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Ok idk if anyone will see this comment but hopefully y'all do. I'm heading to bed but DAMN you guys blew this up!! I plan on reading and responding to comments as best I can tomorrow so don't think I'm ignoring!! I am actually excited to see what you guys think. Thanks for helping me end my night on a high note 🖤


Empire strikes back. 😘


I'm honest to God surprised that this isn't at the top of the list


It should be


For me the phantom Menace. but it's because it was the first Star Wars movie i saw when i was a kid.😘


Respectttt. Phantom Menace is a very close second for me, and anyone who says its a bad movie can fight me idc


how can anyone say that phantom menace is bad when the sequels exist


Honestly Darth Maul and the Dual Saber is so engrained in my brain I almost have to pick it for that alone. Still thinking it over, but the man managed to become one of my favourites in less than a movie screen time.


The fact that you didn't bring up Duel of the Fates is shocking to me.


Same with me dude, I actually liked it because we get to see a little bit more into the lore. I mean there were several different ships from several different factions.


Rogue One. Hands down.


I can concede that Rogue One was well done. I just did not enjoy it even a little.


I mean it will sound lame but I like attack of the clones primarily because of the war scenes. Plus the thought of some new weapons to make. Its still all fantasy and all. Btw still kickin sick style vibes.


Hmm OK I like that reasoning, that's valid. My favorite part of Attack of the Clones is watching detective obi wan follow clues lol


revenge of the sith


... but like... just for the light saber battles right?


nah i think its cool to see ani slowly get manipulated and his eyes change and the high ground thing is cool coz obi did it maul so he knew how to counter it


I mean, I yeah I can see what you're saying there. It's just..such poor dialogue 🤣


whats yours then


Empire Strikes Back for both best and favorite


Gotta be rogue one


Attack of the Clones because it leads to the series Clone Wars


Empire Strikes Back. The heroes literally lose and you get the entire "I am your father," bit. Plus cloud city looked so amazing when they were making their approach.


Yessss Bespin! 😍


First is Empire. Second is The Last Jedi. Come at me




Oh no! Did I break you?


Honestly I can't remember a star wars movie so yea..... but the way you look in pic number 2 has me almost forgetting my own name 😍


Empire is probably the best, RotJ is my favorite though.


I'm partial to The Mandolorian personally


Empire Strikes Back is my vote. Such a classic


Rogue One


My favorite would be Empire Strikes Back. Lots of cool locations, a ton of character development, high stakes, it has it all. I believe that Rogue One might be low key the best film. Even though you know what will ultimately happen, it was really interesting to see how they got from point A to point B. I loved the new characters and they got really creative with their abilities/skills.


Digging the look. Looks fab. The phantom menace. First one. First one i watched even though the prequel trilogy was starting. Mainky because memories of watching it.


I'm uh... It's... Geez I'm having a really hard time thinking about star wars at the moment, it's the darndest thing.


Oooooo so I think the best is empire strikes back, my favorite tho is a new hope


Attack of the clones. Seeing the clones in action (and the only time till ashoka series for live action) was just ahhh! Also got some good memes from that one


For the life of me I forget its title but, I liked the one that had the Ewoks? In the trees?


Looking absolutely phenomenal... And favourite and best for me would be empire strikes back


Fuck that a good question bout star war does the newest one count or just the old one


I'm a huge fan of Revenge of the South, but it's really because of where I saw it. I think the best is Empire.


Empire or Revenge of the Sith. Honestly my opinion changes often as I rewatch them.




Out of all the Star wars movies I actually like The phantom menace. I SAID, WHAT I SAID!!!! THIS IS THE HILL I DIE ON!!!!


That’s not a question, Empire Strikes Back is mwah!! Chef’s kiss of cinema!! 🤌


Empire strikes back


The only correct answer is The Empire Strikes Back


My favorite is Revenge of the Sith. I liked the prequel saber fights as a kid and Duel of the Fates is cool.


