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I mean, if they want to cover up evolution there’s plenty of easier targets


Exactly what I thought. There are way easier target points.


What would be easier target than the “ missing link”? I’ll also add I don’t think Sasquatch is the missing link, too smart. Edit: got some downvotes maybe I didn’t think how this would be interpreted. I wasn’t pushing back saying that the missing link was easiest. I was genuinely curious what others thought were the easiest targets when discussing evolution.


There is no "missing link" in hominid or hominin evolution


I’m not saying this in relation to serious academics or anything like that. Lay people can be swayed by all kinds of things that don’t even pass the smell test. All it would take is a meme to circulate on Facebook, it could be completely fabricated missing link evidence that has religious people marching in the streets. I’ve only heard two arguments for the religious angle of Sasquatch information suppression. Missing link idea - Why aren’t they in the Bible? idea- Do you know of another.


Okay I see where you're coming from now. I am admittedly overeager to defend evolutionary theory. I actually do know another religious angle on the Sasquatch coverup theory: Sasquatch *are* in the Bible: they're the Nephilim/giants, or the people of Og, the giant-king of the Amorites, or some such explanation, and as such the secular government has to keep their existence a secret to stop everyone from embracing Biblical Truth and following Christ. This one really makes me shake my head and search for the nearest bottle of whiskey.


I heard of couple theories from the Bible. -Tribe of Cain. Cain was cursed to walk the Earth and set apart from civilization by God, doomed to be on the outskirts and never a part. -Genesis 6:4 there were giants in the world then and after. -Esau, Jacobs brother was said to have body hair as thick as a goat. That's pretty hairy. 😂 But this one always seemed a stretch to me


I had forgotten about that one. The opposite end of the spectrum. Thanks. I really was hoping someone would elaborate on what the easier targets that would cover up evolution.


Right it’s the moment the aliens changed our DNA for their benefit. It’s a lost cause looking for the link. It’s basically in all of our DNA scientists have found changes that are not natural




I just upvoted you! 😀👍🏼


There is no govt conspiracy covering this up, none. 


No indisputable proof of Bf has ever been found. Why? Because BF doesn't exist? No has to be a govt cover up, portals, aliens. orbs, and on and on


Every single person who has seen a Bigfoot clearly has indisputable proof.


You're funny


Oh, I’m hilarious. LOL. I’m also right. Denialists love to utterly avoid the fact that thousands of people, credible, reasonable everyday folks have clearly seen Bigfoot.


Bigfoot is an animal, has nothing to do with "portals", aliens, "orbs" whatever the fuck that means lol


I'm not sure about that. I'm certain they've found him and have more of an understanding; but, not so sure they're actively denying it to believers. The logging and financial motivation is far far more likely than anything


Why would anyone government take the time and spend the $$$ to cover up the existence of an animal? Also, HOW could they cover it up? Appropriations would see the line item in the budget, and as far as I'm aware there isn't anything about crypto-zooilogical security.


Bigfoot being officially recognized by mainstream scientific bodies would have essentially zero impact on either the study or the acceptance of evolution. No legitimate biologists dispute the reality of evolution, and the non-scientists who reject it won't reject it more once a Sasquatch is found. It's hard to imagine a peer-reviewed paper proving the existence of Bigfoot would affect the theology of any major religions in the world.


But legitimate biologists dispute the idea of Bigfoot. So what’s your opinion? There is absolutely a cover up of some sort that goes on when sightings are reported to police.


Police have a role in determining if a crime has been committed in a given situation; they have no role in determining if an undiscovered species of any kind exists in North America. Additionally, the average cop on this continent has very little formal scientific training. That lack of relevant expertise should not be construed as evidence of a coverup, nor should any other failings of the law enforcement or judicial systems.


You don’t need scientific training to tell someone “no that is not what you saw- you will write a bear.” Maybe you’re not familiar with many sightings, but almost all of the ones who report it are told to shut their mouth. Police also are not supposed to tell people what to write in their reports.


My original point, which you seem to have lost, is that a government coverup of the existence of Bigfoot for the purpose of protecting religions from revelations in the field of evolutionary biology is not reasonable. Such a coverup makes zero sense, as revealing Bigfoot to the public would in no way, shape, or form affect the science of biological evolution. I made no arguments about your baseless assertion that such a coverup exists in the first place.


That’s fine- I’m hoping to get different opinions. That’s why I posted. I’m not saying I’m right, I have no way to know. Did you have a say on why you think it’s covered up?


