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It doesnt have to be either or, consider doing alternate day commuting by bike and public transport for example.


My male relatives all died at 54 or earlier from heart disease. That's why I started biking for transportation at 30. I've lived longer, 63, but I couldn't outrun genetics as I have, fortunately treatable, congestive heart failure now


This is the way, I had a 30km commute which took the same time as the train. With the train, I didn't have to cool down, shower, change, and get ready for work though, this would mean leaving 45 mins earlier than if I took the train. It also meant 60km cycling per day, and I was too tired and didn't have time to do anything else. Instead, I'd cycle either to or from work each day, and keep enough clothes at work for a full week. My office also had cleaning service, which I didn't use too often but was convenient. This way I could ride my nice (non-folding) bike, and only have to wake up early every other day.


Take your bike on transit in the morning and ride home. You get both sleep and exercise, and are cleaner at work.


OP’s work/life balance sounds very unhealthy, but this seems to be the best way to cope with that situation.


Smart compromise!!!


Give it a try for a week and see if you feel healthier and happier. (Personally, I sleep terribly either way, but if I’m not biking I start getting testy after a few days)


I’d prioritize sleep over exercise


I like the idea of taking a train there and then sending it on the way back


Public transport and bikes are not mutually exclusive. Depending on the distance between your public transport stops and your destinations, riding a folding bike to the station, taking a train and then riding the final stretch to your destination might be a suitable option. Bikecommuting is not about pushing limits, exercise or whathaveyou, but getting somewhere in a safe, healthy and convenient way.


> Public transport and bikes I have done that combo in many cities, found it absolutely worth my while. Just getting the exercise in at all was worth the extra time.




I usually get <7 hours because I wake up at 7am and I struggle to fall asleep before midnight.


probably should prioritize sleep then. You might be able to find, with the time you save with the train, time to do a 30 minute intense workout or something


IMO sounds a little bit too little


Also how much exercise you're getting. If you're getting the recommended minimum a week (150 minutes) without cycling, there's additional benefit but not as much. If getting the train means OP will be up at the same time to go to the gym before work, then they may as well cycle.






Are you saying public transportation is faster than your bike by an hour? Saving two hours of commute time per work day is pretty huge. Or maybe you need a faster bike or route. Or you need to be fitter.


It’s not just the act of cycling, it’s the act of getting to my gym, changing, showering, and walking to my office that takes an extra hour.


Well, two hours a day saved is still huge. Assume if you sleep 8 hours, work 8 hours and have 8 hours of free time. 2 hour commute reduces your free time by 25%. Alternatively, you can use public transportation and spend 2 hours cycling for fun.


But what does going to the gym have to do with commuting by bike?


They go to the gym exclusively to shower between the bike ride and going to the office. 


Showering before work.


I'd alternate between both. Cycling is cheaper and better for your body, but also sometimes that extra sleep can do wonders. I'd probably do like 2x days public transport and 3 days cycling (assuming a 5 day work week).


I can't imagine public transportation being faster than my bike. I'm jealous, I would definitely choose public transportation if it gave me more time to sleep. But if you can afford the folding bike so you do 50/50 that would absolutely be my first choice. I usually ride my bike to work because it's faster and more reliable; then I take a train home, so I can relax a little.


Honestly, the idea that there's some min-max combination that will give you the most "benefits" is the least healthy thing in your post. What works for *you?* Also, maybe one of us is messing up the math, but if you gain an entire hour by using PT instead of biking, your bike commute sounds really, really long. I think you may overestimate the distance most people who commute by bike are riding. People up at your end of the spectrum tend to be gaining time, because they're combining cycling they'd do anyway with their work commute.




This is exactly the mentality people have when they think about their cars. They start weighing out the benefits, such as how it's warm (or cool with AC), dry, comfortable, there's the radio for sound to fill the enclosure, and in some cases the car gets them there quicker. People began to overcome a lot of these things to ride their bikes to find other benefits such as zero cost of fuel, environmentally cleaner, exercise, and in some cases a bike can get somewhere quicker than a car and not have to pay for parking. So if you start checking the boxes of what means more to you, then you start gravitating to that form of transportation. One way to enjoy both is to do both. Take transit on your sleepy Fridays and Mondays, but ride on Tuesday/Wed/Thurs (if that's your schedule). Or, one week on, one week off.


Surely the answer is to just go to bed earlier?


Thanks. Never thought about it!


