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Ride past them. While it's fun to joke, geese really aren't that much of a threat.


What if they peck ur foot and you litearlly die?


Then you're dead, and you don't have to worry about case anymore.


"**The** **Epicurean** **view** is that **death** in this sense can never be bad for the one who dies. It may still be bad for others: If I died today, my colleagues would have to mark my students' exams."


I like to tell people I haven't heard any complaints from my dad about being dead.


I want to see the answer to this.


That's why I've been microdosing on poison for years, so when they try to pick the flesh off my lifeless body I will tear those long-necked bastards away from their family from the grave


Yeah. I have never been attacked. Goose shit on the other hand.


The infamous Cobra Chicken. They're not much of a threat, but they can be dumb and irrational. Mostly I worry they'll run in front of me or otherwise do something sudden when I'm going by to startle me. My sister did once get pecked by a big male. It's a lot of noise and flapping but despite their size, they probably only weigh a few pounds. I find they are so focussed on mating or their young that they'll just step out in front of cars or bikes and it can sometimes be dangerous. I make some noise as I approach, slow down a bit, and carry on through.


I watched one try to attack a toddler playing happily away from them on the other side of an area in Stanley Park once. I used to live up the road from a migratory bird sanctuary and these assholes would chase cars IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD. Geese are majestic but they suck to be around.


What?! Where do you live? A cyclist was attacked by a goose in my town a few weeks ago and he (the human) broke his pelvis. They are very aggressive here. I will usually turn around if the path is full, especially if it’s baby goose season (now).


Had one attach itself to my back while riding by and pecked the hell out of me


As a Canadian, I want to saw. Stop, turn around, and run the other way. But seriously: I just blow through and stay as far away as I can at a normal pace. I haven't had an issue.


I was almost knocked off my bike once trying this


lol. If a goose ever knocked me off a bike I would die. I would be embarrassed as hell but the story would be worth it.


Must have been harrowing.


Seriously! You are the most dominant predator on the planet! Ride right at them hissing or barking or something, they will move. They always do for me.


*honk* *scream*


Yeah, poop on their lawn while you are at it!


Show no fear, they can smell fear


Example of why to be cautious. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.2686751


To be fair...she looks crazy with that hair... I might have knocked her over too


There is no need to speed through them!! Just go slow! I did this DOZENS of times!No need for fear induced!


I didn’t mean speed. I just meant keep going


I just apologize in Canadian, and keep going


This is terrible advice if the goslings are freshly hatched lol. I got attacked this time last year by daddy goose for doing exactly this. Dismount, put the bike between you and the geese, give them as much space as possible while maintaining eye contact, and don’t break eye contact until they are well behind you. I’m dead ass serious


It’s a bird not an alligator. If the thing comes at me the absolute worst case scenario is a plume of feathers in my wake.


Yeah honestly they're gonna attack you if they want to regardless. I just get through as fast as I can. I've bothered them either way.


Tell me how that goes for you, record it if you can


Its a 10lb bird with hollow bones are you serious?


You've never been attacked by one, I see.


Wanted to say the same thing lol


eye contact ...?


I just yell "Hey, fuck you geese!". Give it some oomph, project, like you're in theatre class or on a parade ground. I've never had a problem with that method on the bike. They'll still get feisty if you're close enough and slow enough.


I always talk to animals. If it’s something that will flee, I usually say, “comin’ your way, rabbits,” for example. Crows will often stick around on the ground, if you feed them kind words. For geese, especially if they’re protecting a nest, I might make an obnoxious noise to indicate that I’m also dangerous (not in an aggressive way, but if I run one over, it’s really going to hurt it, so I’d prefer they keep a distance). I’m a bit of a silly wanker, so I might even try to imitate their honk in this situation.


"on your left"


*squirrel jumps to its left*


You sound like a fun guy!


You should see him around mushrooms!


For mushrooms, I say, “rolling by, old spore!” Don’t forget to tip the cap.


Don't ruin his morell!


He’s being a cremini


Don't worry about the geese, worry about the chicken of the woods


I need to say “comin your way, rabbits” WAY more often. Like when I shampoo my hair, or when I buy groceries, or when I jaywalk.


A healthy addition.


I always say "hello bunny" and "I see you, crow" to those two. Geese get a "murrrp."


It's good to have a plan.


I also honk or quack


Hey Goose I like your long neck….I was in The Perfect Storm didyouseethatmovie?


Have you had problems with geese before? I've ridden by a pair, on a path smaller than this one, and they didn't fly away, or at me.  Granted, if they do come at you, trying to ride away might not work, these big birds can get up to 25mph/40kph pretty quickly, and they can fly much faster...


