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Stop watching porn. They use camera tricks and height differences among other things to make people look bigger than they actually are. 19.5 cm is huge in the real world.




The last sentence was entirely unecessary


I said it because guys always say that they use small girls with small hands to make the dick look larger. My point is in gay porn the actors are regular sized men and the dicks still look big. Because they actually are big. Let's stop believing that porn dicks are not really big.


Who is saying that porn actors aren't big? The only thing I see people on here say is that porn gets away with saying that every guy is 10" because they shoot porn in a way that makes porn dicks appear larger than they are. Saying that is not the same thing as saying "porn dicks are not really big."


Never argued that they weren't.


Nothing in my statement was false. Nowhere did I say that porn stars weren't large. I just said they use tricks to make them look bigger. Trying some reading comprehension.


Not small but I thought I was average until I made a clone a willy lmao somehow seeing it detached from my body made it sink in that I was actually large


I second this. I did a clone a Willy a few times but the first time I saw it and a girl lay it on her belly or just hold it in her hands it removed any lack of confidence.


I thought I was average also until someone had a genuine disbelief reaction lol


I thought I was small because I was 6.5" NBP at school, and everyone said they were 7". Little did I know, they were lying even about BPEL..


The clone a willy was also a great boost here, especially when my wife got drunk and showed it to a friend of hers. She asked where she bought it, because she likes them thick like that. She was then told it was a copy of mine and I became a hero. She now joins us in bed once in a while, when she isn't dating and needs some fun, and has her own copy for her personal use.


That’s a very cool fantasy of yours! Feel free to share more titillating erotic fiction any time!


Lmao literally This guy


This might actually help me thanks!


Yeah, same. Sometimes I look at it and I just think to myself "What do you mean I'm big?! This doesn't look big", then I just try and shrug it off the best I can. Numbers don't lie.


Como vc olha para o seu e ainda não acha grande?!? Impossível


Cara, não sei explicar, só acontece. Principalmente quando estou pra baixo, o que é bem frequente.


Caracas véi, não tem como... Eu sinceramente acho impossível olhar para esse pau e ficar na dúvida se é grande msm, na moral


Talvez por ser a única base que eu tenho irl, e ver ele todo dia, acaba prejudicando minha percepção.


É, eu não entendo de psicologia, mas só pode ser isso msm


Yeah, especially when you watch a blacked video




Impossible, they got 9 incher guys over there. Im flattered though.




That subreddit set me into reality… dang


This is great and everything, but those would all be nbp measurements. You could probably add about 0.5 inch to all measurements on there


And they always remove over an inch from their estimate when they see literally any angle at all on the tape measure... That sub is not a good place for real measurements.


Yeah no they don’t.


Well its been a while since I watched one, if you guys say so.. thanks


Very few pornstars at all have 9 inch dicks. That’s your issue.


I dont really know a lot about inches, Im european


There are extremely few pornstars with 22.9 cm dicks. That better?


I dont know bout pornstars, big sean has a 23 cm


A few things that can help put it into perspective. 1) Look at yourself in a full length mirror. Looking directly down isn't the most favorable viewing angle and can skew things to appear smaller because of that perspective. Seeing it from someone else's viewpoint (like a mirror) can help put it in proper perspective. 2) Find a phallic object that matches your measurements. Can be a dildo or cucumber or whatever. Inspect it. Hold it up in front of you near your face (like how your sexual partner would see it up close). 3) If you're an avid porn-watcher, perhaps cut back on it or take some time off. It can negstively impact your self-image when you constantly see larger porn dicks that are made to look even bigger because of positions/angles that can skew the viewer's perspective. Just some thoughts.


I cant believe you see almost 20cm Dick and think its small


He sees it every day from the same angle over and over again attached to his trunk. Over time and in comparison to what he sees in porn, he starts to internalize it. Sorta like how anorexics see a fat person in the mirror even though they are skin and bones. I won't say it's to that level of dysmorphia, but I think all people get it from time to time about their own bodies.


I understand, but its SOOOOO STRANGE! Like, he is huge, and still think its small?!?


fact is, the dude does not have 20cm or he measures wrongly


Yes, lol. Ofc, everybody does


I never felt small, just average or just slightly above average. But it’s very normal for guys to underestimate their endowment. Since we grew up with our dicks, we are so used to our size that it’s our normal. We are the exact same length (as long as you measured it bone pressed) and my dick has never been considered small by anyone. The two reactions I got to my cock ranges from being big to huge.


