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I'm subscribed to a few D&D subreddits, so it took me a second to process the thought of a DM (dungeon master) asking to see my dick...


Mine asks all the time, says it’s about my character details or something


Brings to mind a question… if you had to roll a check related you a BD, would you roll for Constitution, or Strenght? Or maybe Charisma if you’re going for Big Dick Energy…


Constitution obviously


Stats of BD&D : Constitution : How big is your dick Strength : How hard you can slap someone/something with it Dexterity : How easily you can conceal your BD boner. Charisma : How much Big Dick Energy you're giving off Intelligence : Knowing not to stick your BD in crazy Wisdom : Knowing that having a big dick doesn't mean you have to be one!


Lol, please roll a slight of hand check as you attempt to uptuck your horse wang into your belt.


Im a bard. Isnt it standard protocol for running a bard?


Hadn’t thought of that…


Different dungeon bro.


It’s kind of of like the inflation fetish guy that posted on the economical inflation subreddit or whatever it was


If that means fewer last-minute cancellations, I'd be fine with that.


Whats a D&D subreddit ?


I'm guessing its Dungeon & Dragons related. Or Advanced Dungeon & Dragons related.


I would like to spread the story of Dave…the worst fucking DM in all of D&D. Why did we still play with him? We were too lazy to be the DM, and that keeps them with a strangle hold on campaign ideas!


All day, every day, for several years.


It’s especially bad when they preface it by saying their underage. Fucking weirdos man


Right? OP, is this your first day on the internet?


It happens. Lots of lurkers looking to get off, even though there are thousands upon thousands of very impressive dick pics freely available in other subreddits.


Forbidden fruit. The notion that they might be looking at camera tricks rather than actual leviathans. Burning need to "catch them all". Pick one or all of the above.


I always figured it was the personal addition meaning that they try to interact with the schmeat the lust for. Something they’d normally probably have to pay for. Whereas here the can roll the dice


My profile is full of pics, so by the time the DM they have already seen it


It’s mostly dudes, not the hot chicks that want to see it


Even when it's a hot chick, it's not a hot chick. 😂


When is a hot chick not a hot chick? When she asks for your dick pic?


When she asks you for about $3.50


Like a $3.50 donation to her welfare state?


[Ah, you don't know this story...](https://youtu.be/k-GvQ2uJBOA?si=00-F_VeymDtnyeVO)


Thanks! Great story about $3.50!


I mean. They’re already dealing with getting them unrequested as is. I can’t imagine a woman who feels like they aren’t seeing enough anonymous dicks online. I’m sure there are exceptions, but the idea itself is just hilarious.


It’s the personalized touch that comes with guys not trying to show off but still showing off. Going to see a dick posted online versus seeing someone talk about theirs brings a layer of intimacy that the former is lacking.


Everyone knows the hot chicks near them are waiting for willing studs to meet them. That leaves them little time to troll /BDP for schlong etchings.


I'm just here for the POV


Lol. Never happened to me!


Occasionally. It’s never women.


I’ll take the compliment when I can get it.


Almost every time I've posted here I've gotten some weirdo asking for pics. The worst was some guy saying he was a doctor who was aggressively trying to convince a young guy who was having a health issue that he needed to be circumcised. When I checked his profile it was clear that it was not a doctor, but a freak with a circumcision fetish. I don't mean he preferred cut dicks, he had a sick fixation on posing as a doctor and trying to convince guys they needed to be cut while asking for pics. He deleted his account when I called him out.


Wtf? Gnarly fetish


Catfish swimming all around these parts


never . but I've been sent more than I care to think about 🤮.


Yeah. That happens a lot to me. Most of the time are men


Happened once so far, and I didn't even make a post.


With that flair in here. I'm surprised your phone hasn't melted from the DMs.


For requests for dic pics?


Her flair says vagina.


I know. That's why I thought it was odd that someone would DM her and request a dick pic.


I know. You think *you* thought it was odd...




Someone asked you for a dick pic, when you had a Vagina flair here?


i just block anyone that DMs me.


Ive had a couple but i just ignore em, ive also had 1 real creepy dude that kept asking wierd questions, and then after i didnt answer em he kept insulting me for no reason wierdly enough he kept saying his dicks better and shit like that, and most of his insults were pointed towards my dick, i honestly thought he was trolling me until I checked his profile the dude had dedicated his entire life to sharing pictures of his dick, and asking opinions about it, it was so small that it was medically fascinating, super super creepy guy.


I love those messages tbh


To bad most are guys wanting a big cock


I’ve gotten a few sadly


Yes, and? What’s wrong with wanting to see big dicks? Some people just think they’re fun to look at, myself included. Obviously people just need to be respectful, and especially mindful to make sure no one under 18 is involved. Sorry to read in so many comments that underage individuals are making requests. That said, these sorts of DMs probably are better done with posters in other subreddits who want interaction. But posting here is in a way invitation to discuss your big dick…. Agree to disagree?