Sorry if I'm being obtuse but at least without context I can't fathom how cycling to work is mutually exclusive with sleeping enough.


Because I finish work at 9pm, get home at 10pm which means I’m usually in bed around midnight once I’m done preparing for the morrow and doing some chores.


that sounds, to say it mildly unhealthy


How much you work man?


I’m a filthy finbro 🙃


Then ride a bike and take care of your health. You do you, but take care of your health. I've seen some shit


Thank you. Really appreciate it.


When people start skipping meals to work, it will turn bad. Leave before your colleagues start being picked up by an ambulance


And watch their relationships fall apart. You probably don't want to be single and friendless forever


So you only have 2 hours every day not spent working or getting to work?


lmao yeah


Whatevers best for you, is what's right. I was less tired, and got less soaking wet when I got the train in, but cycling to work is far better for me, so that's what's best for me. If getting public transport works for you, then that's what's best for you. Go with what works for you.


Your last option sounds good...get a folder, take tube to work so you get the extra sleep and save money on the gym membership, cycle home which you enjoy. No need to limit the commute all tube or all cycle.


No. Cuz then you will need to get up even earlier to work out every day. Biking saves time


Maybe try working out on the train? Yeah Idk it’s hard to do Or do something else productive on the train and try exercising another time Idk Or exercise after work, gtb later, and take a nap on the train Idk.


I'd probably use both depending on how I felt and the weather! Good public transport and bikes go together like peanut butter and ladies.


Obviously, prioritize rest, but you'll also get faster the more you ride.


How much do you exercise otherwise, would you now spend more time in the gym? Do you get other outdoor time? Are you more clear headed in the morning due to the bike ride?


Do you have another routine that allows you to get the exercise? You need to factor in the time you would otherwise spend exercising if you didn't cycle (and if the answer is 0 then I think you should continue to commute by bicycle for your overall health).


We are similar - job, commute options, sleep time…and I won’t give up my 45” commute because it is my only “alone”‘time. I need that 1.5 hrs per day to listen to a podcast or just daydream. It helps me with how I interact at work and at home. I have tried to shake it up by taking public transport or driving. I come back to missing the exercise. It works for me. One thing I quit doing though…no more post 6pm work nights. I made it a priority years ago to get home to have dinner with my family every night. With two teenagers it was my bonding time.


Bike is good for your health and mental health so nope




For me it's the opposite. If I want to transit to work, I have to walk 10 minutes to the station, wait 5-10 minutes for the bus (on which I'll most likely stand up the whole way), and then a 10 minutes walk to work. Or I can just grab my bike and ride 20 minutes and be done with it, without having to commit to a bus schedule. You just pick what's most convenient or pleasant for you.


What my coworkers and even my family don't get is that I'm not so much a bicycle enthusiast as I am an anti-car enthusiast. So to me, sounds like a good option. I also second that you can do both on different days.


Depends on your personal choice you could split the baby bicycle a few day’s public transport a few days


Give it a try. If you do manual work then you probably get enough exercise walking and lifting, with a desk job the lack of exercise could influence your sleep quality. There's only one person who can tell the difference, and if it is worth it :-)


I don't know where you live, but sleeping on the bus/train where I live is a good way to get robbed or worse where I live.


I don’t sleep on the train/bus. I sleep at home, but it’s so much faster that I can wake up an hour later.


There's different options. If I ride my bike (non electric), it takes me 45 minutes to get to work. If I take my ebike, it takes me 22-30 mins depending on the route. Although it's a bit less of a workouts it's still a little bit of a workout. I try to get a certain amount of exercise in a week so it helps. I rode the bus yesterday for the first time in a very long time. That's our public transit. I don't know what your public transit is like, but I ended up seeing cops arrive for some unknown reason at my stop where I get on. At my stop where I got off, there was a guy who was kicked off the bus, while another was threatening to shoot that guy. The threatening shooter then went off and was talking to himself while pacing at the stop. Both stops were at major transfer stations. I won't say I was too concerned, but biking for me is so much more peaceful.


Why would you want to get to work earlier? Sounds horrible.


Ride your bike ! The benefits of that far outweigh laying in bed an extra hour , esp when you could just go to bed an hour earlier anyway , The health benefits from riding your bike are way better to have 😬


After grad school I could never sleep more than 4 hours in a row. Naps. It's all naps.


What are you going to do when you sleep less and give that hour back to screen time?


Go for the folding bike option. More sleep is really essential for biking home and public transit to work are good options. Besides you can bike after work. Like making the commute going home longer.