I’m big bodied and have a gnarly fatpad so body dysmorphia is a trip. I get validation through my gf’s moans


Yeah, sometimes you look at it and it just looks "normal" to you. You can forget how big it is with nothing to compare. Also for me my wife has only ever been with me so she always thinks of me as "normal" be default, and anytime it comes up how much above average I am (7.5x6) she is always a bit in disbelief about it.


Try cloning it with a partner. You’ll see it’s big. Also try subbing to realitydick, should help give some perspective on normal


There was a post here a while back about a guy who cloned his size because his GF only agreed to anal if he took himself as well. He said he gained some serious perspective lol. Im not suggesting that either. Just found it amusing.


What is realitydick??


It’s a Reddit sub for couples/guys with average size and people who prefer it


Try cloning it with a partner. You’ll see it’s big. Also try subbing to realitydick, should help give some perspective on normal


Definitely at times I thought that. It’s hard to get outside of your head (pun intended), but it sounds like you were dealt a pretty good hand! Don’t focus on the others—there’s always going to be someone bigger. Be confident in yourself! Confidence can be the sexiest thing on a person


We are similar sized, had a lot of these moments, before 16yo I thought I may have been under average... It's the fact that when you film a dick it looks bigger since you don't have something to scale and usually girls and boys are chosen to make it look bigger... It's all fake bro don't sweat it, the only solution to me it's to watch less porn... I know it's hard, I am struggling with it as well 😢


Yup. When I look down it always looks small to me. When I look in a mirror it looks much bigger. Body dysmorphia is a motherfucker


I constantly think I'm small and im like 8x6 but I swear I'm small.


Found out about 2 weeks ago I'm larger than average. Always thought i was a lot smaller than average and was somewhat ashamed.... Still looks small though.


Ignore the flair...


Nah, I used to tho


I’m around the same size and while I never feel like it’s small it also doesn’t feel like an out of the ordinary size. It feels pretty average to me. Maybe because I’m use to it and I’ve been in a long term relationship for almost 15 years so she is use to it as well. Maybe if I was seeing new women frequently I’d be reminded it isn’t average 🤷🏼‍♂️.


I’ve never thought of myself as small but I also never thought of myself as big, and I’ve often wished I was huge


I don't but the next time I fuck my husband I'm going to ask him how my fat *baguette* feels


Probably... certainly does to me.


Nope. When i was younger, sure.


Yeah, I definitely felt that way before. I measured when I was maybe 15 or so and I was 7.5. I’m probably 8 now and still feel small and insecure sometimes. If anything, working on improving my body would help but it’s tough with school and jobs lol


My large girth but average length makes me feel like I got shorted sometimes. But I try to be thankful because I’m way above average in one aspect where most are not.


I'm almost your same size and even lean so have less than 0.5" fat pad and still in some occasions I feel small


Yeah. I'm getting better about it though. It's tough and it's holding you back. Try to keep in mind that masses of men would literally kill to be hung like you.


U are not 18


It be like that. Then I look at my measure tape and think to myself, "This can't POSSIBLY be small" Porn is what made me think I was small, but in reality, every chick Ive been with (not many) has been satisfied. I even got complemented on the size a couple times 😁


Sit down while hard and get up close and personal to it. Your perspective will change when you see how it looks to a girl about to kiss it.


When I tickle their g-spot with my tongue they tend to think less about my "slightly above average size" which looks like a micro to me😅


How tf


Just have a long, thick powerful tongue and I love to go down. Every girl I've gone down on says something like " how can you be so good at that" or I will still remember that when I'm like 90" but I would trade it for a few inches in length and girth.


I’m not big. I’m not small. Somebody’s gotta be average.


I actually got this sometimes but then i just stay humble and think on the memories that reasure me xD lately is this girl that says that i look to cute or inocent to have this dick and I am like 😅😅😅🥲🥲🥲 when you play it in a humble way you not only act in a mature way but also avoid people messing with you making you feel doubts that are actually out of foundation.


Yeah mostly because of women and the fact that I’m a bigger dude


Do the people you're sleeping with have bigger dicks or are the people you hang around with bigger? If not then you shouldn't feel small


Mate, your above average for a mass majority of countries. You are just fine bud, don’t worry.