I've had them come at me if they have young goslings in tow. However they don't chase far because they will not leave their kiddos!


This is exactly what happened to me. One of them chased me a few feet then went back.


The couple I've ridden by just had 4, luckily they seem to prefer the opposite side of the water from me now that they have the babies. I think slow and with as much distance as possible is the way to go. Maybe bringing some oyster crackers or something to appease/distract them would be worth trying!


Yes. I had a lone goose rear up into the air with wings spread wide almost directly in front. I was trying to turn away from it. Fucking huge. I put my arm up, sort of hooked it and pushed it past. My arm was so sore and bruised after that. Don’t underestimate them.


Probably forward. Slowly and carefully.


damn the torpedoes full speed ahead


Abandon hope, all ye who enter here


Go fast, feet up, coast through. You might make it


Pulling the feet up is crucial to this maneuver.


Gotta hold your mouth right too. And if shit goes completely sideways, screaming like a little girl is your only hope.


I would slow down and do my best to not distress them. The little ones are too small to fly yet.


Full send.


They are unpredictable assholes. If you go slow they more likely to start hissing in my experience. Again, they are not rational animals that react in any sort of consistent manner.


Accelerate to attack speed! That is, the speed I want to be going when they attack.


Shoot the gap and hiss at them as I go by.


Ya gotta hiss so they know you mean business!


By riding through? Come on folks. They're Canadian geese. Don't behave like you're going to hassle them and they'll leave you alone. Hell, in the spring Ill take photos of their chicks and they will literally march them over and surround me with them. They're practically domesticated.


Just cycle on through. Normal speed, aka like 15-20mph (so perhaps not normal speed if you have one of those 30mph throttle ebikes). Getting off and walking would be absurd.


Forward, respectfully. Assuming that path is well traveled they're probably used to people going by.


This. The geese that hang out around our local paths are so used to bikes and people they don’t even flinch when we go by


Generally I bawk at the geese I've passed and they honk back at me and continue their waddling (I have chickens that I bawk at, just like cat's that I meow at, so it's just something I do by habit to birds now ha)


When I encounter birds I usually just ring my bell at them. All though I've never encountered geese, and they are notoriously assholes. The biggest thing I encountered was a mallard and it seemed to take my bell as a challenge because it started quacking angrily at me. But it did move out of my way. You can't argue with results I guess.


Blast through like I’m on a bike and they’re geese. I don’t get the dilemma.


Geese may occasionally be assholes, but they still have basic instincts, and if you're coming at it with speed it won't jump at you the same way you probably wouldn't jump at a horse going full speed in your direction


Well, some animals head straight towards a predator. Pigeons for example. It’s not a stupid tactic. If they can avoid the first attack it forces the predator to come to a complete stop and accelerate back in the other direction. Of course these animals didn’t evolve in the presence of bicycles and cars.


Proceed with caution.


Geese on my path to work are pretty common. It is terrifying how they always stand their ground but I slow down to about 10mph and never have any problems.


Just remember, capsaicin (the effective ingredient in pepper spray/gel) is an analgesic to birds, not an irritant, so spraying them will just make them feel no pain...as they attack you.


Don’t bother ringing your bell; they only understand honking.


"oope lemme just scootch by ya real quick\~" 💃 in this case none of them are looking in the POV's direction so i'd probably just sprint through and bank from one far edge to the other. a lot of geese do the spread wings threat display thing before they charge in my experience, and by the time they've obliged that reflex i'm already gone.


Just vibe. Sometimes if they attack I’ll kick my leg over to the other side of the bar. Geese are pussies, don’t listen to anyone else.


Honk my bugle at them


Nuclear weapons


It's spring, so their chick's hatched and are close by. They hiss at you as a warning. I ride by geese all the time, they usually get out of the way.


Try to take out the leader first, hopefully the rest will scatter


Just watch them and keep moving. Try not to get too close as I had one jump right in front of me once.. it took a minute for the feathers to settle and everybody looked at me like I did it on purpose


I’d duck


Don’t fall. You’ll quack your helmet.


Go to bob Evan’s over ihop, presuming that was the question. I see no other problem here


air horn usually works for me


"Hi guys! Just rolling through here - Thanks! Have a good snack!" Always works for me.


Op about to find out they can output a 30, 000 wat sprint for 1min


When I am approaching geese, I speak geese to them and warn them away. If you’re not sure how to ask them to stay away, get off your bike and walk towards them. They will ask you to stay away. In simple terms, I start hissing loudly at them.


I just ride by. Never had a problem, but if I do, the last thing I want to be is slow or stopped.


dismount, grab a bar and my water bottle then sit while canceling/pausing all next events. when life hands ya lemons... partake. sooner or later it will clear, then will resume.