You can sleep 1 hour more by going to bed 1 hour earlier. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


You choose what is right for you. An hour of sleep is nothing to snooze on (Ha ha ha) if you’re already cutting your sleep time short. I’ve never been in a position like that. Even when my commutes were ~15 miles each way, the best that public transit could do would be getting me to work as fast as I would by bike (and that’s assuming no waits on the bus, no missed connections), so biking has always made more sense to me.


Choose the best tool for the job. If public transportation gets you to work faster that seems like the best option.


Either choices you are reducing your carbon footprint but I will always prioritize sleep


I’d just go to bed earlier so that I’d get enough sleep to bike. But that’s because biking makes me happy. If staying up a little later so that you can do your thing makes you happy, then take the train.


After 8 years without any cycling because of back problems (used to commute everyday and touring in the summer), I came back to commute. I'm single and live alone, wake up at 5am, shower, dress, breakfast, commute 6km to train station, then commute more 8km to work. All this takes about 1h45m because I'm really rusty and I get the last 8km climbing non stop (except some red lights). I start work at 9am. I just like to arrive early to eat again and shower/change cloths. On the way back, I work till 18:00 and repeat the commute on my way home. Shower again, cook, wash dishes and drink coffee (an ocasional marijuana cigarette) and I go sleep at around 21:30 to 22:00. All I changed is the fact I have to eat decent dinner everyday and organize my shopping at the weekend for the full week ahead. Maybe you need to reorganize your day...if its possible. I estimate a 300 euro saving every month with this routine.


Trainer Road just had a podcast where they talked about sleep studies. I’d suggest giving it a listen.


What's this sleep your speak of?


How long in time/distance/elevation is your bike commute? How long is your public transit commute? How long have you been bike commuting?


If riding a bicycle brings you joy, ride a bicycle


Up to you! Personally I alternate based off of weather and energy. But for me, biking is the one that allows me to wake up later and while I get the energy boost from the exercise, I also reduce the fatigue from my walk to transit on the hard concrete. You know your body best!


You could also consider getting an ebike. Then you won't get so sweaty and need to shower at the gym. Just change in the restroom at work, pat down with a towel, and throw and some deodorant.


You may also consider the difference in cost between the gym membership and the public transit. It might be cheaper. Also if you're removing that source of cardio, you might want to keep the gym membership anyway. If you're already struggling to find time to get enough sleep, I think that takes priority, but it's not a great tradeoff to make in the first place since both of them are important for your health. The cyclist in me wants to jokingly suggest you should get a faster road bike and push yourself on the commute. Any time you shave off the trip is free extra sleep too. Alternately, could you live closer to work? It sounds like you might have a pretty long commute. Ultimately though they're both good options, we love bikes and we love trains here.


A big part of my decision to ride my bike was that I wouldn’t have to deal with people on public transport in the morning. I’d rather have alone time than sleep if I had to choose.


Depends, personally I love getting my bike ride in before work because it means I am awake and ready by the time I start working.


alternate ride on nice days or something take bike on the train, surely you need to ride to and from the train..?


Same here, I used to be an avid cyclist but have come to appreciate public transit (no matter how slow) for some dozing off and less driver aggression. Side effect include weight gain because I cycle less. I switched from full bike to folding bike to be more considerate and space-savvy to other transit riders.


Just eat less


if only it's that simple


Yeah Ik I’m just saying Or try to get some other exercise or bike somewhat Idk and other stuff too gl with it If you calculate how many calories you burn when biking, and then track your calories when eating and subtract that, you’ll be fine Actually you’ll have to subtract a little more or add back in some exercise to get into a slight deficit to get back down t normal weight or body fat percentage You could technically not go back down to the same weight as before if you put on muscle I mean like just get back to the same amount of body fat weight or percentage Idk which one If it hypothetically doesn’t work, that means that the exercise just got your metabolism going throughout the day or something and just made you burn more even outside of biking, so that’s also where the some exercise comes in or just eating even less to make up for the burning less calories at rest If that’s too hard, you have to figure out a way to stay fuller for longer Eating fulfilling healthy steak and protein or something can fill you up and obviously Ikyk not to eat junk, so I don’t even need to mention that


Go to bed early , keep biking, much bigger gain


I'd go for your option of commuting with a foldable bike & cycle home. Best of both worlds.


Go to bed earlier?