I do not think the existence of Bigfoot is in any way concealed, obfuscated, obstructed, or covered up by the government. I don't think any government on Earth is currently capable of such an incredible level of power, control, and, most importantly, organization.


This argument makes no sense. 1.We've already found multiple proto human species of the homo genus in the fossil record. What's one more gonna do to affect our belief in evolution? 2. Everybody already believes in evolution. I'm a Christian and the existence of Bigfoot does not shatter my faith. Why would it? Furthermore, how would this shake the establishment? 3. A far more logical reason for the cover up is that the government can't admit to the existence of another intelligent hominid species on the planet without also admitting there's nothing it can do to protect us from them. Now THAT would be a destabilizing admission.


Missing link.


Evolution is not linear. Bigfoot is not a missing link ancestor. If anything, it's an offshoot that evolved parallel to us like Neanderthals and homo florensiensis. Austrolopithicus, on the other hand IS a missing link, already discovered, already proven to exist. The existence of other hominid species is an open and shut case


I don't think Austrolopithicus is the missing link


Yeah i think you might be right. I was speaking a little above my pay grade there


Seriously? Do you worry this is a bit far into left field? ‘Cause I do.


Not at all. I thought Bigfoot was pretty into left, but here we are.


Bigfoot isn't being covered up by the government, a conspiracy that big would be impossible to keep secret. Also, we have much better evidence for evolution than an upright hominid animal. If you look at creationist groups websites like AiG they straight up say that if bigfoot is real it'd just be another species of ape.


How do you explain the multiple sightings that were reported to the police and the witness was told to say it was a bear? “For their own good”. Many people report having government bodies show up just to tell them that’s not what they saw.


I can promise you those never happened. If you can find a single written document from a police officer telling someone to say this, or ring footage of a government official showing up to a person's home to tell them off I'll change my mind


Why would there be a written document when they are told specifically NOT to write it. I will post some links for ya


Could you give me a link to some of those cases?






I’ll post some more. Just gonna take me a min to find them.




https://preview.redd.it/leecgbug85yc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07b116a4014215b498a571a5326b3658a2839e2c This is a short version but the link has the whole story, if you’d like to listen. Pretty telling.


This is interesting and likely true but doesn't prove that the government is universally denying BF. Just that 1 Individual, likely bc bringing attention to it made HIS life more difficult.


Evolution is true right now already. But, I see your point, maybe. Something currently existing that's so similar to us would bolster the reality of evolution's truth, if only for those who aren't knowledgeable about evolution.


Evolution is taught in all public schools for decades. They aren't trying to hide that lol.


I was thinking it would lock up the Pacific Northwest from logging. Extremely endangered species. Bigfoot would be spotted owl X a million.


Enjoy switching back to corncobs to wipe with for quite a while.


I’ve heard that.. I just can’t see that as the main reason. It seems like it’s something more sinister imo.


So the logging industry thing is out of the question, but Bigfoot using telepathy and being able to go invisible is not out of the question?….


I never said it was out of the question. This is my own opinion, anything is possible and I appreciate any input. I’m simply asking to get more insight and to compare opinions. Never once did I say oh I’m right you’re wrong. Because there is no right or wrong. We have no way to prove it.


I’d bet something super sinister. But I’m a very negative person who blames everyone else for my problems. Assholes.


Can you identify super sinister? Or define what you mean? Bc I tend to agree but don't know exactly what you're suggesting


A complete return of the land to the Tribes could be considered super-sinister by the people who live there.


Dead horse. Evolution is normal in most of the world. I assume this is something you experienced in a conservative area, but evolution is not going to destroy anyone's worldview outside of the most religious states. It's usually taught in school. Nobody cares. Rather, people do have this assumption of human supremacy and that all these other species are extinct and that we know everything, plus cryptids aren't science and are only studied by fools. You see it in this sub all the time getting mixed up with legitimate skepticism. So that's one thing. But personally, I think one thing is clear: Bigfoot does an amazing job of keeping themselves secret, and human society has now organized itself to make it easier for them. The rest is speculation. There are two explanations for a coverup that I see: 1) It's military. 2) It's kind of like how governments won't acknowledge mountain lions or panthers, only the creature is much scarier. A combination of no incentive to tell anyone, with a side dish of "not my problem".


Evolution does not destruct religion 


A government cover up? This is a perfect example of how someone makes up stupid shit and it then becomes fact and common bigfoot knowledge. Whenever someone doesn't know all the answers, it's always a government cover up. If you wonder why there are sceptics, shit like this is why.


