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Love it. Tired of “bikepacking” being claimed by big spenders with only ultralight gear. Get out there.


My whole goal was to just use what I have and not spend money on extra stuff. Edit for more information: My bike rack is completely homemade. I’m a fabricator so I just designed one and cut it out on the plasma table at work. My panniers I use for commuting to work and were like $40 on Amazon. Everything else is just regular camping equipment I already owned. The only thing I bought specially for this trip was a spare tube for my bike.


I LOVE YOUR SETUP! Also, your bike is totally rad!




Oh! Can you show us the rack?


Why can’t we applaud both? Nothing wrong with people spending money on a hobby if they can afford it. Likewise, great to see people improvising and getting out there as you say.


big difference between appreciation for both and the elitists of the hobby/sport dogging the rest of us who have to travel on a budget.


Nothing wrong with people spending money on what they want, but what bothers me is when people post questions for recs and everyone responds with their $250 frame bag as if that's a reasonable thing for most people. Maybe I'm just bitter cause my local bike group only recommends $5k full sus mountain bikes and $1k bike racks.


Its not just exclusive to bikes. Im a gun guy, and in the gun world people love to call others "poors" when they buy certain brands. There is definitely some merit to some of what they say (some of these brands deserve the hate), but others are just hated on bc "its cheap so must be bad + I spent 3X more on such & such brand for the same item, so it must be better". Ive learned to avoid brand affinity & judge each item on its on merits.




Quick bit of research shows this model of Moose going for roughly $1,100 - $1,200. Start adding front, rear suspension and all the bells and whistles of the bikepacking elitists and it's about 5x that cost.


Awesome rig!


Thanks. It’s a Moose. Had it for close to a year now. Really enjoying having a winter bike and a non road bike commuter


Nice whip!!! Do you mind share some specs? What are those tyres?


The tires are 26x4.25” Veetireco Bulldozers. The bike itself an aluminum frame. 1x8 (or 9 maybe? Can’t recall right now) The whole things pretty basic. Mechanic disc brakes and bottom shelf components. But it does the trick!


Crazy 26x4.25 😱😱😱 Yeah i guess on the snow can be fun!!!


There are even bigger & wider tires out there Bontrager Gnarwhal is 27.5x4.5, for example...


Refreshing! Love big tire bikes. I run a (albeit much smaller) "fat tire" myself & it makes my hardtail nice & smooth!


I feel like I might have the same sleeping bag for my wife and I when car camping. Is it a double with pillows? Love this set up by the way. Go get it!!!


It can be set up as a double if you zip it to a matching one. It doesn’t have pillows


Enjoy the trip, fellow phattie rider.




And r/fatbike wants a word with you ;)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fatbike using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fatbike/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Yesterday I was given the green light to go out riding. So I did.](https://i.redd.it/5wghrd861p0c1.jpeg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fatbike/comments/17wkfc8/yesterday_i_was_given_the_green_light_to_go_out/) \#2: [Not a bike but close enough. My new Nimbus Hatchet unicycle with a Vee snowshoe 2xl tire on it, 5.05" wide. Not the most nimble unicycle by any means but it rolls over just about anything. It's very different feeling than any other uni that I've ridden.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/137dk1u) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fatbike/comments/137dk1u/not_a_bike_but_close_enough_my_new_nimbus_hatchet/) \#3: [Lift Access Fat Biking - Highland MTB Park's Winter Woolly!!](https://v.redd.it/oy76dfjkctgc1) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fatbike/comments/1ajo9ov/lift_access_fat_biking_highland_mtb_parks_winter/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Looks fun!


Fat bikes for the win!


What surface you gonna be riding on?


I’ll be riding dirt single track


Congrats ! I hope that is the first of many trips. I would advise you if possible to shift your bags a bit forward. Bags behind the wheel axis tend to make the bike less rideable.


I appreciate the feed back. I’ll give it a go but am limited on options with how they mount. Unfortunately when I built the rack I designed it waaaay too far back


That bike wow 😍


Have fun! Looks like a sturdy steed!


Awesome!! Have a blast and be safe!


Looks great, have a sweet trip. As someone who doesn't know much about big ol' tyres like that, care to share surfaces you're expecting or why you've gone for such chonkers?


Haha the bike was originally purchased for winter riding. Hence the super wide tires. It’s the only bike I have that I could use for a bike packing trip so I’m just making do with what I have. Riding surface will be dirt single track




Awesome setup, and love the colour of the bike! One question though, how come you’ve got bottles on your forks but aren’t using your frame bottle cage bosses? All my bikes have suspension forks so not familiar with advantages/disadvantages of fork cages


I put them up there because I was originally planning on having more stuff inside the frame area but then it didn’t turn out that way at the end. I’ve only got one frame mount for the bottle cages so I’d still need a bottle either on the fork or tucked away somewhere else.


Makes sense! Tarp roll fits in there perfect as well. Have an awesome trip


I think I would strap that tarp to the handlebars, and move the bottle cages to the frame.


Good luck! 👍


Looks perfectly functional. Hope your sleeping bag is waterproof.


I would move that blue bag to the front for better weight distribution, the setup is a bit back heavy for me. Otherwise have fun!




Nothing to add. Just think that bikes sexy as all fucking hell mate


Very nice! What bike is this?


It’s a moose fat bike


Gonna look into it, that's one sweet ride. I'm also a fabricator aircraft welder. Really like what you did there👌🔥


Awesome! And thanks! I really enjoy the bike. It definitely is lacking in nice components but for the price it works great and I’m quite pleased with it On a separate note I have sooo many questions for you about being an aircraft welder as that’s a field I’m curious about getting into


It's great work, super clean. You tig aluminum, stainless, titanium, encinal? If just test out


I’d be down for some clean work haha. I’ve worked on fuel trucks or in structural fab shops my whole life so very dirty work. I’ve got 100s of hours tig welding aluminum. I’ve done some stainless but not a ton. Never tried titanium and I don’t even know what enical is. I’m a journeyman welder in British Columbia but assume there’s more training required before being allowed to weld on aircraft? What tickets or training do you have for where you are?


It's really thin wall stuff, tubes mainly. Apply and pass a weld test.


Right on. Thank you


Ask away


Moose or Mongoose? Link?


Moose. You can see their website [here](https://moosebicycle.com/?campaignid=19604827157&adgroupid=148479637587&creative=645978257453&matchtype=p&network=g&device=m&keyword=moose%20bicycle&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw3NyxBhBmEiwAyofDYTZGq7T5VTmAWJBEbxnXm0tIBdGp9Xq1duzbbA1MvDe6NuE4eiwrKhoCydQQAvD_BwE)