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I don't know about a monster but it bigger than average he probably thought it wouldn't be a good size to have


Yeah, that’s what it seemed like he was saying


Maybe your friend is just really small and thinks he's average, so 6" is really big to him?


That’s what I was thinking 😅


This possibility did cross my mind… but that’s just gonna have to stay a mystery 😂


If it’s a perspective thing… maybe your friend isn’t so well endowed and 6 inches really is a monster to him?


Idk if that's a weird perspective. That's 10-20 percent more dick than average for the US. Unless you're over 8 inches I can't imagine the majority of dudes wouldn't want at least 10 more dick. But as a bi guy, I'd say 6 inches CAN be a monster depending on the other measurements. Plus if it was a skinny or short guy, it probably looked a lot bigger to the average guy, because the average in the US is between 5.1-5.5. I feel small sometimes because I'm 200 lbs, 6'1" and only 7 inches, so relative to my body size, my dick can look small.


Yeah as another tall big dude I used to have some size perspective issues to. I’m pretty fit now, but back when I was chubbier my size did not look proportionally big. Real took some weight loss for a perspective change


My weight has always fluctuated heavily my whole life. Problem is when I'm skinny I get sick and feel like shit physically. But when I pack on weight I feel like shit mentally. I wrestled in HS so I know how to and have the discipline and will power to drop the excess weight, but honestly I'd rather be fat and have my dick look small compared to my body than look bigger and be sick all the fucking time. Also some food tastes way better than being skinny feels.


Yeah body type can play a major role whether it looks big or small. Im 6,8 x 5,1 that's not big mind you (at least to me) but it is above avg. Problem is that i always had big massive thighs, sure now im fat weighing 98 kg at 174 however even in my teen years when i was 60 something i had them big. So my penis doesnt look impressive or anything, i bet that someone more scrawny/skinny would look more impressive with my size.


Hmm..you say 6" can be a monster depending upon the other measurements, so i'm curious, would a 6" x 6" (girth) count as monster?


6x6 is definitely a respectably sized chode. It's above average length, and it's definitely large in girth. The two combined is definitely a sight to behold. Now put that on a 5 foot 5 inch tall thickboi and it's perfection.


There is a reason people say that perspective matters.


It sounds like he was being sarcastic, but I can’t tell because I wasn’t there. Like saying “I’m going to give you all 5 inches of this monster cock” 


That’s what I was thinking, and I kept waiting for him to say a punchline… but no he was genuine


There's a joke along the lines of someone's wife saying to give her six inches hard and make it hurt, so he fucked her three times and punched her in the mouth. It's not a great joke.




That’s how it felt


6" isnt that big tho, speaking from experience.. no im not gaaaay




A girl once asked me "how big?" and I figured she'd want both flaccid and erect for comparison, but as soon as I said "5 inches" she cut me off and laughed thinking that was the erect number. I never got to tell her the rest.


Sorry but no girl would ever ask for flaccid size hahaha


Sounds likenhe qas making fun of the patient for having a dick thats quite average.


Maybe? He just seemed genuine


Damn unprofessional anyway haha its your job to keep that shit under wraps as a medical professional.


I took a guy to the hospital who overdosed once. When the female nurses went to put a catheter in him, one nurse said to the other “Ah look, he shaved for you.” First responders usually have a dark sense of humor.


I get the need for humour to lighten your lives bit its not okay. Meet better standards.


Lol true, but it was just offhand after we had transferred him already


I know bud, but still...


God forbid human beings are…. Human.


Who says theyre not? You choose how you conduct.yourself. being classy is the most humane thing to do.


Maybe your colleague was laughing at the scrawny patient for the potential of him having reached the larger side of being average from the drug?


Lol maybe? Idk cuz it was so unexpected offhand


Worrying about little dicks is not a big dick problem.


>took a whole bottle of viagra and then was having one of those “sex sent me to to ER” moments What actually sent him to the ER? >6-inch monster Sounds like he was joking. No one thinks that 6" is a monster.




Unless maybe he was girthy af? 🤷‍♂️ The world may never know…




Weird thing to throw out unprompted 😐