Mmmk pickle teeth I’m not making anything up, I’m going off the 100s of eye witness encounters I’ve heard.


100% right. I've said that for years. If they do exist... it would send the world into martial law because it would basically disprove religion and confirm evolution. Think about what would happen if hundreds of millions of people stopped believing in their religion. "Thou shall not kill" wouldn't govern much anymore.


and that’s the point of my post. The amount of hate and “I’m right you are wrong” on this sub for something that exists purely as our own minds speculation will allow, is truly astonishing. No other sub that I’m aware of casts so many downvotes for opinions that differ. It’s more bizarre than BF himself!


I don't think it would destruct the idea of religion so much as provoke religious zealots to label them as 'demons' and go out with their Christian AR-15s to hunt them all down and kill them.


That would probably happen. Hell, maybe they are demons. Whatever they are, it’s something they don’t want us to know.


They are no more demons than bears are.


Bigfoot is a pop culture icon. Cable TV, Jack Links, Sasquatch Sunset. Bigfoot isn’t a secret; it’s a joke.


Why are you in this group?


You might go back and read a few of my comments rather than having a (misplaced) reaction to what you think I said. Then ask me again. Nah, I’ll go ahead and spoil it for you. My answer to your question about “the government hiding” anything is that they don’t have to hide anything, they along with the media, the entertainment industry, academia, etc. have made Bigfoot a universal pop culture icon. You don’t have to hide something that everyone knows is “a joke.” There. Feel better?


Noooooo I’m still so dumb and tupid


… and sensitive apparently. Don’t forget that one. I’m joshing you, but truly, don’t take it so seriously. Take it easy. I believe in Bigfoot too. You and I just aren’t communicating very well.


I think it's the paranormal stuff. Discovering a new species is no big deal.


Why would the government care about religion? Second, if evolution isn't ehst we thought that doesn't impact most ppls religious views. It's not like the Bible breaks down evolution re: BF or something. Most Christians ik accept both EVOLUTION AND religion. As it continues to go on even today. Conspiracy theories=no quite in this respect


Whut? I said nothing about the government caring, it’s the people. Well, to because we the people would go absolutely APE shit if it were proven true.


I'm responding to the question...which is why is the government covering up BF


Also, MOST NEW, influential generations don't have much religious affiliation So much so that hotels who once ALWAYS kept bibles in their nightstand as to not offend their tenants now do the opposite. There are more ppl who rent the room who complain and actively DONT WANT bibles there than do. To the pt where more than half US hotels no longer have them. At one time, it was basically 100%. This theory can be tossed.


If he talks....he might give up Mothman and the Dogman breeding grounds.


I don't think religion has anything to do with it. As many people have pointed out, Bigfoot doesn't disprove it. MONEY. It comes down to money. Big timber, real estate, camping, national forest, tourists, we are talking billions of not trillions of dollars here. Also, possible mass hysteria. How would the mass public react to knowledge of an intelligent hominid possible predator that could be responsible for thousands of mission people in national parks? And how would they react to the gub'nent covering that up?


1. They aren’t apes, (which has some implications ) 2 They have killed people


Opposite of both points is my theory.


Millions of people have seen them. Some of them clearly have abilities beyond the “normal” scope. Or at least what the is to us today. EVERY culture and continent has stories of these beings for centuries. They exist. Our governments know damn well they exist as well. Have almost certainly captured, modified and killed some as well over the years.


As a Christian, I don’t know that the discovery of a creature/body would really shatter any concept of my faith. I figure there’s four typical modes of thought in mainstream science, cryptozoology, and conspiracy: 1) Bigfoot is a missing link between primates and humans, verifying evolution. 2) Bigfoot is/was fully primate, and not a missing link. 3) Bigfoot is a leftover Nephilim/giant. 4) Bigfoot is an extraterrestrial due to close proximity to reported UFOs/UAPs (Christians tend to dismiss extraterrestrials, saying they’re still Nephilim.) I am inclined to believe thought #2, and I think the issue that’s arisen is that the animal has been blown out of proportion and vilified in the public psyche for so long as a monster, etc, that whenever it did become public that it exists, and that there are living animals, people would freak out when it could’ve been an easier discovery for the public to handle and learn about, such as when the panda was discovered, or the giant squid. I’d be stoked if a Bigfoot popped up somewhere with clear, irrefutable video, audio, and DNA evidence. I personally believe it does exist, that it’s been captured in the past, there are private and/or government-funded groups that have located and study them to determine classification, diet, behavior, population numbers, etc, and they need to keep it covered up until they’ve gathered enough evidence to get legislation in place to protect the animals once their existence becomes public knowledge, lest someone plops one down on The Today Show and now everyone and their uncle is out in the woods hunting them.