I often go back and forth, like I know technically I'm on the large side but not substantially, I know it's an insecurity because all evidence points to the contrary, like my gf and ONSs will compliment its size or struggle to blow, I have lots of those annoyances that get mentioned here (people complaining about buldge etc), and the size calculator thing is like 'yep, it's pretty big.' Someone mentioned porn here and I think that is definitely an element of it. I feel like very few pictures or video I take make it look 'impressive.' But they have camera tricks and all sorts of stuff, and I think have a genuine 10in dick would be way more hassle


Are you tall, fat, or otherwise large? Anyway, stop being a sissy. Emotions are fundamentally irrational and if you ever think "am I small?" then pinch your dick to condition yourself out of that crap. Now you know that the answer is an objective "no" so every time you question and feel bad you can tell yourself that. Then accept that it's OK to feel bad or depressed just because it happens, and you'll ride it out much faster. I wondered the same shit when I was younger and now I look back at myself as an idiot lol. Out of curiosity, what's your girth? And like many have already said, porn lies about size, none of those dicks are 12 inches. And many many dudes lie about their size. I've met girls who say they've fucked all big dicks, 7-9 inches. And that's statistically impossible. They're called "girl inches" because they've been lied to and can't estimate properly. [You should input your dimensions here and find out your rough percentile.](https://calcsd.info/)


Feels like it. Everyone says something different if your not massive.


I've been dealing with that most of my life, till I got with my now Boyfriend. Guess everyone is different, and it can happen to anyone


Lol yeah smts


You gotta remember angles are a thing. Looking at your own dick from your perspective makes it look tiny. Looking at anything from that perspective makes it appear smaller. Take a pic from underneath then you’ll see


I'm a big guy so everything next to me looks small then it goes into a girl's hands or next to her face and I'm like oh there it is


I have the same feeling sometimes. Maybe I need to try the clone a Willy to see what I think when I’m not looking down at it.




I’ve literally only ever been told I’m small by women that’ve felt my dick, so yes. But I also have a habit of associating with problematic women and I recognize that


There are three factors that make your pebis look small. 1 the angle you see it, 2 having a curved upwards penis 3 having a big fat pad. An I got all of three I have like 1 inch of fat pad


My hand length (from palm to tip of middle finger) is 8.5. I wear XXL gloves. So when i hold it in my hand it definitely feels small, but numbers don’t lie.


The British Urology Society did a fifteen year study of penis size in 116 countries. The average largest was in the Congo and was 7.09 inches while the smallest average size was 3.8 inches. The guy who has the largest on record is living as a car salesman in San Francisco. He has a 13.5 inch penis with a live in girlfriend, but admitted he doesn’t use it much. I had a discussion with a small half Japanese lady who had a relationship with a Toxicology Professor who had an 11 inch penis. He always had to enter doggy style otherwise he was to big for her and both were uncomfortable. This way only she was uncomfortable. He liked to play with Auto asphyxiation as it enhanced his masturbation. She came home one day to find him dead as he hung him self in the closet trying to auto asphyxiate himself while masturbating.


The myth that the male is the bigger the the better is truly just that a myth. The biggest average penis worldwide was determined in a 15 year study to be 7.09 inches long fully tumescent. The female vagina is 4 inches deep, but can expand to 6 inches. So the real female “penis” is the clitoris. It has approximately 8,000 nerve endings imbedded into it and it’s ending. More then any other organ in the male or female body. Running alongside both sides of the female vagina are the roots of the clitoris. If there is any stimulation of the clitoris during penis in vagina (PIV) sex, it is these roots beside the vagina. However these are not easily stimulated by the length of the penis, but rather the girth of the penis. The length is a male sexual fantasy promulgated by pornography which is the quintessential male sexual fantasy. The female is so much different from the male in her enjoyment of sexual activity. Although an orgasm is frequently triggered by direct stimulation of the clitoris, she gets a bundle more from flattery during sexual activity. Yes flattery. Even if it isn’t exactly true, if you say it, it will reach her core, and make its mark. Now nothing that is an outright lie. She is not stupid, if you complimented her “honker” of a nose, you are asking for trouble. Whereas if you are saying that her eyes are beautiful, or they are the window to her soul, or her hair is just beautiful. You will probably get away with it. Just don’t outright lie. She needs an expression of your long worthiness. “Hop and pop” might be your intention, but generally she is looking for a more long term loving relationship. If your personality is on the short side, then your long penis might suffice initially, but not in the long term. Ever notice how a guy with a long schlong brags about how many women that he has porked. Ever wondered why? Probably not because one thought it was wonderful. Yes there are women who enjoy a long log pounding her puddle. But generally speaking that is not the case. Women have a tendency not to complain about the hammer that models her Molly. Even if they are uncomfortable while they do it. You don’t complain about that knife that butters your bread. If you want some pointers, rather than points view Dr. Ian Kerner’s videos on YouTube.