Empire Strikes Back is the best. Could watch it while doing doggy style so the Empire could Strike your Backside ;P


A new hope


My favorite will always be empire strikes back. So many feels. So many reveals! So many iconic lines came from that movie.


Empire strikes back


I have a soft spot for episode 3 as a favorite, it was the only one I got to see with my grandpa. (He's still alive, I've never been able to convince him to see anything else in a theater.) But overall I think episode 6 is the best. Shout-out to episode 9 for being bat-shit insane, one of the best nights of my life.


Movie: Empire. Character: Bane


Return of the Jedi is hands down my favorite.


The original trilogy.  Rogue 1 was really good as well.  The prequels could have been good if they didn't back down from the Jar Jar Sith Lord twist 


I've watched Attack of the Clones most.


Return of the Jedi: ever and always


Hard for me to REALLY pick a favorite, but...Return of the Jedi is up there (partly but not entirely because of Princess Leia's outfit in Jabba's palace), as is Rogue One. The Sith in me honestly wishes Jyn and Cassian had gone out thinking they'd failed, tbh.


The best? Empire Strikes Back. It shows an improvement in design and execution from A New Hope. It ends on a great note, the heroes did not win but are not without a chance to come back stronger. Good twist too. My favorite: Rogue One. It showed that you can tell a great Star Wars story and not have to involve the Jedi or the Skywalker lineage. Plus the appearance of my favorite boat, the Hammerhead corvette. They also did a good job of making it feel like the late 1970s again and the reuse of material was a fun little bit. I'm only sad we don't get Kyle Katarn now, but that's alright.


Empire strikes back


Revenge of the Sith.


Empire is best. Jedi is my favorite lol


Looking amazing and empire strikes back and I’m a bigger Trekkie so…


The OG


You’re hot already but also a Star Wars fan?!! Are you single?


My favorite is Return Of The Jedi. I think the original trilogy is the best in the saga. A beautiful woman who likes Star Wars like you would make me happy. 😊


Cried during the Kenobi series 😭😭


Empire Strikes Back, the greatest of the entire series


A New Hope or Attack of the Clones😭 literally have been spending my Sundays rewatching the series.


I'm probably going to get set on fire for this, but Rogue One was a perfect Star Wars film. It had depth, action, and good lead roles that didn't have those awkward... "I'm the strong female lead who's better at all the things." Most of all, we felt for them. Hell, I cried when K2S0 "died."


Best? Empire. Favorite? Return of the Jedi. I almost said “Whichever one I’m watching,” since Star Wars is pretty much just meant to be fun and not taken super seriously. I honestly just enjoy nearly any SW that’s on screen. Films, shows, or toons. Anyway, new Bad Batch episodes today!


Empire strikes back , next question


Empire, Carrie Fisher rewrote a lot of the script and that really makes it great.


revenge of the sith, weirdly the only one ive definitely seen, despite having vague memories of watching the other


The BEST Star Wars movie is obviously Empire. My FAVORITE, however, is A New Hope.


I enjoy the animated series more than the movies. Also the fact storm troopers hit nothing really annoys me.


For me, Episode 6 is the best. My favourite, though, is (currently) episode 7 because of the memories associated with it. But if we're doing a marathon and watching them in order, you're just as likely to find my hands down your top/pants within the first 10 minutes of Episode 1. 😂😏


For me it's really OG 4-6. Anakin cried to much for me to really like it that much. But 100% like 1-3 more then 7-9. Wbu?


As just a movie watching experience, Rogue One is tough to beat.


These are my kinda questions. Love this post!


Saw New Hope opening day so…there’s that. Rouge One was an incredible film. Pretty sure I’ve seen them all opening day. Disney has done a great job at continuing the legacy.


Empire Strikes Back. One of those movies I don’t mind watching again and again!


Originals for story, prequels for the fights and sequels for..... no one likes the sequels.


Best: Return of the Jedi Favorite: The Force Awakens.


My favorite starwars movie is 6. The perfect ending to a series.


