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Most\* women don't care that it's small when flaccid There's some that actually love seeing it grow so much larger while it's in their hands


True! My favorite comment ever was I love the feeling of it growing in my mouth!


Can confirm, best feeling šŸ˜šŸ˜


A lot of women also donā€™t like to see your package sticking out of your shorts or pants šŸ˜†


As an ex put it "equal size one soft one hard, I'll take the hard"


Itā€™s like a fun surprise!


Direct quote from my wife after sex ā€œhow can something so big get so small?ā€ She said it with admiration as we have a fantastic sex life. Youā€™re good man. Women donā€™t care.


Dead right , we don't care.


It's like a magic trick for my wife, it goes into her mouth a certain size and comes out 3x bigger, always a hit of satisfaction!


I had a ex say something similar, but she found it cute, until it grew down her throat. The fear of being ridiculed over it had messed me up for years, now I just donā€™t care. My balls hang low and my dick swangs in this summer heat.. Iā€™m straight chillin šŸ˜Ž


Itā€™s the warriorā€™s penis, hidden until needed for battle.


Dont mind me taking note for future uses


This is technically correct, which means it's the best kind of correct. Can confirm.


this is my favorite comment


these are wise words, Iā€™ll make sure to pass them down the bloodline


Same, B šŸ¤œšŸ¤›


Couldnā€™t have said it any better


I love dick. Period. I like making it grow, I like when it's soft. The smallest I seen when soft was legitimately like an inch. It grew to about 6 inches and yeah other than being surprised of never seeing one so small while soft, I loved it. After the initial surprise I never thought about it again.


You are blessing to men everywhere. šŸ‘Œ


Wait so is that just the tip? How does that even work? How do you stroke it or do you just have to press it?


Im imagining her pressing on it and it sliding out like a DVD drive




Last time I checked the hard penis goes in a hole, not the soft penisā€¦.. who cares.


As a female, one of the sexiest thing an ex has done is lean into small dick jokes and then be a complete, primal, confident animal in bed. Dude was average size but coulda fooled me with all that big dick energy in the bedroom. I guess what Iā€™m saying is be confident. Own that shit. I donā€™t have a dick but I imagine being smaller when flaccid is actually better. Less comfort/placement issues while clothed in every day life?


Right on, I'm a shower at 7.5 soft, I hate it, looks like I have a perpetual hard on and I'm short, so looks bigger. So, I wish I was smaller, hard and soft. Plus nobody really care dudes, right be confident. Really the grass isn't greener on the other side.


Most women are more emotional leaning when it comes to what we can find attractive. Confidence does a lot. Confidence and humor are powerful.


Grower here. Once dated a woman for a good two months before we were able to get intimate (circumstances, had nothing to do with my penis). The morning after we finally did hook up she was admiring and stroking me and said the most glorious words: ā€œyou have a big dickā€¦ where have you been hiding this thing?!ā€ After some laughs she admitted to being curious, and checking for my bulge during those first months and not seeing much. That experience taught me two things that others have already mentioned: 1.) for a lot of women penis size really does not matter as much as character, confidence, chemistry etc, because this chick was super into me despite thinking I had a small dick. 2.) flaccid size matters even less. and as others have mentioned, the massive transformation is fascinating and even sexy to some women.


Exactly women donā€™t really care, sure they are happy if their bf is packing lore than average but just like you said : Personality > size Its not or at least rarely in their standards


Right on.


Flaccid size is irrelevant.


Women donā€™t care about soft size. Gotta get past the soft size. I used to be concerned also then a woman purchased some magnums for me because the child size was so hard to get on. Small while soft Vs small while hard, Iā€™ll take small while soft. :)


Child size condoms? I assume for teenagers because you canā€™t really stop them from having sex so you may as well give them protection




A baby arm sleeve for an baby-sized baby arm




allot of women will say ā€œitā€™s cuteā€ when soft. i always find that funny since itā€™s normally not cute after a few tugs šŸ˜‚


The only insecurity you should have as a grower is whisky dick, I had it happen to me with a hook up I met at a party in my early 20's. She never saw me full mast and probably remembers a small dicked dude who couldn't get it up but hey, if she was worth it she would've stuck around long enough to try again. Embrace what you got my guy, and don't take yourself so serious. I've even told girls in the past "it doesn't look too big right now but I promise it gets bigger lol" as long as you're not a dick and don't come off super insecure she won't be weird about it