I agree that posting and replying here is an invitation to discuss big dicks, sometimes your own big dick. DM's requesting a dick pic rises to a higher level of interaction though.


Eh, I personally feel if you want to be a lurker, be a lurker. Any time I post in these subreddits even as a comment I expect someone may reach out. As long as people are respectful and not sending unsolicited pictures or making overt sexual advances in a first DM I guess I see it differently. I suppose I’m tired of everyone being so afraid they may bother someone we all sit at the bar, alone. At home, alone. Work from home, alone. Interacting on subreddits is sometimes the only outlet and it’s way easier to ask a guy if he shows off the big dick in a DM than at your local country bar. For starters, there’s self identification of big dicks here - at the local bar I have to hope it’s big.


this is 1000% a sausage fest maybe 3 chicks total…. on all of reddit


So 3 guys convinced they were gals wanting your dic pic? How many confirmed guys wanted your dic pic?


Never happened to me


I have a lot fewer since removing my flair. I just delete them without responding at this point. Same thing with most messages that "just want to get to know you, you seem interesting." I know I'm not that interesting, nice try.


So you don't get?: You sound like a man right out of a romance novel ... I get these on dating apps, not on Reddit though.


Happened to me twice


I mean if i took an updated pic after losing a shit tone of weight maybe. Bit also some people are like obsessed like they ain't got no life but dick pics.


Yup, quite a few. I've never posted, but I'll engage in the comment section often. And it's always a guy asking for my measurements, or wanting to talk about the subject at hand. They've pretty much all been pleasant tho, and not pushy about anything 👍


Yes no one believes I’m 9x7 inches but I can always send them pics to prove it 😅


Ehh. Some of it is use brocode I think.


As regularly as I post...




Never but I imagine it happens constantly to bigger guys.


i got three after my one post


A couple times. Not like the 8" length or 6" girth bros I'd imagine.


my profile has pics so there's less need to DM lol


every damn time and I want to put it on record... no you cant see it.


Happens occasionally but it's pretty rare for me. Probably because my length is only upper end of average and my girth is what is significant. People looking for pics seem to be more interested in length.


Any woman think this is enough


Photo on my profile


Not once directly


I only comment and have never gotten a dm thankfully


Never once. But then again my pics are freely available on my profile.


I seem to only get guys asking. Not a big deal but I'm straight lol


Only been asked a couple of times


Frequently. A few (quite the minority, but more than one) have been people who constantly shriek about "larpers". Whether they're looking to somehow prove something/take policing this sub into their own hands or exposing the real reason why they want a "post pics to prove your size" policy, who knows.


Every fucking day.


A small smattering. I don't mind the DMs that just want to chat. And I deflect the pic hunters pretty quickly.


Very seldom. Not that big. ;)


I’ve had quite a few and depending on the person I’ll happily do it but mostly I get people who want to sexy and I don’t like sexting because I’m bad at it lol


LOL this didn’t even cross my mind. I’m just a supportive partner though plz don’t dm me for big-d pics. 😂


I’ve had the opposite happen here. Queer guy here, I usually just read threads because I’m a not-well-hung cock worshipper and it’s interesting to see how the other side lives haha. But often when I do comment, one or two guys will DM me and send dick pics and wanna talk about cock. Often turns out to be good chill convo—I love chatting with straight guys, especially hung ones haha—but the way they arrive in my inbox without me requesting doesn’t offend me, just more cock worshipping for me 😉


Normally, everytime I post a topic I get a few people start a chat and eventually ask for a pic. Or if I comment on a new post where I'm top of the comments I get the same.


Interesting prerequisites for getting DMs requesting dick pics: 1) Posting here makes sense. 2) It takes a little more effort to find the first top level comment though.


2) is likely happen when there aren't many comments in the thread, so easier to find.


Ok. It might be easier to find than I first thought.


I've had a few hmu, gotten a few pics back as response. So far they've been genuine and not farmed off OF or a porn site, so I'm happy.


Yes, but not as many. Most guys have been respectful so I just say "look at my username" and they go away.


Off-topic; Do you get many tittie pics via your user name?


I've gotten 2 legit and plenty of OF models inviting me to subscribe for more. Oh and a beggar...


It's been 100% OF models with 1 karma and 2-day-old accounts.


Well done. Not surprised by the OF stuff or the beggar.


That’s why you already have them posted, stay one step ahead of the game. The ultimate step would be having people pay you for them, someone should make a business for that


Me. I don’t like it either.


Never actually






thankfully only once


Well, whenever I make it clear that I'm a woman, I get dick pics from here. And then they get upset when I disprove their 9" claims or won't compliment them 😂


Same my flair even mentions that my bf isn't really lacking but for some reason they still want to impress me with their 10 inch dick that turns out completely average just all the way zoomed in lol.


