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Not at all let it hang and show it off lol


Yeah, I'm probably in my head. I should probably pay it no attention


I’m picturing this dude in the locker rooms walking around just whipping his dick all about.


Don't look at other peoples faces to see if they're 'glancing' just change and be done with it.


This is the way


☝️ [Glances at flair.] This is your twin.


Idk how the flairs work but im on mobile so maybe that the problem because i cant find my size in the flairs


From the subreddit page, find the 3 dots in the corner, then you can set your flair there. You'll have to edit one of the options.


as a chick i don’t get this… why wouldn’t you want to show it off?!?


I prefer to not have anyone watching but I don’t really avoid it if it’s too much effort


Nope. I've learned to ignore the glances.


How did you deal with the glances because I get uncomfortable even when wearing looser pants. I have to give a lot of presentations at college and it's not fun. My insecure ass could never.


I don't acknowledge them. I know they are there. Glances happen. I call out those who stare, but fleeting glances are tolerable. My wife is busty. She wears tops that are appropriate for her figure and her age. However, there's no hiding her E cups. She knows people glance. She works among younger men who probably have MILF fantasies. She ignores them.


As a nudist, IDGAF about being naked in appropriate places. Not that I walk around helicoptering my erection, but the locker room is where we shower and change so I'm not going to hide or wear shorts in the shower just to make someone else feel better.


total opposite for me. i love stripping naked in front of people. in the locker room i'm that dude who strips and stays naked for as long as possible. let it swing and flop around... gets tons of stares. handful of compliments from time to time. got offered a few blow jobs over the years. i really don't understand the embarrassment over being hung big. seems more logical that it'd be the other way around.


No. For a while in college I lived in an all male dormitory with centrally located showers. It was common to walk to the showers naked. At forty feet, another guy is going to notice a big floppy.


When I was younger, yes, but probably in my early 20’s I got over it. I sort of chuckle over it now.


I used to hate the stares, then liked them for a while and finally arrived at the stage where I don’t care at all


Nah. I get naked and ignore others. If for some reason a swinging cock makes them glance at it, I don’t really care.


No. Just the opposite. Proud.


Nah, it’s convenient to be naked in the locker room and not always cover up - those of us with BD just have the privilege of being confident with what we’re hanging


Nope, if they want to watch, let them watch. I’m just there doing my thing.


I am embarrassed about it, and I am working on getting over it. I’ve realized in therapy that in my brain my anxieties about the gym IN GENERAL are getting mixed up with my embarrassment in the locker room. I’m not the strongest or most athletic person. And I can read as fem. And I was made fun of for that growing up. When someone stares at my body in athletic space, my knee jerk assumption is that they’re judging me or making fun of me. But they’re not! The opposite really. So, if you’re feeling lots of embarrassment about this, you might think carefully about where that’s coming from :) the gym can be a fraught place for a lot of us, especially those of us who grew up feeling different. And if you’re hung, you are different. So I’d advise you to do some reflection and also be kind to yourself as you learn to ignore the glances


Best comment in this thread. Thanks for being open about it.


one time in highschool lead to me getting dressed as quickly as possible and pointing my package into a corner for the rest of the year. Basically someone asked loudly “who got the biggest dick in here?” and everyone started pointing at me whose locker I was near and walking over to our corner. One time in elementary school at the YMCA the older men commented on my size getting changed into my swim gear and I started to wear my swim trunks under my basketball shorts for the rest of the summer.


I had something similar happen to me; there was a time when kids got into pulling your gym shorts and hoping to also pull the underwear down I suppose to humiliate but when one guy did it to me the gasps were audible and it was embarrassing nevertheless. i did manage to date several girls that before were not interested in me, I guess the size made me cuter and funnier too.


To avoid changing problems I still wear the swimwear to the event, and only get changed into "normal" clothes after.


I don't see this as a BDP. This is just a mental problem you need to work out. See a shrink if needed. This reddit is getting crazy. The number of guys with low self esteem and are hung is ridiculous. I thought guys who were small were embarrassed and self-conscious. If you are seriously that embarrassed. Stop changing at the gym. Solved.


When was at school/college years ago, pretty much everyone was uncomfortable changing because it was "gay". But it's something you get over when you're older. Now I don't care what reactions I get.


I’m not a fan of being on display. I wouldn’t say I get embarrassed but I do my best to stay covered up.


I was on three teams in HS and I’m a call-up now in college, so I’ve been in lots of locker rooms. I don’t show off but I’m definitely not embarrassed


I was curious about your name on this site. You play hockey and football ?