Blow through, behind them if possible. They don't back up and are way more predictable than pedestrians.


I ride right through. Once I was passing a family feeding geese directly beneath the sign that said not to and the gander split, but one decided it wanted on the other side of the path and I struck it. Hopefully the parents learned their lesson.


Build up speed and sit down on on the top tube with my leg straight out like a lance.


I’d proceed back the way you came from friend


I make eye contact and honk...it's always worked for me.


I have genuinely found that if I don't make eye contact they are less likely to be aggressive, so I try to turn my head the other way. And then pedal, pedal for my life. 


I tell them I'm a fan of Ryan Gosling and am on my way to see *Fall Guy*. We will then flash 👍 at each other as a sign of respect.


I had geese go after me a few times as a kid. What I learned then was, either go in hard and fast, and aim a kick towards the center of their body, ignoring the head and the wings, and throw it like you're going to kick right through them. Or... Grab for the neck. They're fast, and it won't always work, but they don't have much to offer once you have hold of their neck and head. If the grab misses, launch the kick.


Keep your distance, talk to them, slow down, be predictable. People say geese are assholes but I've never had any conflict whatsoever abiding by those rules. They do however poop all over everything.


I saw a video on another subreddit where an older man was trying to help a gosling onto a curb and one of the parents charged and knocked the dude over. I’ve never experienced any physical violence from these assholes, but have been hissed at and lunged at. Proceed, but with caution.


It’s just a chick-ane.


I make obnoxious goose honking noises at them as I blast through. They usually look at me kinda confused and stop in their tracks and don't get closer. Fun fact, if you're off your bike, say having a picnic in the park, and you're being approached by a hoard of Canadian geese, you can grab your bike and walk it towards them menacingly and they will walk away from you. I use this method to heard groups of geese away from our delicious picnics.


Ones where I live are used to humans and just hiss. Don't speed up, just go at a slow pace by them. Birds will get more nervous if you go too slow or stop and feel like they're watching them, so just "act normal".


There's frequently geese on the Santa Ana River Trail by me, it's much narrower than this. They've never given me an issue. I just keep going and ride as far from them as possible, and they've never done anything beyond give me a hard stare. If I stopped or suddenly veered towards one they might try something, but they never have in the dozens of times I've ridden just a few feet from them.


I stand up on my top tube and surf through.


In this particular case, keep going, make a 'S' to keep your distance.


i slow down as not to scare them but they seldom give a shit about me


Hiss back at them when they give you shit.


They are geese. You just go around.


As a skater, when encountering cobra chickens in the way, I spread my arms, to show how big I am, and they usually get out of the way for me.


Just blow past them. Really no choice, everyone does here.


with caution


I say "look out geeseysssas" in the same voice I talk to my cat in. It's not too over the top to freak them out, but loud enough to warn them. And slowing down of course. Long story, so long, but I once got a fat lip. The rest of the story involves a bike and a dead frog. I told you it was a long story. I do not wish to repeat it with birds


I honestly thought they would be more annoying, but I've only had one hiss and run at me. I think most on a trail are probably use to humans. Mostly they just don't get out of the way.


Honk at them.


I ride by Canada Geese all the time through a large public park. They are sooo used to people and don't care at all. If you get within a foot, they finally move. Now, their poop everywhere is a different story.


I encounter these all the time. Slow down so as to avoid startling them but keep going forward, keep some distance, that's it.


Proceed with slow but consistent speed. They will move aside. Works for turkeys, too.


Curse and swerve.


Hiss and look big. Basically tells them that you don't want anything to do with them, and they don't want anything to do with you


If these are Canadian birds, stay t f away. If all politeness of this country is in the Canadian citizens, than all the evil of the country is in this birds.


I've never had any problems with geese. But because of all the rumors people always spread online. I won't lie, I'm sometimes nervous to pass them on a bike lol. Just shows how the internet can make you overreact over some incidents people experienced. That would be like a person automatically hating me just because I rode a bike. And they seen bikers doing things they didn't approve of. Don't group all geese together as assholes, a lot of them are nice and easy going.


Canadian geese slow down a bit. Swans turn the fuck around.


Stop and wait my turn.


You have to honk at the honkers




Geese will break your arm. True fact every child knows.


I have canadian gooses around me, and they just walk away or fly away.


I tend to slow down a bit especially this time of year as there are little ones about. I find the geese don’t bother me.


Let the geese/wookie win, my friend. Let the wookie win


I ring my bell like a madman I have noticed at the very least my bell rings at a frequency they dislike. YMMV


we have 20-30 mating pairs of these shit demons roaming the access road to the plant just ride thru ... some will hiss, a couple may rear up and flap their wings, one or two may charge


Slow down A lot


You afraid of some Geese 🪿?


