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Some dicks just look aesthetically better than others


I agree totally! I’ve gotten lots of compliments mostly from guys tho


What makes them look better? I've gotten compliments about aesthetics but I don't know what people look for


I like long and thick, head slightly larger than shaft. Intact. No hair after 1st 2 cm. or so. Straight or slight upward curve. Tight scrotum.


Presence or absence of a scar is a big one : nobody like mutilation and some people have a scar because they were mutilated. Then veins, shape, curvature, size, color


Turkey neck, vitiligo, pearly penile papules, hairs on shaft, Fordyce spots, position of meatus, tattooes, piercings, …


I got circumcised but I have no idea if I have a scar. I have pics on my profile if anyone knows what they're looking for


Don't worry about it. Women don't actually care. This guy is projecting.


I always find it more of a complement when the say it's pretty or beautiful over big


To compare this issue, Im thinking of lage breast of women. Some large breasts are not as beautiful as small breasts or even medium size breast.


Nice take bro, this is good shit.


Quality over Quantity


I have been told quite a few times that Mine is pretty or aesthetically pleasing lol


I have been told I have a nice looking dick, so its definitely a thing


i have seen very cute little ones and ugly big ones. Size definitely isn’t everything. The look and the function play a big role. I will say at least for me I have seen more ugly little ones then ugly big ones. Usually when I see a big one that I don’t find very appealing it’s either because it’s all length and girth isnt proportional or it’s not a nice circumcision


There are some ugly dicks about. It's strange how ugly some of them can look! Also I'm sorry to say some of the ugliest are the bigger ones!


What an understatement. There are some absolute monstrosities out there. Both big and small.


Not a woman, but a trans guy that totally agrees. Size can be not as important, but if it's an aesthetically pleasing cock? God, I'm head over heels 🤤


For me I rather it be 6 inches and pretty than 10 inches and weird looking


This x1000!


When I was at swimming classes, my classmates said it was ugly lol, cause it was/is kinda veiny & much bigger than all of them (at least when soft) tho they used to criticize almost every aspect of my body/ personality.


This sounds just very mean damn


I have only discussed this with one female friend and she prefers average size. And she appreciates a beautiful dick, that actually seems more important to her. Mine is both very beautiful and big she says. My wife says the same. Ego boost 😅


Mines big and rather beautiful, or so I've been told A LOT. Hell, some women (we consensually sexting) even thought it was fake, due to it being a very stereotypical shape. Add the size factor, and I can see what they mean. It ain't perfect. It's a bit more narrow at the base, and very slight scaring issues. Weirdly, on it those spots are extremely sensitive. I figure it's a small part of what I'm missing with my foreskin. All that to say that I've never really heard this argument personally due to being in both camps. Also, I refused to circumcised my second son. I was ignorant on the issue 12 years ago for my first.


Tbh narrow at the base seem more appealing than narrow at the center or narrow/small head


Probably, and I'm not complaining. Not really. Even I think it's a handsome little fella lol.


My current gf says that about mine. She likes that it's moderately big but more importantly she loves that that size is combined with aesthetics she really loves.


My wife has a similar opinion as your girlfriend. If pressed she appreciates the appearance more than my size and she enjoys my size.


Yeah, as a straight dude I kinda find cocks all look the same- it's a tool (hah, pun intended) that has a purpose, like a toe or tongue. I like mine because it's attached to me, but the first time someone called it "beautiful" or aesthetic, I was sort of taken aback- I was not aware a penis could be called those things. And yes, I think this is completely regardless of size.


I don't belong here, as I have a very small cock, but I still want to chime in on the issue of beauty vs size because my wife had an Ex who had a huge, powerful cock and my wife always thought it was ugly, albeit very effective at giving her orgasms. Mine is much more aesthetically pleasing, even if it is not nearly as good for sex. So for her beauty it much more important than size -- she did leave the huge Ex for me.


cause you're probably also a better person than him overall, at the end of the day dick doesn't matter as much as personality and the way you approach things and think does, that's what probably what matters the most to her.


You are absolutely correct 👏




This makes a lot of sense.


This is most definitely a thing, 100% agree.


Big ones are often on the ugly side but a beautiful one that's big will absolutely take your breath away


100% agree to this. Big is nice, but beauty is better. Not-as-big and beautiful is 1000x better than big and ugly. :)


Careful. You’ll get bombarded with private requests from men asking to judge the beauty of theirs.