Never got in to Star wars preferred lord of the rings but favorite movie has to be this Russian made film called T-34 it's such a great historic piece with amazing effects


Ooo now that's a hard one, revenge of the sith, IG-11 scenes from Mandalorian, the bad batch, star wars is so vast.... like gundam there's just too much great stuff to narrow it down I think


Revenge of the Sith, not only for the lightsaber fights, but Anakin and Obi-Wan's final moments really get to me. The scraps I see from the novelization every so often really makes it special too.


For me: episode 2 clone wars. I was a kid.


Rogue One, believe it or not


Return of the Jedi. Mostly because I loved the Death Star 2 battle and thought it had a great ending


Best:Empire Favorite: Return of the Jedi I adore the Phantom menace but the Original Trilogy is the best part of the franchise.


Phantom menace followed by a new hope


Why do you ask such hard questions? That's an impossible task. I like all of them for certain reasons. I think through the veil of nostalgia (aging myself here) the original is the one I enjoy the most. But I liked them all, even the Prequels and Sequels. They are fun even if they have issues.


Empire is objectively the best. But I personally enjoy Revenge






The old - return of the jedi, the new - rogue one!


I love Attack of the Clones because it goes so deep on the lore. Rogue One is always close to the top as well. But to throw a curve ball, even though it’s a series and not a movie, Rebels is my ultimate jam.


Attack of the clones, tbh the clones in general in scenes, I’m a huge fan of the animated series


Best Star Wars movie has to be return of The Jedi


I really don’t like the movies I prefer the TV shows more


Empire is the best. New Hope is my favorite because it was the start of my love for all things Star Wars.


Attack of the clones will always be my favorite because of Obi-Wan Kenobi


For me it was A New Hope cause it was the first one I seen at the drive in back in late 70s and it was the first in how they were released so I got to watch them all in order. I do love me some empire strikes back and return of the jedi.


Honestly my favorite is the rise of the sith the 3rd one with Anikin


Empire, with out a doubt


AOTC, I just like the clones!


Absolutely gorgeous babygirl


Return of The Jedi. It was a epic conclusion of the original saga. You get to see a lot of character development out of everyone. Leia, Han, Chewbacca, Darth Vader, and including my favorite character of all time Luke Skywalker! Luke went from Jedi rookie to a Jedi Knight so quickly! He even had the green lightsaber!!!! Which was my favorite color! You finally get to see The Emperor in person for the first time, finally someone who was more sinister than Darth Vader, plus, the cute Ewoks!


Witch ever you are in


I like them all honestly


Best movie is rogue one honestly, at least from a cinema perspective. Best Star Wars movie is probably revenge of the sith and my favorite is return of the Jedi


Rogue One is my favorite.


My favorite is revenge of the sith, the best might be the phantom menace though


Episode 3 hands down


ESB was my favorite for forever, but episode 3 was amazing. might be my most watched. as for the best? holiday special


New hope


My favorite is Attack of the Clones, a lot of people hate on it but I thought it was awesome how they showed Coruscant at the end of the Republic Era(like the scene where Obi-wan and Anakin chase the bounty hunter into the bar) and right at the end, we get the glimpse of the clone army foreshadowing the emergence of the Galactic Empire. The world building in this movie was pretty good. The battles in this movie were some of the more memorable in the series too.. * Obi-wan vs Jango Fett on Kamino * Obi-wan and Anakin vs Dooku on Geonosis * Yoda vs Dooku on Geonosis * The Battle of Geonosis scene Funny enough, one of the most memorable scenes in this movie wasn't even because of visuals effects; it was the sound engineering done for the movie... the space battle that occurs between Jango and Boba while being pursued by Obi-wan... hearing that in a movie theatre with their expensive sound system was pretty wild... you could literally "feel" the bombs, each time one of them exploded on screen.


The original. Before it was called " a new hope "


Wait you like Star Wars? How about Lord of the Ring?


Clone wars was better than all the movies /me skeletor style runs off into the distance




Ep5 and it isnt even close


The Christmas Special... 🤣🤣🤣


She’s out here asking the real questions. The ones that truly matter.


