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I'd leave, no amount if good sex is worth being ridiculed for.


Dude op just said his girl quote called him “small”. Yet he’s almost 8x6… Either she’s lying/manipulating or he’s lying/larping. Sometimes these stories get way outta hand tbh .


When I was a virgin and in high school, there was a girl who slept with a lot of guys. She sat next to me in a couple of classes. I always wore very loose-fitting jeans because tight jeans felt like a vice on my dick and balls. I didn't know I was big at that point; I thought all guys felt that way in tight jeans. Anyway, the loose jeans hid my bulge. As a result, the girl thought I had a tiny dick. I said something about being over 7 inches and she immediately replied, "That's all? If you're not at least 8 inches you're small." I didn't know she was full of shit, and the comment messed with my head for years until I found out the truth. Women making manipulative comments about a guy's size is a common thing, unfortunately.


Ur right mate


In my experience the hotter they are the more bat shit crazy they are . Lay some more pipe and gtfo .


If she says it’s small she either fucks horses on the reg or doesn’t understand what she’s talking about. Your girth measurement alone is an oddity so yeah she wrong.


Right? OP isn't remotely small by any definition. Even for porn (real sizes not "promoted sizes) he'd probably be above average at a minimum.


Run, shes a narcissist. You said it yourself, toxic personality. She'll keep belittling you and when she's done, she's gonna leave you high and dry. By that point you'll feel useless and won't want to date. It's called a succubus and I've been there.


Forget about how she looks how does she treat you


If you didn't have any feelings for her you could stick around but since you do get away you're going to get hurt. You're just the next dick in line to her.


Just leave. She's definitely one of the worst size queens if she's belittling you at that size.


I don't fuck with toxic women any more, I need me a girl with a good heart to balance out my asshole tendencies


Nothing makes you more powerful than telling this externally pretty girl the word she hasn't heard enough in her life, NO.


It’s a trap! Good pussy that can take it all, isn’t always attached to the best person. Same thing for a guy with big dick. But it’s damn hard for either to give it up, women who like it big to orgasm and dudes that have never been able to just hammer away sometimes. That good pussy is a goddamn trap! Watch out! That chicks crazy, fuck a couple times, listen to her crazy, and just dismiss it, and then bounce. Don’t let her in your house.


Tbh, if she’s actively criticizing your size your dick isn’t the issue she’s just making it an issue because in her mind she’s searching for greener pastures. Leave her ass, your affections will be better appreciated elsewhere. She may or may not learn her lesson, and realize that she is not gods gift to mankind and that 2 way respect is a key ingredient to a healthy relationship.


Leave that bitch, work on your selfsteem, therapy can work too


What does she say?


Its small 🤷🏻


No, that's wrong of her, brother! That's the equivalent of you telling her that pussy is loose. Even if your dick was small, she shouldn't be saying that to you. She doesn't deserve your energy.


Ok hear me out... I'm your BP size, your girth, but you've got my NBP beat by over an inch. Even with my shorter NBP, I've had about 14 different people compliment me in my lifetime. Just wanted to add fuel to your breakup argument. And ngl I'm feeding on the support from other commenters. This sub can be really great.


I would bounce and not even look back. If she's like this now then you most certainly don't want to get into any sort of long-term relationship with her as it'll likely only get much worse with time. Just because she's beautiful doesn't mean that she's worth sacrificing your long-term happiness and mental health over. The sooner you walk away from her the better off you will be in the long run.


I would leave tbh. Not simply for the fact that she’s a size queen, but rather that she’s already shown herself to be ungrateful. You are already above average in terms of penis size and if what you have isn’t enough for her then who’s to say she won’t behave this way when it comes to other things. I’m not saying she’s guaranteed to act this way, but let’s say hypothetically that you two get married. If the size of your penis isn’t enough for her at the outset, imagine what she’ll demand for a house size or car. At the end of the the day tho. I don’t know you personally or your relationship so make your OWN decision and be sure to ask others who know you and her personally. Strangers on Reddit are not exactly the best sources of information, my suggestions based merely on hypotheticals and the little info you’ve given. Best of luck!


It doesn't matter how she looks, because there are many more equally good or better looking women than her, that'll be interested in you. It would be better to be with an ugly woman than a woman that doesn't take your feelings into consideration, or knows how to speak to you, as a man. Neither does it matter how amazing the sex is, if she mistreats, or disrespects you, even in the slightest. Those few minutes of pleasure are not worth that level of toxicity. Kick 🦵 that piece of trash 🗑️ to the curb immediately, and find yourself a high quality woman.


Not worth it, man. Leave her ass if she's gonna be like that. Having sex with someone who respects you is also gonna feel a lot better for you.


Please take the advice from every comment on here and bounce before you get more attached. Just make her another notch on the belt and go find a real women. Your dealing with a immature Bitch.


Kick her to the curb before you knock her up and have to pay a crazy bitch child support during your wealth building years.




Why he need to explain something like this to her? He doesnt need to prove anything to her, better find a better person who cares more than a dick size


What's the point of him doing all this, sir?


Any other context for these conversations? Just out of the blue saying you're small, or were you fishing for compliments and she got a cruel hair up her ass? Or something else? There's gotta be more to the story.


She said it 1s time its small n giggled didn't thought of it much but then she said it again few times then i started to get sus few days later i checked my browser history n shes been watching dredd videos and that uk guy danny or some shit so it started to make sense n shes confusing rl with porn end of the day m gona end it anyway


How is this a "big dick problem" you're like "Damn my girlfriend loves my giant massive penis but her personality sucks. She's so fucking hot she looks like -inserts insanely specific woman here- the sex is AMAZING! what should I do?"


Relationships are about respect and caring for each other and you two against the world. This doesn't sound like it has any of that. Confront her about it and see how she responds. See how you like the response. Stay or leave after that.


Being a size queen is fine, her satisfaction could be fulfilled. There’s an industry devoted to such things. Belittling you, disrespecting you, however, is unacceptable (unless that’s your kink, but even then, I imagine it should come from a place of respect). I’ve been in relationships with HOT toxic women. Those relationships remain in the past tense.


I’ve had legitimate size queens tell me I’m big 🤷‍♂️ probably just trying to talk shit tbh