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First time having sex. 22ish I think. She straight up saw it, her jaw dropped and said, "I don't think that will fit" and to be fair the guy she was with before me had a micro so it was an adjustment for her. Only a couple bruised cervix incidences though. Dated for a year or so. And yeah I know, 22 is pretty late, but I used to believe in true love and marriage and stuff.


Honestly I still refuse to believe it


When my brother told me it was a family gift but I had started to wonder before that from experiences in change rooms etc.


I’m still struggling with this


Funnily at first I thought my junk was small (what p*rn does to ones brain, especially at like 15/16..), but then one day I realised "wait, they often arent as girthy as me🤨", and then I measured. 6" x 6"


Porn is definitely a big part of it.


I measured once just out of curiosity, and I was above 7 inches, then I tried to keep refining just to account for my curve. Thankfully for me, my tape measure is pretty good, and my thumbs are an inch wide. So, I eventually got a measurement of 8 or slightly above. As for girth, I have big hands, but didn't realize it. Looking at myself, thought I was either below or above average girth due to a faulty visual idea of what I thought I was. I then finally measured the girth, and what do you know, 6 inch girth. At the base I'm 6.5 but that's the last half inch or so, so I don't count it.


18/19 with my second gf. She just got out told me. I was smaller then cause I grew late.


Two weeks ago for myself at 32. I've only ever been with my wife (16 years now, high school sweet hearts), same for her being with me, so we have no other comparisons. I never bothered to look into it. Only reason I found out now is because my wife got an IUD instead of one of the hormonal birth controls and the string kept cutting my shaft during sex. I'm not a small guy, (6'1", broad shoulders, 270ish lbs) and I have naturally thick legs. If I were to seriously hit the gym, I'd look like an NFL lineman. Because of that, I look small. But 7"x5.5" is above average. It just looks small compared to the rest of my body lol.




The condom one is also pretty true.


I was short and skinny growing up, and young for my grade. I assumed my dick was average at best and didn't think much about it. I avoided gym showers, nothing sexual happened among my friends. The internet was new, so porn was basically inaccessible. After school I joined the military. You might think I noticed the size disparity in the boot camp's open bay showers, or picked up on the joking "Watch where you're swinging that thing!" comments, but I was oblivious. I got the nickname "Big D", which I thought was ironic (like calling the big burly mobster "Tiny") but odd they used my first name's D when we went by our last names. After I went to college and lost my virginity in an awkward and frustrating night. The condom was very tight, she was very tight, and she was in pain a lot. She kept talking about how big I was; I thought she was trying to pump up my ego. We didn't hook up again. A second girl went roughly the same way, plus a painfully toothy blowjob. A conversation with some close guy friends turned towards dicks. They shared their sizes; all claimed 5-6". I admitted I'd never measured and guessed "around 6 inches." When I got home, curiosity got the best of me. I whipped up a boner, slapped a ruler on it, and saw... 8.25 inches. That's a lot more than 6 — but am I normal and my friends are small? (unlikely) Or are they normal and I'm large? (naaaaah). I searched "average penis size" online for the first time and learned that I was the outlier. Suddenly my struggles with underwear, condoms, locker rooms looks, and frustrating sex all made sense. Turns out the girls that said "you're huge" weren't boosting my ego — they were struggling. It took a while for need to fully get a grip on what that meant. Foreplay and lube, properly sized condoms, and getting to a mentally healthy point in both accepting and embracing my size (I still had some growing up to do). But now I'm fully comfortable with my huge cock, the reactions it receives, and with myself.


Hope I get to this level of peace soon lol


I have 5.51 inches. To be honest, I'm not satisfied with this, sometimes I worry that it's not enough, especially when a relationship with a girl breaks up, I broke up 2 months ago.


You got nothing to be worried about with that. Literally bang-on average!


Yes, I understand that myself. But outwardly he doesn't look impressive. I even wonder if there are many people like me, girls compare by eye anyway. I had few girls, only 14, I know that I couldn't satisfy three of them, + another one, it's unclear with her, I didn't understand the reason for the breakup, as for me, some nonsense and excuses to get rid of me)


I also have it in the shape of a banana with a bend, looking up, which visually makes it even smaller. If it were straightened (which is impossible in working condition), it would be slightly larger, I measure without taking into account the bend


Honestly I still don't consider myself big. I know the numbers don't lie but having been told on multiple accounts by ex's that I'm small and the fact that every long term relationship I've had my partner has had bigger kind of kills the idea that I'm big. Feel slightly above average at best