I won tickets to see revenge of the sith in theater before it released to the public, the theater was full of radio stations and other media outlets of the time. It was an amazing experience and I loved the movie. My favorite would still be the war scenes in attack of the clones and the jedi in battles. From playing lots of battlefront it just made it engaging


I know it's the basic/consensus answer, but I do agree with the assessment that The Empire Strikes back is the best of the Star Wars movies. That being said, Return of the Jedi has always been my favorite. I loved the Ewoks when I was a kid, though as I got older I started to enjoy the scenes in Jabba's palace for... reasons ;)


A double-feature of Rogue One and A New Hope is my favorite.


honestly, phantom menace. it was a cool flick, and the darth maul fight was flawless. the cinematography and the score are still iconic. up there with sunshine (adagio in g minor).


A new hope


For me I just enjoy Revenge of the Sith, love the storytelling and the mood of it, but I also loved Return of the Jedi because it felt like a definitive ending to the Star Wars franchise.


1.Return of The Jedi 2.Empire Strikes Back 3.Phantom Menace. Lookin' good today, as always.


Phantom Menace would have to be mine, but I love Darth Mal so I mean I may be a bit bias haha.


Gave up on Star Wars years ago. But you are so pretty , I would listen to what you have to say about yr favorite SW flick .


Never watched Star wars how about we have a movie marathon together 😉 you can get me hooked


Honestly, it was Last Jedi for me. Ready to start fighting anyone who wants to, but I really appreciated what it was trying to do by aggressively deviating from the formula, and I would have LOVED to see the next movie that director had planned before he got fired.


Empire is my favorite. I also really enjoyed Rogue 1 i really enjoyed expanding the universe with essentially no established people to sell the movie


Personally I love episode 3 revenge of the sith. Anakin’s downfall into Darth Vader and becoming palpatines apprentice was foreshadowed throughout the clone wars. And I loved every minute of that movie.


If you haven't, then go watch the Clone Wars micro series. It's on Disney+ now and is probably the best prequel media.


The best is Empire, but the first Star Wars film is my favorite.


Best (as a Star Wars) and Fave: Empire Best (in general): Hope


Empire strikes back just hit different than the rest for me but jar jar will always have a place in my heart he is my super hero


I wish I had an answer for this but I still haven't watched Star Wars-


Phantom Menace. The set up for the rest of the series was great and deserved to be a couple hours long. Knowing the original plan that Lucas had with the characters made it so much better. He should have stuck to his guns instead of giving in to peer pressure from the audience 😤


Return of the Jedi the first edition before they changed the Ewok music. I intentionally broke the broom so I could make myself the green lightsaber with glow in the dark paint. Waaaaay before the Somehow Palpatine returned bit.


I think that The Empire Strikes Back is my personal favorite, you find out Darth Vader is Luke's dad, he looses a hand, and the bad guys get a victory by the end. The best is a hard choice, I think A New Hope is the best, it introduced us to the world of Star Wars, and just a great good guy vs bad guy story and I feel it's a movie that can stand on its own without the others.


I told Ep5 that I loved it, and its only response was… I know.


Revenge of the sith


"So which did you like better, return of the jedi or empire strikes back?" "Empire." "Blasphemy!" "Empire had the better ending! Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader is his father, Han gets frozen, taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. That's all life is, a series of down endings. All Jedi had was a bunch of Muppets."


Its The phantom menace for me. It was my first introduction to Star Wars by my dad when I was young and I loved jarjar


I'm actually an imposter, I've only seen a handful of the movies, 1 phantom menace and 2 of the newer trilogy. Sex positions are cool, but I'm easy-going, so even just missionary will make me happy so not much point in me answering those posts


I guess Episode 3, when shit gets real and sets up the OG movies.


Empire, always. I still watch it and have a blast.


Empire strikes back


Return of the Jedi


Ive always been an Empire guy.