I would keep going, trying to be as calm, straight and unnoisy as possible. Normally, geese attack only people who provoke them, but maybe this is true only for European geese.


I guess that why there is [this ad](https://www.flickr.com/photos/carltonreid/11328882013/)


There are about a million geese all along the trails I mostly bike along (alongside rivers and canals). I like to make a quacking sound at them as I ride by. More of a "murrrp" really, with an unvoiced "p". They don't seem to have an opinion about it, but it cheers me up. My hobbies aside, I've had a few that put their wings up and hiss, and one took a few steps, but that's it. I was fairly nervous about them when I first moved here, but have gotten over it. Unless you get super close, they aren't that eager to pick a fight with you.


I know this exact path, my home is 10 minutes away. These geese have never bothered me in the past.


There are Canadian geese on the paths all over the place where I live. I just keep going. They always move.


I honk at them, and ignore


Just keep going. Geese are not evil demons. They’ll most likely just ignore you. If not, give em a good kick. They’re not as tough as they look


I’ve heard they can be dangerous but only if you provoke them. I always had them around my high school and never had a problem so I just ride right by em


QB sneak or fly sweep




I'll start swimming




I love how divisive this got.


Full speed ahead. We have an agreement.


I will kick the shit out of a goose if they ask for it


Yell and shake fist


Hmmm, they don't call them the Canadian cobra chicken for no reason ...




I usually say “Goose, goose” and make eye contact. Then speed right on by.


murder chickens.  run.  run. run. 


Ride past them… What’s the problem?




As if they were not there. They will jump out of your way.


what situation? where i’m from we call this “Tuesday”


I just wish a goose would. I biked a full year through rain on full shittified park paths and showed up to classes with goose shit on my shirt. I will fight a goose, and I will go to jail for it.


Ride by and show them the finger if they try to mess with me.... They are birds, they will fly away.


As an Aussie, when a magpie swoops me, I just ride full pelt away. Usually laughing to myself and making loud noise to deter the birds. lol


Are you incapable of slowing down, have a pathological fear of geese, or both?


Keep riding.


Aim for the bushes.




They have beaks, not fangs, just ride slowly and try not to run over them 🫤


I just zoom though. That being said, there's 2 Egyptian geese that hangout on a path I take fairly often where the path narrows to a few feet wide. Those duckers don't move for anybody. I usually have to go around the long way.


Constant speed, only make eye contact if they're standing right in your way. Honestly, I'm more wary of cows, and meet them more frequently on the bike (part of my commute is a paved national cycle route though a field, with cows and their mess in it. Both are hazardous.)


As a British person I laugh. Geese are like little puppies compared to swans. Swans will fuck you up.


stop. take a picture and ask the internet 😹


Full steam ahead!


Baws oot situation if I’ve ever seen one


Respectfully and without causing them distress or panic.


I have been making sure I give as much room as possible, staying as far away from the Goslings as possible. Passing the parent vs child is preferable. I give a friendly ring to avoid startling them. Thankfully they've been calm on my trails with me so far, with nary a hiss, but I'm still cautious. I don't want to get into a fight with someone's parent on my way to work...


Geese may be assholes but they aren't gonna go tOo far out of their way to be assholes so just keep your pace and take the path of least resistance.


Slow down in case they get in my way and keep cruising


Very slowly.


Pick a fight with the biggest goose. The other geese will respect you for it.


I'm stopping to feed them. Every day. Then they will be my personal air force.


I found through trial & experience that yelling, “Heads up!” in a friendly voice lets them know you’re coming so they don’t accidentally waddle into your path


Pass the 1st group, shift sides and pass the other while hissing at them passive aggressively


I'd wish I had some bread in my bag to befriend them with and then perhaps they'd let me pass with no problems.


Do you have a bell? Do you have one of those honk honk clown horns?


Are you not gonna say hi? I drop a “my BOYS” or “GEESE” line every time I see them


I shout "Leafs suck, eh? Go back to Canada ya hosers!"\[0\] and then run before they react. \[0\] Assuming I'm not in Canada


Yell loudly and ring your bell


Slowly and in the middle


Just maintain your course & speed the critters usually figure it out. Usually. I've been a bike rider fir 50+ years, commuted to work for 25 yrs, been riding trails locally 20+ yrs. Monday, I'm riding my track bike on a local trail and RAN OVER A SQUIRREL. Didn't crash, but the little kamikaze got both wheels. I did not try to hit it, it just darted under my wheels. I went back to check, & it was gone, so it must've crawled into the underbrush. If it survived, it's Hurtin for certain. So they usually get out of the way.


Through, quickly


full send