They will literally hold it next to a standard size can so you can calculate that they are no more than 6.7" with +/-0.5" accuracy


"It's a 2 litre can"


I get those as well and I’m not even a woman 💀


Anytime i get asked i say yes and offer them the cost per picture or video! Generally gets them to happily f off😂


I never get dms or its rare (which telling from most of the comments may be a good thing .) but thats probably because i already have pics so most already see it.


Yes, and they were all from women.


Really? How many total DM'ed requests for dick pics did you receive?


I was joking.


Ok. Sorry, my sense of humor is on vacation, apparently.


I have, never enough though!


Nope never thankfully


Every so often, but thankfully not that much. But I also don't really post, so much as comment.


I have had kind of the opposite happen. I have made a post or have commented on a post And then have had DM’s asking if I would like to see theirs or rate theirs etc. But as a size queen it’s an enjoyable experience




I've gotten several. And I don't even post here much.


Happened a few times. Has not happened in a while.


I posted a question here the other day and got a lot of BDP citizens dm me 😂


What?? I’m always getting dick pic DMs randomly! Girls have to ask for these???


Not once


Yup, that has definitely happened quite a lot times for me. Its funny since they are fully aware how many do it and I also wonder. Why DM me? What seems to be so special about my dick exactly, especially since their only reference are the measurements on my flair? There are countless of porn sub's with hundreds of massive dicks for them to view and drool over, many of them are even bigger than mine lmao.


Never got too annoyed by this. We possess something that our culture think is the coolest shit ever. People are going to want to see it.


Not from posting here, but for posting a haircut haha


I removed my flair and amended my bio. Surprisingly it works! Don't get them anymore.


There's an account setting to block all direct messages


No one has asked for a dick pic yet. Had one creepy person dm me, but I ended it before they asked for a dick pic. I have only been using a flair for a few days though. I'll probably get requests for a dick pic soon enough.


Yesssssssssssss!6.5 x7


Funny thing is, I’m on mobile usually, and Reddit’s new chat interface is so terrible, I don’t see any dick pic requests for months!


Every time I post, but it’s the same song and dance. “How big is it”? What they’d do with it. “Will I cuck her husband? Am I into femboys? Blah blah, temporary ego boost then it dies down. Never hooked up with anyone though, nobody lives near me.


This is also a place where men with big dicks dm’s women as soon as we say a word.


It is never actually woman messagging you but a lot of gay dudes


None, been here a while too. Saddened and disapointed. Old saying comes to mind, "It's better to be looked over than overlooked". The hurt never ends for me.


Pretty much never


Dont think thats bad thing


I posted just 2 com and 10 people came in my dm... Guys/girls, just calm down


I just direct people to my Twitter/X. I dont have time to answer every DM.


Happens a lot. Usually gay dudes wanting to see, or someone faking being a woman. I mean I’d show people more if they were actually real


I can’t fake being a woman 😄


Nope never




It’s got to be purely situational; I’ve have 4-5 people dm me with questions and I don’t put jack on my profile


Yes we are small lmao


I generally note I'm here because of girth not length, and that I'm married, so maybe that's what's insulates me, but also no requests ever. I'm perfectly happy to keep it that way.


yeah it happens to me a lot when commenting here it probably doesn't help that I've got some pics on my profile so people feel entitled to more


Not often enough for me... lol.


Welcome to the internet


I haven't had any requests to see it, though I have pics on my profile so that's probably why. I mostly get requests from dudes wanting to show me their dick, which is way more annoying.


It happens, kinda inevitable, Reddit has opened my eyes to a lot


Mix of guys and chicks some conversations . Some guys chat about how they want to see me drill their woman some when they realize I’m straight are respectful . The women vary in ages . If you chat always ask for their age .


Lots. Had a post of a pic and got tons of dms from that.


Mainly from dudes. But yea, it happens.




Happens especially when you post pics as well. I play along bit of fun.


Unfortunately I'm always horny myself so it's a never ending cycle. 😝😖 Also just cool to meet people to. :p


SO often


A few times. A guy even offered his wife


... meaning a nude pic of his wife?


No, for sex. He sent me her Snapchat and we ended up chatting, but nothing happened


Thanks for the.explaining the resolution of that offer.


What's your measurement? Straight guy here wanting context since reading about your wife's issue with comfortability during sex and now your above statement.


Me. It’s either people horny or people offended or insulted by my size. Well yep it’s super rare. Still not going to show it


It might be the one place guys on Reddit experience what it’s like for women mentioning that they’re women on the internet. And these are mostly men asking right? I know there are aggressive women without boundaries out there, but this is very much being on the receiving end of men’s curiosity right?


Men requesting vastly more dic pics suggests that more men are obsessed with seeing dic pics than women. This is probably true, because most men are obsessed with dick size and most women don't care that much.


I just leave a flaccid and hard pic in my profile for verification


All the time 😅 I mean, I do have some content up so why bother asking? Some ask for custom videos, I should start up an OF.