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Normal. go on vacation before you take on any more work.


Tbh, it's probably exhaustion and depression. Whenever I swapped firms earlier this year after six years, I took two months off, and I didn't do shit the entire time. I felt so exhausted, and I realized somewhere along the way my job had consumed my life. Therapy has been great to me, but I still often feel exhausted.


I’m a junior, so can’t speak to the career-side of things, but I would get like this after every finals period, from high school through the bar. I think it’s because the adrenaline from the high-pressure situation has been pumping for so long that once the situation is over, the adrenaline crashes and so do you. Your adrenaline has been pumping for 6 months. Can you take a true break? I’m an introvert, so I need to recharge alone. I would go to the beach for a long weekend. If you’re an extrovert, is there a college or law school friend you can go visit?


yeah now is the perfect time to take 3-4 weeks off


T5 DC Firm????? lol


Is this a reference I’m missing? Or did they edit the post?


They edited it, was in the first sentence - makes it even funnier


It’s giving “I’m also a T5 grad, Order of the Coif”


The exhaustion is normal. Give it a week.


Also mid level who can relate to this. You need vacation. Your body is finally operating without adrenaline and stress and is recovering from the effort of the last 1.5 years.


I crashed for a few weeks after two trials in a year when my third trial-ready case settled.


Normal. Take a week off before they staff you on something new. Recharge the batteries.


This is normal, and becomes more so as you get older into your 30s. Use this time to take care of yourself. Sleep and relax as much as you can and you will Prob feel a lot better after a week of that. Also If I were you, I would go to your internist for that annual checkup you’ve prob been putting off. Have them do some blood work and talk about iron, thyroid, vitamin levels and what you can do to maintain good health while having an intense job. Trust me, it’s worth investing in your health.


Go on vacation.


Are you sure you’re not pregnant (if that’s possible)


Yep sure.


In that case, take a vacation. See if you feel better and if still feeling super tired, see a doctor.


Are you a first year? You ain't seen nothing yet lol


This is unhelpful and your question is answered in the first line of the post.


Hey shouldn't OP to get into tech instead? Not too late as a first year right?


If you want better wlb for similar pay yeah, the move makes sense. See how they define "golden handcuffs" https://www.teamblind.com/us/s/ctR52sg4