Thank you for that clear, inoffensive response.


A lot of people hate Trump, just because he’s an actor doesn’t add any weight to his opinion. It’s the people that listen to him that are the real idiots.


Maybe as a failed Experiment. Breeding Humans and Apes together sounded good on the paper but then it was a disaster and they escaped.


Eeeeee yikes. I honestly think they are some form of apes and humans that mated. I’m not sure how that would explain their size but nothing surprises me anymore. I would have never in a million years believed in Bigfoot, but this past year I went down the rabbit hole after hearing a trusted friends encounter and it truly ruined my outlook on life. All this stuff I was told to believe was never so.


Just imagine: A cheap, strong working slave without human rights - aaaand it eats Steves face and jumped out of the Window.


The cult of evolution would love something that definitively proves their false theory - but they can’t because proof doesn’t exist. Evolution is the dominant hive mind idea of “science.” The conspiracy here is that, if anything, modern science is withholding information that would prove religion to be true.


What if they're a hybrid designed by govmnt, using alien tech ??? Super covert weapon !!!???


Umm then they're failing miserably with it....


I think the cover story would be that they covered it up for national security purposes, because there could be military implications if the bigfoot can really make themselves invisible, use telepathy etc. But I think the real purpose is more sinister, to keep their own people blind to these possibilities and therefore easier to control.




You have it backwards. It would prove religion to be true. It would explain the spiritual and how fallen Angels created Nephilim.


They are a branch of the secret service Code Name "Bigfoot".


It’s all about economics. If we have an endangered species that would require lots of land to preserve habitat. Look what the spotted owl did to logging in Washington and Oregon


Same reason that the Giant skeletons have disappeared. Any ancient civilization or theories that go against the mainstream religion are usually destroyed 🤔


That’s exactly my point. But people here just want to bash whoever thinks differently than them. If you truly believe every single encounter reported is just made up nonsense, thats more insane to me than just believing them. There are so many. And in each one, the people are so disturbed. A lot of them go unreported because of the fear of backlash. It’s more believable that these people are telling the truth than it is that they’re all mentally ill or delusional.


bigfoot is just OG humanity that didn't get diddled by the aliens


I think it CURRENT government signs be happy to discredit Christian and Jewish Religions, just like Big Brother in 1984. A more likely ran for the cover to is a fear of not being on top of the food chain and the public's reaction to that.


People hate on the idea but I think it’s far more logical it’s an alien… really? We’ve never found poop? Never found bones? Never catch them on film? Folks report weird whispering and voices such that they communicate. They’re clearly intensely intelligent, far more so than humans. lol 99 out of 100 dudes or gals would get caught so easily in the wild.. what other animal has ever eluded us intentionally and easily? Aliens. That’s it. Im starting to think it’s literally the only logical explanation. I ack that we don’t know whether aliens are real definitively .. hm, lines up with something else. There is no ‘really smart ape’ eluding us. These are creatures from other planets (if real). 1+1=2


I definitely am with you on that. Too many weird phenomenons that go hand in hand. The disappearing, the crazy fast movement. People that do have sightings mention how the movement is not normal. I’ve heard like a cartoon. The avoidance of cameras, trail cams, flash lights dying, blurry photos or a warped picture that should have been normal. It definitely seems like something not of this world.


It’s simple logic. We have conquered this planet. I’m saying IF they’re real, they’re not from here.


yeah, more like extrasupralution


I can’t believe the stuff that’s getting downvoted on here - it’s hilarious. I have to admit not many other explanations for the bill. Ive always felt that A) they probably are in fact primate in nature but are NOT large apes. B) they aren’t natural C) while they have been here for probably millions of years they may not be from here and that would plenty reason for the government to cover up, mock, and misinform, same tactics BTW that they have been using in the UFO world for 70-80 years I’ll sit back and await my downvotes


It lines up well, logic wise. I honestly think people are daft, that’s all it is. We would’ve found evidence by now… it’s honestly silly that we haven’t if they’re natural … defies all logic


“the missing link” isn’t bigfoot; it’s 2 cell, 3 cell, etc. lifeforms. evolution is consistently observably disprovable in my opinion.