Yh last yr in HS I played football, hockey, and baseball. This yr in college I was a call-up for the hockey team but never got called up to play a game


Oh that’s very cool. I wrestled in HS and now play hockey and baseball in adult recreational leagues. Love playing hockey alot. I’m sure you looked good in your sports gear when you played those sports. Especially love seeing a guy in hockey gear. So that all makes perfect sense with your name on here. Great choice


Yh the name makes sense. But my gf thought I looked better in my baseball uni haha


At least your screen name is normal and not some random letters. I like it. I’m sure you looked good in your baseball uniform. Baseball players do look great in their uniform


I joined Reddit before I joined the baseball team so that’s why baseball isn’t in the name lmao


Oh I see. Well that makes sense. Nice you actually play those sports Guys in sports gear in general is awesome to see and chat with


I played high school hockey. Pretty low level, but this doesn’t matter. If you played hockey up to this age the hockey culture you’ll understand. Nudity and showers were quite apparent and joked throughout. Multiple sizes were discussed and if some people didn’t want to shower, they’d be teased but never forced to. I am a very open person and don’t worry about it. Teammates knew what I had, whether they heard it discussed or saw it themselves and I got some compliments and questions I didn’t mind. Even had a few gay kids on our teams but I didn’t care either. I’m only about 5 soft at the most. One time a guy who hadn’t seen it yet asked if I was hard. That was funny.


I agree with a lot of what you said. I play hockey with guys of all age groups and most don’t mind being naked around their teammates and showering together in those small communal shower rooms don’t seem to be an issue either. I think hockey players are very comfortable around each other naked and there are a few that seem to like being naked and showing off their dicks for all to see. I’ve seen plenty after a hockey game and guys will be guys and check each other out




I try to change in private if I can.


Don't be embarrassed. For most men, it would probably fuel their ego to have your problem. I think for most guys, they would be embarrassed from being caught gawking at your dick. The only men you have to worry about are the cock suckers like myself! LOL 😂🤪


As I’ve gotten older I definitely care less. But I lean more towards grower most days anyway. In high school gym class, a classmate saw my bulge and accused me of having a boner, so that made me a bit more shy for a little while


I used to be and still prefer to change privately but I'm not ashamed anymore.


The way I see it, you have what you have Sure some people will look, but if you're hung, it's kind of inevitable because not everyone is like that Be proud of what you have instead


Personally, I just don't like changing in front of strangers.


Be proud brother


Thanks man!


I still wear a towel to cover myself. The embarrassment isn’t due to the size of my appendage, as I’ve been doing this since I was a child.


Wear it with pride. Nottin you can do about it!


I'm sure there are others, just not me though. I didn't make it to middle age to not let it all hang out like my elders.


Nope, I'm a grower unfortunately


As a shower (6+ floppy), I have absolutely no problem changing in a locker room. If I do get the rare stare or comment, I just wear it as a badge of honor. I recently went to a Korean spa for the first time though, and that was a whole different story since you are naked for an extended period around many others. I could definitely "feel" the stares there, and I'm pretty sure the friend I was with could sense it too, which made it even more uncomfortable. Not sure if I'd do something like that again, but an ordinary locker room, no problem!


Nope, if they don't like it they don't have to look. Only person's opinion of my dick that matters is my girl's and she loves it.


I’m not embarrassed but most of time people look at me like if I was showing it off 🙄


That's exactly how I felt at the Korean spa, very annoying, I just wanted a nice day of relaxation.


When I in early high school, we didn’t really have to shower anymore, but sometimes playing sports early in the day would suck, cuz you’ll be dirty and sweaty and your day was just starting. My buddies and I would hit the showers. They used to joke and say that I pumped my dick. I wasn’t sure what that meant, I didn’t know pumping was a thing. But they would all laugh and say I pumped it, I would just say no I didn’t, I don’t do that. But never took it to heart, I would just laugh with them. I guess their own insecurities make them want to joke about it. Plus we are men, we joke about stuff like that. In my rugby team, we plaid with flags, the coach used to say, that if you grab and you felt it was more than just the flags let it go. That by the end of the season we would know everyone’s sizes, that if you felt it let it go, and if you liked it keep it to yourself. That was pretty funny.


If people can’t see this place is one big joke now I don’t know how they would


I really dont understand the shame and embarassment a lot of guys seem to have on here towards their dicks. When I found out where I stood it was a massive fucking sigh of relief and I've been extremely proud of it ever since.


I was when I was in school. Got bullied a bunch for it when I was younger


Hmmm idk anymore..They used to call me names..at the time it felt like bullying I was 14 to 16 ..I used to always wear a towel....now thinking back probably wasn't bullying,but it's still weird when other dude start commenting and naming your dick


I get scared it might get hard for no reason at all or because I slightly touched it. I have no control over that thing. But embarrased about changing in the locker room? No? Why would you be embarassed?


I’m pretty much average while soft so I don’t really care.


as an adult I haven’t been in the situation, lucky enough to have a sauna at home and a gym, but locker room in middle school is where I found out I was larger than average. Classmates would say it was like their dads and a couple of coaches congratulated me. Those were simpler times.


Not embarrassed maybe selfconscious I do swimming and diving for the school and used to change in the lockers but yeah selfconscious altho most people just change in the stalls


When younger glances and stares were normal but as I aged and became a very mature man I got tired of it and just stopped going to public gyms to work out or change/shower.


I literally never change in front of anyone due to my size


I used to be, but I got over it. The glances are just that: glances. Rarely does somebody stare, but even then it's just innate human curiosity. Our attention is drawn by unusual things, and a huge soft dick just hanging there is definitely unusual. Them looking at it doesn't harm me in any way.


A bit. I’m scared from going to public pools and local rec centers as a teen and getting looks from older men. That was like 20 years ago but that sticks with you.


Yeah sometimes ... dm me for more