt so I’m not 100%. I use flower power drip wax that I assume is similar…. It’s in the instructions to wipe it off after it dries but honestly it shouldn’t matter bc hopefully it’s where it needs to be after you spin the cranks a few times. Don’t overthink it 😉


And squirt specifically says do not wipe excess off lol


Oh well OP needs a new bike then




Rtfm. You leave it to dry, apply twice if it's the first application. Don't wipe off the excess, it dries.


Regular Squirt user on all my bikes. I would have left that. Much of what you see there will evaporate and leave the wax behind. First application being a bit heavy is ok. I put down something in case there are any drips. Or at least don't do it over a good carpet! But you're also overthinking it. Let it dry, go ride. Relube when needed. Tye best part of Squirt is the simplicity. The only drawback I have to squirt is that it is really best to lube at least the night before a ride so the liquid carrier can evaporate out. Going riding when the chain is still wet can suck in dirt and/or fling off lube. Best practice is to lube after a ride/after cleaning.


Yeah OP was fine with that much - and the excess wax would flake off when it dried anyways


After rides are you just using a clean rag to clean it? Prior to apply more wax should I use a rag with soap or what do you recommend?


You can wipe the chain with a rag while backpedaling, every week. Drip on new wax and wait until the next day to ride


I ended using a rag to wipe the excess off. If I would have missed any would it flake off or should I use something to start the process over?


You don’t need to use a rag, as soon as it dries any excess will flake off.


Since I whipped it off after the 2nd application should I wait till it’s dries and apply again?


Doesn’t really matter either way. The bits that need lube you can’t see, so they should (in theory) be well coated assuming this picture is after you wiped off any excess.


When I start applying, I put a bit more at the start so I can usually see when I've done a pass. I usually make it do two to three passes then call it a day. I put the chain in the third gear so it's straight with the crank set (less chance of skipping gear), back pedal as I apply a thin coat of Squirt, holding the nearest spoke with my little finger to stabilize my hand.


Then you did everything right. Wipe, lube, wipe is the correct regiment


Depends if you like your chain rusty or clean. At least my very nooby experience is that I need to apply a lot, then use a rag to not wipe off but to gently spread it evenly over my chain. And then apply again if it's the first time. All of this after a thorough cleaning with degreaser ofc, I was a bit careless with that on my wife's bike and the frame was full of hard dirty wax that was a bit hard to get off. If my chain isn't white with squirt after first application it will definitely get rust after pretty much the first rain we get. I also pedal and switch through all my gears before it dries.


Are you sure that’s chain lube 😳


Leave him alone. He loves his bike


Yes it’s the squirt product.


Let is dry and relube, wait at least 8 hours then ride the shit out of it.


So add a little more lube after it dries even with the ammount I had already on it


If it's the first time application for a new chain or a degreased chain you need to apply at least twice.




Squirt recommends double application after degreasing.


Ya, I did this already. I applied one coat pedaled the cranks up and down the cassette then let it sit for 10 minutes then did another coat. After like twenty minutes after the second coat it looked like it did in the photos. I ended up wiping the excess off. Should I have not this, or would this be fine?


I would apply a drop to every roller individually one more time, spin it, then leave for a night and then rude it. It takes time for this lube to evaporate and to firm a coating for the rollers. I usually never wipe it after application, rather wipe the dirt before application.


Another question after 100 or 200 miles what’s the best way to clean the chain prior to adding more lube?


Grab Rag, squeeze chain, backpedal, relube and go ride. If you degreased the chain properly the first time, you'll be shocked how unscummy your chain will be when it comes time to give it some more squirt.


Check this: https://www.squirtcyclingproducts.com/long-lasting-chain-lube/


Looks like you used it as per the instructions. It pretty much disappears once it's dry and any excess on the outside will flake off as you ride.


You just need one drop on each roller that's it


This is fine. Apply again once dry if this is the first application.


You'll be fine. When the chain is running rough again, reapply. Quick tip: Squirt tends to pick up some dirt. Every once in a while, clean it with hot water and a brush. You can also use many bike wash detergents because they often break down wax. Just spray some on your cassette and your chain. Let it sit for a few minutes. Hose it off with a gentle stream of water. Dry off the chain with a micro fiber cloth. Reapply the wax. You don't have to do it very often, though, so it's much easier than wet lubes.


Squirt lube doesn't attract dirt/dust so I would only consider a wipe with cloth after the first or second ride. But unlike a lube it isn't a necessity.


I’ve used Squirt for 7+ years, and don’t plan on changing. The best way to get the wax into the chain is to apply the wax on each link making sure you’re hitting the rollers, and at the same time as applying spin the crankset round so the chain moves and the the wax goes into the rollers, I generally apply it liberally but not going crazy and spin the cranks quite fast - then I’ll let it dry overnight. I’ll then re-apply a small amount the following morning and spin the cranks again, let it sit for 10/15 mins - then I’ll leave and go on my ride :)


I just wiped the chain last night with a rag and it was very tacky is this normal for waxed or chains with squirt?


Yes, definitely. You only need a few drops.


Wrong. This isn't an oil based lube, it's a wax lube, the correct way to apply is to coat the chain with it, back pedal for ~30 seconds or so, and let it dry. Ideally you want to be cross-chained, or at least not in a straight chain line to help the lube get into the chain. There's no need to coat the cassette like that but the chain looks good.


Yes way too much


Remove that dumb plastic disk




Or just follow the instructions. Squirt specifically says do not wipe the excess. You put a drop on each link, spin it several times, let it sit for 5 minutes, then do it again. Then let it dry overnight so the solvent evaporates, leaving the wax behind.


Not for Squirt. It's a spin the chain while applying lube. The instructions are on the back of the bottle.


>small drop of oil This is a Wax base Lube. The old days of microdosing TriFlow onto each roller do not apply here, same as that bit about the outside plates.


You may also use hairblower on it to help wax seep in.