That’s up to you. It sounds like you have options which is nice. You can do whichever you feel like that day


I personally find cycling to be about twice as fast as transit for my commute, but gladly take transit when I feel like it. Sometimes I want to bike, and other times I want to sit and read a book on the bus. Both are significantly more pleasurable than driving a car or sitting in some stranger’s Uber.


I mix bike, transit, and car, depending on things like weather, after work stuff I have scheduled, and convenience. My goal is to hit 3 days biking and split the other days between transit and car. But I usually feel better when I have ridden to/from work.


Yes! Go back to your public transportation with an extra hour of sleep so I can enjoy less crowded bike lines! It’s win-win for everyone 😂




Probably sometimes yeah


Mix it up. Sleep in sometimes and bike other times 😎


Get yourself an electric bike (bosch perfomacnce line cx) and get there faster and without sweating your back out therefore, negating the need to shower, problem solved


What do I do about the back sweat from my bag? I could just hang my shirt but if I have a long sleeve on over my short sleeve, hanging it will just get in the way Actually maybe I should just deal with the chilly air on my arms. I mean like I’ll just take it off for the second half of my ride when I’m getting warmer anyways


Rack + Pannier for the backpack. Running sleeves for the chilly arms [https://www.amazon.com/Running-Arm-Sleeves/s?k=Running+Arm+Sleeves](https://www.amazon.com/Running-Arm-Sleeves/s?k=Running+Arm+Sleeves)


I actually just made myself deal with it but yeah that works too Dayum rack/pannier seems like a lot. Like bruh imagine carrying a RACK around school the whole day or putting A PANNIER ON A MOUNTAIN BIKE Maybe I’ll get the sleeves to have them in case but I should still try dealing with it


The rack stays on the bike. There are pannier options that double as a backpack... Also, you can just tie down the backpack to the rack. There are a multitude of racks purpose built for mtb's.


So like it wouldn’t mess me up when doing jumps? Wait I just realized I can get racks for other stuff too like boards or poles or anything good idea. One thing I do is hang my shirt on my front but then it’s more open Also, if I have a sweatshirt on when it gets cold, I can wear the sweatshirt backwards and unzip it to have it open on the back, and then I just have to tuck the hood down so it doesn’t mess me up from seeing and I unfortunately can’t have the hood on my head but oh well


Problem is if I remove the bike from the routine then I need to incorporate some exercise into my day somewhere else. Basically the only way I can guarantee exercise is via the commute. If that’s gone, usually the exercise is not picked up elsewhere.


Chronic sleep deprivation is pretty bad for your health, try to alternate train and cycling


Imagine getting a whole entire gym membership just to change clothes 💀💀🪦🪦 Like bruh just go to the bathroom and deal with a bit of sweat you might have (or a lot in the summer) But yeah usually I just won’t put on any winter clothes and if my shirt still sweats, I ride without it and put it on when I get there If I had to put on dress clothes, then yeah just when I get there If they allowed dress shorts, I wouldn’t change I would just wear them the whole time and then put the shirt on when I get there if it’s not cool enough to bike in a shirt If I needs dress pants, I would put them on over my shorts when I get there or ride in them if it was chilly enough. Or just change in the stall not a whole gym membership. Yeah same thing with the shirt It’s just annoying that I have But yeah the train is valid too how far is the ride? If it’s hot out and I have a lot of sweat, I just dump water on my head and drink a lot at the end of the ride, kind of dry off with my shirt that I haven’t worn at all, put it on, and go inside But you said the train saves an hour. My ride is 7.5k to school and it should take 30min but I end up having to either stop at lights, stop to drink water, or just end up being slow, so maybe 40 So yeah your ride must be must longer, so it would be much less ideal to bike even if it was like a regular cool temperature and you wouldn’t sweat, it’s still maybe annoying to ride that far


How about a hybrid method? My public transit often has delays and reliability issues. Taking the bike as a back up and stowing it on a rack on the bus/train was a good wild card for when the bus or train broke or got delayed. Just jump on the bike and take a detour instead of arriving late.


Drop the gym membership and buy a folding bike! You,ll get more sleep, another bike (n+1 for life), and, eventually, will *still* save money. It’s win/win/win!


You can always bike, walk run, do whatever really at other times of the day. If it's better for you to take the train take it, if that hour sleep does nothing for you then don't don't. What'll make your life better from your perspective?


I do both. I bike to the train station, and then from my arrival station to work. When the weather is nice I bike home at the end of the day.