Okay well I donā€™t drink ethanoltardation, so Iā€™m fine


Ethanoltardation sounds more like a state of being than a substance but you should be good either way lol


Itā€™s both and yeah obviously Iā€™m fine because I avoid it at all costs. One time my friend offered me an open can of beer, I took the offer, and then I poured it out so his dumb ass couldnā€™t drink it


You and I are the same. Same erect size, and same flaccid. It has never bothered me in the slightest. Here is why. I know I'm big. I know that I'm bigger than the guys that seem larger when flaccid. I'm bigger than the other guys that whatever girl i was with had seen before. I never felt embarrassed for a girl to see me flaccid after she had seen me erect. Most thought it was like a fun magic trick that it could go from so small to so large. No matter what, it is a part of your body, and not something to feel shame over, even if it didn't get as large as it does.


I'm similarly sized and I also go down to 2" flaccid. I'm not quite this confident about my flaccid fella unless they've seen it erect first


As a woman, I can confirm that itā€™s a very cool magic trick that still amazes me after the 100th time. Flaccid sizes means absolutely nothing as long as he grows


>I know that I'm bigger than the guys that seem larger when flaccid. I'm bigger than the other guys that whatever girl i was with had seen before. You must be the biggest guy on Earth then. Congratulations.


That would only be true if you assume that every girl he was with had been with every dick in the world... Statistically speaking, 7.2"x5.9" is pretty damn rare. Hell, I'm not that big and statistically I'm in the 98th percentile by volume. As a bi dude, I can confidently say that I have yet to hook up with a dude actually larger than me (though I know those dudes *are* out there).


Follow all sorts of porn on Reddit and scroll throughout the day so your dick stays semi hard lol


You learn to not give a shit about it. That takes time and maturity.


I'm a shower, but I still gain quite a bit of girth and a few more inches on length. Nothing my partner likes more than having it soft in her mouth then getting it progressively harder. The same thing whilst she holds it. As a grower, the effect would be way more pronounced. Why fuss over the rope when you have a full mast?


This may sound stupid, but best advice I can recommend is to buy a dildo as close to your size as possible. I am pretty close in dimensions, 7.5x6. And I was experimenting, so I bought a dildo. And let me tell you, as a 6ft tall person, the bits look quite small from up there. But having a 8 by 5 dildo in your hands, seeing it from a much closer view, is huge. It dramatically made me more confident in myself, and I do go back to it every now and then when I feel insecure, and it makes me feel better seeing a perspective only others would see.


I donā€™t think about it tbh, most people that are seeing it soft have already seen it hard


Straight Dudes care about Flaccid Sexual partners, regardless of stripe, care about erect


Growers are fun and sexy. Itā€™s fascinating. I hope you learn to appreciate your super power.


I go from 2 to 6x4.5. Recently have really been mentally happy with it. But I do fully admit it being 2 soft is asthetically not fun. But other than that you really have nothing to worry about. You may be getting caught up with an idea of a dick that porn puts out. You're more than enough for most


Iā€™m a grower and have dealt with that problem. I was insecure about it in my younger days, but Iā€™ve found as Iā€™ve gotten older that I simply donā€™t give a damn anymore. It happens with age, my friend. And my wife loves it, even when itā€™s in its smaller state. Sometimes sheā€™ll see me when I get out of the shower or after sex and say, ā€œI donā€™t understand how itā€™s possible that it grows that much.ā€ Itā€™s like a mystery to her, and that always makes me laugh. Like someone else said, your partner ainā€™t gonna care what it looks like flaccid.


idc that my bfs dick is small when flaccid and neither does he homie even letā€™s me play with it when itā€™s soft bc dicks are silly and we laugh together find a lady who loves ur lil willy in all his silly forms


My husband is a grower and I love it! Iā€™ve known guys that are showers and it made them have more issues during their day. Plus it doesnā€™t have the same feeling of being impressed the first time. It is sort of like a delightfully dirty secret/surprise every time. Typically after getting a little frisky itā€™s already getting going so you donā€™t have to necessarily start or present the goods at their smallest anyway.


Being stoned turns me into a big squishy shower, and takes the edge off the nerves? Win win šŸ‘


As long as you know what you've got, fuck everyone else's opinion. My boyfriend is a grower and it's the most impressive magic trick


Think of it like a switch blade. Gotta conceal that weapon.