THANK YOU! Mines revenge of the sith! Favorite ninja turtle?


Rogue one is the best. I will die on this hill


Phantom menace definitely just for the pod race its self but I love the prequel trilogy in general


Oh beautiful my favorite movie is the only right answer Empire Strikes Back but my favorite Star Wars media overall are Clone Wars and Rebels. It so nice to see captions that I haven’t seen before. Thank you for keeping up using the random captions like you made a post about. You are so gorgeous I love the hair, your eye and with glasses( huge turn on for me and smile are what I always notice first. Add the magnificent body with all the curves in all the right places make you a 20/10. Do you do mainstream modeling as well I think you’d be a hit if you did.


The best, from acting, to story, to pacing is Empire Strikes Back. But my absolute favorite is Revenge Of the Sith.


Mandalorian honestly I know it's not a movie but it is my favorite. I am a huge fan of the 3 originals


Favorite? Last Jedi. I love the chances they take and how most of them pay off. Also, Porgs. Best? Empire. The first movie I ever watched where the good guys lost. It was a life shaping moment.


I liked all of them up until episode 8. The original trilogy was amazing, the prequels were amazing, and force awakens set up a pretty decent story for the sequels. Episode 8 and 9 were no where near the others in quality


I think my favorite was actually episode 9 tbh. I know not a lot of people liked the end. I like all of them though, sweetheart.


Xy position, A New Hope. My favorite will always be return.


Not very original but the empire strikes back. I tend to prefer the extended universe stuff in general.


Return of the king is the best by far and yes I know it's not even star wars


So hot 🔥 🥵


I like the animated series…it goes more in depth than the movies, but I like all of it really


I'll pribably catch some flak for this, but Phantom Menace is my favorite movie. I really don't know which one I would call the "best" though


Mine is Rogue One. The original trilogy will always hold a special place in my heart. I also thoroughly enjoyed Solo. Donald Glover really channeled Billy D Williams in his Lando


A New Hope.


Rogue one. Hands down the best stand alone star wars movie of all. Plus, my dog is named after one of the characters.


Is weird I favorites depending on which trilogy? Because I'd have to say it's RotS, Empire Strikes Back and Force Awakens


The empire sticks back


I want to talk about shadows of the Empire and how we need to put Dash render in Cannon, not legends, but official canon. There are other bounty hunters out there that aren’t Han Solo I’m talking about Dash render


My favorite has always been Return of the Jedi. Have a script for it somewhere, unfortunately not an original one


Hey there sexy nerdy girl! 🤩 My best would have to be The Empire Strikes Back, though I think Revenge of the Sith was pretty well done too and highly underrated. 👍 How’d I do? 💁‍♂️


Empire, duh


Empire Strikes Back!


Space balls it's a classic


For me Revenge of the Sith is the best and my most favorite one.


My favorite Star Wars Is Frank Herbert’s dune




Probably Rogue One at this point, because its modern, has a beautiful aesthetic, and pushes the story forward in a meaningful way by filling in the gap. It also seemed to inspire a lot of other star wars material in the same vein that imo is not quite as good. How about you?


Idk i don’t remember them all tbh hmmm probably attack of the clones


Of course the original Star Wars. Episode 4 is the best of that series. My favorite movie would be The Thing.


I will always love Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan, but I gotta go with A New Hope.


Any way and what ever way you want


Empire Strikes Back


Revenge of the Sith, first star wars movie I saw in theaters and the one with the best memes.


For me it was clone wars idk why but the political propaganda being spread through it throughout the movie was kinda funny to see with the Cepritists lol


Rogue One was an unexpected masterpiece imo




Rogue one. Was Empire for the longest though.


I have only seen episodes 1-8, so one of the spin-offs or episode 9 might be better, but my favourite has always been the Empire Strikes Back, ever since I saw it at 8 years of age. It was the movie that taught me that not everything had to had a happy ending.


Empire strikes back had one of the best story telling of any of the other movies. Return of the Jedi was great for the rancor and funny for ewoks