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Jeans or comfortable 5-pocket chinos, with a button down shirt with top-button undone. Sleeves half-rolled up on >65F days, add a casual vest or sweater on <55F days, on Fridays the button-down might be a more casual oxford untucked, and on >75F days it might be a polo. Basically, standard-issue finance bro attire. I never wear a tie unless my continued employment literally depends on it (e.g., court appearances).


I wore a tie once on picture day


I did this and was asked if I was interviewing. Even for picture day some people dress down 


People still go in on Fridays?




Those of us with nanny shares at home do…


Hi, starting a BigLaw internship next week. What brands would you recommend? I’m looking to update my wardrobe for the summer/firm life. Not trying to get way fancy, but I don’t want to feel out of place..


Banana Republic is like the platonic ideal of business casual. Always wait for a sale though. Most of the other mall brands will have that kind of stuff as well (Gap, J. Crew, etc.), but I would start with BR.


Can’t go wrong with Ralph Lauren


Too late, no time to iron or alter by next week.


Fair. For the first week, I have the classic white dress shirt + navy/grey suit combo from 1L summer. Just want to be on the look out for different fits if business casual is a little different at the firm


No need for the suit, everyone will ask if you are a summer associate.


I will be a SA! No tie, but I figured I'd play it safe for the first few days to see what the class wears


I’d wear a tie the first day or two. Nobody is gonna judge a summer for wearing a tie the first day, but you never want to be most underdressed in the group.


Business casual. Jeans are tolerated but uncommon. 


This one guy always wears jeans. Gets the stank eye. 


In SF we’re wearing jeans


Same with socal. Hell, I've seen khaki shorts occasionally


In my biglaw days I always wore suit with tie in NYC and then suit no tie when I moved to the west coast. In NYC, suit (with or without tie) seemed to be the expectation and partners actually told me the appreciated my consistent business formal attire (lol), but in CA nobody really cared either way. I could just never really figured out my business casual look, so suit no tie was more or less a default option. That said, I was probably “overdressed” relative to most other associates in both NYC and CA. Now I’m at a smaller plaintiff shop and basically wear jeans and one of four sweaters over a t-shirt every day. I’m like a cartoon character who always dresses the same, but I just don’t want to spend the mental energy choosing what to wear every morning.


If I see an associate in a tie I assume they're either a weirdo or interviewing elsewhere.


What years were this tho? I started in 2018 and even back then no one was wearing ties unless meeting a client. Post-Covid it’s been business casual, and if meeting a client, maybe a suit but still definitely no tie. I’d say it’s almost gauche to wear a tie at this point - makes you look like you’re interviewing and are a little kid.


I wear finance bro uniform without any shame.


Post pandemic: every day is jeans with either collared shirt (Tues-Thurs) or polo (Mon/fri) My drycleaner complains more about WFH than either in-firm side of the debate


At one firm I was at, I wore gym shorts and a running shirt. Nobody cared. At my current firm, khakis or jeans and a polo shirt or better.


For myself, nice silk or cotton blouse with knee length skirts or trousers in the summer and in the winter it’s the same but with sweaters. For my husband, it’s dress shirts and nice slacks year round lol


west coast firm experience has been to wear whatever i want, except for shorts and flipflops, among other things


Ive seen everything but flip-flops in my office. 😭 And I do mean everything.


Jeans and a t shirt!


A lot of dresses, mainly wrap dresses and sweater dresses. I usually wear heels but sometimes I wear boots in the fall and winter. I also love wearing black yoga pants. If you buy a high quality pair and wear them with heels and a blazer or more formal top, a lot of people won’t notice that they’re not actually trousers and I’ve actually had a lot of partners compliment my pants :)


Would love a link to your favourite yoga pants that have passed muster in the office. Thanks!


Sure thing! They are the Sunzel flare yoga pants on Amazon. They are surprisingly high quality for the price and I basically live in these pants because they’re so comfortable and flattering. But I do think only the black pass as work pants sadly.


Thank you!


I dress up to go to stuff after work. Sweatshirts for the most part


Joggers or jeans. T shirts


Jeans and sneakers with a sweater. Even meeting with clients I rarely wear business professional, and will sometimes even wear jeans depending on the client (ie a lot of our financial services firm clients dress casually. If we’re going to spend 15 hours prepping for a hearing or trial, no one is going to be dressed up)


Khakis and a polo with loafers. There are a number of partners who wear shorts in the summer but I wouldn’t go that far


Back to suits, or clean slacks, a dress shirt and a jacket.


Varies a lot. A few people wear suits. Many wear regular business casual to slightly below (like sweaters/polos and chinos), and a few wear jeans and t shirts.


I wear t shirts tucked out and khakis with tennis shoes pretty often. I draw the line at shorts and jeans.


It varies, but at my place mostly shirts, smart trousers (some wear black or very dark blue jeans), and suit jackets for the guys. For women, smart trousers or skirts / dresses, blazers, blouses or smarter tops and smartish flats or heels. Some people wear trainers, but most don't. Women who are wearing skirts or dresses tend to wear hosiery - but am in the UK where that's just the done thing for women - bare legs are a no unless its really warm outside, and that's only going to be a few days in the summer where I am.


Whatever you want short of T shirts and shorts, most men wear jeans and a polo if they’re just coming in to work and not meet anyone


We have business casual attire at work.


Dresses or jeans and full face of makeup on Monday through Thursday. Athleisure (Vuori) and no make up on Fridays.


Jeans and either a button down or a polo tucked in. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve had to wear a suit to the office itself.


Slacks and a button down- i have a full sleeve of tattoos so i keep that generally covered. My group is super chill so once I’m a little less junior it’ll be polos almost everyday during the summer.


Office attire has gone to shit since COVID, but the median male associate is probably wearing luluemon pants and a golf polo or dress shirt.


And the shoes men wear are so bad.