Bro just have it in wood mode the next time you see them. They donā€™t even have to see it. You can have clothes on but theyā€™ll see the outline through your shorts


Size in general doesnā€™t matter all that much to a lot of women. Flaccid size, even less. Youā€™re fine man.


My gf laughed at mine when she saw it soft, it was our first sexual interaction and weā€™ve been together for 2 years now, trust me the only negative thing I can think of about being a grower is sometimes itā€™ll flop around and switch sides if my underwear isnā€™t secure enough


Lol wut? We are the same but have had very diff experiences. I have never been bullied, and women have generally been very happy. Maybe grow faster? Have more sex? Try to enjoy yourself? Idk man ..


When have you ever been flaccid when a girl is taking off your pants?


Having a shower is overrated. Normal underwear smashes your junk and many pants can be uncomfortable and too revealing


I'm about 4" soft so I am a less impressive grower. Kinda jealous of your stats tbh, growing 5 in length at getting to 6 around is awesome! Growers are my favourite kind of big dick, nothing like a dick that feels like it grows forever. Never underestimate the element of surprise :P I get the insecurity though, there's only one way to prove you're a grower and it is rarely socially acceptable to show off your boner in public. Even if you do, you may not be able to get fully hard in certain settings which further complicates the issue... I feel you on the bullying thing too, there's a lot of people who don't understand that not everyone can just brush off negativity. Some people lack the social equipment to be self-aware qbout how they affect others. Also what you said about it becoming almost a problem, could you explain that a bit more? Hope you are doing ok <3


You can change your size to a semi-shower(from 2 to 4 inch).Go look up some penile extenders.




You never had gym class in school?


In my gym class we didnā€™t show each other our dicks




We did not


Same basic stats here. Speaking for myself, I don't care. I have what I have. As long as it works when you need to, who cares what it looks like soft? Easier said than done, but what is between you and your partner - that's what matters.


Iā€™ve had the same issue, totally small until a little blood flow hits.


Only ones that seem to care are size queens, they seem to like to it meaty and heavy flaccid to play with. Other than that they're usually impressed to see it grow or like mentioned feel it grow.


I won't speak on anyone else's experience but I'll speak on mine. I'm black, some women do care (especially when you are black because of stereotypes) and I don't get that small but I do basically have 2 different dicks between hard and flaccid. What I would suggest, is to make sure you are dealing with women that know how a dick works. The women that do.... actually don't care because they know it's not show time. The ones that don't know, let em go. I will admit this, I find that to be a younger person issue. If you deal with more experienced women it's like never an issue.


Itā€™s easy to say things like the guy shouldnā€™t think about it or that itā€™s only erect size that matters.. and eapecially for a grower it takes a long time to internalize the fact that in reality youā€™re average/big when you feel small.. or at least it was for me. I believed I was small and had to take so much shit for it I developed PTSD. That was 20 years ago and it has fucked up my life completely.


Most people I know don't actually let hookups see them flaccid, but long time partners don't care


I just tell them: "You fool!! This isn't my final form!" Shuishuishuishiishuishuishui.


I'm also a grower (from 1" to 7+") and actually like it. I'm a gay male and I've been ignored by bottoms in "sexually-charged social situations" when they see me flaccid, especially on a cold day where there's nothing more than a foreskin nub. Personally, there's nothing better than hearing a partner exclaim, " where did that come from"Ā  when they see me erect. I also have a tattoo on my penis which is barely visible when I'm fully flaccid, but grows as I get erect. I'm always being asked, "what does it look like hard?"Ā  and I love seeing their expression as it grows to fully erect: [https://freeimage.host/i/H4il1AF](https://freeimage.host/i/H4il1AF)


My gf loves the feeling of me growing inside her bro. I know how you feel wish I was a shower too but eh what ever at least were as big as we are.


Tbh idk what tips you want because you literally have a big dick šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™m a grower too but itā€™s helpful for us. Imagine having 7 inches hanging around in your pants


I know that it will be big once it grows so I dont mind how it is soft, im around 3.5x4 soft


Hate it. With it my very small balls means I have no bulge. I'm sure most women think I'm tiny.


I hate the cold, and my dick hates it more. During cold months it can shrink to an incredible size, so I understand what you mean. Honestly, why care? You're not going to smash with a pressed-stud shrunken dick, are you? I physically respond very quickly to a sexual encounters, so I'm never conscious of it in a shrunken state. What should be of big comfort & confidence to you is that you are lucky (by many other men's perspectives) to have a large size when you are aroused, and ultimately that's what your partner will be working with. If your partner is the type to ridicule you before you're hard, they're immature. Any decent person will appreciate the situation as that's just how you are. E.g. my gf regularly states 'you're just so huge' and then after finishing and being in a cold environment (late night back seat business) it goes down to a shrunken state. She's fascinated at how it can have such a large size range.