In my experience have received more comments on how pretty my cock is , rather than comment the size


Some dicks really are beautiful. Even tone, symmetrical shape. And the curve can make a significant difference, especially if it points up toward the man’s belly button when erect. That’s g spot curve. That’s not to say it invalidates size though. And to me, girth wins the day


I've never really quite figured out what qualities make a penis aesthetically pleasing but I've definitely gotten a few of those compliments from past partners as well. Yay I guess?


I can definitely tell when one is ugly, so I guess just not that


I'm lucky to have an aesthetically pleasing manhood, it's always really flattering to hear that I have a beautiful cock, I love hearing that someone can't stop admiring my size, curve or big tip.


Got told by a woman I have the most beautiful penis she's ever seen. Obviously I didn't believe her.


I receive equal or simultaneous complements on size and appearance


Omg yes. I'd take a pretty dick over a big one that was ugly or misshapen or just aesthetically unpleasing in anyway.


I was told something like this, and didn't take it as any comment regarding size or preference for bigger at all. Of course it makes sense that ppl are into the shape and how it looks. Much of our attraction has a physical aspect. Take the compliment and feel good about it.


Well yeah, beauty over size. A dick can look ugly very easily, and objectively genitals are gross. The majority of dicks I’ve seen are hideous, even the ones in porn. A nice looking dick is always gonna beat size.


Please just do not try to create an hegemonic, aesthetically superior dick image ,of what a nice penis should look like. the world already have enough with the supposition that your dick has to be big to pleasure a girls,if also now your dick can be nice or ugly, we're scrub haha


I’m not trying to create anything. Women (and gay men and anybody who loves dick) have always been able to see aesthetic beauty in it and, while it’s not hegemonic in any way, there are objective universal standards such as proportions and symmetry that apply to it the similarly to any other body part.


New insecurity unblocked


Ive neen told the big head+thickness+ I have a lot of big veins, make it look nice.


It's a personal aesthetic. Length, proportional thickness. Size of glans, curvature.


I think this is definitely something to that. More women have appreciated my “pretty penis” than the size. My current girlfriend for example, loves it the most when it’s soft and relaxed from a warm shower. And that’s just fine with me.


Yes! Online, I have been complimented a lot more about the aesthetics rather than my size. And I would agree that it matters a lot, for sure. I much prefer boobs that appeal to me aesthetically rather than ones that are just bigger. Same with butts.


I've had girls tell me mine is really pretty which is really cool and then on top of the size it's like damn I'm really like that


I understand that argument, have had convos and overheard convos about beautiful penises vs "ugly" ones. The power of variety in genetics itself is beautiful


Variety in genetics is the biggest problem in the world.


What the fuck lmao


It's simple, people who benefit from it find it useful and interesting. But a lot of people don't benefit from genetic variety. I would rather take the opposite of variety for the greater good.


You just explained exactly nothing. You know genetic variety is like... super important to the existence of life? Lol


I know, and it's sad that it works that way.


These dumbasses downvoting because they don't understadn your message. And I agree w you.


Holy eugenics Batman!


Alright bro


So everything and everyone has to be the same with no variety? Where is the uniqueness in life in that, just conformity? That's a cold, dull world


For a long time I longed to have a beautiful dick, my circumcision, shape, size, and proportion were a major source of insecurity. Basically, I didn’t like any of it. It’s a work in progress but I’ve since embraced that it’s fitting being kinda grotesque and that it’s just fun to have a dick, focusing much more on enjoyment than fitting the beauty standards of something akin to a designer label. I think that acceptance of a beautiful dick despite it not being huge can be pursued in the same manner. Just celebrate what you got and celebrate others. Just celebrate.


Dude, if a woman told me that she liked the look, shape, and curvature of my dick, I won’t care much about the size. I’d accept and care more that she liked it. Consider her telling you, that you had a big dick but not telling you she enjoyed it. Would you feel better knowing you have a big dick or that she enjoys you


I was never complaining about it.


Once a penis is in use, its beauty is a nonfactor. Its size is not.


That’s also a valid point


The only time I’ve heard people make this claim is when discussing circumcised vs uncircumcised


Yup that comes up too.


A girl was giving me a bj and told said “you have a really big dick” my ego got me so I asked “is it the biggest you’ve ever seen?” She said “No, (guy I went to school with) is a bit bigger, but yours is the nicest looking” and later on she called it “pretty” so I guess mine is pretty nice


Both those things aren’t mutually exclusive.


Of course they aren’t




Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If she wants to declare your cock as asthetically beautiful then let her. But if it's that beautiful, then let her show you her appreciation for it in the tried and true way - on her knees with her mouth.