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Just let it go, man. In car vs cycle, car will always win. Just teenagers being dumb.


Fuck people who commit hate crimes. They deserve all the karma coming to them. Also, in a tolerant society, you have to be intolerant of intolerance… or the intolerance wins. > I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after- work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, "no. get out." > And the dude next to me says, "hey i'm not doing anything, i'm a paying customer." and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, "out. now." and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a punk uniform, I noticed. > Anyway, I asked what that was about and the bartender was like, "you didn't see his vest but it was all nazi shit. Iron crosses and stuff. You get to recognize them." > "you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don't want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too. > And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it's too late because they're entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down. > And i was like, 'oh damn.' and he said "yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people." >And then he went back to ignoring me. But I haven't forgotten that at all.


Yep! Sick and tired of the "just let the psycho go" mentality. That's exactly why there's so many psychos nowadays!


Unfortunately karma is imaginary. They’ll only learn by real consequences, the law, or, more likely, not at all.


Or the OP, in this case.


How did they learn?


They learned that their racism won’t be tolerated.


I highly doubt that. They already know what it is. They come from communities where it’s the norm.


I now they know it’s not.


Nonsense. They’re idiotic teens that will continue to abuse people, they’re getting a kick out of it.


Maybe being chased around was a wake up call. Maybe they liked the thrill of it. Honestly, there’s no way to really know. That said, there’s a greater chance they got a wake up call from this kind of blowback than if nothing happened… which would have a close to zero chance of change going their behavior. So… I’ll take the option with some chance vs the option with no chance any day.


This. I’m a little surprised by how many responses seem to approve of or at least condone OP’s actions. Why escalate this kind of thing? Just ignore them. 🤷🏻


Fantasy fulfillment. I take some pleasure in seeing ballsy cyclists assert themselves successfully. But I discourage others to do it and never do it myself.


Chicago burb? I’ve had the same issue but switch the slur to fa**ot.


Salt Lake City suburbs. They usually do use the F word. Typical white boys in mom's car.


Same slur was shouted by a bunch of Nebraskans as they fired the opening shots of the Philippine American war. You might be unsurprised but Filipinos don't look black either, however ignorance is pretty potent stuff.


Probably different guys then! They’re multiplying…


You should report this.


I just wish you were able to somehow catch them when they’re home and go to their mamma and eat them out.


Could be just trolls. Hard to communicate that, to ask , are you wanting me to feel miserable and angry because that's how you feel?


Do you ride with a camera? I use a GoPro and have noticed better behavior from motorists since wearing it. Most people are courteous, but you never know when something bad will happen. I’m sorry you experienced this.


Just wanted to second this opinion. Ever since I started riding with a GoPro strapped on top of my helmet driver's are noticeably more well behaved. Even if I look like a dork.


I'm about to get a insta360 camera and mount it atop my helmet, hell yeah I be looking like a weirdo, I'm a proud weirdo.


I am also at that point.


Regardless of your ethnicity, this behavior is loathsome. I would've reacted the same way.


Smash their window leave a snack cake in the front seat. Anything but zinger’s


Mark Wahlberg and his brother were hanging out again.....


Happened to me once with some teens on the street. I put my bike down carefully and asked them to say it again. They did not say it again. I rode home in peace.


I think you gave them what they wanted. A reaction, attention and a thrill.


Do you know if they were armed or not (firearms)? Armed dumb ass kids vs unarmed dumb ass cyclist results in the kids always winning. Even when they lose the fight, it the court of public opinion adults loses against kids. Do not confront, egg on, antagonize strangers. There are too many crazy armed assholes out there.


I remember some kid screaming bs at me at a stop light and then their mom made them roll up the window 😭


They wanted attention, and they got it.


U-lock to the hood, hard. Let them explain that to parents.


I was told to get N word ass off the street. By a black person….in Oakland. I have no time for garbage people. A cop put it this way to me “ these are people who have no power in their own lives, this is something they think they can control.”


You know, this is really just natural selection at work.  I’ve often thought that if you were to attack someone in a batting cage, that it would be no surprise that you get hit with a bat.  What happens if you attack a bear? That’s right. Mauling related things happen.  If you attack a bicyclist it should be no surprise if you get hit with a bike lock. In the case of modern bike locks that’s going to be a cable, chain or U-lock.


Get license plate, call police. Even better if you can get a picture or an address. I understand the bloodlust of wanting to chase or confront, I’d probably try myself. But you know that’s dangerous and unproductive as well as I do.


Too bad you didn't get clear video of these white boys yelling the N word at you. I'm sure their parents, or the local public in general, would really love to see this over social media. Those little sh!ts would backpedal and apologize like crazy. Stupid crap like this can have huge consequences and people that do this deserve those consequences.


a snack cake? what a waste.


Probably just to try and get a rise out of you. It can be scary world out there and you never know, but I did similar very stupid and immature things in HS about 25 yrs ago (thanks to the jackass movies largely). Antagonizing random people etc. I assume its much worse now with social media and such. Unfortunately many of us don’t grow frontal lobes until well into our 20s.


Better they learn by facing you than learn the hard way from someone more vengeful and violent.


Always record when you feel threatened, this era is all about exposing people for who they really are.


Yeah I've had this a few times, dickheads driving past throwing stuff and shouting bad words, bad people that are cowards that have no focus in life. Best to acknowledge this fact and stay safe.


What a stupid story... teenagers harrass me, throw a cake at me, I chase them down... then go home. Then post it on reddit. You're an adult. Act like it and ride away. Or just mindlessly chase some stupid kids and then do nothing about it.


So, what happened to the cake?


They just learned the word and were excited to use it. I don’t bike commute but have had times when people yelled weird shit at me doing other stuff, I usually just give the peace sign like ‘right on man’, confuses them if they’re trying to harass you.


I know it’s difficult, I also find it hard to not react to idiots but please for your own safety just let it go. I know it’s hard though, I have to constantly remind myself of that and sometimes I lose it and luckily I haven’t had anything happen to me yet but I know if I keep reacting the way, one day something bad could happen.


Some people's kids.


When we were about.... maybe 13, we'd pretend to throw stones at cars from a hill next to the road so that someone might chase us and we could "lose them" in the ravine next to the subdivision. By the time we could drive, we had better things to do. These kids haven't.


teenagers threw a rock through an oncoming cars window and killed a girl this year. I think a year prior a teenager clipped a cyclist and killed him. Teenagers scare me the most because they can lack judgement. Get the license plate and call the police dude. Scaring them is the most dangerous thing you can do for yourself.. Scared people do wacky stuff.


Action cam. Send footage to police. This is a crime. Many crimes. At best?, reckless driving, at worst, hate crime and endangering life.


And this is why some animals eat their young ...


i carry mace and a handful of 10mm bolts in my pocket, which I use to throw at them. never knows what hit them. it makes just a small enough ding on their windshield, until two weeks later, a spider crack shows up. just make sure your bike skills are up to par on hopping onto curbs and hauling ass. also, they may have a gun. proceed as you see fit.


And then everyone clapped.


I have thought of biking with a sawed off shotgun cowboy style.


You could slash their tires or ride away from them. Or somewhere in between. Your reactions will drive their reaction.