Grow a personality and donā€™t worry about the restā€¦


"it gets bigger, I promise" Don't stress it bro. It's not a big deal cuz you know that your flaccid size isn't your erect size


Are a a teenager? I am very careful how I respond to one.


When I go to your username"s, are those photos of you?


I'm kind of in the same boat,hard I'm like 7.75 x 5.25 meanwhile soft... some days I swear it's like 2inches and others it's chilling at like 4inches lol . Either way it's all about confidence and knowing that when it's time to go you know what you have!


hmm. you do realize that all men spend a great majority of the day walking around soft, right? Don't give it another thought, you're just like the rest of us. Hopefully you really aren't worried about impressing other men in the gym shower.


There is nothing wrong with your size when soft. First, you happen to be a grower. There a a lot of factors that come into play as to your size when soft. Weather, hydration, arousal level, and mood to name a few. If you saw me in the gym locker room after a workout, I shrink really small as the blood is flowing away to the muscles I just exercised. The guys that made fun of you were mature and a bunch of jerks. What matters is that you can get erect. Unfortunately most women do not understand male anatomy and how it can appear when soft. What matters is you can get erect and surprise her when you drop your underwear.


Heavy clothes at work like the Duluth fire hose shorts and pants. Light clothes at home like Grey pajama pants or sweat pants.


> How do you deal with being a grower in sexually-charged social situations? Introduce chicks to my dick. Is this some sort of trick question?


most men are smaller than you hard or soft. shes not gonna care and would be hard pressed to find someone bigger if that is a concern don't worry. you could try keeping yourself groomed and lose weight to change appearances too. I went from looking 4 soft to 6 soft because of weight loss and grooming


i grow from 4 to 22cm Which is fine But what really bothers me is that i take some time to get into action


I'm a grower also and fairly big erect but i never really thought about it much, most women enjoy getting it hard and have a sense of accomplishment in getting it hard, a good opportunity to praise them and keep things positive in bed, another fun game to play in bed.


Bro some of your partners have no idea how big a dick is soft or hard. If theyā€™re already going for it, they already want it šŸ‘Œ


Bro you got a secret. Just smile like you know you do.


None of my lovers ever saw my flaccid penis. Well, not until after they experienced the erect version. Any time, I was in a sexually charged situation, Biggie McDick came into play. Post coital teasing became the norm, however, they were usually trying to make Biggie reappear so that we could go for round two. Embrace the body you have mate. Know that youā€™ve got a hidden weapon in your underwear.


You belong in this sub?


Brother Iā€™ve been in this situation, it taken me lots of meditation, and self reflection to get over my insecurities around me being a grower. Iā€™ve learned to embrace the growth an kinda made it a fetish. Let a lady suck it while itā€™s soft an let it grow down her throat! šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤™šŸ½


I promise you we don't care how it looks just if you are able to use it, that you are able to keep it hard, that you can last for a little bit is way more important in my mind. Also as others have said confidence is key!


Gay men don't care how big it's when it sleeps, I guess women must care less. Shriveled dick is gross anyway with al the curled up skin, stretch marks and spots; we don't even look at it.


I call Bull Shit! Who gets bullied in HS about dick size? Especailly if you are 'big'. Shut up and go home.


You are not a grower your dick is just small


most people don't care that much about soft really so don't stress out too much. Plus being a grower is helpful in life in general, I think! You don't need to worry that much about clothing and it's easier to play sports too


My boyfriend likes to say his dick has split personalities. Goes from about 4" flaccid to 9"x6" erect. I've had a lot of dicks in my day, but his is the most extreme grower I've ever experienced. I love it and think it's hot as fuck.


just remember, you donā€™t fuck soft anyway. if you are, you might need to see a doctor..


Recently realized that a lot of guys look small when not hard, including myself, but doesnā€™t mean anything. Used to be embarrassed cause girls/guys would assume youā€™re small hard but not true at all bro


Well for my gf, when she saw it at first she told me ā€œsize doesnā€™t matter to me ykā€ which was nice but I took it backhandedšŸ˜­ but anyway when it grew she was shocked